MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 48 Throb

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"Say to the boy that you ran away with the wild man, is it true? :)"

Tong Liyan stared frowningly at this message. This was already sent by Chen Qingyang ten minutes ago, but she hadn't figured out how to reply.

Wu Xiuqi's eyebrows shook twice. She felt it necessary to refute Chen Qingyang: "The boss is not a wild man!"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

重点 Is the key point here?

"OK, then please list the evidence that the three bosses are not wild men."

"The boss has a legitimate job, is still a high-income group, has a house, a car, and an exercise!"

"... So you are greedy for his money?"

"No, I am purely coveting his beauty. :)"

Uh ...

"You fell in love with his beauty!"

"It's okay, what I do best is to count. :)"

Uh ...

Chen Qingyang stiffened for two seconds before replying, "I heard that you are a Taurus?"

对 "Yes ~ are you ready for your birthday present? = 3 ="

"... I decided to take advantage of the dark winds of the moon tonight to pull all Taurus people to black." Bye bye "" Yes, tell my son that he is going back to America.

Tong Liyan was still worried about whether her birthday gift would be ruined, and Chen Qingyang followed up with another message. Li Yan was surprised. Brother Yunze is going back to the United States?

Hesitating for a while holding her mobile phone, she still dialed Xiang Yunze's number. The call was quickly picked up, and Yun Ze's familiar voice came from the handset: "Yan, what's the matter?"

嗯 "Well, I just heard Shampoo say you are going back to the United States, really?"

Xu Xiang Yunze was silent for a while before asking, "Do you want me to go back?"

His voice is low and magnetic, like a deceptive charm.

Tong Liyan picked up the lyrics on her hand and turned it over twice, and answered, "I don't want you to go back because of me."

He stunned Yunze for a moment, then laughed. This little girl has really grown up: "Relax, I won't go back."

"Don't go back?" Li Yan blinked. In a few words, she always felt as if she had realized something, "Is it related to shampoo?"

"Compared to this, how do you feel about going to work on the first day today?" Cleverly shifted a topic, and told Yunze that if it was not Chen Qingyang's phrase, "The United States is a coward's paradise", he might really go back.

I fled back.

"Well, it's not bad, the boss is nice." Li Yan subconsciously followed Xiang Yunze's thinking. Hearing Li Yan's evaluation of Mo Zhen, he laughed at Yun Ze and said, "Okay, you are tired from your work day, so rest early."

"OK." Hanging up, Li Yan looked at the time, it was ten o'clock. Climbing onto the soft big bed, Li Yan slept over as soon as he got his head on the pillow.

The work of Assistant Chen is really a manual job.

The film crew started filming at eight in the morning, and Li Yan needed to give Mo Zhen a wake-up call at six o'clock-this is a job that Tang Qiang specifically explained. The alarm clock screamed at 5:50, Li Yan slapped the alarm clock on the table with a slap, and sat up with mental strength.

She hasn't got up so early for many years. I remember that when I was in college, I asked the department to participate in the flag-raising ceremony.

After washing his face embarrassedly, Li Yan returned to the bedroom, took out her cell phone and called Mo Zhen's phone: "Good morning, King Mo!"

人 The person on the other side of the phone seemed to be stunned, or hadn't woke up, and it took a while to answer, "Good morning."

Tong Li Yan smiled cheerfully, and the worries of getting up early were all left behind: "Mr. King, should I go to you first, or just go to the studio?"

"Go straight to the set."

"May I prepare breakfast for you?"


"What do you want to eat?"


Mo Mozhen rubbed the messy hair on the top of her head and replied, "Just do it."

"Then I will bring you whatever I eat?"


The other party hung up the phone, and Mo Zhen listened to the busy tone coming from the Internet, and leaned back a bit with arrogance and slammed heavily on the bed.

I really have spring.

Mo Mozhen arrived at the studio earlier than Li Yan. Although the company assigned a car to Li Yan, she did not dare to drive, and always took a taxi to the studio. The thought of Li Yan herself was a little bit depressed. It seemed that she had to hurry to practice her hand while she was on vacation, otherwise it would be a little disappointing to let Mo Zhen drive.

Alas, and Tang Qiang knew that she might get fired.

Tong Li Yan had a large bag of food in her arms, all made by her mother. Li Yan has always had breakfast at home, and Li Li has long been used to getting up for breakfast every day.

Because she got up a lot earlier than ever before, Li Yan thought her mother was still sleeping, but did not expect to walk into the living room and found that she was already making breakfast.

Mo Mozhen looked at the pile of food in front of her, including ham, sandwiches, small cakes, and even juice and milk packages: "... your breakfast is very rich."

"This is our two. I don't know how much you eat for breakfast, so take a bit more." Li Yan put down her breakfast, her eyes stopped when she fell on Mo Zhen's face, "Your What's wrong with my face? "

咳 "Ah, nothing." Mo Zhen subconsciously blocked the corners of his mouth with his hands. It seems that he will have to ask the makeup artist to make up his own makeup later.

