MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1176 wolf cub

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  Chapter 1176 Wolf Cub

   Jia Ping'an turned around after walking for a while, and saw Li Xian entering the palace accompanied by his servant.

   "He entered the palace at this time..."

  At this sensitive moment, the princes who have left the palace to build a mansion stay far away and dare not get involved.

  Jia Pingan asked Bao Dong, "Recently, King Pei often enters the palace?"

   "I will go to the palace every few days."

  A while ago the crown prince went to Zhongnan Mountain, King Pei often entered the palace...



   Li Xian said with concern: "Is Aye feeling better?"

  The emperor smiled, "It's much better."

  Li Xian sat down, "I searched outside for a long time, found more than ten doctors, and tried them one by one..."

  He pointed to his head, "Someone said that acupuncture can cure, so I asked him to get a few needles, but it didn't feel good..."

   "Don't try these things indiscriminately."

  The emperor's eyes became warmer, "Sun Simiao just gave me a diagnosis and treatment the day before yesterday, and he said that he is quite stable. There is no need to worry."

   "Yes." Li Xian said happily: "Is it true?"

  Although Li Zhi couldn't see clearly, he felt his excitement and said with a smile: "Naturally it is true."

  He thought of Jia Ping'an.

   It was Jia Ping'an who took the initiative to keep Sun Simiao in Chang'an...

   "I think about Aye every day outside the palace, worry about Aye's condition, and even more worried that someone will deceive Aye..."

  The emperor looked at the void calmly.

   "Aye's eyes are not very good. I am most worried that someone will use this to fool Aye, and there will be collusion with outsiders... Aye, I heard outside... that there are people who are colluding with outsiders to murder Aye..."

  The emperor looked down at him slightly, "I see."

   Li Xian stood up, "I'm going to see the prince."

  The emperor nodded silently.

  The figure disappeared outside the hall, Wang Zhongliang turned around, and saw the emperor smiling.

   "The widow!"

  Your Majesty, this is... Could it be that you have lost your head?

  The widow is the name of the year of the monkey.

  Wang Zhongliang glanced at the place where he often kneeled, but didn't dare to ask.


"read more books."

  The prince’s only request to Li Xian is this, "I heard that you like cockfighting? Don't do this, let's not talk about playing with things, you will be biased."

  Li Xian responded with a smile, "Yes. By the way, last time you went to Zhongnan Mountain but didn't tell me."

  Prince smiled and said, "Why tell you?"

   Li Xian stared, "I'll go with you."

  The prince smiled, "There is snow everywhere in Zhongnan Mountain, your body can't bear it."

  The two chatted and laughed again, the prince gave Li Xian some gifts, and then left.

   Lee Hyun ended up going to the queen.

   "How is Fuchu?"

   "Everything is fine in the Fuchu."

  When I was here, the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

  Shaopeng felt it.

  After Li Xian left, Shao Peng said: "Queen, Prince Pei is a little cold."

  Empress Wu chuckled, but in Shao Peng's ears it was ridicule.

   "The wolf raises a child, the child grows up gradually, and when he can hunt alone, he will be separated from his parents..."

  Shao Peng secretly sighed.


  Eight prime ministers sat at a table, and Jia Pingan went to pay his respects.

   "I think this matter should be shelved."

   "Shelving? This is a big deal, and you will bear the consequences of shelving?"

very messy.

  Jia Pingan felt that this situation would collapse sooner or later.

   Then the emperor came forward to clean up the mess.

  The court is in a mess, and the Ministry of War is not worried, and there are corrupt criminals.

   "Corrupted more than 3,000 yuan."

   This little official in charge of the canteen of the Ministry of Military Affairs has been running it for many years. He was greedy every day, and he was greedy for more than 3,000 yuan in more than ten years.

"Nothing is unachievable!"

   Jia Pingan sighed.

  For Jia Ping'an's failure to be the prime minister, Wu Kui was heartbroken and disappointed.

   "Duke, the court is in a mess, it's very troublesome!"

  After going to the court to discuss matters, Wu Kui felt that the day had not passed.

   "Arguing about one thing is always arguing and procrastinating."

   This is overstaffing, and Master Jia has seen too much.

   "What is His Majesty thinking?"


   "The eight prime ministers..."

  Wang Shun thinks this is really weird.

   Cui Chen, who rushed back to Chang'an, looked a lot older and more hostile.

"This is the result of a secret fight between the empress and the empress. The two groups stand on their own side. When encountering a problem, they naturally have to compete and take pride in overpowering the opponent." Cui Chen sneered, "When will the empress do it? I just want to see The army bloodbathed Chang'an and the palace."

