MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 159 (1)

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Each meal has its own thoughts.

Li Yanran felt that she had more face, and if Jing Zhao told her that her boyfriend was not a serious person at all, she would probably come up and tear herself up, and maybe she would think that she was trying to seduce him.

When it comes to men's issues, it is always inevitable that women will always have the greatest hostility towards women.

Jing Zhao didn't want to go into this muddy water at first, and he didn't want to eat mutton, so he made a fuss all over.

What's more, people like Li Yanran, if she doesn't get caught by herself, others tell her that she won't have a long memory at all.

Thinking of this, Jing Zhao gradually calmed down.

After the dinner, Sun Xing wanted to invite them to go to ktv, but everyone except Li Yanran didn't want to go.

Just when she couldn't think of any reason to refuse, Yu Shiyue saw the message that popped up on her phone, and immediately said that the counselor told her to come to the dormitory to check the dormitory tonight. If no one is found in the dormitory, points will be deducted, and it will also affect the final exam. scholarship.

Because Yu Shiyue is the head of the room, and there is a group of room heads, it is not surprising that she will receive a notification.

The school has just started, and the counselors and scholarships are still very deterrent. Even Li Yanran hesitated, and finally decided to go back to the dormitory.

Sun Xing then offered to take them back. He had a car, but it couldn't fit everyone, so he asked Qin Zhen to take Yu Shiyue to take a taxi, and he drove Li Yanran, Zhou Wenwen and Jing Zhao.

This arrangement is also reasonable.

When sitting in the car, Jing Zhao and Zhou Wenwen sat in the back seat, and Li Yanran sat in the co-pilot.

Sun Xing probably wanted to show that he was good at talking, so he kept talking to them even while driving, first asking where Zhou Wenwen was from, and then Jing Zhao.

Jing Zhao didn't want to talk to him, so he pretended to be sleepy and took a rest, closing his eyes and leaning on the back of the chair.

There were only dim yellow lights in the car, and Sun Xing stopped talking while chatting. From time to time, he peeped at the people in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and Li Yanran beside him talked to him from time to time. Talking to people, there is an uncontrollable irritability between his eyebrows and eyes.

Zhou Wenwen's foot moved over there, and she lowered her head a little strangely, because she felt as if she had stepped on something, so she reached out and picked it up.

When she held it in her hand, it was a cardboard box. Before she could recognize it, she subconsciously uttered a word, "d... ah!"

After realizing what was in his hand, even though he was as calm as Zhou Wenwen, his face turned completely red, and he subconsciously wanted to throw the hot potato in his hand under the seat of the car.

Her movement attracted Jing Zhao's attention, he raised his head to look at her palm, and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Li Yanran also turned her head away, wanting to ask Zhou Wenwen what was wrong, but when she yelled so loudly, she saw the thing in her hand, and her face turned red instantly.

Being seen, Zhou Wenwen couldn't throw it away anymore, handed the things to Li Yanran, and said, "Well, your things."

When her private matter was exposed, Li Yanran didn't pick it up, she didn't pick it up, her face turned red and white, white and green, and finally she took it with gritted teeth, opened the locker in front of the car and threw the thing away go in.

Sun Xing was not embarrassed, but his eyes flickered as he looked at the box, and his gaze swept over Li Yanran's face. Seeing that she didn't find anything, he looked away and looked at the rearview mirror of the car.

An episode that should have been somewhat embarrassing didn't seem to attract Jing Zhao's attention at all, she tilted her head and closed her eyes to rest, she didn't pay attention to them.

Sun Xing squinted his eyes, tapping his fingertips on the steering wheel unconsciously.

The more I look at it, the more itchy I feel.

But Jing Zhao just felt disgusting at the moment, thinking about what happened on the back seat of the car, and not knowing whether it was washed or not, she felt bad all over.

Zhou Wenwen was also on pins and needles, and just wanted to get out of the car quickly.

Li Yanran was the only one still immersed in the episode just now, peeking at Sun Xing, seeing that he didn't look at her, and still had a serious look on his face, she couldn't help curling her lips.

