MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-v3 Chapter 270 Hundred Tables and Feasts

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   "Thank you for coming to my wedding with Yin Ya. The wedding banquet will begin next, and I hope everyone will like it."

A sentence from Yuan Zhou brought the atmosphere of the whole wedding to the best. The wedding was warm and romantic. Many people with shallow lacrimal glands had tears in their eyes, especially when the two people met and knew each other. Ya met Yuanzhou from the shop, and there are many clips of the shop.

Many of everyone’s mutual friends are diners of small shops. Many scenes are familiar, and even participated in personally. Almost immediately after seeing the beginning, they knew what would happen next, but that’s it, I still feel very moved. Naturally, everyone's feelings are even more profound.

Of course, no matter how much touch and joy, joy and interest, when Yuanzhou announces the opening of the meal, the hearts of the diners are again weird and synchronized. Nothing is more exciting than eating the food made in Yuanzhou. Especially many well-informed diners know that today Yuanzhou is cooking new dishes, so they naturally look forward to it even more.

   "Hahaha, I can finally eat, great."

  Wuhai was already hungry and thirsty, and the forty-meter big knife was ready, just waiting to charge into the battle and grab something to eat.

  However, those who are at the same table with the beast look very vigilantly, wanting to gauge the combat effectiveness of the people around him, and whether it will affect his performance.

There is a bear on the left of Wuhai. Don’t worry about this. Even if there is a difference between her strength and Wuhai’s unrivaled one, she will not be too far apart. It can almost be said to be evenly matched, but Ling Hong on the right holds a milk doll. It’s a bit bad.

  Even Wang Hong, who was next to Ling Hong, asked worriedly: "Ling is not discounted, will you not be able to eat delicious food when you sit next to the black beast? Don't scare your little princess."

Ling Hong showed a gentle smile on his slightly vicissitudes of life when he heard the words. He looked at the little girl with big eyes in his arms, and said casually: "It's okay, I haven't discussed with the black beasts for a long time. Try his current strength, anyway, the little princess has the special care of compasses and won't be hungry."

The little girl placed in front of Yuanzhou’s special meals for infants and young children. The small trays are matched with meat and vegetables. They are nutritious when you look at them, and they are made into various animals, flowers, and colorful. Very appetite.

Wang Hong secretly swallowed his saliva and pulled his eyes out of the colorful food, and looked away, otherwise he felt that he might not be able to help but do something embarrassing. Seeing that Ling was not discounted, if he dared to grab it, he would If he can kill him, let's talk about grabbing the little girl's food to eat, he does have a bottom line. If he can't do it, then he can only stay away.

Jiang Changxi wore a bright pink dress, very close-fitting to outline her bumpy figure. She was covered with a dark pink woolen coat. The original youthful and beautiful color was worn by the queen to increase the aura of two meters eight. .

  It is the main seat of this table that she is not allowed to sit on. The main reason is that no one dares to compete with her. Of course, in fact, the round table is rarely divided into primary and secondary positions.

   "The dishes are here, Wuhai should take care of his dad." Jiang Changxi was very naturally concerned, and said nothing.

I don’t know if Wu Hai heard it, he almost turned his head out of the difficult 360 degrees eagerly, because the scent is too attractive from far to near, if it’s not for fear of chasing it, he won’t be able to eat it. , It is already unable to sit still.

  It is not just Wuhai, but Jiang Changxi, Wu Yungui and Madam Wu, who have just sat in distress, are looking anxious, their sitting postures have changed slightly, and they look forward to it.

  Ten people at a table. The people who can sit with Wuhai Jiang Changxi are very familiar people, and they are also old diners, such as Chen Wei and Sister Wan, which naturally also includes Shunluchu. There must be a place for him here.

But to be honest, there are really many old diners. If you really talk about it, you can't sit down at a table, such as the single cute, the flying Zhong Xiaoxiao, and the chef who has been drinking soup at the God of Cookery shop. Chef Li Li, who is at the top, is also here.

A large wooden basin was brought over by a professional waiter, and the scent was smelt from a distance. As the distance got closer, it became more scented. When Wuhai couldn’t bear to stand up, the wooden basin was finally well Put the ground on the table, this is the charm of Poon Choi.

  Looking at it with a big eye, the huge and plump abalones lay a circle on the top, and the abalones, which are huge and swollen to the extreme, emit a delicious fragrance, which is very attractive.

  "Let’s eat, the compasses have started to toast."

  Wuhai is definitely a super beast who sees six directions and listens to all directions. Although he has been obsessed with the charm of Poon Choi, he hasn’t left behind the movements of Yuanzhou.

Although the diners sat at most of the tables, there were also many guests at other tables, such as relatives from Yin Ya, officials from Rongcheng, and even many people from the foreign trade department, as well as various associations, such as Various cuisines, such as the Brewing Association, the Ice Sculpture Association, etc., a series of meetings are brought by the president with one or two backbones.

I heard that in order to be able to come to the wedding banquet, it was really fought. Of course, it was not a real fight. It was done by savages. They are all civilized people. They don’t beat people directly, but Use professional competence to compete. For example, the Ice Sculpture Association selects the top three to participate, including the president.

Of course, the president who can generally be the president must be the strongest, so the president takes the lead. Of course, there are some who do not take the lead. For example, the China Famous Chefs Association, the president is Yuanzhou, so Xu Ban and Mr. Ma are the leaders. .

  The toast naturally started from the elders, so the first to be toasted was Yin Ya’s parents and even the carpenter, boss Tong, and Zhou Shijie at the table where the elders recognized by Yuanzhou sat together.

Yuanzhou began to toast, Wuhai’s chopsticks had reached the abalone body, opened his mouth, and a huge abalone was put into the mouth. The soft and mellow taste instantly filled the whole mouth with a strong fragrance. The first to attract the attention of the tongue.

  The abalone is naturally soaked just right, not only is it soaked well, but the heat is well controlled, and the taste can be imagined.

  "Click, click"

  Wuhai is the time when Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit, one abalone is eaten off, and the chopsticks immediately stretched out to clamp the second one.

  I was not so lucky this time. I was directly stopped by Ling Hong’s chopsticks. After a contest, the two of them narrowly defeated Wuhai and got the second piece of abalone.

  At this time, Wu Hai's attention was drawn away, otherwise Ling Hong would not win so easily, although it was still a narrow victory.

   "What smell is so fragrant, why are the dishes on their table different from ours?"

  Wuhai turned his head and saw that the main dish served on the table next door was a huge casserole, almost the size of a wooden basin, with a fragrance that exuded. Although it was equally attractive, it was completely different from the pot choi.

"I know, I know, that's because Boss Yuan prepared a hundred tables for this wedding banquet, that is, the dishes at each table are different. There are hundreds of tables and a hundred kinds of banquets, meaning a hundred years of harmony." One side was very proud.


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