MTL - Gou Became a Martial Saint In Another World-Chapter 299 late at night! Royal monster!

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  Chapter 299 Late at night! Royal monster!

far away.

The three men fled all the way, without looking back, they only picked up the secluded alleys and ran away, and fled for a long distance, the boss grabbed his companion and said in a low voice: "Okay, don't run away anymore!" , is it six doors?"

  The second child is still pale, out of his wits, trembling, said: "Monster, there is a monster, I met a monster just now..."

  He quickly told all the previous things.

  The faces of the two people around were all surprised.


   Apparently there was a hundred unbelief in their hearts.

   But seeing the second child's face like this, it doesn't seem like he is cheating.

   "I want to report to Master, yes, I want to report to Master..."

  The voice of the second child was flustered, and he hurriedly ran forward again.

  The two people around him quickly followed.


  In a beautifully decorated room.

  The old man dressed in silk satin, with a long beard on the third floor, with narrow eyes and a high nose, listened carefully to the words of the three people in front of him.

   "Hmph, what sorcery? It's embarrassing, are you poisoned?"

  The old man hummed lightly.


  The second child showed surprise before, and said: "How is this possible? Why did the little guy break into it before? Why is it okay? I am the only one who was poisoned?"

   "You reach out."

  The old man said coldly.

  The second child immediately stretched out his palm honestly and handed it to his master.

The old man raised his palm and landed on the opponent's wrist, his true energy poured in, and he felt it carefully. After a while, his brows moved slightly, and he said coldly: "It is indeed poisoned, the Poison Sect's [Super Grade Ruanjin Powder], but the opponent obviously I gave you an antidote, which made you regain your strength quickly."

   "What? But why is it okay for that little thing to break in?"

  The man was shocked.

   "This person's cultivation should be extremely terrifying."

  The old man said indifferently, "From my point of view, it must be the Holy Spirit, and it should come from the Poison Sect!"

   "The Holy Spirit of the Poison Sect?"

  The person in front of him shuddered.

   So, didn’t he make a round in front of the gate of hell?

   "Don't take any more missions during this time, the imperial city is getting more and more chaotic, if you dare to run around at night with your cultivation level, you will definitely die."

  The old man's tone was cold.

  The three people in front of them were surprised.

   "Master, is something important going to happen in the imperial city?"

  The leading man asked cautiously.

   "At present, it seems that this is indeed the case. However, as a teacher, I can't figure out what the big deal is. I can only faintly feel the undercurrent in the city, and there are many strange and strong people."

  The old man pondered.

   "Is there no news in the building?"

  The leading man continued.

   "The news of the imperial court's blockade is too deadly, and the inside of the building is also in ambiguity. However, the news must be related to the imperial court and the six doors."

  The old man said.

   "Imperial Court...Six Doors..."

  The three people in front of them were upset and looked at each other.

   Could it be that the emperor is going to give birth to other moths?


   One night passed.

   Early the next morning.

  Liu Yun, as usual, walked on the street with a long sword in his hand, looking extremely happy.

  Since the senior promised to teach him martial arts a few days ago, for four consecutive days, he went there early every day, studying hard and working extremely hard.

   And under the guidance of the other party, my understanding of sword skills and body skills has indeed increased day by day.

  In just four days, it was far beyond what he realized in the previous half a year.

   Really incredible!

   Not far from Liu Yun.

  On a towering pavilion.

  Wearing a long purple gown and dressed like a man, Princess Mingyu stands tall and has an unparalleled temperament. She gently unfolds a white jade folding fan in her hand, looks down with dark eyes, and captures Liu Yun's figure in her eyes.

   "Princess, it has been found out. This person is Liu Yun, the son of [Dan Monster] Liu Xianquan. A few nights ago, he was one of the three."

  The skinny old man stared at Liu Yun, and said in a concentrated voice: "[Dan Wei] Liu Xianquan has a wide range of friends and has a lot of friends. In the imperial court alone, many people have close personal relationships with him. If he rashly offends Liu Xianquan, it may be at our disadvantage."


