MTL - Good Luck in the Year of the Pig-Chapter 55 The fourth

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"All departments hurry up and come up with plans as soon as possible. Today's meeting is over, let's go."

In the conference room, Qin Zhuopu announced the end of the meeting, and he was the first to get up and walk out in a dashing manner. As soon as he returned to the office to take a sip, Secretary Zhou knocked on the door and said aggressively: "I have convinced Chen The big family by the water, I will say that what happened half a year ago is now involving us. It turned out that his grandson son was greedy and wanted to blackmail. The medical expenses that were paid for were all lost by his son, and now he has no money. I want to continue knocking. When our Guanhai Group is easy to bully? I think that we can do whatever we want by using the media and the Internet to speak out, it's really beautiful!"

Qin Zhuopu frowned upon hearing this, Chen Shuibian was just an ordinary cement worker on the 'Jinghewan' construction site, about fifty years old, and he went to work more than half a year ago because he drank too much. Accidentally fell from a height and was pierced by the steel bar. They are not unreasonable about this matter. Even if the trouble is big, there is still plenty of video evidence on the scene. The generous compensation for the medical expenses at the beginning was the best way to do it.

They are also migrant workers at the construction site, but there are so many differences between people.

Lu Ying's figure could not help but appear in her mind, Qin Zhuopu's tense expression softened instantly, and even a thoughtful smile evoked.

"...President Qin, what are your plans next?" Secretary Zhou stared blankly at his boss.

Qin Zhuopu flipped through the itinerary, knocked on the table and said, "Take time to go to Jinghewan in the afternoon."

Which boss is so down-to-earth, the meaning is enough.

"Of course it's necessary." Qin Zhuopu looked confident, he couldn't wait for the afternoon to come. Why would you find a reason to meet someone today? Or a meal? It must be right to give food, that young man especially likes to eat. No, 20 years old is not a teenager, it is already an adult who can fall in love.

However, I don't know what kind of person the other party likes, or even a man or a woman.

Thinking and thinking. Suddenly, Qin Zhuopu was startled.

Is his heart so urgent?

So clear...

Qin Zhuopu's mouth couldn't help but have a wry smile.

"In short, President Qin goes out with more people, and it's been a bit uneasy recently." Secretary Zhou reminded politely that since President Qin took office, he has worked hard and worked hard and has nothing to say. But not everyone thinks like him. There are always some old guys who are not convinced and who like to do things in private. The so-called man is for wealth, and birds are for food. Anything can happen, and it is impossible to prevent it.

"Grandpa sent me some good players, don't worry." Qin Zhuopu said lightly.

The setting sun in Guanlan City was like blood in the evening, and the residual temperature was fierce.

Getting out of the car, Qin Zhuopu subconsciously looked at the construction site that was still under construction, and the loud noises echoed in his ears. The strange thing was that he did not feel noisy, but felt extremely relieved and peaceful. easy. It's more comfortable than being in a company.

Wonderful magic.

Qin Zhuopu walked towards the construction site with a smile. The four bodyguards followed him, forming a protective posture intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, whoever came here should not try to hurt Qin Zhuopu easily.

Although he didn't want to bring bodyguards when he came over, he wouldn't have trouble with his own safety.

"Oh, that Mr. Qin is here again, see if that's him?" Someone saw Qin Zhuopu from a distance at the height of the building and immediately pointed.

Lu Ying, who was scraping the wall, subconsciously looked out the window and stretched her neck: "Where is it?"

"Haha, Xiaolu likes Mr. Qin so much? Oh, Mr. Qin gives us something every time he comes. He is really a very caring young boss. Now that he is gone, grandpa has to recuperate. President Qin has become a boss before he is 30 years old. It is not easy to think about it. There are always people who are not convinced and want to find trouble when they are young. You all saw the news a few days ago, right? Bah, that old thing Chen Shuibian really has a hole in his head and his heart is dissatisfied. It's obviously that he doesn't follow the rules of the company, he drinks and goes to work, who's to blame for the injury? It's very reasonable to pay for medical expenses. "

"What a joke, it's not easy for President Qin? Think about how much property people have in their purses and see who's not easy. Childish!"