He looked at the storage box with that thing in front of the car again, and when he was about to close it, his eyes suddenly froze.

Because in the storage box besides the one she just put in, there is another box...

She remembered that they met once in the car, and he had to ask her to agree, and there were obviously a few missing in the box just opened... or a style she hadn't seen before.

Li Yanran's hands couldn't help shaking.

She wanted to take the things out and have a look again, and wanted to ask questions, but there were still Jing Zhao and the others in the car, so she couldn't afford to lose face.

After finally waiting for the bus to reach the school gate, Jing Zhao and Zhou Wenwen got off the bus quickly, and it happened that Qin Zhen and the others had just arrived and were waiting for them at the school gate.

Li Yanran got out of the car slowly, looked at Sun Xing and hesitated to speak, but Sun Xing didn't look at her at all, but looked at the direction where Jing Zhao and the others were standing and said: "Today is too late, beauties, then See you next time, bye!"

It looks casual and free and easy.

Yu Shiyue and Qin Zhen agreed with others, but Zhou Wenwen and Jing Zhao had bad looks on their faces. Yu Shiyue was curious about what happened to them, and waited until they left to ask.

Qin Zhen was still there, Jing Zhao coughed lightly and said, "Let's go, let's talk when we go back."

Li Yanran followed them slowly.

Once back, Jing Zhao took his pajamas and towel and said, "I'm going to take a shower first, and I'll be out soon."

She couldn't stand it for a second, it was like a bug was crawling on her body.

Everyone was a little tired, and they responded feebly.

Li Yanran was sitting on the seat with her mobile phone. She was not a person who could bear it, so she directly edited a message and sent it to Sun Xing, asking him about what happened in the car just now, and wanted an explanation.

It's just that the message was sent, but the other party didn't reply for a long time, thinking that the other party should be driving, so she didn't call immediately.

When I was looking at my phone, I accidentally saw the time. It was already past nine thirty and it was almost ten o'clock.

Li Yanran thought of something and immediately turned around and questioned Yu Shiyue, "It's almost ten o'clock, isn't it time to check the bedtime? Yu Shiyue, are you sure you want to check the bedtime tonight?"

Yawning, Yu Shiyue took out her phone and said, "Ah, is that right? I'll take a look again..."

"Hey, I seem to have read it wrong, it's not our counselor, ah ha ha ha."

Zhou Wenwen glanced at Yu Shiyue, but didn't say anything. She wanted to come back early.

Li Yanran was not very happy, "What? You're going to get it wrong? Really, I ran so fast that I didn't even have time to say goodbye to Ah Xing."

Xu was angry and holding back something, Li Yanran looked at Yu Shiyue angrily and couldn't help but say a few more words, "Yu Shiyue, you didn't do it on purpose, did you? Did you see that my boyfriend is too rich?" , afraid to compare your boyfriend, so you asked us to come back in a hurry?"

Hearing this, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help frowning even though he was not involved in the matter.

Yu Shiyue hated people talking about her boyfriend the most, and she was blown up immediately, and all the things hidden in her heart were babbled out, "Oh, your boyfriend is rich? Isn't it great to be rich? Then why can't he even bear the truth? Buy it for you? Buy you all fake bags? It’s really funny, but I’m afraid, what am I afraid of, my boyfriend won’t do such a low thing!”

As soon as Yu Shiyue finished speaking, Li Yanran's expression froze.

"Fake bag? What kind of fake bag?"

Yu Shiyue secretly thought it was bad, why did she accidentally say it.

But having said it all, there is no need to hide it anymore.

He said directly: "I've seen Zhaozhao and I have seen those bags of yours, they are all fake, if you don't believe it, you can take it to the counter of the shopping mall to check it out.

Of course, I don't mean anything else, maybe it's not your boyfriend, he may have been cheated, after all, people who don't know how to make a bag like this kind of brand really can't tell the difference between real and fake. "

Li Yanran froze there, muttering: "Impossible, I don't believe it."

