MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-v3 Chapter 268 Lovers get married

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  Because of this fate, we all know that the other party is a fellow, so there are more exchanges. Most of them are exchanges about what gifts to buy for the daughter-in-law.

   Saying hello to each other every time they meet is a revolutionary friendship after all.

  The time is dazzling, two days have passed since the year, and on the third day, it was Valentine's Day in the West.

  Originally, Yuanzhou is not a Western festival. In his words, the festivals in his own country are endless, so there is no time for Western festivals.

  Unfortunately, China’s Valentine's Day is on the seventh day of July, and there is still a long time left. Yuanzhou can’t wait to marry Yin Ya in.

  The good day to choose is this day, which can be regarded as the occasion. After reading the imperial calendar, this day is the best day of the year and of course the most recent.

  Yin Ya returned to Rongcheng with her parents on the first night of the first day of the first day of the new year in order to match the time when she returned on the 30th day. However, according to the old ceremony, the two parties could not meet before the marriage, so she only talked with Yuanzhou on the phone.

   On the day, when I got up early in the morning, Yuanzhou still kept the habit of running and remembering the noodles to be used. After washing and washing after running, he rushed to the team with the help of the assistant Xiao Li sent by Yan Ming.

  Yan Ming wanted to come in person, but there are a lot of things today, and there are more things that need him to do the final confirmation, so he can only stay at the wedding scene and become a top.

Speaking of the welcoming team, I have to mention that this year's diners are almost almighty. Except for the first wedding car that Yuanzhou bought himself, the other models are automatically organized by the diners to make the team It looks good. Even the colors of the models are uniform. The one-water GLS4004MATIC is not expensive, but it looks more consistent. It looks clean and tidy, which is in line with Yuanzhou's usual requirements.

Of course, not every diner happens to have such a car, but the diners who grabbed the task of the team, with rich financial resources, directly purchased the new car by themselves. For a period of time, there was almost no stock of this new model in Chengdu. Because they were all taken away.

  The colors and models are uniform. Once dressed up, it looks no different from the twins. At least Yuanzhou was very satisfied at first sight.

  In order to make the best use of the various roles that will be present at every wedding, there is no duplication. For example, if you are a best man, you will definitely not have his part in driving the team.

This convoy is made up of diners headed by Wang Hong. Everything is managed by Wang Hong. It is a pity that he wants to be the best man. The gift killer is not for nothing. So far, if you can’t find the best man to join him, you can only Participated in the team next best.

In order to effectively allocate these places, it is also to screen the best man and bridesmaid. At the beginning, a threshold was set, that is, there must be a girlfriend to serve. That really blocked a lot of people. If this part is a girlfriend to become a wife Anyway, if it is a single dog, it is directly blocked at the door, and that is how ten pairs are determined after a fierce competition, which is taken from the meaning of perfection.

  "Good morning, Boss Yuan."

   Seeing Yuanzhou coming from far away, Wang Hong was still doing the final inspection of the team, and he immediately stood up straight and greeted Yuanzhou. Under his leadership, the diners who acted as drivers said hello in unison, neatly and uniformly, absolutely practiced.

   "Good morning, thank you all."

Yuan Zhou is also very grateful to everyone for their help in his wedding, but the way he is grateful is more real. One person and two steaming buns were made last night, and they were steamed by the assistant today. Of course It's raw and steamed.

  The time is also controlled by Yuanzhou. The assistant’s task is to put the buns in the steamer and pick them out from the steamer. Yuanzhou is responsible for the rest, so the taste is naturally very good.

   Two steamed buns, one sweet and one salty, symbolize the ups and downs of life. It is everyone's pursuit that there are sweet and salty days. For the success of this wedding, small things like steamed buns have auspicious meanings.

  The diners headed by Wang Hong are naturally very happy. They can attend Yuanzhou’s wedding and Yuanzhou’s homemade steamed buns for breakfast. It’s really full of energy.

Starting from the parking place, driving all the way to the community where Yinya is located, each driving at the same speed, that is, the distance is the same, because with the help of the traffic control department, the road is very smooth and there are no cars. There is no need to let the cars, they naturally maintain a consistent formation.

  Yuanzhou was busy picking up the bride. A row of earthen stoves on the wedding site had begun to smoky, and the scent of scent began to diffuse, causing many diners who came to help set up the venue to **** up saliva.

  "Which chef made this dish, it feels so similar to Chef Yuan himself, and the smell seems to be the same."

  A girl with bangs sucked her saliva and looked excitedly towards the stove, but every place was full of enthusiasm, and it was impossible to tell which stove.

"This is the dish that Boss Yuan made, but it was not made on the spot. It is said to be a dish specially researched for this wedding. Just let everyone warm it up. The new dish is definitely delicious." The other one did it with her. Life is long, long married, and there is no place for a bridesmaid, so she can only come to the scene to help.

For this reason, Manman regretted getting married early, and almost wanted to marry her husband again, just to be Yuanzhou’s best man and bridesmaid. She was so scared that her husband could not wait to follow Manman personally for the past few days. The daughter-in-law who married in the door has changed.

   "Everyone must strictly follow the schedule written by the master to take good care of the dishes. This is a test of the master for us. The younger brothers and sisters must put all their energy into it."

Cheng Zhaomei is not busy on her own stove, but first inspects the stoves of every junior and junior sister to see if there are any problems. Now she is cooking the main dish given to them by Yuanzhou, which is already made by Yuanzhou. Well, if it is frozen, it can be eaten as long as it is heated and melted, but this heat is still skillful. In order to be a groom, Yuan Zhou gave this task to apprentices who can cook on-site.

Yuan Zhou is in charge of the main dish, and other dishes are made by the apprentices, but there are regulations on what each dish is. This is a dish developed by Yuan Zhou specifically for his wedding banquet, which is different from other wedding banquets. , His dishes are designed by himself.

  Of course, except for the main dishes, the other dishes are made by the apprentices, but the apprentices’ appraisal in recent months is the side dishes, so the taste is reviewed by Yuanzhou, and naturally, the diners will not be disappointed.

  For this wedding banquet, Yuanzhou took great pains, not only wanted to make the diners a comfortable meal, but also to give Yin Ya a perfect wedding. It is really the future God of Cooking also took a lot of effort.


Read The Duke's Passion