MTL - Gou Became a Martial Saint In Another World-Chapter 331 Weird night!

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  Chapter 331 A strange night!

  Everyone discussed again, expressing concern.

  The matter of the token of the Kingdom of God has already affected their families in other worlds, and now it actually involves the battle between two major plates.

  The map of the other world is boundless and vast, and no one can say for sure how vast the two major plates are.

  And over the years, the plates are still expanding.

  If there is a war, it must be an earth-shattering situation.

   "In the face of war, whether it is ordinary people or superpowers, it is inevitable that they will be involved. Even superpowers may be destroyed overnight."

  Bruce sighed softly.

  He knows enough in other worlds, and has read a lot of classics.

   Know what happened in previous engagements.

   "Yang Fang, Chen Shiyan, I heard that you have joined the mysterious [God Organization]. What is the secret of this organization? I wonder if you know now?"

  Suddenly, Ye Xuan from Magic City spoke directly.

  Looked at Yang Fang and Yang Fang.

  He has a very high status among the demon city traversers. He once supported hundreds of people by himself.

   But even so, they are not really strong.

  Modu has focused on cultivating a group of seeds before, and several of them have been valued by the masters of Miracle Workshop, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

  Even under their leadership, more traversers have joined the periphery of the Miracle Workshop.

  He had a premonition that the traveler of the magic capital had already begun to take off.

   Maybe sooner or later, you will be able to overtake on curves!

   No matter how strong the Heavenly God organization is, how can it compare with a top-level power like Miracle Square?

   "The God Organization..."

  Chen Shiyan looked complicated, and said: "How to describe it, in fact, not all members of this organization are time travelers, there are also members from other worlds."

   "There are also members from other worlds?"

  Many people were surprised.

  Even Ye Xuan had a strange look.

   "Yes, the news I found is the same."

  Yang Fang on the side nodded and said: "And they are mysterious. Generally speaking, only they take the initiative to contact us, and it is difficult for us to contact each other."

   "It's actually like this, so the people who helped you before are all time travelers?"

  Ye Xuan asked.

   "No, there are time travelers and people from other worlds."

  Suddenly, another clear voice sounded.

   It was Cheng Tianye.

He said calmly, "I am most qualified to answer this point, because I have just met them not long ago. Among other things, Cao Wenlie, the silver medal **** arrester in Qingtianyu, is one of its members. He has made it clear that , He was entrusted by an Iron Armored Man, and he once told us that the Iron Armored Man's strength is unpredictable, and he is one of the best in their organization, even he dare not offend!

  However, I don’t know how many members their organization has, but one thing can be concluded, that man in iron armor is definitely a time traveler, otherwise he wouldn’t regard us as fellow countrymen! "

"I see."

  Ye Xuan nodded.

  The organization of the gods actually included people from other worlds.

   No wonder they couldn't find each other in reality!

   Could this organization be established by people from another world?

   But no matter what, this mysterious force must still be inferior to Miracle Workshop and Sky Palace.

   "Actually, the Celestial Organization may not be particularly powerful. In my opinion, most of you are boasting too much. One of our [Cosmic Group] members broke into their interior."

  Suddenly, a laugh sounded.

The man who spoke was a man with a fat complexion and narrow eyes. He smiled and said: "After all, everyone is just guessing about the various events organized by the gods. Many things are what they Longguo said. Big falsehoods, only we know they are nothing but bluffs."

   "Bluffer? Can't you say that?"

   "Do you have any secret information?"

  Everyone looked at it one after another, showing surprise.

  Yang Fang also looked weird.

  Cosmic Cluster!

   It's them again!

"That's natural. Today I might as well say something that offends people. In fact, everything organized by the gods is just a hype, just to attract the attention of the world. In fact, some of our cosmic group are masters, and many people are fast. You have reached the peak of the first level of Super Grade, how many of you can do this."

  The plump-faced man smiled.