As he said that, he went to the closet and took out all those bags. He said he didn't believe it, but he was already a little panicked in his heart.

Li Yanran actually has some feelings, because these bags are given to her by Sun Xing directly as gifts every time they meet, and he has never taken her to the shopping mall in person, and has never even bought her a piece of clothing. .

Could it be that she was cheated? No, it's impossible, Li Yanran subconsciously refused to believe this guess.

For sure, it must be because of what Yu Shiyue said, Ah Xing also bought a fake bag for himself because he didn't understand, and he definitely didn't do it on purpose.

Phone, just call and ask.

Li Yanran quickly called Sun Xing on the opposite side, but after the call was connected, no one answered. Li Yanran made more than a dozen calls in a row, but no one answered, so she gradually put down the phone in a daze, and then suddenly Get up and rush out.

"Where are you going?" Yu Shiyue asked.

"I'm going to find him, ask him for clarification!"

Knowing that Li Yanran might not be able to accept it for a while, but it would be too dangerous to go out so late, Yu Shiyue couldn't help but persuade, "The dormitories are almost closed, and it's hard to get a taxi when you leave the school at this point..."

When Jing Zhao came out of the shower, he saw such a scene. He looked at Li Yanran and then at Yu Shiyue. Yu Shiyue pointed to the bag on Li Yanran's table, and then pointed to her own mouth, with a helpless expression on her face.

Probably knowing what happened, Jing Zhao looked at Li Yanran and said, "You go to him, do you know where he lives? Do you know where he works?"

Two sentences stopped Li Yanran, as if they had been dating for so many days, she really didn't know where Sun Xing lived, all she knew was that he said that he was a native of City A, and that the place he took her the most was... the hotel .

Li Yanran suddenly felt cold all over, she realized that she seemed to know nothing about Sun Xing except his name.

Seeing Li Yanran's stunned expression, Yu Shiyue was a little surprised and said, "No way, you really don't know anything, so you still talk to him..."

As Yu Shiyue spoke, she stopped in time. She was afraid that the stimulation would be bad, so it would be difficult to handle.

Although Yu Shiyue didn't finish what she said, the four people in the dormitory almost understood it in seconds.

Zhou Wenwen, who had been out of the situation all the time, also came back to his senses at this time, it was rare that he didn't study, but looked at Li Yanran and then at Yu Shiyue, looking like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

Li Yanran didn't even care about the shame at the moment, and yelled at Yu Shiyue and Jing Zhao directly: "Ah Xing is not what you said, I... I just didn't have time to ask, so, even if it's a fake bag What's the matter, Ah Xing will definitely buy me the real thing, don't you just want to see my jokes? I won't listen to you!"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she rushed into the bathroom angrily, and closed the door loudly.

Jing Zhao and the others looked at each other face to face, and Yu Shiyue finally remembered what happened at the school gate a while ago, and asked curiously, "What are you two doing now? You had a weird look when you got off the bus."

Jing Zhao frowned when he thought about it, but didn't speak.

Zhou Wenwen felt no embarrassment at the moment, shrugged and said, "Nothing, just found a box of used human baby burp bags under the back seat of the car."

"Human cub... poof..."


After a while, Li Yanran came out of the bathroom with her mobile phone, her face was neither good nor bad.

I don't know what nonsense Sun Xing said to fool her again, but Jing Zhao doesn't want to care about it anymore, some people are born with less brains, the more you tell her, the more she will oppose you.

Simply, love whatever! What has it to do with her!

I just hope that man had better not provoke her, otherwise she won't give him good fruit to eat.

Lin Hai knew that Jing Zhao was having dinner tonight, so instead of calling her after work, he sent her a message asking if she had returned to the dormitory.

After Jing Zhao saw the news, he immediately sent back the message.

【I just took a shower and now I'm lying on the bed. Is Brother Hai finished? 】

Lin Hai on the other side couldn't help thinking more when he saw the words Jing Zhao typed, and subconsciously remembered the night when he lived in Shanglin Jingyuan.

