MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 109 (1)

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It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the hospital. Wei Nanhe had his own car, but he had drunk today, so he could only take a taxi, and he kept urging the taxi driver to drive faster.

After entering the hospital, I asked about the situation at the front desk and went directly to the operating room on the third floor.

The lights in the operating room were still on, and before Jing Zhao came out, Wei Nanhe sat down on a chair in the aisle.

I didn’t feel anything on the way here. When I sat down, I realized that my palms were covered with a layer of cold sweat. It was not because of fear. Although he had never had appendicitis surgery, he knew something about it. It’s not a terminal illness. After the operation, there is no major problem if you take good care of it after the operation.

He's just... nervous.

I have imagined the scene of meeting Little Pumpkin many times in my mind, but I never thought it would be such a scene.

Wei Nanhe rested his forehead with one hand, and there was still a faint smell of alcohol in his breath. He only felt that his mind was a little chaotic, and his heartbeat was a little disordered.

Just as he was trying to calm himself down, the door of the operating room opened.

A male doctor in surgical gown and two nurses came out pushing a hospital bed. Wei Nanhe stood up, his tall figure slightly blocked the light behind the corridor, and his handsome facial features seemed to be carved in the dusk In the hospital, the doctors and nurses wearing masks were stunned when they saw him. A nurse asked, "Are you the patient's family?"

Wei Nanhe was silent for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice, "Well... I'm her brother."

Wei Nanhe's voice is quite distinctive, and it's not easy to forget after hearing it. The nurse on the right side of the hospital bed suddenly said, "Oh, you are the one who will answer the phone first! So you are the patient's brother? It’s fine if you come, the patient’s surgery went well, and the parents are old, don’t let them worry.”

Wei Nanhe, who had just passed his twenty-sixth birthday, rolled his Adam's apple with difficulty, staring at the white hospital bed surrounded by them, and whispered: "How is she? Are you awake?"

"The patient's sense of pain is relatively acute, and the operation is under general anesthesia. She is still not conscious at the moment, so she must be sent to the ward first." The male doctor spoke about the situation, and then told the nurse beside him that the patient's hospitalization procedures were not yet clear. No way, let her take someone to go through the patient's hospitalization procedures first.

Wei Nanhe first went through the formalities, and then returned to the ward. The ward has two rooms. Jing Zhao sleeps in the bed by the window, and the other bed is temporarily unoccupied.

The light was on in the ward, reflecting the face of the person who was sleeping quietly on the bed. The face was bloodless, but it was still beautiful and lovely. Even because of illness, it looked delicate.

Sitting down on the chair beside the bed, Wei Nanhe's eyes softened. At this moment, he couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart.

He never planned to meet her so rashly, but maybe it was God who made them meet.

Sure enough, as he had imagined, whenever he saw her, his heart would be filled with joy.

Stretching out his hand to tuck the blanket in, Wei Nanhe propped his head like this, quietly staring at the person on the hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up.

One wait is one night. In the early morning light, the sun shines through the blinds into the ward. Jing Zhao opened his eyes in a daze. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was still a little dazed. The place in front of him was obviously not the house she rented. The ceiling, the single chandelier, and the faint smell of disinfectant in the air.

Jing Zhao closed his eyes and opened them again, adapting to the light, his hand under the quilt moved slightly, and the memories of last night came back like a tide.

She ate badly, and then planned to go to a nearby pharmacy, but she passed out from the pain as soon as she walked to the pharmacy, and she couldn't remember what happened after that.

I only remember that my stomach hurt at that time... My stomach still hurts now, Jing Zhao stretched out his hand to see what was wrong with his stomach, but when he turned his head, he saw the person who was sitting on the edge of the bed with arms crossed and looking at her.

Jing Zhao: "!"

Wei Nanhe, who had been mentally prepared all night, was still a little stiff at this time. He put down his hands and said in a low voice: "I woke up, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"You...I, Yimeng, why are you here?" Jing Zhao looked at him with question marks in his eyes, his eyes were wide open, as if he felt that Wei Nanhe's appearance was somewhat magical.

Wei Nanhe briefly talked about what happened last night, and also confessed the fact that Jing Zhao's No. 1 on the list was himself.

"Are you...the long-lost father?" Jing Zhao looked at him in surprise.