  His name is Jin Tianye, he wears a suit and leather shoes, and has a very strong smile. He is about forty or so, and there are many companions around him.

  Everyone quickly discussed again.

  The peak of the first level of super products!

   Really scary!

   "Could it be that your identities in another world are unusual?"

   Blue asked.

   "We have joined a faction called the Resurrection Sacred Church. You may not have heard of this name, but you must know its other name, the Extinguishing Evil Alliance!"

   Jin Tianye smiled.

   "Mie Xie Alliance?"

   "You guys actually joined the Extinguishing Evil Alliance!"


  Many people started talking in surprise.

  Alexander in the crowd couldn't help showing complex and surprised expressions.

  He thought again of his experience in Bai Zeyu.

  Many of his colleagues were bombarded and killed by the masters of the God Organization after joining the Extermination League, and even the masters of the subsequent [Knight Organization] also died tragically at the hands of the God Organization.

   At that time, among nearly a hundred of them, he was the only one who died.

   So far, Interpol still has great complaints against the Tenjin Organization!

   Unexpectedly, this group of people from the Bang Country actually joined the 【Evil Elimination League】.

   "It turned out to be this organization, no wonder... no wonder your strength has improved so quickly."

  Brue sighed.

  Evil Extinguishing League, although it can't compare with the big forces like the Sky Palace and the Miracle Workshop, it is also a transcendent existence that is absolutely not weak in other worlds.

  For the vast majority of traversers, joining them is a relatively fair and safe path.

   "Some of you really joined the Celestial Organization?"

  Chen Shiyan showed doubts, and looked at the chubby man, expressing doubts.

   "Do you think it is necessary for our cosmic group to lie?"

  The chubby man smiled and said: "Every member of the universe group has a high status in another world, so we can pretend to be a **** organization?

  Actually, your expectations for the Celestial Organization are too high. They are both time travelers. No matter how strong they are, how strong can they be? Many things are rumored. I am just telling the truth now! "

   Many people expressed silence.

  This statement fits very well with some official statements in the United States.

   But whether it is true or false, they have no way of distinguishing.

   I only know that the [Knight Organization] was completely wiped out.

  So, they dare not mess around in other worlds casually.

  Chen Shiyan was silent, but she still didn't believe it.

  But he didn't continue to defend himself.

   Next, everyone continued to discuss.

  The fat man in the universe group, with a smile on his face, looks like he knows everything.

  From beginning to end, all kinds of things are constantly being told.

  The other members around him are also full of confidence.

   "Too weak, I have to say, you people are still too weak."

  The fat man sighed, and said: "After traveling again this time, I will most likely be the second level of Super Grade. I am afraid that among us, this kind of strength is considered top-notch, right?"

  Many people were speechless.

  I feel that I can't continue chatting with this fat man.

   Is it worth being so arrogant?

   Another period of time passed.

  It was not until half past eleven in the evening that the grand bonfire party finally ended.

  The night was quiet.

  Yang sat cross-legged in the room, silently practicing the holy formula in his body, and his heart fell into an unprecedented emptiness and silence.

  But suddenly, he opened his eyes and felt an extremely strong malice, as if something strange was peeping at him from the dark.

  Yang Fang's hair stood up suddenly, and his eyes were like lightning, staring directly out of the window.

  In the pitch-black area outside the window, a vague black shadow flashed past and quickly disappeared.

  Yang Fang's eyes sank.

next moment!

  His face moved slightly, and he heard screams of panic from outside.

   "Come on, come on, something has happened!"

   "Someone is killing people!"

   "Call the ambulance!"

  Yang Fang's body rushed over quickly and opened the door.

  But the moment the door opened, the lights in the entire corridor suddenly began to flicker, flickering, as if affected by a strong magnetic field.

   All off at once!

  The entire building instantly became invisible.

  There are figures everywhere in the building.

   The traversers who had just fallen asleep rushed over quickly and began to check.

   But they didn't seem too flustered.

