MTL - Guardian-Chapter 24 Mountain River Cone IV

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In the end, Shen Wei finally searched the corner of the small cabinet on the refrigerator after a carpet search, and found a packet of instant egg soup that was not expired. This is the only thing in Zhao Yunlan ’s kennel except hot water and medicine. Eat something.

云 Zhao Yunlan didn't know when the smoke would come out again. He squinted his eyes and leaned on the bedside to watch him busy. There was a little smirk on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know what to fill in his brain.

Shen Wei strode over, pulling his cigarette **** out of his mouth with a calm face, annihilating it directly in the ashtray, and then put the cooked egg flower soup on his bedside table: "Drink."

云 Zhao Yunlan blinked, raised the bowl silently, and groaned while drinking—Ms. Shen and Yan Yue were even robbed by someone on the street, and she was fierce with him.

He spent a moment, thinking about the underlying reason, thinking that in the final analysis, it was because he was more handsome, that Shen Wei looked after him.

Xu Shenwei couldn't imagine how busy the person sitting in front of him was, and he didn't even want to waste the effort of drinking a sip, and secretly was busy narcissistic again.

He just looked at Zhao Yunlan's house, which was becoming more and more unpleasant. He didn't know how people would live here, even if he was a criminal who had committed a felony and imprisoned. What made it so hungry?

He glanced down at Zhao Yunlan, suspecting that even if he died, no one would collect him.

Zhao Yunlan only listened to the other party's silence for a moment, and suddenly he couldn't reach the village and then he didn't go to the shop and said, "Police Officer Zhao is no longer young, and it is considered a successful career. Better."

云 Zhao Yunlan stopped the egg flower soup with excessive MSG on the spot, and almost coughed the lungs into twists.

Xun Shenwei's hand twitched nervously, then he put his hand down, hid it beside his side, and clenched his fist tightly.

Zhao Yunlan didn't expect his opponent to play the cards so irregularly, which made him wonder what he should do. After a while, he figured out a solution and left the bowl on the nightstand, determined to retreat and use Look at the bitter plan.

"You won't tell me, you didn't see that I was chasing you, right?" Zhao Yunlan paused deliberately for a while, slowed down, and said gently, he slowly raised his head to look at Shen Wei, eyes Smooth over the other's face, and finally fell on his taut body.

From Shen Wei's point of view, he seemed to drop his eyes in disappointment. The person who originally seemed to have three points was immediately very depressed.

Shen Wei felt that the tenderest piece of meat on his heart seemed to be stung by someone.

Zhao Yunlan Yu Guang glanced at his reaction, he felt disappointed, but his face still looked sad. He raised the corner of his mouth with a smile, and waved Shen Wei weakly: "That's it, thank you today, I'm fine, You go. "

Zhao Yunlan is ready for Shen Wei. If he comes over, he will jump up and hug him, and choose the best set of lines for this. I did not expect Shen Wei to speak for a while, I do n’t know how long, long When he couldn't help but want to take a peek at Shen Wei's reaction, the other person said with a dumb voice, "Then I ... then take a good rest."

After I said, he really ran away without looking back.

Zhao Yunlan: "..."

what's the situation! Is n’t the way to open your mouth today?

Zhao Yunlan stunned for a long time, leaning heavily on the pillow on the bedside, he didn't know what language to use to describe the mood at the moment, and finally he faintly pulled out a perpetual calendar from under the nightstand and turned it over. For a long time, I turned to the day and saw the words "Don't Marry and Marry". I finally blamed the words today on the words "unfavorable years".

His breath was as dry as a hoe, and he stuck it firmly in his chest, so that he almost rolled his eyes.

Zhao Yunlan finally no longer played games or surfing the Internet, he simply turned off the lights and turned to sleep.

Near midnight, the street was quiet, most of the lights in the residential area not far away, and the sound of the car downstairs gradually disappeared. Only occasionally, the reflection from somewhere came from the window.

The moment the hour and minute hands coincide, Zhao Yunlan forgot to pick up the watch and there was a sudden beep. Zhao Yunlan, who seemed to fall asleep, opened his eyes instantly.

After a while, the sound of the cripples sounded abruptly in the thick night, as if coming out of thin air and away.

The slamming sound was getting closer and closer, a flat male voice dragging a long ending, and every word was clearly passed into Zhao Yunlan's ear.

The man said in a humble mourn, "Yincha opens the way, the soul retreats--"

Followed by three "da da da" sounds.

云 The curtains that Zhao Yunlan didn't open for a day automatically separated to both sides, exposing the frozen window, a little faint white light from the gap, and stopped quietly outside the window.

云 Zhao Yunlan sat up, folded her placket, and exclaimed, "Come in."

The lock on the window "Gada" clicked, and then slowly opened, a cold wind mixed with the smell of crickets rushed towards the face, Zhao Yunlan's exposed skin immediately became a layer of goose bumps.

