MTL - Gou Became a Martial Saint In Another World-Chapter 265 Full strength! !

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  Chapter 265 Full strength!



  The gazebo exploded and rubble flew.

  Bursts of terrifying fluctuations were like waves, sweeping away in all directions, like a small mushroom cloud rising directly.

  The fierce wind blew the whole yard whining, like howling wolves.

  Yang Fang's body has already retreated immediately, and landed steadily in the distance. The smile on his face is restrained, and his eyes are slightly focused, looking at Ye Chen who is possessed by the grandfather.

   As expected of a protagonist template!

  The old ghost on his body is really powerful!

  The possessed Ye Chen not only has a very high level of cultivation, he has reached the peak of the first ladder, and his speed is also unbelievably fast.

  The sudden burst of speed just now, even Yang Fang almost didn't dodge.

  I saw that the gazebo not far in front of him had completely disappeared.

   Instead, there was an extremely huge opening, more than two meters deep, with a radius of seven or eight meters.

  Ye Chen, with a body of 1.85 meters, stood up again, moved his palms away from the ground, looked at Yang Fang with indifferent eyes, and there was a peerless aura around him, as if he didn't put anyone in his eyes.

"Being able to run away from my palm, it seems that your Excellency is also a character, at least the Holy Spirit of the first ladder, few people can do it, but you have to be careful next, because just now, I only used Gained 70% of the strength."

  The corners of his mouth curled up.


  The body flashed, and disappeared from the spot in an instant, and even the afterimage could not be seen clearly.

  Yang Fang's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, without hesitation, he suddenly opened his mouth and roared.


  The terrifying thunder sounded instantly, and Huanghuang Tianwei shook out, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, rolling and surging, penetrating into Ye Chen's mind.

  However, the soul in Ye Chen's mind was really terrifying. His body just paused for a moment, but suddenly his face changed drastically, and he recovered again. With a flash of his body, his speed surged by 10% again.

  The five fingers were as white as jade, shrouded in a sacred and rich light, and they slapped Yang Fang fiercely.

  Yang Fang's long sword came out of his waist in an instant, and the afterimage was densely covered for a moment, and the speed was not clear. It pierced towards Ye Chen's body with an extremely fast and tricky arc.

   Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

  The sound is piercing and sparks are splashing.

   In the blink of an eye, he stabbed dozens of swords.

  Dozens of sword stabs were blocked by Ye Chen with his fleshy palm.


   Another terrifying roar.

  The bluestone slabs in the entire courtyard were all cracked, rattling, and flying everywhere.

  Yang Fang's body was directly forced to fly upside down, the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, and two extremely deep holes were plowed into the ground.

   His eyes were amazed, and he looked at the improved Golden Snake Sword in his hand.

  I saw the Golden Snake Sword doped with a trace of black magic iron. At this moment, under the attack of 'Ye Chen', it became pitted, as if it had been corroded by high temperature or strong acid.

  The edges on both sides are all dented, and even the blade is broken in the middle.

   Looks horrible!

  Yang Fang's eyes flickered, and he looked at Ye Chen's body again.

  Ye Chen was covered with pure white holy light, but his two palms were surrounded by strange pale white energy at some point.

   This energy is like fire, but not quite fire.

   It happened to be able to melt the Golden Snake Sword mixed with the black magic iron.

   "Old ghost, you really exceeded my expectations."

  Yang Fang opened his mouth, and threw away the long sword in his hand, his face still looked calm and indifferent.

  It was as if everything just now was not enough to make him feel threatened.

  'Ye Chen' stared at Yang Fang coldly with cold eyes, but there were also waves of ripples in his heart.

   Unexpectedly, she shot so many times in the southern region without being noticed, but only once in the northern region, she was directly seen through by the people in front of her eyes.

  The other party said one old ghost, clearly referring to himself.

  This person must not stay.

   "The swordsmanship is good, but unfortunately, it is still too weak, and even my 70% strength can't bear it. Are you worthy of being my opponent?"

  Ye Chen's tone was indifferent, as if he didn't want to say any more nonsense, his body flashed, and he rushed towards Yang Fang's body again at an extremely terrifying speed.

   This time, her body was full of white light, and her momentum was surging.

  In an instant, the power rose.

   It actually increased by 20% again to the original level.

  The pale white energy in the two palms became more intense, exuding an unspeakably destructive aura, as if it contained two terrifying volcanoes.

  Yang Fang's complexion sank, he no longer kept it, and all the hole cards in his body exploded almost instantly.

   There was a bang, the sound was roaring, earth-shattering.

  The air in the entire yard directly turned into air waves, which were surging and surging, and quickly swept away in all directions.

  Many surrounding buildings were affected one after another, and all the faces were shattered by the air wave.

