MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1129 under the sun

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  Chapter 1129 Under the Sun

  Jia Pingan got up and walked out.

   More than two hundred riders stood in the yard, completely silent.

"Set off!"

  Jia Ping'an walked in the front, with Shen Qiu and Ming Jing behind.

  He was a little excited.

   Completely eradicating the cancer of Guan Long is something he has been looking forward to for a long time.

  With Guan Long gone, there will be a little less conflict within the Tang Dynasty.

  Without Guan Long, a force who frequently used rebellion to overthrow the regime he dissatisfied with, there would be less hostility within the Tang Dynasty.

  He walked ahead, thinking about the pride of the Guanlongmen Clan back then.

  Started from the six towns, and then Yuwentai integrated, established eight pillar countries, twelve generals, and each pillar country controlled two generals... This is the structure of Yuwentai's military system. The top figures of these families come and go, that is to say, these families are in charge of civil and military power.

   At the beginning, everyone in Guanlong was still able to hold together, but after the momentum gradually became stronger, internal conflicts arose.

   "All of these are benefits." Jia Ping'an's gaze has been through hundreds of years, as if he saw the greedy faces of those families fighting for power and wealth.

   Once Yuwentai left, no one in this huge military and political group could suppress it. In order to fight for power and profit, internal disputes continued.

   Until Yang Jian started his career.

  The Yang family was originally from Guanlong, so they were deeply aware of the dangers of the Guanlong clan, so starting from Yang Jian, every generation of emperors has been quietly weakening Guanlong.

  When the Tang Dynasty was established, Li Yuan still continued the methods of his relatives, constantly weakening the power of Guanlong. In fact, at this time, Guan Long no longer has the posture of covering the sky with one hand.

   Immediately, Guanlong's power dispersed, and it could no longer reproduce the glory of the year.

  When it came to the first emperor, the first emperor had his own set of civil and military troops, so Guan Long was further weakened, and it can be said to have declined.

  However, Changsun Wuji integrated a group of forces and successfully took control of the government after the death of the first emperor.

  If Li Zhi is really cowardly, then it is impossible to say that a new force similar to the Guanlongmen Clan will be born.

  With one blow from Li Zhi, the already declining Changsun Wuji Group collapsed.

   Since then, the word Guanlongmen clan has become a word.

  But no one will be willing to withdraw from the stage of history and bid farewell to those powers.

  So they were dying and shot at the prince.

  The emperor fell ill, the prince was frightened...

  The situation will change again.

  If Tubo and Turks can respond positively abroad, it is impossible to say that there will be another troubled world.

  Only in troubled times can heroes emerge!

   Only in troubled times can such a huge power as Guanlong be released.

   But they miscalculated.

   No, Jia Pingan felt that they were in a daze.

  Death struggle is not enough to describe their attack, it is stupid.

  The fact that such stupid people can become the top figures in the remnants of Guanlong shows that this group really should perish.



   "My generation should try their best to reproduce the glory of our father and grandfather!"

  Yang Zhihe's eyeballs were red, "Today, I'm in hibernation for the time being... By the way, Baiqi is investigating this matter?"

  Chen Ji nodded, "Jia Ping'an leads the team."

   "Bitch dog slave!"

  Yang Zhi scolded: "If it succeeds, the first thing Yeye will do is to take his head and hang it outside the city gate, making his wife and daughter prostitutes and ravaging thousands of people!"

  This is the style of the Guanlongmen faction!

   In fact, it can be renamed the Guanlong Warlord.

   "Yes, I will definitely visit then, hahahaha!"

   A group of people were laughing wildly, a black figure stood silently behind, and a group of people also came outside.

   "It's all here."

  The people of Baiqi have been staring at it all the time, "There was a banquet in the previous place, and many guests came, all of whom are the current backbone of Guanlong."

   "Fucking Jian." Jia Pingan cursed, "Now that Guan Long has no real power and no army, what else is left? The only thing left is that the ancestors were once rich!"

   Behind him, Fangzheng came.

   "Take care of the surrounding residents and don't go out."


  Fang is taking people to decorate.

  Jia Pingan saw a soldier looking anxious and wanted to speak, so he said: "Anyone who wants to tip off the news is fine."

   Fangzu lowered his head and hurriedly followed.

   "Take it?" Shen Qiu asked.

   "It's just small shrimps, don't worry about it."

  The gate is very thick.

   Jia Pingan kicked him away and cursed, "Fuck you!"

  He said with a cold face, "Surround!"

  The Baiqi people dispersed and surrounded the house.


  The people inside heard the sound of kicking the door and shouted: "Who is kicking the door, Gan Niniang, turn around and kill me!"

