MTL - Good Luck in the Year of the Pig-Chapter 43

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He admits that he did something wrong, but what he did is what he did, and time cannot be turned back.

In addition to frankly telling Lu Ying that he had no other choice, he would also be afraid, for fear that the child would not trust him and be disappointed in him in the future. After all, it is a child who was raised by himself, so if there is a estrangement because of this, it will not be very uncomfortable.

Lu Ying's mood is not so calm at the moment, Qin Zhuopu is going to go up the mountain, this is a very exciting moment, and it is just to see Brother Yang's child, will Qin Zhuopu have it? Doubt?

Lu Ying stood at the door and looked down the mountain, thinking in her heart, why don't you take this opportunity and simply confess to Qin Zhuopu Lu Zaizai's life experience, let him know that Zaizai is his own son and also his special physique. Or wait until the cub can accept the two fathers calmly, and is willing to call Qin Zhuopu's father ... Lu Ying was entangled for a while.

He was also very curious. If Qin Zhuopu knew that the cub was his own son, he didn't know how he would react. Won't be happy like a fool?

Old Xu brought tea and snacks over, "Lu Ying, come and try the snacks I made today, and the scented tea that I just received in autumn. Cough, if you have anything to communicate with, don't I'm angry with your grandpa."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Xu." Lu Ying was a little inexplicable, biting a small snack and looked at the silent Grandpa Lu strangely: "Why should I be angry with Grandpa Lu?"

Lao Xu laughed dryly, and Lu Ying blinked: "I'm not angry, I'm just a little angry. He woke up but didn't tell me, lived in a community and avoided seeing me, hum. It's just a little bit angry. Now I see that Grandpa Lu is doing well. Of course, I'm more happy than anything else. Moreover, Grandpa Lu is now with Brother Yang and has a baby. I also hope that Grandpa Lu has someone to accompany him. He is as stubborn as he used to be. He stays in the mountains every day and refuses to go out to meet people. Now he has changed a lot, which I think is very good."

"That's right, Mr. Lu has changed a lot. Before...cough, he was really stubborn." Mr. Xu put down his tea and hurried away.

Lu Ying ate two small biscuits, and finally felt that Grandpa Lu who was silent for a long time was strange.

"Grandpa Lu, why don't you talk? Could it be that I'm angry with you for talking back?" Lu Ying looked at Grandpa Lu: "I won't in the future, you can just be in good health now."

Grandpa Lu took a sip of dry tea and sighed.

"I said, grandpa did something wrong, sorry for you."

Lu Ying couldn't help being nervous: "what is it?" He couldn't imagine what Grandpa Lu would do. After all, he is living well with his son and Qin Zhuopu, and every day is full and happy. In a long-distance relationship, you will occasionally miss the lover who is not around, but you can experience a strong joy every time you meet again. There is nothing bad about this day.

Lu Qianchuan reckoned that Qin Zhuopu was about to arrive.

"I'm avoiding you because I don't know how to face you. Seven years ago, I made my own decisions to harm you and Qin who didn't see the above. This time you have a new life, brother Yang. After he found out, he scolded me and told me a lot, and then I realized that I was wrong. He scolded me right. I used to be stubborn and old-fashioned and hated people outside, and I thought we should stay away from human beings in the mountains. "

Lu Ying, who heard the truth, was stunned and poured half a glass of water in the cup in her hand.

"What did you do then?" Lu Ying's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

Lu Qianchuan said bluntly: "That kid came to Qixia Mountain, I came forward to ask him to leave, and wiped that memory..." At that time, when Lu Ying came back, he immediately found that Lu Ying's body was not right, and he was shocked Before Zhong Zhong could tell him, Qin Zhuopu came here.

Lu Ying stood up suddenly, her chest heaving. He never dreamed that Grandpa Lu, who was so fond and indulgent towards him, would do this. And he was stupid and ignorant, and he kept blaming why Qin Zhuopu didn't come to him.

Qin Zhuopu himself thought that the confusion of his brain and memory might mean that he was sick.

"You..." Lu Ying was out of breath, unable to speak for a long time.

"I just found out that your body has changed, and I was angry." Lu Qianchuan said.

"But you know I'm waiting for him, and you say as long as I like it..."