The two also took a shower and then lay down together on the big bed in the bedroom. This was the first time they slept together.

Although it was just hugging and kissing, Lin Hai still felt extremely satisfied.

Thinking of the delicate and soft baby, sleeping in my arms, as if it was a natural fit, whether it is sleeping or just waking up, it is so pitiful and cute. When he was sleepy and coquettish with him before he woke up, Lin Hai's chest felt warm after wave after wave, and even his hard heart softened into a puddle of water.

[Well, I'm done with work, I can come back to see my baby soon, is baby happy? 】

Jing Zhao was originally happy, but remembering what happened tonight, she pouted again, and typed: [Not happy, I am not happy. 】

Lin Hai on the opposite side was taken aback for a moment, his thick black eyebrows were lowered, and his dark eyes showed a little seriousness, [What's wrong? Why are you unhappy? Is someone bullying you? 】

After Lin Hai finished typing, he exited the chat interface. He wanted to call immediately, but Jing Zhao replied quickly.

[You are not here, I miss you. 】Jing Zhao thought about it and still didn't say what happened tonight. First, it's hard to say. Second, if Brother Hai finds out, maybe something will happen.

Lin Hai, who saw this news, felt sweet and astringent in his heart. He really wanted to leave everything and rush back overnight. He also wanted a baby, but he couldn't let go of his work.

[I miss baby too, so it turned out that I made baby unhappy, so I should be punished! Just fine me for coaxing the baby to sleep, okay? 】

The long night passed by in the whisper of the man.

When Jing Zhao woke up in the morning, he found that the headphones were still on his ears. Lin Hai couldn't sing, so he told her various interesting stories.

It is said that the source of the little story was told to him by Grandma Lin when he was a child. The content is childish, but thinking of the way the man tried his best to control the imitation of his voice in order to tell the story more interestingly, Jing Zhao couldn't help but soften his heart.

He seemed to treat her like a little girl, clumsily doting on her.


Attend class.

The result of leaving school for half a month is that the progress of all subjects has dropped a lot. Even people like Jing Zhao who don't value scholarships have to go to the library with their textbooks to gnaw.

Yu Shiyue wanted to find her boyfriend, so she didn't go with Jing Zhao. It was rare for Jing Zhao to be on the same frequency as Zhou Wenwen. The two went to the cafeteria near the library for dinner, and then went to study together after dinner.

When they returned to the dormitory at night, Jing Zhao and Zhou Wenwen were surprised when they opened the door, because the floor was in a mess, with some destroyed bags scattered around.

Yu Shiyue sat on her chair, as if she was too scared to speak, while Li Yanran sat on her seat and cried loudly.

【What's going on here? 】Jing Zhao asked Yu Shiyue with his eyes, Yu Shiyue spread out her hands, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, she was like this when I came back, and she cut all her bags with scissors like crazy."

Although I don't know, but I can probably guess something, it's nothing more than the matter between Li Yanran and her boyfriend, probably because of some kind of stimulation.

Although Li Yanran's temperament is not very pleasant, but at least she lives in a dormitory, and everyone can't bear to see her cry like this, fearing that Jing Zhao and Yu Shiyue's persuasion in the past will backfire, and this burden will fall on Zhou Wenwen's head.

Passed a tissue to someone, and asked a few more questions, but Li Yanran didn't say a word and ignored him, and just kept crying, and everyone ignored her, let her vent for a while, maybe her mood will be better.

During the period, because Yu Shiyue was hungry, she started to launch her boyfriend's special food delivery service, and kindly asked Jing Zhao and Zhou Wenwen if they needed anything, Jing Zhao blinked and said, "If possible, help me bring some cans of beer!"

Yu Shiyue glanced down subconsciously when she heard the words, and then said: "Of course, since it's all beer, I can't have a few skewers of small barbecues. I have been craving squid in the back street for a long time."

Zhou Wenwen was aroused by Yu Shiyue's words, and she asked to help bring some food even though she wasn't planning to eat.