   Sure enough, it is the style of a warlord.

   Jia Ping'an signaled to knock on the door.

  He moved his neck.

   Bao Dong went up and stingy.

  The side door opens.

  A servant rushed out, cursing as he rushed: "You **** slave, yeah today..."

  He saw a group of people with swords, and many people with bows and arrows.

  The man headed by him looks familiar.


   Bao Dong sealed his mouth with a punch, and Jia Pingan went in first.

"very nice."

  The house is much more luxurious than Jia's.

   A group of servants are drinking and talking in the house.

   "I, Aye, used to go out with Alang, that's called a majestic, now it's gone, it's gone."

   "Hey! Fallen!"

   "But maybe there is a chance!"

"what chance?"

  The voice came from outside the door.

  Servants look up.

   "Is it convenient to silence?"

   Jia Pingan asked with a smile.

   "Jia..." The speaking servant covered his mouth with panicked eyes.

   "Just cooperate."

   Jia Ping'an turned and left, followed by Baiqi behind him.

   "Jia Ping'an is here, I'm afraid it will be over!"

   The servants looked desperately at Baiqi standing at the door, but no one dared to resist.

   Jia Pingan led the people all the way into the back, where there is a spacious room dedicated to banquets.

  In this era, if you want to build a spacious house, you can't save materials. You must use large wood, which is expensive.

  In the spacious room, Yang Zhi and others are drinking heavily.

   "It's settled, don't worry." Chen Ji drank too much and was worried, Yang Zhi was trying to persuade him.

   "Yes!" Another man said: "We burned the letter, Jia Pingan can't find evidence even if he is a god, so what are we afraid of?"

   "I'm afraid that Jia Ping'an will kill him. That guy's way of doing things is different from others. Once he decides who to mess with, he can stab a knife in the back."

  Chen Ji drank dizzily, "It would be great if I could kill him."

  Yang Zhi patted him on the shoulder, "Once the emperor is gone, the crown prince will not be able to sit still, and our chance will come. If it can rise again, the Jia family will be handed over to you."


   “Yeah when does talking not count?”


  Footsteps came.

Puff puff!

   Gradually dense.

  A group of people slowly raised their heads.

   "Who is it?"

  Yang Zhi asked, then hiccupped.


  The sound of footsteps came outside the door, and everyone looked slowly.

  Jia Pingan appeared outside the door, nodded and said: "Eating and drinking! By the way, I heard that someone is going to kill me?"

  The man behind him was whispering about the previous situation in the room.

  The room was completely silent.

  Jia Pingan walked in.

   "The women of the Jia family are prostitutes, who said that?"

  Yang Zhi suddenly asked, "Jia Pingan, why did you break into Yang's house?"

"Who said that?"

   Jia Ping'an glanced at the people present.

  Chen Ji was trembling.

  The person they just cursed viciously came.

   But no one dared to say a harsh word to Jia Pingan.

Jia Pingan stood with his hands behind his back, "Guan Long has long since fallen, but there are always people who are unwilling to be lonely and feel that they are the pride of heaven. To do great things, you need to keep secrets, but a group of people are drinking and talking outrageous things, and they don't worry about being caught by others." Leak it out? Besides, how can such a thing be planned by a group of people? Yeye teach you to be a good boy today, the more people there are, the easier it is for bad things to happen. "

  Things have been revealed!

  Yang Zhi said: "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

   "You don't need to understand!"

   Jia Pingan walked over, and a voice from Baiqi came from behind him, "Duke, it was Yang Zhi who said it!"

  Yang Zhi suddenly stood up, threw the wine glass over with his hands, and then took the saucer and knocked **** the edge of the table.


   While Jia Pingan easily avoided the wine glass, Yang Zhi also broke the saucer. Holding the remaining half of the plate in his hand, he looked at Fengrui from the broken mouth.

  Yang Zhi rushed forward.

   "Slut dog slave, yeah, I will die with you today!"

  Chen Ji shouted: "Jia Ping'an is going to kill him, fight him!"

  If someone else came, for example, a bad person or someone from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, then Chen Ji and others would argue and quibble, but the appearance of Jia Pingan completely dispelled all thoughts of luck.

  The appearance of Jia Ping'an means that there is no room for maneuver in this matter!

  Yang Zhi waved half of the plate vigorously, and he saw it right. As long as Jia Pingan avoided it, he would be able to **** the horizontal knife, and then chopped up this cheap dog slave.

   Jia Pingan didn't even pull out the knife, nor did he dodge, but kicked it away.


   Yang Zhi, who was kicked in the lower abdomen, groaned, bent down and reached out to grab Jia Pingan.