  Lu Shungui said lightly: "After the bloodbath in Chang'an, no matter who has the upper hand, the emperor and empress will definitely win over the gentry, so that the gentry can re-accept hermits and walk up to the shrine step by step."

Cui Chen glanced at him, "Who is willing to give in in the power struggle? The emperor has been ill for many years and can't take things seriously, so he can only push the prince to fight with the queen, but the prince went to Zhongnan Mountain, making it clear that he didn't want to get involved in the empress's conflict." The emperor can only go into battle shirtless...this battle...I am optimistic about the queen."

   "Don't forget the queen's younger brother!"

  Wang Shun's eyes were full of hatred, "If the queen has the upper hand... then Jia Ping'an will probably get worse."

Cui Chen sneered and said, "You don't know that Jia Ping'an was originally chosen as prime minister this time, but this person declined. What's his intention? He just doesn't want to take risks for the queen. This kind of villain, once the queen takes the position, first of all He is the one who cleans up!"

  Lu Shungui was taken aback, "Really?"

  Cui Chen said confidently: "People from the Cui family found out the news, and Li Jin strongly recommended it. The emperor couldn't refuse, but Jia Pingan refused on the grounds that he was unwell."

  Lu Shungui was also surprised this time.

  Wang Shun said: "By the way, can you wait for the family to sell the land?"

  Cui Chen nodded, "There are quite a few people who want to buy, but we have to look again and hope the price can be higher."



   Jia Ping'an is already in the palace.

   "The gentry are now selling their land, and the price is so high that I think it should be suppressed."

  The emperor asked: "What do you mean?"

   "The minister is thinking about whether the household department can buy the land at a low price, and then cultivate it and distribute it to Dingkou one after another."

  Datang has more and more people who need to allocate fields every year, but there are only so many fields, and the extra people either emigrate, or have no land to grow and go to do other things.

  The characteristics of the farming society, once the distributable land is lost, it is the beginning of the decline of the dynasty.


  The emperor simply agreed to the matter.

   Watching Jia Pingan go out, the emperor asked, "What is Jia Pingan doing recently?"

  Wang Zhongliang said: "Mr. Zhao Guo goes to the Ministry of War every day...mainly to see the news about Dashi. Then he goes to various places...just...just..."

  He skipped this place, "Most of them are at home, and it is said that they are really repairing books."

  The emperor was silent.



  The gentry is selling land.

   It can’t be done without selling it. The value of uncultivated land will depreciate, and the longer it is left uncultivated, the more it will depreciate.

  There are not many buyers.

   "A lot of hidden households have been cleaned up. What are they buying fields for? The price will be lowered."

   "But you can hire tenant farmers to farm."

   "How much money can I earn a year from farming?"

   Maximizing the interests is the instinct of all capitals, for which they can abandon their homeland.

  For example, at the end of the explanation, the wealthy merchants continued to transport materials out of the customs, and they also continued to transport various information about Daming, which made great contributions to the collapse of Daming.

  A large amount of land was sold in Chang'an.

  There are shops in Dongxi City with the sign of "land sale".

  Every day, people go in to negotiate, and there are disputes from time to time.

   "Two thousand acres, are you sure?"


   "Okay, I sold it to you."

  A deal is concluded, and the two parties are ready to sign a contract.

  Wang Shun is not far away.

"Selling the land, the family will accumulate countless money, and the only way out of this money is to do business. Buying some shops in the Dongxi market, and renting them out can also earn a lot of income every year. In addition, you can also lend, and you can make more money by lending... But the family said, if you want Blossoms everywhere, if one way fails, then go another way, we have enough capital, we can afford to lose!"

  Cui Chen nodded, "The Cui family also thinks so. The Boling Cui family has agreed to join forces, and the two sides will make a move together. The first is to lend money. This is the easiest, and you are not afraid of reneging on debts..."

  Wang Shun said with a smile: "There are many officials in our family, who dares to default? This is the best backstage for lending."

   "In addition... the rental price of Chang'an stores has increased over the years..."

   "Go to Prairie Trade."

  Wang Shun smiled wryly, "Do you know how many people are staring at the shops in Dongxishi? The hidden households are gone, where are they going to make money? These people also thought of buying a shop for lease."

   Cui Chen was surprised, "There is also an arrangement among the grassland traders. First go to explore the road, and if it fails, go to the Western Regions. That road is riskier, but it is more profitable."

   "Going to sea!"