Lu Ying's eyes were red and her voice was shaking.

Lu Qianchuan's expression darkened, "At that time, I had no other thoughts than anger, and I would coax you because I was afraid that you would be sad. In my eyes, he is not a good thing, and his mother dares to bully you, even more so. I won't go down the mountain, because I hate human beings, and you will be driven back after a year of going down the mountain. How can I tolerate him? He is not worthy of you!"

"Then why don't you tell me the truth? You hide it from me, I'm still waiting stupidly, resenting him and thinking about him, but it's not like that at all. No wonder you say if He hasn't come for three years, and I'm not allowed to go to him, you know he won't come back at all... maybe even forget me."

Lu Ying was really crying, she couldn't control her tears. He couldn't say the words to forgive Grandpa Lu, nor could he hate him.

If he had forgotten Qin Zhuopu after those three years, he might just laugh it off now.

Unfortunately not, he has always liked only such a person.

"Lu Ying..." Yang Sigu pushed open the door and walked in, looking at the two with a complicated look, and said helplessly, "Lu Qianchuan is a dead brain, you can scold him if you want, don't be polite. I understand your feelings. He is a very old-fashioned and stubborn person who is hard to accept new things. He doesn't even want to accompany me down the mountain. I dumped him because I couldn't stand it before. Now I also nagging him every day to brainwash him. I realized that my actions were wrong.”

Lu Ying wiped her tears and breathed in: "Qin Zhuopu always thought that there was something wrong with his brain, and kept saying that he couldn't do that, but I didn't believe it. He had headaches several times, and I didn't at all. It is suspected that someone is doing something, and it is still Grandpa Lu."

Lu Qianchuan was silent.

"He's just an ordinary person who doesn't know anything. He doesn't even know that the cub is my and his child. You treat him like this, when he knows, how should I face it? Even if you If you think he's not good and oppose us, you should tell me." Lu Ying panicked.

Lu Qianchuan sighed: "He should have recovered. I solved it for him."

Lu Ying was taken aback: "Recovered?"

"Of course."

Lu Ying suddenly remembered the abnormal Qin Zhuopu last time, and the leaf in his pocket. Immediately, it became clear in his chest that Qin Zhuopu regained his memory. But he didn't mention it.

For a while, Lu Ying buried her head and did not speak for a long time.

He doesn't want to talk to Grandpa Lu now, no amount of talking can change the past. This kind of uncomfortable, heavy and complicated feeling was experienced seven years ago, the day Mrs. Qin asked him to leave.

Old Xu pushed the door open again, looked at Lu Ying and said, "Mr. Qin has reached the foot of the mountain, do you need me to pick him up?"

Lu Ying rubbed her eyes and stood up: "I'll go."

"Lu Ying..." Lu Qianchuan wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. He could only watch Lu Yingfei run down the mountain quickly.

Yang Sigu sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, "Hey... just say it, I finally confessed."

"I don't know if he will recognize me in the future..." Lu Qianchuan drank two cups of tea.

Yang Sigu glanced at him: "Do it yourself. What if your daughter brings her boyfriend back when she is an adult?"

"Of course I broke the man's leg!" Lu Qianchuan blurted out.


Yang Sigu took a deep breath, got up and snorted and left: "You should still live alone in the mountains."

Lu Qianchuan was immediately annoyed, and hurriedly followed behind to reflect on his mistake.

Qixia Mountain, Qin Zhuopu was wearing light sports clothes and shoes, and was climbing up the mountain with a backpack. Appropriate, at first glance, it was specially bought for him. Although it's not necessarily expensive, he likes Lu Ying's thoughts. Last time, he wore a 99-piece T-shirt as pajamas, and he still had a good night's sleep.

Although the weather was sultry tonight and I was already sweating when I arrived, Qin Zhuopu was in a very happy mood, as comfortable as stepping into spring. He marched down the mountain road with his flashlight up, even humming a light tune.

I still remember when I entered Qixia Mountain on New Year's Eve. What a miraculous mountain road under his feet today, it was generously displayed in front of his eyes and opened up for him.

In the night, Qin Zhuopu moved forward all the way.