Qin Zhen was used to being a coolie, and went to the school's snack street diligently, and packed a big bag of supper for them back.

"Cheers! For this happy night!" Yu Shiyue said, raising her beer.

"Then I will serve this delicious barbecue!" Jing Zhao said with a smile.

Zhou Wenwen adjusted his glasses and said solemnly, "For the next exam!"

"Ah! You really don't know which pot to open and which pot to lift, God—"

Yu Shiyue yelled, followed by the collision of beer bottles.

Li Yanran was still sitting on the seat, but she didn't cry anymore, and she didn't know if she fell asleep.

Yu Shiyue tried to shout, "Yanran, do you want to eat barbecue? We bought a lot."

Li Yanran didn't respond, so Yu Shiyue stopped thinking about it.

The three were chatting, and suddenly another person sat next to them.

With two big swollen eyes, Li Yanran took the unopened beer can on the table, pulled the tab and took a sip, then said: "I hope all the scumbags in the world will be hit by cars when they go out!"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she looked at the three of them silently, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yes, it is what you think, I was broken up, and this **** Sun Xing is a liar!"

"He lied to me!" Li Yanran said, crying again.

Yu Shiyue looked at her hesitant to speak, but Li Yanran looked up at her and said, "Yu Shiyue, what do you think I am doing? Don't worry, I will pay you for the beer!"

Yu Shiyue: That's not what she meant.

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she reached out to take the barbecue skewers and started to eat them. The appearance of eating was quite miserable.

Jing Zhao glanced at her, and felt that her appearance was more normal than that of being alone, and it would be best if she could resolve it by herself, and she didn't need to be persuaded.

Although Li Yanran's performance made everyone stunned for a while, since she told her things, it should be fine, and the three of them relaxed.

Although Li Yanran was still listless the next day, she was able to go to class normally.

Although, she still didn't give Yu Shiyue beer and barbecue money.

Yu Shiyue said that she was used to it, let's forget it this time, and she will still ask her for it next time.

No, there should be no next time!

Then Jing Zhao sent out her invitation to the three of them, saying that her boyfriend invited them to have a potluck together on Wednesday.

Yu Shiyue was the happiest. She had long wanted to see who could win a beauty like Jing Zhao.

Zhou Wenwen went there last time, so naturally he won't be absent this time.

Li Yanran was a little silent, neither saying anything nor saying no, anyway, there were still two days left, and Jing Zhao was not in a hurry to ask her, so he let her think about it.

Jing Zhao had no class on Wednesday afternoon, and Lin Hai said that he still had an urgent meeting to deal with in the afternoon, and he would arrive in City A at about 6:00.

Jing Zhao said that he wanted to go to the barber shop to get his hair done first, and then buy some things and go back to their home to decorate.

Lin Hai asked her to wait for him at home, and he drove directly to pick her up, and then went back to school to pick up her roommate.

The next day was Wednesday, and the class was full in the morning. As soon as school was over at noon, everyone went to do their own things.

Jing Zhao left the school alone. It was a chilly day in early autumn. She was dressed thickly, a black knit long skirt with side slits, and a thin light purple round-neck sweater. A small white bag with long hair loose, only a pearl hair clip on the side, sweet and delicate.

There are relatively few taxis here, and while waiting for a bus at the bus station, a gray Audi suddenly stopped in front of Jing Zhao, and the people in the car lowered the windows to greet her.

"Miss Jing, long time no see, do you still remember me?" The man looked at Jing Zhao outside the car with a slightly exaggerated smile, and said, "Where are you going? I'll see you off!"

It was actually Sun Xing, Jing Zhao frowned reflexively, then took a step back and said, "No need."

Sun Xing was not angry when he saw Jing Zhao's cold face towards him. Instead, he directly stated his purpose: "I am very interested in Miss Jing. I wonder if Miss Jing can give me a chance to learn more about it?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in other people's ex-boyfriends." Jing Zhao said coldly.

Sun Xing licked his teeth with the tip of his tongue, and felt that the cold face of a beautiful woman had a special flavor.