Wei Nanhe felt that he must have lost his mind when he chose this name at the time, and he coughed unnaturally when he was looked at by Jing Zhao's puzzled and surprised eyes, and then hurriedly explained: "Well, I'm sorry, I kept it from you before, but Pumpkin Don't be angry, I don't mean anything else, I follow you on my trumpet because I like your live broadcast."

"I didn't sleep very well before. It was rare to get a good night's sleep until I saw your live broadcast on the platform. I'm your loyal fan." Wei Nanhe couldn't help showing a smile, his The shape of the lips is beautiful, and there is an inexplicably attractive taste when he smiles.

Jing Zhao lowered her eyes, if she was angry, she didn't seem to have any reason to be angry. On the contrary, she must have gotten lucky to make the first brother on the Blue Whale platform fall in love with her just by relying on the live broadcast, and now she appears in the hospital out of thin air to take care of her.

A smile appeared on his lips, Jing Zhao looked at Wei Nanhe with a soft expression, "I'm not angry, I should thank you, it's none of your business, but now I'd like to trouble you for a trip..."

"No trouble!" Before Jing Zhao finished speaking, Wei Nanhe opened his mouth. Seeing the other party stunned, he realized that his voice was a bit loud just now, and explained with a light cough: "I live not far from this hospital. And..." I'm glad to come and see you.

Without saying anything later, Jing Zhao asked "what?" Wei Nanhe got up and walked to the counter opposite the foot of the bed, lowering his eyes to cover up: "It's nothing, you just had an operation, the doctor said you can only eat some light liquid food, I don't know what you like to eat, I bought some porridge, try it and see if you can eat it."

Wei Nanhe spoke for a long time, speaking fast, with his tall figure facing away from Jing Zhao, he rummaged through the right bag on the counter opposite the foot of the bed.

Then he came over with a bowl of porridge and sat down by the bed, stirring it gently with a spoon. He woke up early, and the fragrant millet porridge had been bought for a while, so it was no longer hot.

Jing Zhao looked at Wei Nanhe's movements, thinking that he might be trying to feed himself, and the next second, the man stretched out his hand holding a spoon.

Jing Zhao looked at the spoon in front of him, pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "I'll do it myself, can you rock the bed for me?" If she just lay down and ate, she wouldn't be able to swallow.

Wei Nanhe was also a little nervous just now, and he reacted at this time, quickly put down the bowl, walked to the end of the bed and shook the upper half of the bed, and asked after feeling that the curvature was similar: "Is this okay? Will it be uncomfortable? "

Jing Zhao nodded and said it was all right, then without Wei Nanhe's help, he picked up the bowl and drank the porridge in small sips.

She had just had an operation and didn't have much appetite. Jing Zhao didn't want to drink anymore after drinking for a little while. Wei Nanhe saw it and didn't force her. Appendicitis is an intestinal problem. It's okay to eat less, but it's not good to eat too much.

"By the way, the doctor said that the stomach and intestines need to be ventilated as soon as possible after the operation. How is your wound? Is it painful? Do you want to come down for a walk?" Wei Nanhe said seriously, remembering the doctor's advice.

Although he has never had appendicitis, Jing Zhao also knows that ventilating means farting.

Looking up at the man who was behaving indifferently, Jing Zhao was somewhat depressed, farting in front of his face, which made her feel ashamed.

Wei Nanhe was stared at by her, and inexplicably understood what she meant. Although he really didn't think there was anything, he only cared about her body now, but he must be considerate when a girl is embarrassed, so he paused and said: " Well, I'll help you up, there are crutches here, you can walk around the ward by yourself, I'm outside, call me if you have anything to do."

This is indeed acceptable. Jing Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the man and said, "That dream, thank you very much last night. Appendicitis is not a serious disease. I am fine now. I will call my friend." Just let her come and take care of me, why don't you go back first?"

Hearing this, Wei Nanhe froze when he turned around, and his slowly drooping eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes.

He turned around, tried his best to be calm, looked at her fixedly and said, "Okay, I'll leave when your friend comes."

Jing Zhao: ...

This time, he shot himself in the foot with a stone. Jing Zhao hardly had any communication in this city, and the place where he worked before was not far or close to his colleagues. Of course, it was impossible to ask others to take care of him. As for the roommate who shared the rent It's even more impossible.

She had no "friends" to relate to, and no family to care for her.

Since when did you start living alone? When I was probably a teenager, my mother finally couldn't stand her father who often punched and kicked her, and filed for divorce. After a lengthy dispute mediation, the two broke up.