Gongsun Rand, Zhao San, Fang Qingtian, Du Hai and others who had just reacted from Yang Fang's burst of laughter in the yard spurted blood again, their faces were horrified, their bodies were like broken sacks, and they slammed into the distance. Smash it hard, everyone is in great pain.

   But Fang Qingtian and Du Hai quickly showed signs of panic.

  Looking up, I couldn't believe my eyes.

   I saw that not far from them, there were no traces of the previous black-robed man.

   It was replaced by a burly and terrifying existence wearing a ferocious armor, with black lights flickering all over his body.

  The terrifying and domineering iron armor almost wrapped his entire body firmly.

  This person stuck out his palms and was holding Ye Chen's palms firmly.

  No matter how violent the power in Ye Chen's palms was, it seemed that he couldn't shake the opponent at all.

   "Iron Armor, Thunder Sound,'s them."

  Fang Qingtian's tone was trembling, terrified.

How can this be?

   They have already fawned on the protagonist template, how could they still meet this terrible organization?

  Isn't it already said in the novel that after becoming the brother of the protagonist's template, although you will take a small amount of risk, the benefits you will bring will be huge.

  But now, instead of seeing the benefits, they directly saw the terrifying existence of the Celestial Organization.

  The opponent actually blocked Ye Chen?


Yang Fang laughed strangely. He was dressed in pitch-black armor, ferocious and frightening. His body was covered with barbs. The blood-red cloak swept across his back. His eyes were full of unspeakable murderous intent. He held Ye Chen's palm tightly with both hands, as if A savage behemoth smiled lowly and said, "You said you only used 70% of your strength? But I..."

   "There is no effort at all!"


  With a sudden swing of his hands, all the power in his body exploded, and the iron demon armor automatically absorbed the power of the night, making the combat power directly reach an incredible level.

  'Ye Chen' complexion changed, and he wanted to pull out his hands, but he couldn't do it anyway, and his whole body was directly smashed to the ground.


  The ground exploded and shook violently.

   A large piece of gravel flew out directly.

  Ye Chen couldn't help but spurt a mouthful of blood on the spot, his whole cheek came into close contact with the ground, and even the sacred white light on his body almost collapsed.

  His eyes showed deep shock and anger, and he couldn't believe it all.

  This **** guy actually has a hole card?

  Since that battle that year, she has never been bullied like this!

   "Holy flame!"

  'Ye Chen' shouted angrily.

  The sacred white light that had just dimmed suddenly burst out from his body again, with a bang, the waves were turbulent, this time it was more terrifying and vast, and even his hands were completely wrapped.

  The breath of the whole person also directly rose.

  His hands suddenly exerted strength, trying to break free from Yang Fang's hands, and at the same time controlled the white flame to burn towards the iron armor on Yang Fang's body, trying to directly destroy the armor, and even burned Yang Fang to death.

   It's just a terrible scene.

  No matter how his sacred flame burns, the iron armor on Yang Fang's body remains unmoved.

   All the flames will disperse automatically when they burn through, and they will not hurt them at all.

How can this be?

  'Ye Chen' was shocked:

   "Nine Nether Heaven Demon Gold!"

  Yang Fang's eyes showed a frightening light, and with a strange laugh, he raised a huge foot with terrifying power, and came up to stomp Ye Chen's head fiercely.

  'Ye Chen' shouted angrily, struggled with all his strength, and finally freed his hands from Yang Fang's palms, rolled quickly, stepped on the soles of his feet, and quickly dodged.

   Like teleportation.

   It's just that he just dodged, and Yang Fang, whose speed increased wildly, immediately chased after him at an extremely violent speed. The dark and ferocious armor slapped Ye Chen with unspeakable wild strength.

  Ye Chen hurriedly turned around and quickly bent his arms to resist.


  The sound was huge, and the air wave exploded.

  Like fanning a mosquito, it slapped Ye Chen's body straight out on the spot, slamming it into the distance, smashing the wall into pieces.

  'Ye Chen' spat out blood, the flames on his arms burst out again, and he raised his head, showing bursts of gloom and anger.

   "This is your strength. I thought how strong it was, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. You keep saying kill this, kill that. I don't think you can kill anyone."

  Yang Fang's voice was calm, and his unusually tall body was walking slowly forward.

   Behind him, the scarlet cloak fluttered and fluttered.

  His strength and speed have increased dramatically compared to before.

  Ye Chen got up slowly, stared at Yang Fang, his eyes became indifferent again.

   "Young man, you are indeed very strong, but you are still too confident. I want to kill you, all I need is one move!"

  Yang Fang frowned.

  Any secret tricks?

  Suddenly, he had an induction, and without thinking about it, he suddenly turned around.

  Two terrifying iron fists flickering with lightning, smashed directly towards the area behind him.

  Boom! boom!