Tong Liyan frowned and picked up a small cake, still staring at the corner of Mo Zhen's mouth: "Did you fight with others?"

"Of course not." Mo Zhen subconsciously touched the tip of his nose and quickly shifted the topic. "Where did you buy breakfast? It looks delicious."

"It's all made by my mother." Li Yan was afraid that she could not come to the studio. She didn't even dare to eat breakfast at home. She packed it and brought it to the studio. I didn't expect to come a step later than Mo Zhen. Mo Zhen heard her say this, her eyes moved slightly, and she seemed to think of something like, "You went to work on the first day yesterday, did your family say anything?"

"Eh ... it's okay, I just felt that I went back too late, and walked too early." Li Yan resolved a small cake and picked up a ham again, "Hurry up, or wait for a while It ’s all been eaten by me. "

"Oh." The topic went smoothly, Mo Zhenshun picked up a jar of milk and drank. However, it ’s no wonder that her family members have opinions about the job of returning home early and late, and it ’s really inconvenient for her to run like this every day ...

He raised his eyes and glanced at the person who was smashing the ham opposite him, his mouth slightly raised.

白天 The shooting was smooth during the day, but Li Yan got a bad news. Tonight may be shooting. All night meant that she could not go back tonight.

I was thinking hard about the excuses for not returning overnight. Li Yan felt that this job was really terrible.

I learned in the evening that the crew only prepared a box lunch, and the evening meal had to be solved by everyone. The director explained to everyone embarrassedly that he was too busy to forget it. Li Yan rolled her eyes in her heart, and went out to buy dinner with the money given by Mo Zhen.

I ca n’t say that the boss is really generous, is n’t it just buying dinner, do I need to give her a card?

As soon as she passed a TTM machine, she went up and tried it. Entering the six-digit birthday number, Li Yan looked at the balance displayed on the screen and fluttered lightly from the cash machine.

Until returning to the set, she has not recovered from this shock. Mo Zhen looked at someone who was clearly traveling and poked her with chopsticks: "What's wrong?"

Tong Liyan put down her supper and looked at Mo Zhen solemnly and seriously: "Boss, it's too dangerous to use your birthday as your password. You can change it quickly."


"Don't tell others after the change, especially me. QAQ" If the money is lost, she won't be able to pay for 100 years of continuous work 嘤 嘤 嘤

Mo Mozhen looked at her big watery eyes, and somehow flew in a mood: "The money in this card is already the least."

Tong Liyan: "..."

Xuan Xuanfu is not so dazzling! QAQ

She felt malicious from the boss Sensen.

导演 After eating, the director drank and continued shooting. Li Yan stood alone in the sparsely resting area, always feeling ...

The set at night is definitely a hundred times more gloomy than the set during the day.

Tong Liyan looked at the empty school, and sadness turned into a river—why didn't this school study by himself?

I was sitting alone in the rest area, Li Yan didn't even dare to move. She was afraid that as soon as she moved, she saw something that should not be seen.

Wen Xiaoxiao looked at her without a trace. If she was so big, she was afraid of being like this?

Hehe, it's really interesting. She pursed her lips and showed a ghostly smile at the camera.

卡 "Card. Take a picture here today, everyone goes back to rest and continue tomorrow afternoon."

I finally waited for the director's sentence, and Li Yan jumped up like the prisoner released from prison. It was still Mo Zhen carrying Li Yan back, but today Mo Zhen did not let her take a taxi home, but drove the car directly to her door.

"This ..." Li Yan looked at the mansion in front of her, and forced her heart to wave. Only the second day after taking up the post, the wolf was introduced into the room, and he entered the room. He was really adorable.

"It's going to be dawn soon, and you have to continue shooting in the afternoon. It's too much trouble for you to run back and forth. Let's sleep here for a while." Mo Zhen said seriously, he tried to make his tone sound like those authoritative experts on TV.

"Oh." Li Yan nodded, thinking he made sense, and fart followed him into the room.

Mo Mo's house is cleaned regularly by a cleaning company. He pointed to a room on the left, and said to Li Yan, "This is the bathroom. Take a bath and sleep first."

Take a bath and sleep? Li Yan looked at the handsome and angry man in front of him and swallowed.

He seemed to understand what Li Yan was thinking. Mo Zhen laughed slightly, and bent down slightly, and approached her: "Do you want to sleep on the first floor or on the second floor?"

"Yes, is there any difference?"

"I sleep on the second floor."

Uh ...

O (* //// ▽ //// *) o

Finally, Li Yan fell asleep on the sofa on the first floor, wrapped in a quilt, because she hadn't reached Mo Zhen to take a shower, and she had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Mo Mozhen stood in front of the sofa, rubbing her hair, and watching Li Yan, who was sleeping awake-exactly the same as A Yao he saw that night.

The difference is that he turned back to the bedroom that night, and this time, he really bent down and bowed his head like the prince recorded in the fairy tale.

A soft kiss fell on the princess's forehead.

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