It's far away, Lu Ying in the forest has heard Qin Zhuopu's footsteps and the tune he hummed softly. He was in a good mood without seeing anyone.

Such a relaxed Qin Zhuopu is rare.

Lu Ying's irritable and heavy mood could not be reduced by half, he wiped his face, sorted out his mood and ran to Qin Zhuopu quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Zhuopu saw his lover who was rushing towards him like a gust of wind. He subconsciously opened his arms and stably caught the lover's powerful impact. Fortunately, he took out one every day after returning this time Lifting the iron every hour, otherwise how can the next plate be so stable?

"Why are you so excited to come to pick me up?" Qin Zhuopu asked with a smile, holding the lover in his arms tightly.

Lu Ying hugged Qin Zhuopu's neck tightly, wrapped her legs around his waist, buried her head on his shoulders like a wronged child, and made herself completely dependent on him.

Qin Zhuopu held Lu Ying's **** with both hands, weighed her with a smile on her face, and said politely, "You can't imitate your son and ask me to carry it. To be honest, I can walk with my arms. Just a few steps away. Tsk, who told you to look thin, but the flesh is hidden in your clothes, it's really heavy. What if my old waist flashes?"

Lu Ying moved, but still couldn't hold on, rubbed her head on his neck, and said in a loud voice, "Are you a fool?"

"Which one is this?" Qin Zhuopu was helpless, "Come on, go on my back and I'll try it on your back?"

"I don't want to go, I just want this." Lu Ying decisively refused.

"Okay, then I'll try my best, so I'll lift irons to exercise." Qin Zhuopu smiled, really carried Lu Ying and continued to walk forward, a heavy burden, but he was willing and quite enjoyable This sweetness.

Lu Ying lowered her head and muttered: "I'm not an iron lump... I said you were a fool, didn't you hear?"

"I heard. Last time you scolded me for being a big pig's hoof, what's next?" Qin Zhuopu teased.

"..." Lu Ying took a bite on his ear, reluctant to use force, and did not even leave a mark, only made Qin Zhuopu tickled his neck and swayed his feet, almost knocking Lu Ying fall out.

Qin Zhuopu had a lingering fear in his heart, and roared at him softly: "Don't mess with me, do you want to wrestle? Don't look at this place, I still want to meet your grandfather decently, and be obedient."

"No!" Lu Ying froze and said.

Qin Zhuopu was stunned: "what, what happened?"

Lu Ying buried her head, "You fool, the person who gave you a leaf that day was my grandfather. Your memory has been restored, and you know it better than me. Why didn't you tell me at that time?"

"...Your grandfather told you?" Qin Zhuopu breathed a sigh of relief and patted him on the back, "If I say I don't care at all, it must be a lie, I have found the mountain but missed you, missed it. Seven years. But...I can understand his mood."

In the short period of time when his memory was restored, the fire of his anger was completely extinguished by the mystery of the life of Grandpa Lu and Lu Ying.

Compared to worrying about the pain that has passed. He cares more about everything in front of him. Grandpa Lu and Lu Ying are both non-humans, and the differences in race are so great that Grandpa Lu might even oppose them. Will the other clansmen on the mountain be unable to accept him as an ordinary human being?

Think about it, he is already a father, and the cub is a good boy. If Zaizai falls in love with someone special in the future, what should he do as a father. In the absence of personal encounter and personal experience, Rao is also afraid to say that he supports all the choices of the child 100%.

Besides, Grandpa Lu's family is so magical and mysterious, if he hadn't met him in person, he wouldn't even believe it if he was killed. The more unusual it is, the more careful outside eyes are needed. If you accidentally meet someone and expose yourself, it will involve more than one or two people, and there are so many partners in the mountains. Grandpa Lu wants him to forget Lu Ying, he really understands.

The hearts of those who are not my race must be different, and this statement cannot be refuted between people. Not to mention people and fairies.

Lu Ying's eyes widened, Qin Zhuopu's tolerance made his heart nervous, "Can you understand?"

Qin Zhuopu nodded, "I'm relieved. As long as he is willing to bless us now, it is more important for our family to be happy together than anything else." After a pause, he sighed worriedly: " Really, I'm very happy that your Grandpa Lu allowed me to come up the mountain. I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid he will oppose us. But now I feel, has he accepted me? "

"...You..." Lu Ying, who was full of sorrow and pain, was speechless, grabbed Qin Zhuopu's shoulder, and stared at Qin Zhuopu blankly: "Why are you like this..."