Dad has never liked her, even though she is his own, he always said that she is a bastard, she didn't want to follow her father, so she chose her mother.

But mother's love for her is also limited. If she is not happy, she will pinch her and beat her. When she is happy, she will call her sweetheart and buy her nice clothes and delicious food. The reason is because her mother likes her. Fucked another man, and that man didn't like himself who was a oil bottle.

So my mother wanted to tell her to leave her and live alone.

It's a pity that she still couldn't marry that man, and instead she lost money and money. She didn't say that she regretted it until she was about to die, that she was sorry for herself.

Just because she was greedy for a little bit of warmth from her mother, she shouldered a debt that should not belong to her.

After Wei Nanhe finished speaking, he sat down on the stool, with the back of his knuckles lightly resting on his chin, as if he was waiting for the friend Jing Zhao mentioned, but he didn't expect that the friend didn't arrive, but the person in front of him was holding the phone, crying Like a broken bead, one drop after another fell on the screen of the mobile phone she was holding tightly in her hand.


Wei Nanhe was stunned for a moment, his Adam's apple rolled rapidly, and his eyes were a little anxious, "Why are you crying? Is the wound hurting or something? I'll call the doctor!"

Wei Nanhe stood up while talking, but saw Jing Zhao shaking his head, his weak voice was accompanied by low sobs, "It's's not that the wound hurts."

"Then... what's the matter?" Seeing that she couldn't stop crying, Wei Nanhe, who had never coaxed a girl before, was a little flustered. He sat on the side of the bed and reached out to caress the teardrops in front of her eyes. His voice was as gentle as usual. It's like two different people, "Stop crying, can you tell me what's uncomfortable?"

After Wei Nanhe finished speaking, thinking that she was crying after he said that he would wait for her friend to come, his eyes darkened for a moment, and he slowly lowered his raised hand, pursed his thin lips tightly, and even the tone of his mouth was a little low, "Okay , if you don’t want me to wait, I just don’t wait, can you stop crying, it’s not good for the wound.”

Wei Nanhe saw that after he finished speaking, the person in front of him really stopped crying, and raised his eyes to look at him, his heart felt as if it was blocked with stones.

After clenching his fists and slowly releasing them, Wei Nanhe stood up and turned his back, saying, "When will your friend be able to come? I'll ask the doctor to look at your wound, and then I'll leave."

He didn't hear the reply from the person behind him, Wei Nanhe's eyes became more gloomy, and he raised his foot to leave the ward to find a doctor. After taking two steps, he heard a faint crying voice behind him: "I don't have any friends... Wuwu, I don't have any friends." friend."

no friend? How is it possible? Wei Nanhe was slightly taken aback, but somehow he just believed what she said.

Going back to the bed and sitting down, Wei Nanhe suddenly remembered what the nurse said to him last night when he called him. Because he couldn't contact the patient's family, he only found his number in the bag.

How could it be possible for an ordinary person not to have a close family member around her? What on earth has she... experienced?

In his eyes was the appearance of the person in front of him crying with trembling shoulders, and Wei Nanhe's heart immediately overflowed with distress.

"Who said you have no friends, am I right?" It seems that being a friend is not that difficult, Wei Nanhe said the word "friend" after careful consideration, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "As a friend, I should stay here to take care of you at this time." Not too much, right?"

Jing Zhao didn't speak, but stopped crying, and looked up at the man with red eyes, like a bullied little rabbit.

"Thank you, Nan He." She said softly, softly.

Wei Nanhe's heart skipped a beat, not just because she called his name.

He smiled, and instead of touching her scar on purpose, he said, "Then can you get up and take a breath now?"

Jing Zhao: ...

After a rather suffocating ventilation time, Jing Zhao, who was a little tired, lay down on the hospital bed and fell into a deep sleep, but in the middle of it, he seemed to be caught in a nightmare, and his two delicate eyebrows were lightly frowned.

Wei Nanhe sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. Seeing this, he wanted to stretch out his hand to smooth the wrinkles between her brows, but the person on the bed subconsciously grabbed his fingers tightly.

In a very low voice, with some unease and fear, he whispered softly, "Don't go, don't leave me...alone."

Wei Nanhe's eyes suddenly felt sore, and he held her back even tighter, with a serious look on his face, "Don't worry, I won't leave, I'll stay here with you."