   Jia Ping'an slapped him and knocked him over. Yang Zhi lay on the ground and shouted: "No..."

   Jia Pingan raised his foot and stepped on it hard.

   Li Jingye who rushed in from behind said: "Brother, egg..."

  Everyone heard a sound similar to breaking eggs, but there were still two eggs.


  Amidst the screams of pain, Jia Pingan looked at Chen Ji who was rushing, and said with a grinning smile: "Kneel down and don't kill!"

  Chen Ji, who was carrying the stool, went limp and knelt down.

  Ming Jing behind blinked her eyes, "You were frightened by the Duke?"

   Someone turned and ran.

   But there are no windows or doors at the back of this house.

   "Kneel down!"

   Jia Pingan shouted: "If you don't kneel for ten breaths, you won't have to kneel in this life!"

  The running man stopped and turned around, then knelt down.

   A group of Guanlong remnants who were still clamoring to take Jia Pingan's head just now, are like bereaved dogs, panicking all day long.

  There were people kneeling everywhere in the room, and Jia Pingan walked over with his hands behind his back.

"Guan Long had an objective role in stabilizing the Central Plains back then, so there are mixed merits and demerits, but if you don't know what you're doing in the future, you're going to kill yourself. Guan Long began to go downhill in the pre-Sui Dynasty. At this moment, you are nothing but small shrimps left. How many of them even dare to spy on the artifact, is this stupid or crazy?"

  He really thinks these people are crazy.

   "Is the country stable? Everyone agrees, but you are the only one who can't."

   "Our grandparents used to be all-powerful!"

   a man shouted.


  Jia Pingan said: "The ancestors are the ancestors, and the ancestors became emperors. Do you also want to be emperors?"

  The man's face was pale.

   As soon as these words came out, the fate of the man was decided.

   "I'm good at speaking, but your performance today makes me unable to speak well."

   Jia Ping'an's eyes became more angry, "Take my head and hang it on the city gate. If you can't do it, I won't mind these cruel words."

  He really didn't mind, he felt that this was a roar of incompetence, a fantasy of failure.

   "Why do you insult my wife and children?"

   This is Jia Ping'an's Ni Lin.


  Li Jingye held the wooden stick and handed it over, "Brother, I will beat you as agreed earlier!"

   "I've changed my mind."

   Jia Pingan swung a wooden stick and beat him all the way.


  The sound of broken bones kept coming, and the eyelids of Ming Jing outside jumped wildly.

   "How can the Duke be so violent?"

  After a while of beatings, Jia Pingan came out with a wooden stick.

   "Bring them all back. In addition, all the houses are sealed. Guan Long has eaten the world for many years, so it's time to spit it out."

   A group of powerful descendants had their hands and feet broken, and then they were thrown on a cart and dragged back.

   This road has attracted the attention of many people.

  Lu Shungui happened to be out with someone to do some business, so he asked when he saw the convoy.

   "Say it's the remnants of Guan Long, yet dare to assassinate the crown prince."

   Cui Jian was surprised, "It turned out to be them?"

  Lu Shungui said lightly: "Guan gone."

  The once-prominent Eight Pillar Kingdom and the families of the Twelve Generals are gone.

"There are only two forces left in the world now." Lu Shungui said: "One is the royal family, and the other is the gentry. Guan Long was completely destroyed, and then there was a battle between the royal family and the gentry. How should the gentry respond? Should they bow their heads or resist... "

  Wang Sheng said: "Judging from the means the emperor has used since he ascended the throne, he can't tolerate a force in this world that can compete with the royal family. If we bow our heads, he will definitely take advantage of the situation."

  Cui Chen said: "In the past, our gentry came out in large numbers. Although the emperor feared it, he still wanted to use our gentry's talents to govern the world. After our gentry took power, the royal family would naturally decline."

"But there is a new study!" Lu Shungui praised: "As soon as Jia Pingan's new study came out, for the emperor, the gentry changed from a force that could be used to a threat. If the gentry can be eliminated, the emperor will not Will be soft."

   "Jia Pingan!"

   Cui Chen saw Jia Pingan.

  Jia Ping'an is talking to a woman.

   "Qing Yi, when you have time, help me see Erlang."

   "I'm going to Zhongnan Mountain."

   "Is it such a coincidence?"

   Jia Ping'an felt a little regretful.

  Wei Qingyi said: "Recently, I feel that I can't make any progress in my cultivation, so I want to go to Zhongnan Mountain to find opportunities."

   "How soon?"

   "Not sure, maybe a few days, maybe..."

  Maybe you won't come back?

  Jia Pingan thinks this girl is really rare.

   "Chang'an is good, with the air of an emperor, and practice can get twice the result with half the effort."

