MTL - Guardian-Chapter 73 Merit pen

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"I'm not crazy, since the mountain cone is taken by you, that's okay, because sooner or later you will bring it to me with me, but the merit pen, I am determined to get it. Once the four pillars are broken two pillars, the sky halfway up There is nothing in the world that can stop me. "The ghost face finally opened his mouth, and then, his dark eyes glanced around." You came and came with so many black people-are they afraid that you will be backwater on the spot? ? "

The words were attacked indiscriminately, almost everyone in the room was slapped by him.

The ghost turned his gaze and saw Zhao Yunlan, the smile on his face became stranger: "Oh, the Lord is there, no wonder."

Qi Daqing's expression was cold, but before moving his leg, Zhao Yunlan pulled his long hair and pulled it back.

云 Zhao Yunlan showed a skin-smiling and unsmiling expression, holding Daqing's hair with one hand to prevent him from scurrying, and reaching into his pocket with one hand, he felt a cigarette.

Wu Daqing became a human, and still followed the instinct when the cat was quilted, and returned to give Zhao Yunlan a paw, but he lost his long nails and left him only a light white mark. He found Zhao Yunlan's hands so cold that he couldn't help but stagger.

"Don't add chaos, die fat." Zhao Yunlan shouted those three words in unison to an immortal "person".

Wu Daqing: "What happened to you?"

Zhao Yunlan spit out a ring of cigarette lightly. His lips became whiter and bloodless, but his eyes were still astonishingly bright. His fingers unknowingly choked on the smoke, and spoke to Daqing with a voice lower than the whisper. "I'm a little nervous."

Wu Daqing's eyes widened.

云 Zhao Yunlan turned his eyes to the side: "The clan tribe is followed by the clan, and the other demons form their own family. The Luohan of Xitian, who is that side, Taoist?"

The axe split into a terrible ghost, and the crowd was automatically separated.

"Either he is highly regarded, or he is ascended to the heavens and has a priesthood." Daqing said, "But no one is qualified to intervene in the fight between these two people. If you do n’t bring them, they wo n’t be able to connect. Dare to be here Except for the two of them, I have only seen those who drag their tails. "

Human face snake body, ancient goddess and emperor, son-in-law.

雪 Snow flakes began to drift in the gloomy sky. The ugly beasts and the various gods and ghosts were distinct, facing each other, and they started immediately.

Daqing turned his head away from looking at Dashenmu, forcing himself to calm down and said to Zhao Yunlan, "You better step back a bit."

The cold snow flakes wet Zhao Yunlan's cigarette butt. He took out a tissue from his pocket, wrapped the cigarette **** and soot, tucked it into the pocket in an environmentally friendly manner, and retreated out of the war circle according to Daqing's words. He went straight around the others, walked under the Great God's Tree, and stretched out his hand on the cold, dry trunk.

I do n’t know how tall the big sacred tree is, but the big roots exposed from the ground have reached Zhao Yunlan's chest. It is like a **** entangled here.

虽然 "Although I don't know anything," Zhao Yunlan said, "but do you recognize me?"

When he was thinking like this, suddenly, from his finger joints, a small, tender green bud sprouted from the trunk of the Great Shenmu, which slowly pulled out a slender, hair-like stem and entangled it gently. His fingers.

云 Zhao Yunlan touched the miniature mountaineering bag he carried, and smiled gently: "Then I will try it first."

At this time, the ghost face stretched out his hand, and the huge soul-refining tripod was held in the hands of the ghost-face's hands that seemed to cover the sky. Against the pale fingers, a stream of gray-black things surged in the soul-treat tripod. move.

"The ancient tree of merit-the body that is not alive and dead." Zhao Yunlan heard the ghost face whisper and said, "Let the Lord know what the merit pen is?"

云 Zhao Yunlan turned around, leaning back on the big **** tree, and raised his face to the ghost's face from a distance: "You speak and listen."

"Before the Yanhuang battle against Chiyou, there was a division of the gods. In order to establish order, the two emperors Fuxi and the Ninth Emperor went to Kunlun Mountain to discuss a branch of the Great God's Tree. , Who inserted the **** tree in a place of great disrespect ... "

Killing the soul and breaking off, "Stop!"

He suddenly flew into the bottomless black gas, and the soul-cutting sword extended indefinitely in his hand. Like the legendary Dinghaishen needle at that time, only the knife handle was still less than two inches for people to hold and bear the weight of this kilogram.

The tip of the Soul Sword seems to have touched the sky, and the thunderous situation was stirred up by him, and a thunder fell, which made people have the illusion that he had smashed the sky into a hole—God thunder straight against the top of the ghost's head .

The ghost face laughed loudly, and he just lifted his head, opened his mouth to catch the **** thunder, swallowed it in his stomach, and the Soul-Cleaving Knife immediately fell down. With the position of the Spirit Soul Ding in the hands of the ghost face, he cut all the way to his chest. Severe winds rolled up everywhere, large pieces of crushed ice flew around, and large swarms of monsters rushed over, in a black sand and a dark sky, fighting indiscriminately with the gods and ghosts on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

It took Zhao Yunlan a long time to stand firm, and he sat on the root of the sacred tree, and he was fine in a mess, and he lit a cigarette, and finally realized in his heart that the embarrassment of the soul-stealer-Ghost Noodle would not take him When he is an enemy, other people do not take him as an ally-this is the true level of the two of them. Last time under the cone of the mountain and river, if it was not for the mercy of the ghosts, it was definitely not so easy to end.