Qin Zhuopu pushed his forehead helplessly: "what if? If he makes me lose my memory again, I don't know if I will meet you again in the next seven years. The goblin, where in the world can I find a second one."

"You woo... There will never be a second time. Even if there is, I will take the cubs to find you, and I will definitely go." Lu Ying whimpered, remembering that he had wanted to go many times Looking for Qin Zhuopu, even if he was cheeky, he wanted to go, but in the end it was all an illusion. He hadn't acted, he just felt that Qin Zhuopu, who had never appeared once, might really not care about him that much. He was timid and didn't even have the courage to confirm.

Raising her hand to wipe Lu Yingtong's red eyes, Qin Zhuopu softly comforted: "Don't cry. Let the cubs see what to do, and they will definitely laugh at you."

"He won't..." Lu Ying smiled, sniffing and said, "He will comfort me, he will say Dad don't cry."

Qin Zhuopu kissed his eyes, "Yes, with such a caring son and such a handsome husband, don't cry in the future, if you are happy every day, we will be happy."

"Pfft..." Lu Ying laughed out a snot bubble, quickly wiped it away, and glared at Qin Zhuopu, "You are so nauseous, you think beautifully, so you won't call your husband. "

"Really not?"


"I don't believe it."

"Absolutely not."

"I have evidence in my phone, hehe."

“…when did you record it?”

"I won't tell you."

"Tell me!"

"Haha, I want to treasure it..."

"I'm so pissed!" I want to deform and step on him with trotter prints.

The two of them walked into the mountains hand in hand, laughing and making trouble. Lu Qianchuan, who had been waiting in the room for a long time, couldn't believe it, what happened?

Lao Xu, who was next to him, smiled slightly: "Young people are quick-tempered, and their tempers come and go quickly. How can I keep thinking about conflicts with my family. Lu Ying is a child who does not hold grudges. That Mr. Qin is also very considerate and steady. He recovered his memory but didn't rush to tell Lu Ying the truth, which shows his attitude. I think he cares more about the emotional stability of the two people than anything else. "

Lu Qianchuan shook his head: "I hope."

The two of them were chatting, and Lu Ying had already led Qin Zhuopu into the house. When Qin Zhuopu saw Lu Qianchuan in the house, he was so determined that it was this man, young Grandpa Lu.

"Mr. Qin, welcome to Qixia Mountain." Xu Lao stood up first, greeted him with a smile, and poured tea politely.

"Thank you. Lu..." Mr. Lu is still Grandpa Lu, this is a question...

Lu Qianchuan glanced at Lu Ying, who was silent, and coughed lightly, "Just call me Grandpa Lu."

Qin Zhuopu gladly accepted: "Grandpa Lu." Unfortunately, he came in a hurry, and only prepared a gift for his little niece, but nothing for the elders.

"Humph...Didn't you come to see my little niece? Come on, I'll show you."

"Well, I bought her a lot of presents."

Lu Ying immediately dragged Qin Zhuopu to the back room, Lu Zaizai giggled, and the corners of their mouths curved. Pushing the door and going in, everyone was sitting under the corridor of the yard. Brother Yang was no exception. He seemed to be in good spirits. Ji Xiaofeng and Lu Zizai were playing games, no wonder her son laughed so happily. Even the little baby in Brother Yang's arms was in a daze with his round eyes open, without any sleepiness.

"Brother Yang, Zhuopu came to see the little niece. Cub, do you see who is here?"

"Uncle" Lu Zaicai jumped over happily.

Qin Zhuopu took off the backpack and handed the prepared gift to Brother Yang: "Congratulations to Boss Yang for his daughter-in-law. This is my little care."

Yang Sigu smiled: "It's very kind, thank you Mr. Qin. I'm too embarrassed to accept such a big gift." .

"It should be, thanks to Boss Yang for taking care of Lu Ying, now he is very happy at work, thanks to Boss Yang." Qin Zhuopu sincerely thanked him.

"Then I'm welcome."