   Jia Ping'an flickered for a while.

   "Xiao Jia!"

   Jia Pingan saw Lu Shungui and others sideways.


  Wei Qingyi clasped his hands on his horse and left.

   "Hey! Tsing Yi, if you find any cheats later, remember to bring them back."

  Wei Qingyi smiled, "Drive!"

  Lu Shungui and others came over.

   "Guan Long is gone."


  Guan Long is gone now.

  Lu Shungui sighed: "What does Your Majesty want?"

   "I don't know about that either."

   "The gentry is not Guanlong."

   "Everyone knows." Jia Pingan said.

   "If there is no new learning, the gentry will still make the emperor fearful and have to use it." Lu Shungui said these topics as if they had nothing to do with him, not angry, but interested.

Jia Pingan said: "Monopolizing the right to education is the most boring thing. It can't bring progress. What does the exclusive respect for Confucianism bring? It brings constant military disasters and constant rise and fall. I dare say that every dynasty respects Confucianism. If Confucianism is reused, the final outcome will be worse than that of the previous Han Dynasty."

  “The former Han Dynasty said that Confucianism was the only one, but in fact it was Confucianism on the outside and the law on the inside. That’s why there is a saying...

  The country always perishes with the weak, but the Han alone perishes with the strong!

  The big man played himself to death by himself, but even if he fell down suddenly and was weak, several forces of the big man could still beat the aliens.

  At this time, Confucianism was only a layer of skin, but with the chaos in the world, education also collapsed, and Confucianism began to enter the classroom and become a real prominent school.

   And those who have family education immediately stand out from the crowd.

   This is the beginning of the prosperity of the gentry!

   During the war, except for a few families, everyone else became illiterate.

  Even if some people can read and write, what is the use of only being able to read? Even if someone occasionally brings a few volumes of books, what's the use of a few volumes?

  Those families have a rich collection of books, and most of the family members have thoroughly studied the knowledge passed down from the family. Once they go out, facing the scholars who have cut off the inheritance from the outside world, the children of the gentry can be said to be gods looking down on mortals.

   Moreover, the gentry also had huge fields and hidden households, like independent kingdoms. They don't pay taxes, and the money and food they harvest every year are their own.

  With money, food, and population, who is not afraid of such a gentry?

  Combined with the devastation of the country, the emperor needs a large number of educated people to govern the country, and the advantage of the gentry monopolizing the right to education came out. Once they become officials, they have the support of the family behind them and have insight far beyond others. Who can get promoted faster than them? "

  Lu Shungui sighed, "These words have exhausted the origin and prosperity of the gentry. What do you think of the gentry?"

   "Mr. Lu, you asked me this..."

  Jia Ping'an felt a little funny, "If I say that the best way for the nobles is to break up and don't hold together, do you think this is poison?"

  Cui Chen sneered, "Ignorant words."

  Jia Pingan ignored such people at all, Lu Shungui smiled wryly, "After hearing what you said, why do you think Confucianism slipped through the net?"

"Roughly the same."

   Jia Pingan said.

   "Is the existence of the gentry good or not?"

   Lu Shungui asked seriously.

"The existence of the gentry does more harm than good." Jia Ping'an also replied seriously: "Some people must say that I am talking nonsense, but look at the former Jin Dynasty of the gentry? I left a good reputation of being romantic and unrestrained, and I also left A dilapidated country."

  Lu Shungui sighed, "Then what do you think is the biggest problem of the gentry?"

   "The biggest problem of the gentry..."

Jia Pingan thought about it carefully, "The biggest problem is that you think too highly of yourself. The gentry always think that they are gods. It is because you have seized the right to education, power and money, so you overlook the world. But look back at yourself. His ancestors were only courtiers."

   "Secondly, the nobles should disperse."

   Jia Pingan said: "If you want to be the second in Guanlong, you have to be prepared to be struck by a thunderbolt. If the emperor doesn't do it, God will do it!"

   "My God? Hahahaha!"

  Cui Chen laughed wildly.

  Lu Shunzai and others also burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


  Jia Pingan didn't even look at these people, and cupped his hands and said, "I have something else to do. Later, when I have time, Mr. Lu will come to drink at home. I'll sweep the couch and wait."

  Lu Shungui nodded.

   Jia Ping'an turned back and got on the horse.

  The people watching the excitement around still followed the convoy.

  Jia Pingan just followed behind without hesitation.

  The sun shone down and shone on the city of Chang'an.

  Whether ugly or just, everything is under the sun.

   "After autumn, on the eighth day of the ninth month, my flowers will bloom and the flowers will kill. Chang'an is filled with fragrant fragrance, and the whole city is full of golden armor."


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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