Princess Mingyu spoke calmly, stared at Liu Yun, and said, "I don't know what to do with a brat. What I'm interested in is his purpose. According to information, Liu Yun has been going to one place for several days in a row. Run to the alley. Guess, who is he going to meet?"

   "Could it be..."

  The skinny old man was shocked.

   "Bring a gift, I'm going to pay a visit."

   Princess Mingyu said.

   "But that person has a weird temper, just in case..."

  Duan Qingtian hastily advised.

   "Don't worry, I know how to measure."

   Princess Mingyu said.

"All right."

   Duan Qingtian spoke.


   "Mr. Xiao, I'm here to practice martial arts again."

  In the courtyard, Liu Yun saluted respectfully.

   "Well, go and practice."

  Yang Fang's tone was indifferent, and he nodded slightly.

  Every day, he only smoked a stick of incense to give advice to Liu Yun, and he didn't ask any other time.

  In general, it will not delay my cultivation.

   "Yes, Mr. Xiao."

  Liu Yun cupped his hands, walked to one side, and began to practice the [Xuantian Sword Art] taught by Yang Fang.

   This swordsmanship is the martial arts of the master of the Shenwu Sect. Although the level is only super-grade, it can be regarded as an absolute leader among the super-grade.

  Based on Liu Yun's current cultivation base, it is best to practice this sword technique to complement each other.

  In the yard.

  Liu Yun practiced one move after another, methodically, standard movements, flickering sword shadows, extremely mysterious.

  Yang Fang sat quietly on one side, secretly using the Leiyin breathing method in his body, breathing in and out silently.

   Calculating the time, there are still two days at most, and the 20 Huangji Pills from Liu Xianquan's place can be released first. At that time, his own strength will enter a new level.


  Yang Fang opened his eyes and looked outside the door.

   There was a knock on the door, and an unusually clear voice came from outside the courtyard. It was a woman's voice, saying, "Is Senior Xiao at home? Junior Zi Linglong came to see Senior Xiao."

  She has inquired from the landlord Wang Quan who is living here.

  Liu Yun, who was practicing sword, was startled, stopped, and looked towards the gate.

  Zi Linglong?

   Is Princess Mingyu?

  She found it again?

   "Mr. Xiao, do you want to open the door?"

   Liu Yun said carefully.

   "Tell him, no visitors."

  Yang Fang's tone was flat.

   "Yes, Mr. Xiao."

  Liu Yun nodded, walked out with his sword in hand, walked towards the door, gently opened a gap, and said: "Princess Mingyu, please go back, Mr. Xiao doesn't want to see guests."

   "Well, say hello to Senior Xiao for me, here are some gifts, I would like to give them to Senior Xiao, please accept them."

  Outside the door, Princess Mingyu is dignified and decent, with a heroic appearance, gently cupping her hands, her voice is as clear and clear as big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

  The skinny old man on one side handed several gift boxes to Liu Yun.

   Liu Yun quickly turned to look at Yang Fang.

   "Let her take away, not one left."

  Yang Fang's voice sounded in Liu Yun's mind.

   Liu Yun turned back again and said: "Princess Mingyu, Mr. Xiao said that he doesn't accept gifts, so please take all these things away with the princess."

  He quickly handed these gift boxes to the skinny old man again.

  The skinny old man frowned.

   "Okay, since this is the case, the younger generation will leave first."

  Master Mingyu's voice continued to come from outside the courtyard.

  She was very knowledgeable, she couldn't make the visit, and she didn't want to stay too long, but gently bowed her hands towards the yard and left here.

  Liu Yun couldn't help being dumbfounded secretly, and turned to look at Yang Fang, feeling more and more full of longing in his heart.

   This is the strong one!

   "Princess, this person is too rude, do you want to go back and mobilize experts to surround this place?"

  In the distance, Duan Qingtian couldn't help but said.

  If it's in the wild, that's fine, they have nothing to do with each other.

   But this is where the imperial city is, and if the other party dares to be rude, this is offending the court.

  They can mobilize masters and take down the opponent directly.

"Need not."