"But Chen Shuibian's facts are not authentic..."

"I just want to see if President Qin will give us more dishes today? I can have beer for dinner, I can't help it."

Lu Ying doesn't know anything about the company, so she has been listening to everyone chatting without interrupting. Just talking about adding vegetables, his lips could not help licking. While he was working, he glanced at the distant big boss outside the window, and couldn't wait to get off work. I want to go to dinner, I want to... take a look at what President Qin brought?

Hope it was delicious (*^▽^*).

The construction site will be closed in a short time, and the construction will be complained at night. Therefore, the workers can really rest after working for a day. They walk in the direction of the work shed. Everyone smiles and walks easily.

Qin Zhuopu had already sat down in the shed, and was warmly received by the cooking aunts, but the atmosphere was somewhat uncomfortable. It was the bodyguards beside President Qin who looked too bluffing.

"Everyone hurry up to wash your hands and eat, Mr. Qin brought us some dishes. Mr. Qin is so kind..."

"Thank you Mr. Qin!"

"Thank you..."

Thanks everyone politely, the big thing is not as big as eating, so I washed my hands and ate in the blink of an eye. This time, Lu Ying didn't take the first place, but fell behind. When she passed by Qin Zhuopu with her head buried in it, she blushed and buzzed: "Thank you, thank you, President Qin!" , dragged a few steps forward weakly, picked up the bowl and chopsticks with his back to Qin Zhuopu's direction to eat and drink happily.

Qin Zhuopu lowered his head and smiled silently.

Even if this is the case, there is nothing to say. But as long as he met and looked at him, his mood would inexplicably improve. Lighthearted and happy from the heart. If that's not liking, what is?

It's just this love, but he won't show it to others easily.

After sitting for a while, Qin Zhuopu left.

He didn't speak to Lu Ying alone from beginning to end, as if he really came to sympathize with the lower-level employees.

Lu Ying breathed quietly until the person left. The big boss sat there without eating or drinking, and stayed quietly, which made him feel uncomfortable and flustered, and the more he ate, the more uncomfortable he became.

Lu Ying looked back and glanced at the tall and straight figure of the big boss, but she couldn't help but secretly expect that if he would come back tomorrow...

Lu Yingshen blushed: "Don't you want it? Everyone likes delicious food."

Ji Xiaofeng ruthlessly spread her hands: "I don't want to. I don't care. It's the same thing as eating or not. If you really want to eat, you can go out and buy it."

"Well, what's the matter. It was sent by President Qin himself... Outside, ahem, outside costs money." Lu Ying nodded solemnly.

Ji Xiaofeng glared at him: "If you want to eat what you want, I promise to invite you, you don't have to pay it back."

"Well, it's great to have free..."

"Haha, Xiao Lu really wants to be beautiful."

Everyone laughed, Lu Ying bowed her head in embarrassment, feeling a little lost in her heart, this idea is really unrealistic.

Fortunately, for the next three consecutive days, although Qin Zhuopu did not come, they successively distributed summer fruits and several carts of watermelons to the workers.

After another evening, Lu Ying ate the refreshing watermelon sweetness in his mouth, washed his hands with satisfaction, followed Ji Xiaofeng and walked out, tonight he and Ji Xiaofeng Ready to go out to the night market, buy something, and have a late night snack.

There is still a little sunset in the sky, and the evening breeze is much more comfortable than during the day.

Lu Ying walked out in high spirits, the two of them soon came to the gate of the construction site, a car stopped just at this moment, the door opened, Qin Zhuopu came out, and the two met each other All were stunned.

Ji Xiaofeng broke the silence and said politely, "President Qin."

"Hello, Mr. Qin!" Lu Ying greeted nervously.

Ji Xiaofeng glanced sideways at her friend.

Qin Zhuopu raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Where are you going?"

"It's just a casual stroll around the night market. President Qin is here to inspect the work? But everyone is off work." Ji Xiaofeng frowned.

Qin Zhuopu was helpless, he was too late today, but he just wanted to come and have a look. After all, it's been a few days since I came, so just take a look.