As if hearing his voice, the brows of the person on the bed loosened a little, and the pink lips parted slightly, unable to hear what was being said, Wei Nanhe subconsciously put his ear to it, and heard her call: "Mom..."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-2821:31:42~2022-05-2920:32:57~

Thanks to the little angels who cast deep-water torpedoes: a steady stream of 40;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Erliang meat buns without meat; 10 bottles of Wu Xiaobai; 5 bottles of Literary Shaoxin; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

Chapter 110

Three days after the operation, Jing Zhao occasionally had a low-grade fever, but the doctor said that this is a normal phenomenon, as long as the fever does not continue in the future, it will be fine.

The wound on the lower abdomen is not big, and it heals quickly. As long as you don't do strenuous exercise, you can't see anything by just walking.

Jing Zhao stayed in the hospital for four days, and Wei Nanhe stayed with her in the hospital for four days.

The man belongs to the type who doesn't talk much, but never stands in the cold when chatting. He seems to be deliberately venting his family background with Jing Zhao. In just four days, Jing Zhao knew his age, household registration, Experience after graduation, there are four members in the family, besides him, there is a younger brother who is in high school.

He didn't ask her about her experience, but he slowly opened Jing Zhao's heart through this way of chatting, and Jing Zhao, who was infected, would occasionally tell him something about himself.

So Wei Nanhe knew that her parents divorced when she was young, and she had to go out to work to pay off her debts before she even finished college.

When Jing Zhao talked about her life experience, her tone was very light, as if those things had long passed, and would not cause any harm to her now. When she saw the distressed expression on the man's face, she smiled and said, "Really, I think I'm fine now, better than I've ever been."

Having said that, Wei Nanhe saw that she was still crying when she fell asleep, so he knew that those things must have left deep traces in her heart.

He thought seeing her cry was the most distressing and uncomfortable thing, but he didn't want to see her smile at him, which also made his heart tighten.

Even though he has suffered all kinds of hardships, but he still always wants to give warmth to others, how can he not like such a person?

Wei Nanhe couldn't help his heart, and when his brain got hot, he blurted out a confession of affection, "Zhao Zhao, let me take care of you in the future, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, both of them were taken aback for a moment. After Jing Zhao glanced at him, he looked away unnaturally.

Wei Nanhe was annoyed, he didn't forget what Pumpkin said when he rejected him before, she said that she has someone she likes.

"sorry, I…"

Wei Nanhe patted his head and wanted to say something to relieve the awkward atmosphere, so he heard Jing Zhao say: "I heard my father say that he loves my mother when I was very young, but I can't see it, I only see that my father is slightly unhappy Just beating and scolding my mother, my mother cooks meals every day, and tidies up everything in the house can't get him a word of thoughtfulness, I don't know, I really don't know, is that what it's like to love someone?

Later, my mother also said that she fell in love with a man, and the result was to lose me and her own child. Even though I have grown up, I know a lot of truths. I know that not everyone is like that, but I still feel... so scary. "

As Jing Zhao said, he slowly curled up his knees and hugged himself, as if this would give him enough sense of security.

Hearing such words, Wei Nanhe felt a dull pain in his heart, and his eyes were dark, wishing to go to Jing Zhao's parents and question them, why did they bring such great trauma to their daughter!

He raised his hand uncontrollably, and gently landed on the heads of the people who were curled up on the bed, bringing comforting power, "Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you in the future."

Feeling the gentleness from the top of his head, Jing Zhao lightly rubbed his cheek against his arm, slightly bent his lips and said, "Wei Nanhe, I don't trust others, but if that person is you, I'm willing to give it a try."

Wei Nanhe was stunned, he couldn't believe what he had just heard, his arms froze in mid-air, and a huge surprise gradually bloomed in his eyes, but disappeared instantly after he remembered something.

He slowly withdrew his hand, pulled his lips, and smiled indifferently: "It's okay, you don't have to force yourself to be with me, even if you don't like me, I will take care of you."

Jing Zhao looked up at him, and asked softly, "Is it true?"

Wei Nanhe smiled and said, "Of course it's true."

Jing Zhao pursed his lips, "Oh, forget it then."

Hearing what she said, Wei Nanhe struggled for a moment in his dark eyes, thinking that since the other party said he was willing to give it a try, why would he be awkward, isn't it because he has someone he likes? If she can be with him, he believes in himself, and he will be able to drive that person out of her heart.

I just blocked the road with my mouth, and now it's too late to regret it.