Lu Ying then walked around with Qin Zhuopu.

Qin Zhuopu asked him curiously, "Isn't Boss Yang's lover in the mountains?"

"..." Lu Ying rolled her eyes and glared at him: "Guess?"

Qin Zhuopu smiled wryly: "I just didn't see it, so I asked you. Shouldn't he...he takes care of the children by himself?"

Lu Ying sighed: "Guess?"

"..." is naughty!

It was not early, Qin Zhuopu saw his little niece, and Lu Ying wanted to go down the mountain. He originally wanted to live on the mountain today, but now he wants to take the child and Qin Zhuopu home.

Lu Ying said she was going down the mountain, and Lu Qianchuan was in a hurry.

Lu Ying asked Lu Zizai to take good things, and urged Qin Zhuopu to take the bag. The family said goodbye to everyone and walked into the darkness.

Lu Ying is in a good mood holding each other. Lu Zaizai around him chatted with Qin Zhuopu, why 100,000 people were in full swing.

"Lu Ying."

Suddenly, Lu Qianchuan's voice came from behind.

The three of them turned around together and saw that Lu Qianchuan was chasing after him.

"Grandpa Lu, are you coming to see us?" Lu Zaizai asked happily.

Lu Qianchuan patted his head, looked at Lu Ying, and then looked at Qin Zhuopu: "I'm here to say sorry to you in person. It's true that I'm the one who takes a big shot at you. Bullying, it shouldn't be."

Qin Zhuopu hurriedly said: "Grandpa Lu, don't care too much, as long as you bless us, I'm already grateful, thank you."

Lu Qianchuan took a deep breath and said, "Okay. Let's have a good time. However, I still have to say something bad. If you dare to hurt Lu Ying someday, I will never forgive you!"

“…” Lu Ying supported her forehead.

Qin Zhuopu nodded: "Don't worry, Grandpa Lu, I will cherish Lu Ying and the cubs in my life, and I will never hurt him."

Grandpa Lu looked satisfied, stopped talking nonsense, turned around and went back.

"Phew... let's go." Qin Zhuopu was just startled, the invisible pressure of Grandpa Lu was really breathless. It was as if he saw a stag in front of him again.

Lu Ying grabbed his hand and shook it: "Don't be afraid of him, Grandpa Lu... Usually very kind."

"Rest assured, I know."

Lu Zizai raised his head and stared at his father and uncle. The two of them kept 'eyes and brows', but they didn't notice the curious look of the little fat man.

Lu Zizai suddenly roared: "Ah!"

"What, what's wrong?" Lu Ying was startled.

I saw Lu Zizai exaggeratedly referring to Lu Ying and Lu Ying, as if he had discovered a great secret: "Dad, are you in love with your uncle? It must be right!"

"..." Lu Ying was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha..." Qin Zhuopu laughed, "Why do you say that?" Could it be that first grade children mature so early?

Lu Zizai said brightly: "I just know! Humph, you didn't think I was the smartest!"

"Dad and uncle, let me tell you, this is also done on TV! The grandfather objected to the marriage of the male lead and the female lead, but the male lead and the female lead wanted to run away. The grandfather had no choice but to say It's similar to my Grandpa Lu. It's a blessing! You want Grandpa Lu's blessing, right? You must be in love! Look at you, you've been holding hands and shy faces."


Two adults, look at me, I look at you, dumbfounded.

The author has something to say:(*^▽^*)Cubs assists

Small Theater

Mr. Qin: I saw Grandpa Lu pushing a stroller today

Lu Ying: What?

President Qin: I saw that it was Brother Yang’s daughter

Lu Ying: What?

President Qin: that's your aunt?

Lu Ying: o(╥﹏╥)o

President Qin: Thank you for your wit, otherwise I would have more aunts

Small Theater

President Qin: The little niece is so cute

Brother Yang: Thank you for the compliment

Lu Qianchuan: Auntie!

President Qin: ...the little aunt is so cute.

Lu Qianchuan: Hmm.

President Qin:…???

Small Theater

Teacher: Now let’s give an example of a pair of things in life, such as a pair of chopsticks

Classmate a: a pair of shoes

Student b: A pair of gloves

Lu Zaizai: a pair of fathers


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