Qin Zhuopu shook his head: "No, take a look while passing by. Let's go shopping."

He moved away politely and humbly, and watched Lu Ying pass by with Ji Xiaofeng. He wanted to call someone, but he couldn't find a good reason. Even if there is a reason, what is the purpose of the action? Although the other party is 20 years old, he looks like a simple boy who is not familiar with the world. This kind of teenager should usually walk on the boulevard with the girl, or ride a bicycle, walking through the streets of the city, innocent and romantic, youthful wanton...

In a flash, Lu Ying and the two had gone far.

Qin Zhuopu stood on the spot and stared blankly at the back in a daze. Suddenly, he saw Lu Ying, who was falling behind, looking back and giving him a look. With just one glance, Qin Zhuopu's heart beat fast. An inexplicable sense of tension suddenly rose, and the next moment, he saw Lu Ying's eyes glaring furiously, like a vigorous and fierce cheetah flying towards him.

In an instant, he was hit hard. There was a loud 'Boom' in my ears, mixed with a few screams of horror.

"Are you alright?" Lu Ying panted, staring at Boss Qin who was dragged away in time by him, with undisguised concern on his face.

Qin Zhuopu was stunned for half a second, stood up, and returned to its original position with a heart: "It's okay, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the culprit van behind him, his eyes cold. A few bodyguards who escaped the catastrophe but the ineffective head of the household have surrounded the van. One person rudely opened the door and pulled the driver inside out. Unfamiliar faces, but they knew him.

Several old migrant workers who heard the news were outraged and looked at the man who almost killed Boss Qin in disbelief, "Chen Shoucai! I didn't expect you to be so vicious, you dare to drive into President Qin? You Are you crazy? Your father is greedy for a prodigal like you, and the rest of his life is over. Just wait and go to jail!"

"Is he Chen Shuibian's son of a bastard?"

Lu Ying was angry when she heard the words, she walked over and kicked Chen Shoucai: "What a big villain, I want to kill President Qin if you don't hurt your own father enough. It's so bad! A person like you should be Sit through the bottom of the prison and never let it go. If I didn't suddenly realize something was wrong just now, President Qin would have been killed by you! How could you kill him! He is a good man! "

Ji Xiaofeng stepped forward and pulled Lu Ying, "Why are you so excited, and I didn't bump into you."

Just now he turned his head back for a moment and saw the van rushing towards President Qin. For the first time, he realized what it means to feel the pain of almost stagnant heartbeat!

He didn't have any thoughts at all, and his body rushed over consciously, pulling the man away a second before the wheel arrived.

Fortunately, President Qin is safe and sound.

This matter was extremely bad, and soon the police came to deal with it. Qin Zhuopu didn't say much and left with the police. Compared to the angry Lu Ying, his victim was calm and outrageous.

Only Qin Zhuopu himself knew that the decision he made in a short moment would affect the lives of two people.

Another week passed, and Mr. Qin did not appear again. Lu Ying, who still eats and drinks enough every day, occasionally gets distracted and absent-minded. But after seeing the news and everyone's discussion, the evil deeds of Chen Shuibian's family were finally revealed to the world, and the Guanhai Group was completely cleared of bad luck.

I saw Qin Zhuopu again, it was still on the construction site, Lu Ying had just loaded up a truckload of bricks, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Zhuopu walking towards him step by step, his clean black shoes covered with mud , but he didn't care, a pair of deep and gentle eyes smiled at Lu Ying, like the brightest star in the night sky.

"Lu Ying. Thank you for saving me that day."

Lu Ying held her breath, only to feel hungry and panic, "No, you're welcome."

Qin Zhuopu spoke again, his eyes full of sincerity: "I want to invite you to dinner, okay?"

Is it possible...of course.

Lu Ying nodded subconsciously.

"Thank you."

Qin Zhuopu's uneasy heart completely let go, "Come with me."


"If you wish, I would like to invite you to eat all over the city slowly."

I, of course I do!

How can there be such a beautiful thing in the world? Such a generous good person?