Wei Nanhe was annoyed at how he pretended to be empathetic just now, so he heard the words on the bed: "There is one thing I want to confess to you."

Wei Nanhe raised his eyes: "What?"

Jing Zhao: "Actually, I lied to you that I have someone I like. I don't have anyone I like at all."

After Jing Zhao finished speaking, Wei Nanhe gave an "um" before realizing what Jing Zhao just said.

She said that she didn't have anyone she liked, and she made it up to lie to herself.

This time, the light of surprise in Wei Nanhe's eyes lingered for a long time, his black eyes stared at the person, and he said incoherently: "That, that, then what you just said still counts?"

Jing Zhao blushed from his scorching gaze, avoiding his gaze and said deliberately, "What are you talking about?"

This time Wei Nanhe didn't avoid his gaze, and his voice was deep and powerful, "Try it with me."

The person on the bed didn't make a sound for a long time, and after a long time, he gave a low "hmm", but it sounded like fairy music to Wei Nanhe's ears.

After Jing Zhao fell asleep, the man walked out of the ward, leaned against the corridor wall, took out his mobile phone, and received a WeChat message as soon as he turned it on.

Not forgiving: [Hey, brother, what's the matter with you these days? The broadcast has not started, but all your fans have come to my live broadcast room. 】

Wei Nanhe looked at the message, and typed a reply directly with one hand, [It's nothing, just fall in love. 】

Unforgiving: […]

Not forgiving: [Is it... a pumpkin? 】

Seeing the word pumpkin, Wei Nanhe subconsciously curled his lips, 【Who else but her? 】

Not forgiving: 【Yes, brother, you have done a great job by being silent, congratulations. 】

Wei Nanhe was dissatisfied: [What's the use of just saying congratulations, you have to show something? 】

Not forgiving: [...It's not marriage, what does it mean? 】

Wei Nanhe paused, and typed quickly, 【Didn't you always say that your girlfriend is very clingy to you every day? If you have any tricks, tell me for reference. 】

Unforgiving: [... handsome and powerful? 】

Wei Nanhe: [Hehe. 】

Not forgiving: ...He can't say that he is bragging! If the ancestor of his family is willing to cling to him, he will wake up laughing from his dreams.

Bu Raoren thought about it, and wanted to send something to save his self-esteem, but as soon as the message was sent, he saw a red exclamation mark, and prompted: [The message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party. 】

Don't forgive others: Fuck you forget your righteousness when you see sex!

After five days in the hospital, Jing Zhao can be discharged.

On the way, Wei Nanhe went home and drove his car over so that it would be more convenient when he was discharged from the hospital.

Jing Zhao naturally wanted to go home, and Wei Nanhe drove her back.

It was in the morning when I was discharged from the hospital, because it was a city close to the north, and it was getting colder in December, and the weather forecast said that there was still a tendency to snow recently.

Jing Zhao was wrapped in a white cotton dress, and around her neck was a red cashmere scarf that Wei Nanhe bought for her in case she was cold. Once she put it on, it made her face rosy and pale, and she looked a lot healthier.

When Wei Nanhe tied it on her with his own hands, he couldn't help pinching her chubby cheeks, feeling that the hand felt so good, and then Jing Zhao pouted his lips slightly and stared softly.

Seeing Wei Nanhe... I want to pinch it even more, my girlfriend is so cute, I can't resist it at all!

Sending Jing Zhao home, the old community doesn't even have an underground parking lot, no elevator, and no security outside, just an old man guarding the gate, the safety factor is almost zero, Wei Nanhe frowned.

He turned his head and wanted to say something, but seeing his girlfriend's expression of indifference, he couldn't speak again.

Jing Zhao said that he had some couriers to pick up, and asked Wei Nanhe to park the car on the side of the road.

"Let me go, you can't carry heavy things, be careful of the wound opening, just send me the number." Wei Nanhe glanced at the express station with a little crowd, and asked Jing Zhao to wait in the car.

There were indeed too many things, Jing Zhao couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

Wei Nanhe went to the courier station and reported his serial number. The courier quickly took a few boxes and bags and handed them to him, and said with a smile in his voice, "Jin Qixuan's little wife?"

Wei Nanhe: "...what?"

"Isn't 3-11097 your courier? What's the last number of your phone?" The courier looked at him after reporting the code.

Wei Nanhe glanced at the phone, then quickly reported the number and said, "It's mine, give it to me!"