"It's just an ex-boyfriend. If you want, I can also be your boyfriend." Sun Xing raised his head slightly, his eyes were a little greedy at Jing Zhao, and his pupils shone with excitement.

Jing Zhao paused, then suddenly smiled at the person and said, "Are you really rich?"

Sun Xing was stunned for a moment, and there was a look of joy in his eyes, "Didn't you see it all? I can give you whatever you want, as long as you are willing to accompany me..."

Jing Zhao folded his arms and looked at him hesitantly, and said, "I think you are a fake rich second generation. You are so rich, and you buy fake bags for others. You don't want to swell your face to pretend to be fat?"

Sun Xing was taken aback again, and quickly realized what Jing Zhao was talking about about the fake bag.

He does have a small amount of money, but not much, so there will be trade-offs. He feels that Li Yanran has lied to him. She is not as good-looking as in the photo, and she doesn't look like someone who can recognize famous brands to distinguish the real from the fake. If you get tired of playing for a few days, you break up with someone, and you don't plan to pay any money at all.

So I bought fake bags.

Unexpectedly, this one in front of me is a knowledgeable person.

Although he was discovered, Sun Xing didn't panic in the slightest, instead he coaxed people a little impatiently and said: "Yes, the bag I bought for Li Yanran is a fake, she can't tell anyway, it's the same as the real one.

But you are different from her. If you want something real, I’ll just buy it for you. I’ll take you to the mall and choose it yourself, okay? "

Jing Zhao lowered his eyes slightly, as if thinking about it, then raised his head and smiled slightly after a while, "Sorry, I'm really not interested in garbage."

Sun Xing's face changed in an instant, becoming a little ferocious, and he said, "What did you say?"

Jing Zhao glanced at him, but ignored him, just as the bus was coming, she turned her head and got on the bus.

Because of what happened at the station, the good mood when I came out spoiled a lot.

There are several hair salons near the shopping mall in the city center, Jing Zhao didn’t choose carefully, and chose one based on his feeling.

The hairdressers and stylists in this house are basically men, and there are many young handsome guys with unique hairstyles. When they saw Jing Zhao coming in, their eyes lit up.

Those who had nothing to do at the moment gathered around and said, "Beauty, do you want to dye your hair?"

Jing Zhao didn't plan to dye her hair, she just wanted a perm. After telling them about her request, two tall boys wanted to dye Jing Zhao's hair.

You insisted that Jing Zhao choose them.

While arguing, a regular customer of one of the boys came to the door, so he had to give up the opportunity he was fighting for and serve that regular customer.

Jing Zhao doesn't care who irons her, she only cares about the other party's skill and whether they can get the curls she wants.

Shampoo your hair before perming, as the oil will affect the effect of the perm.

Washing my hair was very comfortable, and finally relieved Jing Zhao's boredom a little.

During the perm, the stylist asked her for her opinion, and Jing Zhao showed him the pictures he had collected before. The barber patted his chest and said it was okay, and wrapped it on him.

While fiddling with Jing Zhao's hair, he praised her for its good quality, soft and thick hair. He rarely saw such good hair after a long time of haircut, and he didn't dare to grab it too hard.

But it was only a slight force, and the hair slipped from the hand accidentally.

The stylist stroked Jing Zhao's hair, and asked in a chatty manner, "Does the beauty have a boyfriend?"

Jing Zhao said yes, and a look of disappointment obviously flashed across the boy's face.

That's right, such a beautiful girl must be pursued by many people, and the stylist quickly cheered up and concentrated on doing Jing Zhao's curls.

Jing Zhao's hair is very long, hanging straight to her waist, the stylist trimmed the end of her hair first, and then began to perm her hair.

It takes some time to get a perm, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon by the time Jing Zhao finished it.

She is still very satisfied with the finished product. Instead of choosing a full perm, she only permed the ends of her hair. The lazy and curly ends of her hair hang down her back like clouds, giving her an elegant and sweet feeling.