A black shadow carrying a white lantern floated out of his window on the 16th floor.

The "human" is also a piece of paper. The real person is tall and short. A face painted by a white wall is gray, and his head is raised with a pair of dull eyes drawn. A blood basin is grinned on the cheeks, which is sufficient and bright. Lao Wu of Road No. 4 came for the beauty pageant.

Zhao Yunlan took a small ceramic basin from the small drawer at the bottom of the bedside table, and then took out the paper money and incense from the side, and inserted / incense into the groove on the mouth of the small basin. Both of them were nodded, so he nodded at the other side. Greetings: "No respect-is it important for the overcast adult to take this trip?"

The blood-stained mouth of the paper-setters stiffened a bit, as a grateful acceptance of bribes.

Most of the high men in the world have their eyes higher than the top, and never put the poor people in the local government in their eyes. No one can make the Lord better than this town soul. Even if he forgets the seriousness of the Lord, he will not forget " That's trivial. "

The paper man bent his hands and bowed down respectfully, saying respectfully: "Last time when the hungry ghost fled, Yan Luo was furious. He ordered a thorough investigation of the Three Realms, verified the living soul, the dead, and the soul of sin, and registered them in the book. The book of life and death was combined into one, forming a single thing. The villain was driven by the King of the Ten Halls, and he specially sent a copy. "

After the paper man said, he held up a black notebook with both hands and gave it to Zhao Yunlan.

That thing is like an ordinary business book, the cover feels like soft leather, but it is unusually light in the hand, it seems to be just a few pieces of paper.

云 Zhao Yunlan took a few moments, and then snorted with his fingertips. Then he smelled the scent between the pages of the paper: "Fusang paper, the book of life and death and merit record attached to Hailong Mo, and then posted a soul chasing charm, right?

The paper man said without hesitation, "Let the Lord have good eyesight. I don't need a villain to tell him what this thing can do."

"Please enclose the rune with the character's name," Zhao Yunlan said. "Or use a search rune to wrap a hair to trace the person's life and death."

说 He said, flipping through the notebook in his hand, a piece of thin paper suddenly fell out of it: "Well? Wanted?"

It was a blank piece of rice paper. When Zhao Yunlan's hand touched it, the black mist suddenly turned up, and then a person's face was exposed in the black mist. I saw that the person resembled a human figure, his head was big, and he had no hair. The sarcoma is the thing that was cut by the soul.

云 Zhao Yunlan's face remained calm, she just asked, "What's this?"

Yinchao said, "This thing looks like a human being, but it's called a beast. It can spit out words, but its temperament is violent and cruel. It is a pleasure to eat people and drink souls. It is fearful of light and fire. Just kill it. "

You animal ...

Yinchao Linlin always said a bunch, but did not mention the place where this thing came from, what it was in essence, but also because of what was going to be killed. Somehow, Zhao Yunlan thought that it was "like people but not people." Particularly subtle.

His eyes moved, and he naturally clipped the Wanted Animals Wanted into a black notebook, and added a handful of paper money to the porcelain basin, saying with a smile: "There is work."

The paper man yin bowed to him, and the flame in the porcelain pot ignited Lao Gao, and instantly burned the paper money to ash. The roll of the yin chan sleeve rolled the paper ash cleanly and said, "Satisfiedly, The villain retired. "

The white paper lantern flickered a few times, and the paper man disappeared in place. Before leaving, he also politely locked the windows and closed the curtains.

Soul Slayer, the Four Saints, the beast ... and the "master" behind him, Zhao Yunlan was lying on his back on the bed, the quilt was cold, he couldn't sleep for a while, and left the trivial matter of eating from Shen Wei aside. The ground flashed a lot of thoughts, and the night was getting darker, and his thoughts deepened, and Zhao Yunlan suddenly had an ominous hunch.

Zhao Yunlan didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and felt uncomfortable in the middle of the night. He got up and took a medicine again. He had a long-term irregular life and was not cold. For a long time, he had chronic gastritis and mild ulcers. Come and toss him.

So when the doorbell rang at seven o'clock in the morning, Zhao Yunlan, who had just been asleep for a while, was in a state of rabid dogs.

The rabid dog, as the name suggests, is that the six relatives did not recognize him, who caught him and who bit him. Zhao Yunlan got out of bed difficultly, his joints beeped loudly, I wonder if it was lying for a long time, and he was sore. In the process of moving slowly, Zhao Yunlan had already People outside the door tortured one after another in this way.

However, when he opened the door, he found Shen Wei standing with a few big bags in his hands.

Zhao Yunlan waited for two seconds before reacting, and quickly retracted the expression that was about to eat people, and replaced it with a theme of "welcoming the New Year". Unfortunately, his mind was not clear, and the flexible expression was slowed down by half a beat. , Shengsheng card is between "eat people" and "new year", if you have to describe ...

Probably subtly fits the theme of "nian beast".

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