Faced with everyone's snickering eyes, Wei Nanhe took the courier out of the Cainiao Post Station, and when he got into the car, he pretended nothing happened, drove the car to the gate of the community, and said to people: "Let's go, lead the way, I will Send you up."

In addition to the things from the hospital and the courier, there were a lot of things, and Jing Zhao couldn't take them all by himself, so it was hard to justify refusing at this time.

Originally, he wanted the man to be delivered to the door, but now he brought him home.

After taking him upstairs, Jing Zhao remembered that today happened to be the weekend.

Standing in front of the door with some hesitation, Wei Nanhe glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." I can only hope that those two people have gone out. Jing Zhao thought so and took out the key and opened the door, expecting to run counter to reality. As soon as the door was opened, he saw a man and a man lying on the sofa in the living room, which was not too big. The woman and the man are shirtless, and the woman is nestled in the arms of the man, with a very intimate posture.

The dining table was still a mess, and even the trash can in the living room was full of rubbish.

When the two people on the sofa heard the movement, they turned their heads together. When they saw that it was Jing Zhao, their expressions were not friendly. Instead, they complained, "Where have you been these few days? You won't come back after so long." Tell me, it makes me worry."

Worried, worried about what, worried that she ran away and no one picked up the trash for them?

Jing Zhao was so speechless that he just wanted to sneer. He just pretended not to see them, turned around and said to the person behind him, "Give me your things! The shared house is a bit messy, please go in and sit down."

Wei Nanhe was tall and tall, standing behind Jing Zhao, he could see the scene in the house in his eyes. If he just frowned when he saw the appearance of the gate of the community, he was already furious now.

"Male roommate?" Pulling him aside, Wei Nanhe lowered his head and asked Jing Zhaodao in a deep voice.

Jing Zhao shook his head, "No, he is my roommate's boyfriend."

Hearing this, Wei Nanhe's expression was not much better, he just wanted to rush in and throw that shirtless man out.

Jing Zhao could almost see what he was thinking, and in order not to make him impulsive, he took the initiative to put his arm on his arm and said, "Don't be angry, I'm already planning to move out, and whatever they do, it has nothing to do with me."

Wei Nanhe's brows were still furrowed, he couldn't stand Jing Zhao staying here even for a second, and said seriously, "Move now?"

Jing Zhao: "..."

"How can it be so fast, I'm still looking for a house!" Jing Zhao looked at him with a smile, and continued to persuade: "Okay, I've lived here for so long, am I okay? Don't worry, wait If I find a house, I'll move out right away."

Listening to her talk, Wei Nanhe thought that his house was big enough, so it would be no problem for her to live there, but the two had just dated, so what he said was a bit frivolous, and Little Pumpkin would definitely not agree.

Wei Nanhe gave up this idea instead, and instead recalled whether there are any rented houses in the community he lives in, and cast a deep look on the people in the house, and said patiently: "Okay, then take a look first. The house, let me know when you’ve found it.”

Jing Zhao thought he could send him away after comforting him, but Wei Nanhe said he wanted to go in and sit down. He slightly raised his chin and nodded at the man in the room, saying, "He can sit, why can't I."

Jing Zhao had no choice but to let people in. The roommate was a little surprised when he saw Wei Nanhe, and asked Jing Zhao what the relationship between the two was. After learning that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, he immediately showed a meaningful expression.

Then, regardless of his boyfriend's presence, he warmly greeted Wei Nanhe and said with a smile, "Handsome guy, come and sit down. When did you and Jing Zhao meet? We've only been dating for a while! I guess she must be the one chasing you, right?"

Jing Zhao, who had just put his things in the room, came out when he heard what his roommate Sasha said, and immediately curled his lips.

Wei Nanhe walked around the sofa and sat down next to Sasha's boyfriend. Seeing this, Shasha's smile faded a little, and Wei Nanhe said, "We've known each other for a long time, I chased her, and it took me a long time to catch her. "

When Shasha heard this, the smile on her face faded, and then she looked at Jing Zhao with a surprised expression, "Oh, I can't tell, Jing Zhao, you are quite good at catching people!"

"Who said I caught him?" Jing Zhao was speechless.

Before Sasha could speak, Wei Nanhe looked at her coldly and said, "She doesn't have to catch me, I'll take the bait too."