   "Going to sea...the sea is rough and the omens are unpredictable, and we will wait until these fleets return."

  The two exchanged ideas about the way out of each other's families, and just wanted to find a place to drink.


  Cui Chen's followers hurried over.

   "What is it?"

   "Just now there was news from the household department that a large amount of good land was found in the south. It is said that it will be fertile land after some renovation. There are countless..."

  At this moment, many places in the south are still in a wild state, and beasts are rampant.

   "Good land?"

  Cui Chen stomped, "Not good!"

  Wang Shun also thought, "Our field!"

   "Fine land found in the south!"

   "A lot of fertile land!"

  The city magistrate came to refute the rumors in person... No, he came forward to confirm it in person.

"The Khitan and Xi people have reclaimed a large piece of fertile land, and the boundless land is still very fertile, waiting for people to reclaim and plant it... The Ministry of Household Affairs said that the climate in the south is suitable for farming, the land is fertile, and the output is far more than that in the north... "

  A great treasure has been found.

   "The old man in the field is gone!"

   "The agreed two thousand acres, why do you go back on your word?"

"If you don't sign a contract, it's considered repentance? Don't, don't. If I have that money, I might as well go to the south to buy land and send my family's children to preside over it. The government doesn't allow hermits, so can't we get prisoners? The rules are dead Yes, man is alive."

  Cui Chen shook his body.

   "Not good!"

Wang Shun gritted his teeth and said: "The Ministry of Households released the news at this time with bad intentions. Is Dou Dexuan determined to fight against my gentry? I still remember that the Dou family wanted to marry the Wang family back then. At that time, the Dou family was humble. At this moment But ungrateful!"


   "You have made this old man miserable."

  Dou Dexuan smiled wryly, "As soon as this news comes out, those powerful nobles will hate this old man to the bone."

   "You have to offend some people to be a human being. Is it interesting to be a nice guy?"

  Jia Pingan felt that Dou Dexuan was too timid.

  Dou Dexuan sneered, "But what about the old man's children and grandchildren? Once those people get revenge, there will be no end."

   Jia Ping'an laughed and said: "Your Majesty is going to give your sons and grandchildren a shade...Your Majesty has said that you will not let the courtiers who are dedicated to the Tang Dynasty come to an end, let alone their sons and grandchildren."

  Dou Dexuan sighed: "Your Majesty!"

  He suddenly asked: "Which side do you stand in the dispute in the palace?"

   "I don't stand on either side." Jia Ping'an felt that he was a free-spirited school.

  Dou Dexuan asked: "Aren't you worried that the queen will be thrown into limbo?"

You think too much.

   Jia Ping'an's face was solemn, "Of course I'm worried about this, but I'm even more worried that Datang will decline because of this."

   "Xiao Jia..."

   Dou Dexuan shook his head, "I am not as good as you."

  Jia Pingan is really worried that Datang will decline because of these internal frictions, but you want him to worry that Empress Wu will be thrown into the cold palace...

  He really wasn't worried at all.

   She has been in charge of the country for many years, and she can still ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor, a unparalleled female emperor through the ages.

  A sister like this, he is only worried that the destructive power is too strong.

  Dou Dexuan rubbed his eyes, as if he was really moved, "By the way, should we talk about the discovery of a good place in the north?"

   "It has nothing to do with me."

  Jia Pingan threw the pot away without hesitation.

   Dou Dexuan was out of breath, "You were the one who discovered the fertile land in the north, so how come you have to throw it on the old man's head?"

   Jia Ping'an smiled and said, "The credit is yours."

  Dou Dexuan was angry, "The old man is getting old, what should I do?"

   "Do you want children and grandchildren?"

  Dou Dexuan immediately died down.

He said: "Be careful recently, someone wants to burn Jia's house... You have to know, one person is easy to stop, but how can you stop hundreds of people? You ruined the wealth of those people, ruined the foundation of those rich and powerful, They wish they could eat your flesh and drink your blood."

  The foundation of the great clan is the fields, which can be cultivated every year and earn money every year, for hundreds or even thousands of years. The family owns a large number of fields, which can almost ensure the future glory of the family.

  The hidden family is the lifeblood of countless families. Once the hidden family is gone, no matter how many fields in the family, it will become waste soil and become a burden.

  The foundation and lifeline have been cut off, how crazy will those families be?

  Jia Ping'an has been traveling cautiously since returning to Chang'an.

   "Lang Jun, no one is watching."

  Xu Xiaoyu glanced across the street.

   Followed by a team of hundreds of cavalry.

   This is the emperor's assignment, ordering them to follow and protect Jia Ping'an.