  Two extremely fast figures, like lightning, flashing light, rushed quickly, one left and one right, and attacked Yang Fang fiercely.

   Horror roared, the wind swept through, and the entire ground began to explode rapidly again.

  Yang Fang's body couldn't help but backed up about three or four steps in a row, his eyes flickered, and he glanced behind him.

  What a strong strength!

   Almost on par with the old ghost on Ye Chen!

  I saw two strange figures in black robes, who were directly forced to fall out by his power, and landed steadily in the distance. Their eyes revealed a trace of strangeness.

  The faces of these two figures were all covered with a white faceless mask.

   Big numbers are written on the mask in red letters.

   On the left is written thirteen.

   Fifteen is written on the right.

   "Brother Ye Chen, we are not late."

  The figure with the number thirteen suddenly smiled and swept his eyes towards Ye Chen.

   "Brother Thirteen, it's great that you are here."

  'Ye Chen' suddenly showed a smile on his face, extremely happy, and said: "I just encountered a slightly difficult matter here. If you don't come again, I'm afraid I will really use some means."

   "Hahaha, Brother Ye Chen is too modest. Others don't know your methods, but my old thirteen knows it very well."

  The figure wearing the No. 13 mask laughed loudly.

  Then his eyes scanned Yang Fang, revealing a strange light, and said with a smile: "Looking at your attire, it seems familiar. It should be the person who killed Huo Tianting not long ago?"

   "Huh? Do you know Huo Tianting?"

  Yang Fang stared at the two mysterious masked figures in front of him and asked.

"Of course I know him. He is a peripheral member of our organization and is about to become an official member. It was originally a topic prepared for us on the 1st, but it was a pity that it was ruined by Your Excellency. This account, we have to settle whatever we say Forget it?"

  No. 13 laughed.

  Yang Fang reacted instantly, and said, "Are you from Jiuyou?"

   "Yes, it seems that you know us, but you killed Huo Tianting and offended Brother Ye Chen, hehe, don't even think about leaving today."

  No. 13 continued to laugh.

   "Offending Jiuyou, only one death!"

  Number 15 next to him said coldly.

   "Two brothers, this person is not weak, and his outer armor is made of Jiuyoutian demon gold. Please hold him for a while, and I will kill this person myself."

  Suddenly, Ye Chen spoke.

   "Easy to say, easy to say!"

  No. 13 was extremely confident and smiled.

  Ye Chen's face suddenly became serious, his hands formed seals, and the holy white light surged on his body, and he began to prepare a killer move quickly.

  No. 13 and No. 15 stared closely at Yang Fang, suddenly laughed out loud, and rushed towards Yang Fang again quickly, their whole bodies were surging, rumbling violently, and the momentum was shocking.

  Yang Fang also showed a strong smile on his face instantly.

   "Interesting, what illusion makes you think that my strength is only this?"

   His voice sounded.


  The aura on his body unexpectedly increased again on the original basis, like a volcanic eruption.

  Kunpeng Three Changes!

  Mysterious Yin Dragon Claw!

  An unimaginable terrifying aura erupted from Yang Fang's body in an instant, like an ancient tyrannosaur suddenly revived, accompanied by a faint dragon chant.

  Even the armor on his body was emitting black light, rattling, his whole body seemed to swell again, and his eyes seemed to have turned into monsters.


  Yang Fang's body suddenly rushed past, the whole ground was exploding rapidly, and countless gravels were flying all over the sky.

   I don’t know how much faster than before.

   At the same time, a terrifying thunder sound suddenly rang out, shaking the world and taking people's hearts and souls.


  The faces of No. 13 and No. 15, who were rushing towards them, changed at the same time.

  But it is undoubtedly too late to dodge at this time.

  Because Lei Yin's insanity had already been poured into the minds of the two of them.


   There was a roar, flesh and blood exploded, and bones flew.

  A headless corpse took the lead and flew backwards towards the back. The blood in the neck gushed out like money, dyeing the night red.

  It is the thirteenth!

   His head was crushed by Yang Fang's paw, and he couldn't die anymore!

  Old Fifteen's face was covered in blood, and the scalding blood stimulated his nerves, and finally made his face startled, and he regained consciousness in an instant.

   It's just that the moment he regained consciousness, he saw Yang Fang's face had already appeared in front of him, a pair of cold and indifferent eyes, staring at him expressionlessly.


  He lost his voice in horror.


  Red and white flying everywhere.

   Another corpse flew backwards violently behind him.

   "Mess up."

  Yang Fang's voice roared, his eyes were indifferent, he turned around, looked at 'Ye Chen' who was forming seals, and said with a serious smile: "Old ghost, I have played with you for so long, now you should die."


  With a flash of his body, he instantly penetrated layers of space and disappeared in place.


  The first chapter is here!

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  (end of this chapter)

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