  The tempering in the foreign world made their mentality much stronger than that of ordinary people.

  A mobile phone light flashed rapidly in the corridor.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

  Many people wearing translators, asking questions quickly, filling the corridors.

  At the same time, people from upstairs and downstairs are also rushing over.

  There are footsteps and inquiries everywhere.

  The accident happened on the fourth floor, on the same floor as Yang Fang. At this moment, a group of foreigners were extremely angry.

   "One of our companions was killed. He died in the toilet while going to the toilet. There must be a murderer among us. I demand investigation and surveillance!"

   A blond foreigner shouted angrily.

   "Yes, we must give us an explanation!"

   "Find the murderer!"

  The companions around him were also very angry.

   "Everyone, don't panic!"

Xu Kai, the chief person in charge of the capital, came from the crowd and said, "Don't worry, Longguo will definitely find out about this matter and give everyone an explanation. The power outage in the building is probably caused by the murderer deliberately cutting off the power supply. , some of us stay here to protect the corpse and the scene, some rushed to the power source to check the power source, and the rest stayed put, Liu Dong, call the police immediately!"

   "Yes, Captain!"

   A young man next to him responded and immediately took out his phone.

   But soon revealed consternation.

   "My phone has no signal!"

  Others also quickly looked at the phone.

"Me too!"

   "There is no signal here!"

"I do not have either!"

   "There is a shielding device!"

  Many people were shocked.

Xu Kai's face sank, and he continued to shout: "Liu Dong, take a few people to check the power supply immediately, and also check whether the security master is there, and ask him to help. The rest of the people stay where they are, and only a few people come to follow Let me examine the body together!"

  He quickly finished his order.

  Liu Dong quickly took the four of them and rushed towards the dark downstairs.

  Xu Kai took a dozen people directly to examine the corpse.

  Because this campsite has been around for a long time, not every room has an independent bathroom, but there is only one on each floor.

  If you want to go there, you need to go through a long corridor.

   "Captain Xu, I want to see it too."

  Yang Fang said suddenly.

   "Captain Xu, and me, I'll take a look too!"

  Chen Shiyan said hastily.


  Xu Kai nodded.

  A group of people walked through the dark corridor and soon came to the bathroom.

The one who died was a blond man, his face was pale, his eyes were wide open, it seemed that he had encountered something extremely terrifying before, the pupils of his eyes were still full of horror, and his entire neck had been violently assaulted. Twisted and turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

   "What a strong wrist, twisting a person's neck to such an extent is not something ordinary strength can do."

  Xu Kai said in a low voice.

   "It must be one of us!"

   A foreigner next to him gritted his teeth and said.

   "Has he offended anyone before?"

   Xu Kai asked.

   "No, Mu is friendly, extremely honest, and has never offended anyone."

  The foreigner responded.

  Xu Kai, Cheng Tianye and the others began to carefully examine the corpses on the ground.

  Even Chen Shiyan came up to watch, her face full of suspicion.

   But looking at it, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

  The corpse on the ground became more and more familiar, which gave her a strange feeling, as if the face of the corpse was infinitely close to the person she knew well in her mind.

  Suddenly, Chen Shiyan came to her senses, her face changed, showing panic, her body quickly backed away, and almost fell down.

   Isn’t the corpse on the ground her own?

How can it be?

  She quickly raised her head, but the moment she raised her head, she was even more frightened. All the hairs on her body exploded, and she almost screamed.

  Xu Kai, Ren Jun, Cheng Tianye and others in front of them all disappeared, and turned into extremely ugly hideous faces, with pustules all over their faces, and their eyes widened, looking at her in unison.

  Everyone's mouth showed a faintly weird smile.


  Chen Shiyan couldn't take it anymore, she screamed, turned around and ran to the other end of the corridor, terrified.

  But Xu Kai, Cheng Tianye and others, who were examining the corpse, all changed their expressions slightly and turned their heads quickly.

   "What happened to Shiyan?"