Jing Zhao glanced at him in surprise, and met the man with a slightly smiling look in his eyes. Salsa didn't expect Wei Nanhe to protect Jing Zhao so much, she couldn't find anything to say, and turned her head to see that her boyfriend didn't care about her at all. I knew that I was immersed in the game, and I couldn't help but reached out and gave it to someone.

The boyfriend was beaten up for no reason. He was beaten to death by her just now in a game team battle. He immediately became angry and couldn't help shouting, "What are you doing?"

Sasha's face suddenly became uneasy, and she wanted to say something. Wei Nanhe next to her glanced at the page where Shasha's boyfriend had ended the fight and said, "The score is only 7.0. I have something to eat, brother."

Sasha's boyfriend is just a bit superior, and he became even more angry when he heard this sentence, "Oh, are you good? I just played a hero that I am not good at."

Hearing these words, Wei Nanhe slowly curled his lips, and deliberately seduced: "Okay, let's go heads-up, and see if I'm good. If you lose, get out of this room immediately. You are not allowed to stay here at night, if I lose, you can ask for the conditions, how about it?"

The man hesitated a little when he heard the words, but his girlfriend immediately showed a smug expression. Sasha knew her boyfriend was very good at the game, and the best hero had a small national standard, so she would definitely win. So let your boyfriend agree.

Sasha's boyfriend also said confidently: "Okay, then let's go heads-up, don't regret it if you lose."

"You too." Wei Nanhe returned the original words.

The two immediately logged into the game together. Jing Zhao had never seen Wei Nanhe play this game, and was a little worried. Wei Nanhe gave her a reassuring look.

The game started quickly. Sasha's boyfriend's expression was a little mocking at the beginning, but then his face darkened a lot. The opponent's style of play was fierce and not sloppy at all. As long as he showed any flaws, he would be arrested immediately to death.

A game ended quickly, and Wei Nanhe won it easily.

Roommate Sasha's face was also very ugly. She didn't want to admit that her boyfriend had lost, so she immediately made an excuse and said, "Isn't the game usually two out of three games? This is only one game, so it doesn't explain anything."

The boyfriend also agreed after hearing the words, saying that Wei Nanhe's game characters just restrained himself, so he played abnormally.

Jing Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, and replied directly: "But your hero proficiency is at full level, and my boyfriend's is still a green mark."

Shasha's boyfriend was uncovered, and his face was dark.

Wei Nanhe didn't argue with them either. Reasoning with some people was like playing the piano with a cow. It was easier to speak directly with strength, and agreed to win two out of three games.

When she also lost the second round, Sasha and her boyfriend stopped talking at all.

Wei Nanhe looked at them leisurely and said, "Now we can fulfill the agreement!"

Shasha choked, and wanted to play tricks, her boyfriend got up blushing, and walked out angrily, but was stopped by Wei Nanhe again, just as she turned around, a piece of clothing was thrown over her head, throwing him The person in the clothes half-jokingly said: "Brother, put on your clothes, don't always be naked in front of girls, the impact is second, the main thing is that your figure is not good enough."

The man's face became more and more red, and he put on his clothes and left without saying anything. Sasha glared at them, and hurriedly grabbed her bag and went after her boyfriend.

After the people left, Jing Zhao couldn't help but laughed, "I didn't expect you to have such a vicious side?"

Wei Nanhe raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I'm not a poisonous tongue, just telling the truth."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Jing Zhao again, coughed lightly, and said, "What did you call me just now? What kind of boy and what kind of friend came, I didn't hear clearly."

Jing Zhao blushed, pretended not to know what he was talking about, avoided the topic, and urged the man to leave instead.

Seeing this, Wei Nanhe didn't make things difficult for her, but felt a little pity.

Jing Zhao sent him to the corridor, Wei Nanhe looked at the person in front of him, suddenly reached out to give her a hug, then let go, and sighed, "I finally know what it feels like to miss her before we are separated."

Jing Zhao was amused by him, and drove him away, "You go!"

Wei Nanhe smiled helplessly, reached out and touched her face and said, "Okay, let's go in, it's cold outside."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and left. Jing Zhao watched him step down the stairs, feeling a little moved in his heart. Even though he had been here for so long, he still spared no effort to solve his troubles.

It turned out that she also had someone she could rely on.


In the evening, when Bu Rao Ren had just finished a game, he received a message on his mobile phone.

When I slid in, I saw that it was the person who blocked him during the day.

Wei Gou: [Do you think I

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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