At that time, Ghost Noodle didn't seem to want to seriously fight with Soul Slayer.

"Great disrespect?" Zhao Yunlan repeated it lowly, and the ghost's face seemed to make clear what had been puzzled in his heart-the legend says that there are three corpses, which refers to people's "greed, mischief, and infatuation", and that The book says that the three corpses of the human body were obtained from the soil, so "the place of great disrespect" is likely to refer to the source of the so-called "greedy idiot".

I saw the ghost rising from the sky, avoiding the Soul-Cleaving Sword, and the whole Kunlun Mountain trembled when he landed. He continued: "The mercy of the **** tree, first died, then took root, and grew into a legendary ancient tree of merit in later generations. After Chi You had a war ... ''

"Shut up! Shut up!" The Soul-Cut Sword cut across. Zhao Yunlan could hardly see where Shen Wei was. He couldn't even imagine how he could swing the knife nearly 100 meters away.

The sword was slashed, and the ghost's voice broke again. His figure suddenly shrank. Just when it shrank to half of the height, the soul-slicing sword swept over his head. Countless sounds came from all directions, calling out its name.

I centered on refining the soul, and endless endless beasts emerged endlessly.

云 Zhao Yunlan looked at the direction of Lianhun Ding, neither looking righteous nor excited, even when he suddenly noticed that someone was behind him, he did not turn back.

But Daqing was not so calm. He suddenly rushed down from the tree. His hand was a short knife with a big slap, hidden in his palm like a cat's claw, and stunned toward the approaching person.

As soon as Ghost Nian raised his hand, he was stabbed by a black cat. His wrist was made of steel, and he uttered a light sound. He bounced Daqing's blade to the side, and Ghost Nian turned his hand to make a claw to grab Daqing's neck. Sensitive and abnormal, he turned over two heels in a row, jumped onto the branches of the Great Shenmu, kept the motion of kneeling, and stared at him with a stare.

"You have to look at the master to fight the cat," Zhao Yunlan said before, and then he paused, turned his head slowly, narrowed the smile on his face, and looked at the ghost's face lightly, then suddenly chuckled. "But it's just relying on a shoulder on my shoulder, so that you can mix on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Do you really think this is your place?"

句话 This sentence seems to be more effective than the gun Lin bullet rain, only to stop the steps of the arrogant ghost face, standing carefully three meters away behind him, did not dare to go forward.

Shen Wei, who hurriedly hurried to hear such a word, was stunned.

"After the battle between Yan Huang and Chi You, the three emperors couldn't bear it. They asked for the heavenly path, and then they cut out a merit pen with merit and ancient wood. All things have spirits, and they remember all the lives and wrongs." Zhao Yunlan said in an unhurried tone, He looked directly at the mask of the ghost, and slowly spit out a ring of smoke. "Later, the merit pen was one of the four saints, and when the son-in-law made up the sky, he sealed the four pillars formed by the eldest son's four feet. , The river cone fell into the ground, merit pen ... "

云 Zhao Yunlan gently touched the corner of his mouth and turned his eyes to one side: "The merit pen has been turned into tens of millions of debris and fell on all living beings in the world-isn't it, Master Judge?"

A figure hidden behind the Great God's Tree slowly paced out, kneeling on the ground with one knee softly, five bodies cast into the ground, and tremblingly said, "Many people have concealed it, and they are compelled to do so, Kunlun Jun atonement."

Zhao Yunlan's eyes glanced at him. He fluttered without staying, but sighed with a smile: "Probably the judge is so good-hearted that he is not good at doing such foolish things-I tell you, cheat People, to achieve nine falsehoods and one trueness, like the mouthful of nonsense you told me last night, it is too easy to be seen through. Three souls and seven souls came along with the son-in-law to make people. Fragments can also hold the same spirit? I want to take a merit pen from everyone? I'm afraid I can't do it, I don't think you can do it, what do you say? I am afraid that more than half of the people present today Did you be deceived by the words "the world is born"? "

The judge was like a sieve.

At this moment, the soul-hunting ding Ding, which was contended by people like a fortress, suddenly shook, and then the entire Kunlun Mountain, and the large sacred tree behind Zhao Yunlan suddenly burst out countless new shoots, and the dead branches rang out, and then, Where sparse water came out of the dead branches where the snow was caught.

The man leaned lazily on the trunk and didn't seem to take such a big movement into his heart. He even added a sentence in the gap after the shock: "Since the merit pen is my Kunlun thing, why don't you take it Where is the owner? "

The face on the ghost mask was involuntarily distorted. Zhao Yunlan's eyes were half open, and then he used a paper towel wet with snow. Then he played the soot and threw a bomb: "Don't mess with me, I know what you look like. kind."