  Master Mingyu walked forward with a clear voice, and said: "This kind of master can't use force, he must win over. It's okay if he doesn't want to see me, and he will continue to send people to give gifts every day until he accepts it."

  Duan Qingtian suddenly understood, nodded and said: "Okay."

   The two gradually drifted away.


   The whole day passed again.

  Sunset dusk.

  The number of pedestrians on the street began to gradually decrease.

   Liu Yun bid farewell to Yang Fang again.

   "Starting tomorrow, you should go back early and don't leave so late."

  Suddenly, Yang Fang's voice sounded, he paused slightly, and said: "Something is wrong in the city recently, something may be going wrong."

   "Trouble? Yes, Mr. Xiao."

  Liu Yun cupped his hands, but secretly suspicious in his heart.

   Not far from the six doors.

  In the bustling tavern.

  Yang Fang sat quietly, while tasting wine, silently feeling the situation of the six doors in the distance.

  Through the resonance of the Dao map on his body, he can clearly feel that the **** seed is still there.

  However, when he tried to listen with wind rhythm, he found that the headquarters of the six doors was dead silent, without the slightest sound.

   This all shows that there is a large formation in the six-door headquarters!

   Moreover, definitely not weak.


  Yang Fang paused, and looked towards the main gate of the six-door headquarters, showing a slight astonishment.

  Jiuyou member!

  He actually met a member of Jiuyou again?

  There are also Jiuyou masters in the headquarters of Six Doors?

At the gate, four figures came out from the inside, the middle one was tall, with steady facial features, short beard on the chin, wide face and square mouth, extremely majestic, wearing a dark red headhunting suit, A silver seal hangs from the waist.

   Silver medal **** catcher!

  Yang thought quickly with peace of mind.

  No. 1 penetrates so deeply!

  Even Yinzhang Shenchuang is also a member of Jiuyou.

   I just don’t know what number this person is?

  Yang Fang's eyes flickered, as if he suddenly saw some hope.

  If you contact the other party and let the other party help you sneak into the headquarters of the Six Doors, you can quietly take away the God Seed at night, which can reduce many accidents at once.

  He ate with a sullen head, turned and left.


  Late at night.

  The silver moon hangs high, covering the mountains and fields.

  There is hoarfrost emerging between the sky and the earth.

  Inside a gazebo.

  Yang Fang was wearing a black robe and a white faceless mask. He was waiting quietly. After eating, he contacted No. 1 through his unique method.

  Seeing that the moon passed the middle of the sky, it was already midnight.

  Suddenly, there was a slight movement in the distance, and a black figure appeared and disappeared among the treetops. It was unpredictable and hard to catch, and it fell quietly towards this side.

   "Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

  As soon as No. 1 landed, he asked.

   "I want to know if there are any members of us in the headquarters of Six Doors. If I want to entrust the other party to do something, I wonder if you can contact me for me."

  Yang Fang opened his mouth,

   "There are indeed our members. No. 6 is the person from the headquarters of the Six Doors. Last time he almost died at the hands of the Vault of Heaven Palace. I saved him."

  One responded.

   "That's good, can you help me contact him."

   Yang Fang said.

   "Of course there is no problem with contacting, but, as far as I know, the imperial city is not peaceful recently, right? Are you contacting No. 6 to investigate the movements in the imperial city?"

  No. 1 is suspicious.

   "Yes, I feel uneasy if I don't know the reason."

  Yang Fang opened his mouth, but did not tell the other party his real purpose.

   "Recently, experts from all walks of life have gathered together, and they seem to have noticed something, but they seem to have not noticed anything. If you investigate rashly, beware of falling into a whirlpool."

  Reminder number one.

   "Don't worry, I know what I know."

  Yang opened his mouth.

   "That's fine, I will contact you as soon as possible. By the way, have you solved the matter of alchemy?"

  No. 1 asked again.

   "Solved, thanks to your recommendation."


  No. 1 nodded slightly, and waited for more, the body quickly disappeared here again.

  Yang Fang glanced around, and after realizing that there was nothing abnormal, he didn't wait too long, his body flashed, and he left quickly.