  Xu Kai hurriedly asked.

   "I don't know, I'll go and see!"

  Cheng Tianye quickly rushed over.

   Chen Shiyan's performance just now shocked all of them.

   Only Yang Fang, frowning, silently looked towards Xu Kai not far away.

I saw behind Xu Kai, a dark and fuzzy figure was standing at some unknown time, motionless, eerily eerie, only two pupils glowed with an unspeakable green light, looking coldly at them Come.

  However, before he could react, the vague shadow disappeared again.

  Yang Fang couldn't help rubbing his temples carefully, feeling heavy in his heart.

   Real or illusion?

   During this period of time, his state has become more and more strange.

   But soon another mutation occurred.

   Not only Yang Fang noticed it.

  Cheng Tianye, Ren Jun, and the few foreigners around him also noticed it.

   Their expressions changed and they turned around quickly.

In the dark corridor, the people who were still waiting in place suddenly started to move at this moment, and all of them were walking downstairs. Familiar shouts came from the crowd very quickly, as if someone was preventing them from leaving .

   After careful identification, I suddenly found that it was Xu Kai, Ren Jun, Cheng Tianye and others who were organizing everyone to leave!

   A second of them actually appeared?

  Even Yang Fang found a second self among the crowd in the distance.

"not good!"

  Xu Kai shouted in surprise, rushed over quickly, and said, "Go and stop them!"

  Cheng Tianye and others all rushed out.

   "Everyone stop!"

   "Don't follow them, it's weird!"

   A group of people all shouted.

  Yang Fang also acted quickly.

  But just as he took action, he suddenly stopped.

  I saw a dark and gloomy palm sticking out from the ground, grabbing his ankle like an ice cube, tightly entangled him.

  But before he could take any action, the **** hand disappeared again.

  Yang Fang looked gloomy, and chased towards the other end of the corridor again.

   Only being delayed for a few seconds, the entire dark corridor was actually deserted.

  This is incredible!

  But soon Yang Fang heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the downstairs area, as well as the startled shouts of Ren Jun, Xu Kai and others, as if he had just chased after him.

  Yang Fang rushed over immediately.

  But at this moment, another hurried voice sounded from behind him.

   "Yang Fang, Yang Fang, don't act alone, wait for us!"

   "Yang Fang, stop!"

  Yang Fang turned his head suddenly, his pupils constricted.

   Only Ren Jun, Xu Kai and others were seen chasing from the area behind with anger on their faces.

  He was taken aback.

what happened?


   "Why are you so fast? You rushed out just now. We can't catch up with you. Don't act alone. It's weird. It's probably a mysterious creature!"

  Xu Kai said angrily.

   "I see."

  Yang Fang talked to himself.

  He, Xu Kai and others continued to chase downstairs.

   But weird things happen again.

  The original four-story area seemed like a bottomless black hole at this moment. They quickly chased down the stairs, but they still couldn't catch up with everyone.

  The noisy voices of the crowd were always on the same level as them.

  It sounded like he was right under his feet, but no matter how hard he chased, he couldn't catch up.

   More importantly, the entire floor seemed to be stretched infinitely. They chased to more than ten floors in one go, but still failed to meet everyone.


  Yang Fang stopped again, frowned, and looked behind him.

   The area behind him was empty.

   Where are the shadows of Ren Jun, Xu Kai and others.

   It was as if he was the only one running the whole time.

  The only thing that hasn't changed is that the noise from downstairs is still coming.

  The sound of footsteps, shouts, and anger are constantly intertwined.

  But Yang Fang was the only one left in the entire dark floor.

   "Spiritual skills?"

  Yang Fang frowned.

   Did you come here for yourself?

  His body tightened again, he turned his head suddenly, and felt that strong and strange sense of peeping again, as if something was staring at him closely in the dense darkness.

   Squeak! Squeak!

  The rooms on both sides of the corridor suddenly began to make harsh sounds.


  The first chapter is here!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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