Since then, Qin Zhuopu really did what he said, and invited Lu Ying out to dinner every three days, every time it was a different place. Sometimes it is a luxurious and high-end hotel restaurant, sometimes it is a private shop hidden in a remote alley. No matter where to eat, Qin Zhuopu has never disappointed Lu Ying.

Every time I eat, the bright smile on Lu Ying is more pleasant than any delicious food.

From unfamiliar to acquaintance, from unfamiliar to familiar, there is nothing that cannot be solved by one meal.

And privately think carefully about how to express it to be more confident.

Christmas is here.

As usual, he made an appointment with Lu Ying to eat at a couple restaurant with a good atmosphere.

The waiter played gentle and romantic light music next to you, and the dessert in your mouth can melt your heart. Since he came in, Lu Ying's face has been hot, he swept the audience without a trace, his head lowered. Inadvertently just now, he saw something incredible!

"Lu Ying, are the desserts delicious?" Qin Zhuopu asked with a smile, his eyes full of doting tenderness.

Lu Ying nodded: "Very delicious, you are so kind! After I left the mountain, you are the best and best person I have ever met..."

"Because I invited you to eat food?" Qin Zhuopu asked, wanting to laugh but feeling helpless.

"Yeah." Lu Ying nodded and shook his head: "It's not just that. I don't know how to say it. Anyway, I feel that you are really good."

Qin Zhuopu smiled wryly, is this a good person card?

"Thank you for calling me a good man."

Lu Ying suddenly said, "That...I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter? You can ask." Qin Zhuopu was curious.

Lu Ying quietly gestured to a table not far away with her eyes: "Look over there... two men, I saw them kissing just now. This, this..."

Qin Zhuopu's heart sank, worried about the success rate of his plan tonight. But he still answered frankly: "They are a pair of homosexuals, which is normal and has existed since ancient times. It is not uncommon for women and girls to fall in love now."

"Ah! Oh oh oh!" Lu Ying was taken aback: "So..." Is it okay?

Qin Zhuopu smiled wryly: "Do you feel disgusted?"

Lu Ying hurriedly hummed, then suddenly covered her face and said nothing.

"Why, afraid?" Qin Zhuopu couldn't help reaching out and touched his hair, feeling cold in his heart.

Lu Ying raised her head, took a deep breath, looked at Qin Zhuopu with a blushing face, "I, I..."

"What about you?" Qin Zhuopu was a little worried.

Lu Ying shivered: "I, I really want to... kiss you."

"!!" Qin Zhuopu was struck by lightning.


A hallucination?

Lu Ying blushed like blood, and said in a loud voice, "Your mouth... looks delicious." He must have been fascinated by the fox spirit to say such words and give birth to this kind of thought. Before, he thought it was an illusion, thinking that he thought too much. But today, when he saw two men kissing me and me, his chaotic mind suddenly became clear.

He just tasted Qin Zhuopu's mouth. That mouth is always raised gently, whispering to him softly, like a spell, which makes people very comfortable. If you don't see or hear it for a day, it will be boring that day.

Before he knew Qin Zhuopu, he had never been like this. He's seen a lot of TV shows, and he knows that's weird.

Today, he finally understood.

It's actually…

"I like you."

Kiss, tender kiss, warm kiss. The entanglement between lips and lips made her breathless after being kissed, but Lu Ying was reluctant to let go. Finally 'eat' the dream 'food', as his intuition expected, it is sweeter than dessert and more beautiful than food.

Qin Zhuopu put his arms around his coveted lover, and his love value overflowed. He loves the boy's face, his smiling face, the corners of his lovely mouth, and his coquettish eyebrows. Love his shyness, love his kindness, love his bravery, and love his frankness even more.

"Thank you for liking me."

Qin Zhuopu kissed Lu Ying's forehead lightly.

The gentle voice whispered in Lu Ying's ear again. "Lu Ying, I have always liked you."

From the first encounter.

The author has something to say:

Small Theater

Lu Ying: The pig's trotters are delicious!

President Qin: Eat as much as you want.

Lu Ying: Chicken feet are delicious!

President Qin: Eat as much as you like.

Lu Ying: You are delicious too (*^▽^*)

President Qin: I'm already lying down ^_^

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