  If you can catch the line No. 6, things will become extremely simple.


  Returning from outside the city, Yang Fang's breath was restrained, his sleeves rolled up, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the darkness, flashing past in the shadow of the street, and darting towards the residence.

   Just as he passed through a few streets, he suddenly felt something and turned around suddenly.

  In a dark alley, a figure was rushing out quickly, the breath on his body was extremely chaotic, thrilling, like a wounded beast, panicking.

   "Help me, save... ah!"

  Before he finished a sentence, he suddenly let out a scream, which was extremely ear-shattering, as if he was in extreme pain, and his facial features were quickly twisted together.

  Then, the whole body seemed to be inflated, tearing and rattling, the clothes on his body were shattered, and clusters of strange black hair quickly emerged from his body.

  It changed drastically in a blink of an eye!

  From a normal person, he instantly transformed into a four-meter-high terrifying monster covered in thick black hair, and even his eyes turned scarlet red.

  After noticing Yang Fang's body, he let out a roar, as if losing his mind, his terrifying body rushed towards Yang Fang quickly, and a claw came up to tear at Yang Fang fiercely, making a sharp and ear-piercing whistling sound of airflow.

  Yang Anxin was startled, unbelievable.

   In the nick of time, he quickly dodged, and at the same time the long sword was unsheathed, as fast as lightning.

   It's just that the strength of this monster doesn't seem to be high.

   With a puff, blood splashed and was chopped off by Yang Fang.

  The upper body directly hit the ground hard.

  But after landing, the two halves of its body flashed with strange blood at the same time, and then joined together again, as if nothing happened, roaring in its mouth, with a terrifying breath, and continued to pounce on Yang Fang's body.

   Suddenly sand and rocks flew in all directions, and the wind howled.

   And at this moment!

  The figure in the alley flickered and made a small sound.

   Immediately afterwards, three more figures appeared, without exception, all of them were hazy, their faces were covered by true energy, and their aura was restrained, making it difficult to see clearly.

  After they appeared, they didn't do anything immediately, but directly observed around.

  It seems that the monster in front of them is exactly what they released.

  After Yang Fang noticed the appearance of the three of them, his heart froze and he didn't wait any longer. The sword light in his hand flickered, and after cutting the monster twice in a row, his body flashed and quickly swept away towards the distance.

  The imperial city really contains secrets!

  What is this monster?

   "No. 13, it's him!"

  Suddenly, a figure made a deep and cold voice, staring at Yang Fang closely, "He is one of the members of Jiuyou, and he killed Pang Wanzhong and Taoist Yuanmu!"


  The two people around were about to chase out when they were suddenly taken aback and stopped again.

   No wonder the captain didn't act immediately!

   Such an existence!


  Suddenly, the shrill and piercing voice sounded again.

  I saw the black-haired monster cut open by Yang Fang screamed again, and then the whole body began to shrivel up and make a chi-chi sound like a leak.

   In a blink of an eye, he became skinny and shriveled.

   "Failed again."

  The leader said coldly, "Take his body back."

  The two people around nodded, rushed out quickly, each grabbed half of the corpse, and started to return.

  The leader had deep eyes, and once again looked in the direction where Yang Fang left in the distance.


  It seems that they must speed up next.


far away.

  Yang Fang swept all the way, his body flashed repeatedly, and finally got rid of the breath behind him completely, and his heart quickly surged.

  The three belonged to the court just now?

  If it wasn't from the imperial court, how dare you mess around in the imperial city?

  The three of them are not weak in cultivation!

  One second ladder, two first ladders!

   "Could it be that the recent undercurrent in the city is related to them?"

  Yang Fang thought.

  The monster was able to heal continuously, and there seemed to be a breath of divine blood on its body.

   Its concentration is not even weaker than the previous Pang Wanzhong.

   This is incredible!

  What is the imperial court doing?

  However, this also made Yang Fang feel relieved.

  Because looking at it this way, it seems that the people in the imperial court have not discovered the God Seed, but there are other conspiracies.

In this case!

  He can obtain the God Seed more conveniently.


  The first chapter is here!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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