I felt that the person beside me was suddenly stiff, and Zhao Yunlan lowered his voice slightly again, as if to explain something, saying, "Every aspect is false, isn't it that I can't even tell people?"

Soul cutting did not have time to speak. The Kunlun Mountain suddenly rolled up a strong wind, which was even more fierce than when they were fighting. Daqing, who was sitting on the tree, almost went straight down. He immediately turned into a black cat, using his claws tightly. Pick up the trunk. The soul-slayer and the ghost-faced person are okay. Zhao Yunlan leaned against the wind to avoid the wind, while the others were all upset.

The inquisitor kept a kneeling posture and fell a dog and mud, and those who were fighting were vacated and pressed down by the students, and they were dug up and dug up, and dozens of ghost animals were caught in the air. , Stirred into the whirlpool, as if swallowing all together.

Amidst the whirlpool, a large pen's shadow looming, is a merit pen!

Ji Lian Soul Ding collapsed in a split second, and the merit pen reappeared on earth.

However, Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and Ghost Face did not move anywhere, just like the great merit pen that everyone had cut their heads to, and suddenly nothing to do with them.

The ghost face suddenly asked: "Since ... Shan Shengzhi will be here, why not ask?"

云 Zhao Yunlan successfully maintained his pretentious expression in the strong winds where the battle was unstable. He said meaningfully, "I am afraid that someone is waiting to collect the profit."

A judge with a large bag on his **** bowed his head and did not dare to say anything.

The sigh sighed, "You have the kindness of borrowing fire from us, I really don't want to do that."

After he finished speaking, he whistled, and the beasts of numbing hearts came out from the ground, encircling them in the center, and Soul Slayer immediately stood beside Zhao Yunlan, pressing his hand on the hilt.

"Oh." Zhao Yunlan said coldly, "It turned out to be a bug on my tree."

He finished speaking, and suddenly something was sprinkled in his hand, like a thick sulfuric acid in the ground, and the beast on the ground was sending out human-like, sharp screams, and the judge's face was pale, almost no matter what Will not be blown away by the strong wind, and quickly retreat to one side, while retreating, saying, "Five black soup, yes, five black soup ..."

Five black soups are made from the blood of black dogs, black cats, black donkeys, black pigs, and black-bone chickens. It is necessary to be born when the moon is cloudy. The body does not have half a hair and black heart and black belly. It is nothing. Valuables, but they happen to be rare, are the secret recipe for restraining the Yin people under the spring.

It goes without saying to whom this thing was originally prepared.

Who knew that they could not let go of each other, and had not had time to start doing it. At this moment, the merit pen suddenly shrank, and the flashlight flew across the Great God's Tree, and when everyone did not react, it was so straightforward. Into the Great God's Wood.

Everyone froze for a moment. Unexpectedly, the ghost turned his sleeves and flew the judge straight away, and then immediately reached into the Great God's Tree to grab, Zhao Yunlan instinctively held his hand.

The ghost's arm was so stiff, Zhao Yunlan felt that his wrist was hit **** an iron plate, without having to open his sleeve to look, it must have been blue.

However, he did not show up, and for some reason, the ghost face did not dare to bump into him, changed his hand and changed his approach, and inserted / entered the big **** tree from Zhao Yunlan's side.

He only heard a sharp rubbing sound that made people feel sour, and Ghost's hand was bounced back mercilessly by Da Shenmu. He was too hard, and the iron-like nails were folded in two, and black blood poured out.

Zhao Yunlan retracted his hand into the pocket / into the pocket, it seemed like an early look, and smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'm afraid your hand might stop you.

The ghost faces clattered, turned and turned into a dark mist, disappeared, but the beast was not taken away by him, still swarming towards Zhao Yunlan, all of them were beaten by a soul-slicing sword three feet away. .

Until then, Zhao Yunlan breathed a sigh of relief and revealed a sly smile. Then, he tentatively reached out and touched the trunk of the Great Shenmu, feeling that there seemed to be a gravitational force that was pulling him in.

Yun is really a good tree, Zhao Yunlan thought in surprise.

"You ..." The hood on Shen Wei's head was blown off by the wind when the merit pen was born, and a mass of black gas on his body had been blown away, revealing the familiar face of Zhao Yunlan. His expression was extremely complicated, it seemed It was anticipation, worry, and a little careful tension, "You all remember?"

"Of course it was even guessing and talking nonsense, you two groups of goods, even this one can believe." Zhao Yunlan winked at him, shook his wrist vigorously, "Oh, I go, it hurts me to hit The kid on the ghost face is really a Vajra gourd. "

Wu Shenwei: "..."

He felt a heart raised to his throat, and was pushed back from his throat into his belly, which hurt his chest.

"Stop them for me. It seems that Dashenmu is calling me. I have to take a trip. It's even better to be able to fool me with merit pens." Zhao Yunlan said, digging into Dashenmu, his body was half in, and again Thinking of something, I turned back to Shen Wei and said, "Let's go back to the lights and stay the door, love you."

After speaking, his figure had disappeared into the Great God Tree.