When Jing Zhao looked in the mirror, she couldn't help being amazed. Compared with the previous Hei Changzhi, now she looks more charming.

After paying the money directly, the stylist repeatedly lobbied Jing Zhao to get her a membership card, but Jing Zhao didn't have much resistance. Perms require frequent maintenance. The stylists in this shop are pretty good, so I can come here often in the future.

So I agreed to apply for a membership card and charged 2,000 yuan into the card so that I could get a discount when I come back later.

After leaving the barber shop, Jing Zhao went directly into the shopping mall. She wanted to buy some household appliances, such as robot vacuum cleaners. Because the house is often full of dust when no one is living there, the house is large, and she is too lazy to clean it, so she bought a vacuum cleaner. Robot cleaning for her is a good choice.

In addition, I also want to buy a few sets of quilt covers for washing. I forgot to buy them last time, and now I only have a set of white quilts on the bed that look like a hotel.

After walking around the electrical appliance store, Jing Zhao not only bought a sweeping robot, but also bought some small appliances such as humidifiers, wall breakers, and drinking water dispensers.

When Lin Hai left for the last time, he directly gave her a new secondary card he had issued, and told her to use this card directly for future purchases.

Swipe the card to pay, leave the address, and the mall will naturally deliver the goods to your door.

Jing Zhao went to pick out bed sheets, quilt covers and some small things. After shopping, he couldn't help but went to the clothing store. Remembering that the wardrobe at home was empty and there was nothing, he planned to buy a few more, so that he would not need them when he lived in the future. Bring clothes.

Jing Zhao not only bought clothes for himself, but also thought that Lin Hai would also come to live, so he also bought several clothes for others, but in the end he couldn't carry the big and small bags.

I took a taxi to Shanglin Jingyuan, the taxi stopped outside the iron gate, and after getting off the car, I swiped the door lock with my mobile phone to enter.

After returning to the room, it was almost after five o'clock, and Jing Zhao, like a hardworking bee, threw all the washable clothes bought today into the washing machine to be washed first, and the bed sheets and quilt covers had to be washed before use.

After that, she simply wiped the counter and the dining table, and then went to the bedroom to tidy up. She didn't want to go back to the dormitory tonight, and wanted to sleep here directly.

After almost cleaning up, Jing Zhao heard the ringing of the doorbell of the courtyard gate. It was the household appliances she bought had arrived, so she went out to get them.

The delivery guy in blue overalls and a hat is behind a small tricycle with several large and small boxes on it.

Jing Zhao opened the door and let people in. The delivery boy helped to bring all the large items into the house, and Jing Zhao also helped, taking what he could carry.

When they were leaving, Jing Zhao specially gave them a bottle of mineral water he had bought. The little brother thanked him with a smile, and then drove away.

The sweeping robot is a bit big, and Jing Zhao can't move it, so he doesn't plan to move it. He will ask Brother Hai to help with it when he comes back. She disassembled the small appliances used in the kitchen first.

Especially the water purifier, so that you can drink water with confidence afterwards.

Jing Zhao was studying those small electrical appliances when the doorbell rang again. She walked to the door curiously and looked at the image on the smart screen. She only saw a little brother in blue overalls and a hat with a holding a cardboard box.

The delivery guy in the mall? Why is he here again?

Jing Zhao opened the door in doubt and went out. When he reached the gate, he hesitated for a while and didn't open the door first. Instead, he looked at the man and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Miss, just now that brother delivered the wrong item. This is what you bought. Please open the door and change the item! I have to go to another place to deliver the item!"

Jing Zhao glanced at the box in his hand, and asked, "Oh, which electrical appliance is the wrong one? I just dismantled it? It shouldn't affect anything, right?"

As Jing Zhao said, she went straight to scan the face on the wall of the courtyard. The moment the recognition was successful, she saw the face of the man half hidden behind the cardboard box, actually wearing a mask.

No, why wear a mask.

Something flashed in Jing Zhao's mind like lightning, and she didn't have time to distinguish it. Her vigilance made her subconsciously turn around and call, "Brother Hai, there is something else, come out and get it."

