MTL - Great Tang Idyll-v4 Chapter 971 Hard to come when you are busy

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When the leaves were yellow and the Duhai Dudufu even floated a light snow, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao came down with the younger brother and sister at the railway station in Luoyang.

There are more than 2,000 support personnel to follow. As for other people, some of them stay in Luzhou for rest, and some continue to take the train back to Beijing.

The people who brought back the tribe were also temporarily arranged to Luzhou, where they learned the culture of Datang and the skills of various jobs. These people Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao did not intend to arrange them for mining, or they were dangerous. Live.

Instead, I want to use them for a period of time to learn the things of Datang, and wait a few months for the end of the war against the multi-eaters, to draw qualified people from them and send them back to their original places.

When you send it back, you will be provided with various kinds of help, so that they can live in the original place very comfortable, and there is also the protection of force.

Their task is to do business there, to help those who are there to work in Datang. The later people are not treated with them. The work is tired and dangerous, but the work is much more.

A few times back and forth, if the local economy there is not developing, those who come to work directly can shock the local culture.

After all, it is not always possible to use force to solve problems. Force is only the guarantee of other means. Politics and economy are the most important.


Now Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao took the little guys off the Luoyang because they got the information of Hongnong County.

The people in the old Liushu Village did not send a telegram to Xiaobei for help, but there were two kings in the county town. When they landed in Luzhou, naturally there was news.

The situation in Hongnong County has finally proved the situation that Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao had talked about before. The two wanted to see for themselves, what kind of influence the local administration of a Liuyan had on the local government.

Beckham thought about the good luck at home, and wanted to go to the old Willow Village. Finally, they finally made up their minds to follow their brother and sister to Hongnong.

In order not to be known by the locals. The team was nocturnal, and spent four days, which arrived at the place and spread out.

Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Hao went to a mountain with a team of hundreds of people to camp, that is, the mountain with coal, and even far away saw Tong Hui with 100 people working, of course. Tong Hui did not find that there are hundreds of people in the depths of the mountains.

Back to Datang, Xiaobei nine people are very relaxed. I feel comfortable even if I am on the road, at least better than going outside.

Early this morning, they found a hidden place, looking down with a telescope and watching other people's labor.

"This is the Tong Hui said in the intelligence? It is very interesting. For more than two months, I was able to work there with people. In the intelligence, Liu Yan is going crazy, but I can't find a good way. Tong Hui It's really good."

Beckham praised, Xiaoyuan and others followed and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

The information has already been introduced clearly. Liu Yan wants to open a breakthrough from other places, let Tong Hui find someone to dig the river, or the money that Liu Yan temporarily puts.

Tong Hui really brought people to work. Instead of dig the river directly, I first cleaned up the other tributaries. Not only did it do this, but also cleaned up a large vegetable field in the surrounding area during the free time. The cabbage grown in it is now in October. It was just in late July, and it didn’t delay.

In the intelligence, Liu Yan came to see it and found it. It was fooled by Tong Hui, and then the other people in the county cooperated with Tong Hui. Every day, she found a lot of things for Liu Yan.

Since Liu Yan had come here once in half a month, he couldn’t get away from it anymore. Every day from the morning, there was something to do. I have been busy until the evening, and all kinds of wonderful cases have.

For example, the chicken of the Wang family was taken to the river by the dog of Li's family on the bridge, drowning six, the Wang family confessed to Li, let his family pay for the chicken, Liu Yan sentenced, let Li Jia pay the chicken, The chicken is returned to the Li family.

In the afternoon, Li Jia came and said that he found a problem in his family. When his chicken was scattered, two chickens always lay eggs in one place. This was the case before, but I have never found out that the children who have just left school are talking about The egg was actually given to the nest by an old hen of the Wang family.

So, did the chickens that used to be the king’s family give their eggs to their nests?

When I asked Wang Jiayi, the Wang family admitted that his family did have more chickens in the first two months. According to Li’s statement, it is estimated that his family’s eggs were hatched by his own chicken.