   Wang Er Er fell behind, watching to see if anyone was following him.

  Under such circumstances, if there is still someone who can successfully assassinate, Jia Pingan feels that it is fate.


  Li Shuo's team swept Chang'an this year. The changeable tactics and all kinds of exquisite coordination shocked the Chang'an Mawu world.

   Immediately, Li Shuo became the guest of honor of each family.

   "Aniang, I'm going out."

  Li Shuo changed his clothes and went to ask his mother for instructions.

  Gao Yang was talking to Xincheng, and asked, "Where are you going? With whom?"

   Li Shuo saluted, and glanced at the infant Li He, "The Yang family invited me to go outside the city, saying it was to enjoy the snow. Go with Zhong Fang."

  Gao Yang smiled and said, "Yang's team lost to you last time, do you want to ask for advice?"


"go Go."

  Li Shuo saluted, Xincheng said: "Don't play around outside the city."


  Li Shuo left.


  Jia Pingan returned home and asked, "Is Da Lang back?"

  Wei Wushuang said in surprise, "Da Lang hasn't finished school yet."

   "Who will follow today?"

   Jia Pingan not only has to make sure he is safe, but also keeps an eye on the children.

   "Duan Chuliang and the newcomer Liu Ji."

   With more children, Jia Ping'an's identity is constantly changing, and the Jia family's guarding force is also growing.

   "It's okay, and we need to send more people to go out."

   "I know, husband, who will do it?" Wei Wushuang was not nervous. Years of management experience have allowed her to face all this calmly, which is why Jia Ping'an can go to war with confidence.

   "The gentry don't know how. The gentry clamor fiercely, but they don't have the courage to bear the consequences."

  The emperor knew clearly the **** nature of the gentry, so he dared to touch their foundations.

   "The rich and powerful?"


  Jia Pingan said: "The rich and powerful are greedy, and hermits are their tools to create wealth. Without hermits, they can live comfortably on their salaries, but their desires are hard to fill."

   "But they still have another way, and that is to go to sea to do business, or go to the west to do business. Earning money is no worse than farming."

   "Then what are you worried about?" Su Ho was puzzled.

Wei Wushuang said: "Most of the families have a way out, and they will toss in the business in the future. But there will always be some people who will be upset and feel that they have suffered a big loss, and this big loss is given by His Majesty and Husband... Husband, those people can Ever supported the Queen?"

   Jia Pingan looked at Wei Wushuang and nodded for a long time.

  The queen's supporters suddenly increased a lot, including those families who were dissatisfied with the emperor.

   "Sister did not accept these families."

   Wei Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief.

  If the queen accepts these people, it means that her struggle with the emperor has become life and death.

  Once the situation gets out of control...

"Those families will become angry from embarrassment. His Majesty is in the palace all day and they can't do anything. They can only vent all their anger on the husband. But the husband is a general, and there are many people around him when he goes in and out. Those people can't do anything, so they will be directed at the husband. Family... Suho, you don't go out these days."

   "What am I afraid of?" Su Ho said carelessly, "If I go out, let alone follow three guards, who would dare to do anything?"

   "Don't be afraid in Chang'an City."

  In Chang'an City, there are not only Jinwu Guards, but also those evil young knights.

   "The people are grateful to His Majesty and Husband. If those people make a move in the city, the people will come out with weapons to help the battle if they don't make it right, and then beat them to death with sticks..."

   Wei Wushuang thinks this is not bad.

  Jia Pingan stood up abruptly, "I'll go out for a while."

  He forgot about Li Shuo!

  He brought more than ten riders all the way to Gao Yang.

   "Mr. Xiao Lang left the city earlier."

  Qian Er asked: "But it's not right?"

  Jia Pingan shook his head, "I just asked him about his studies. By the way, it's so cold, why did he leave the city?"

  Qian Er said: "Mr. Xiao Lang led the team to be invincible this year. The Yang family lost several times, so I wanted to ask Mr. Xiao Lang for advice. Today, the Yang family happened to be out of town, so I invited Mr. Xiao Lang to go."

   "Which direction? Where did it say?"

   Jia Pingan said calmly: "The child is still young, and he is afraid of drinking. I will go and see."


  Qian Er thought for a while, "It is said that there is a small lake outside the city, what is it called...Ling Lake."

   Jia Pingan said: "So I'll go and have a look."

  He turned and mounted his horse, "Let's go!"

   More than ten riders followed closely.

   Jia Ping'an ordered: "Tell someone to go back to Baiqi, and bring thirty people out."


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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