Jing Zhao's words immediately made the people outside the door stop in their tracks, and raised their heads, their eyes under the brim of the hat looked a bit dark.

As soon as Jing Zhao recognized the person, he pushed the iron gate with his backhand. This gate is electronically controlled. Once it is closed, it can only be opened by swiping a card or face recognition. It will be directly anesthetized by the power grid equipment.

Seeing Jing Zhao pushing the door in a panic, the man outside the door didn't hide it anymore, he just dropped the empty cardboard box in his hand, and pushed hard towards the iron gate, trying to push the door open.

"Sun Xing! What do you want to do? There is surveillance here!" Jing Zhao shouted anxiously.

That's right, this person is Sun Xing. I don't know how he disguised himself as the delivery boy and followed her here.

Knowing his identity, Sun Xing no longer concealed it, raised his head, stared at Jing Zhao with bloodshot eyes, and said, "What do you think I want to do? Of course it's you."

After Sun Xing finished speaking, he reached out to grab Jing Zhao from the gap in the iron railing. Jing Zhao didn't want to be touched by him, and she was far less strong than him, so she couldn't hold on any longer.

Pursing her lips, she simply let go of her hand suddenly. When Sun Xing was forced to move forward by the momentum, she didn't run back into the house, but ran directly to the road outside.

The houses here are far apart, and there are green barriers. If she hadn't run back to the house and was caught, no one would come to rescue her even if she screamed.

It's better to run outside, there might be someone on the road, Jing Zhao called for help while running.

Sun Xing ran two steps to catch up, trying to make Jing Zhao faint and take him away before anyone came.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, a black car suddenly appeared in front of him, with its headlights on, it approached in an instant.

Jing Zhao didn't see it, and almost ran into the car, and knelt and sat on the open space in front of the car.

Sun Xing, who was behind, saw a car coming, hesitated for a moment, and immediately stepped back, intending to escape.

In order to meet people quickly, Lin Hai drove very fast along the way. Unexpectedly, when he was about to arrive, he almost ran into someone.

He stepped on the brakes quickly, frowned and looked forward. After seeing who the person on the ground was, Lin Hai panicked for a moment.

Quickly unfastened the seat belt, rushed out of the car and squatted in front of Jing Zhao, saying, "Baby, why is it you? Are you all right? Where is the injury? Show me quickly."

Jing Zhao also found out that the car belonged to Lin Hai, and the fear and grievance in her eyes couldn't stop, but she didn't care to say anything else, and hurriedly turned her head and pointed at Sun Xing who was running away behind her: "Brother Hai, that's a bad guy, he Want to hurt me, hurry up, don't let him run away!"

Hearing this, Lin Hai's expression changed, and he didn't care about what to say, he just threw the car keys to Jing Zhao and said, "Honey, go wait for me in the car, lock the door, and call the police with my mobile phone."

After Lin Hai finished speaking, he got up and chased him out.

Jing Zhao shouted from behind, "Brother Hai, be careful, there might be something on him."

Seeing people chasing him out, Jing Zhao stumbled into the car according to what he said, found Lin Hai's cell phone in the driver's seat, and called the police directly.


In less than half an hour, the police arrived.

After carefully understanding what happened and taking notes, they took Sun Xing away.

No matter how fast Sun Xing ran, he never ran past Lin Hai. He was directly strangled by someone on the back of his neck like pinching a chicken, and beat him so hard that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his nosebleeds kept flowing.

Lin Hai was originally a ruthless character who knew how to fight. After beating him until he couldn't get up, he took off Sun Xing's clothes and bound his hands and feet.

Because he was worried about Jing Zhao, he dragged him directly to the car.

Then he opened the car door and hugged Jing Zhao in his arms. Although he hadn't heard from anyone yet, Lin Hai already knew what happened.

He never thought or dared to think that this kind of thing would happen to his baby. If he hadn't retained a bit of reason, he might directly beat him to death.


Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read My Space-Time System
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life