However, the chicken that was smashed down by Li’s dog was Li’s, because the family did not use the eggs for hatching, but sold the money.

So Li did not do it. My dog ​​gave his family a chicken down the river. Why did my family pay for it? The Wang family said that it was my raise, and I also thought about it, and I also fed the feed.

Li said that I have not let you raise it. My family's eggs can also be hatched by myself. I will feed you, and you will pay back your family's money.

The Wang family said that I still missed the time. I don’t count the money when I work.

A simple case has become another situation. Liu Yan is stupid. How can this be? I have checked many previous cases, as well as Datang's law, and found that if it is judged well, it needs to be layer by layer, and each family has responsibility.

Finally, the two families were satisfied. The government also lost some money, because there is no guardrail on the bridge. The chicken is dead chicken. If the person falls, it may also die. Therefore, the government has certain responsibilities.

After a case was over, Liu Yan spent three days, and then there were other cases, each of which was wrapped around.

In this way, Tong Hui, who works at the foot of the mountain with coal, is relaxed. It is no longer interfered by Tong Hui. The tributaries are cleaned up well. The growth of cabbage is also very good. If it is cold and cold this year, you can cut it down. have eaten.

He didn't know that someone was watching him in the nearby mountains, and he didn't know that the people who saw him were very good at him.

Still busy cleaning up the river, using the money given by Tong Hui to buy a lot of lime, looking for ant holes in the river, especially under the tree, if you find a few, dig a few times, sprinkle the lime, so as not to have a big water next year. The danger of piping is occurring.

"Go, go back and make a look, go look." Xiaobei wants to talk to Tong Hui.

Xiaoyuan said: "After disguise, you can't go straight. Let's find someone to go to the old Liushu Village and call the children in their village. We will mix in, otherwise people will see our nine children in the past, or four boys and five. A female doll, what is the first thought?"

"It’s the Datang patrol. Well, listen to you. Let the children of the old Liushu Village take a day off the school, and hurry up. There is still a distance from the old Liushu Village. You have to hurry.”

Xiaobei agreed with Xiaoyuan’s idea, and immediately found someone to circle and ride the horse to inform the people in Liushu Village.

In the afternoon, the children of the old Willow Village came, sitting in the carriage, wearing the same clothes, one by one very excited, eyes looked around, as if looking for something.

Liu Feifei also followed a few children to take the same clothes, his face full of expectations.

Tong Hui is very puzzled. What happened today? Children in the old Willow Village do not attend class? Run here to play? Put down the **** in the hand, meet the front, and say hello to the old village: "Old Liu, today think of taking the dolls to see us work? You can rest assured that we will not listen to him, and now the people in the door dragged him. He can't get through, when he can come, the day is colder, and it is not suitable for work.

When the winter is over, the spring is coming, and it is the spring ploughing thing. It is impossible to dig the river exclusively for the spring ploughing. If the spring ploughing is finished, think of another way. Anyway, it will not make him succeed. ”

The old village said with a smile: "The right pair can't make him succeed. I originally planned to use the identity of Feifei to find an excuse after the spring ploughing next year. It just doesn't seem to be used. You work first, I bring the children. Go strolling up the mountain and touch some snails to eat."

The old village was talking, and he walked away with his hand. After a little half an hour, he came back with a bunch of children. The children were red and smacked from time to time. From time to time, they looked at several places in the crowd. Talking and laughing, jumping and jumping.

The hands are indeed pocketed, and the children can be quickly completed for the children of the old Willow Village. There are some river snails in the pocket, and when you say it will be peeled off, simmer with water, then mix and eat, and drink some wine.

Tong Hui was very happy to see the happy children. Just about to say a few words, suddenly looked at the porridge on the way through the brow, biting his teeth and said: "So busy, I still have to forget to come and see, admire, I really admire."

The old village is watching the past, snorting, saying: "You don't have to worry about children today. If you want to say anything, say anything, do it with him. You can rest assured that he can't clean you up." (Welcome to your support, that is My biggest motivation.) 2k novel reading network

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