MTL - Golden Stage-Chapter 62 Fish goose

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In the summer of Yuantai 26, the anti-thief broke the capital.

The emperor Yuantai hunted in the west, some civil and military officials and relatives, and the people in Beijing went to Shu with the emperor Yuantai. The other part dragged his family to the south to Jingchu and Huainan.

The Beiyan Iron Ride contracted the defense line and broke out from the western line. It encountered the Ningzhou Army in the middle and suffered a fire. The North Yan Army defeated the Ningzhou Rebels. Fu Shen held his bow and shot the rebels with an arrow. The leader, two Beiyan soldiers touched the head of Ningzhou city, and while the dark wind of the moon was high, the head was hung above the gate.

In the First World War, Bei Yan Tieqi was still fierce, and no one dared to stand up to his front wherever he went. In early July, the Northern Yan Army and the Ganzhou Army met in Wuwei. Fu Shen gathered the remnants from all over the northwest and reorganized the army, while using Ganzhou as a base, reclaiming wasteland and rest, waiting for a counterattack.

The northern defense line has been broken, and the three groups of Qiang, Qiang, and Bohai have no obstacles. They drive straight into the hinterland of the Central Plains. Half of the country has fallen into the hands of foreign enemies, and the court no longer exists. In this situation, the Huainan Jiedao led Yue Changfeng to take the lead in resisting the thieves, resisting the Bohai Navy to the north of the Huai Shui, blocking the footsteps of the barbarians. Immediately afterwards, Duan Guihong, the king of Xiping County, said that "the southwest is to protect himself". He only accepted the refugees in the north and no longer sent troops to the army. With these two precedents in mind, the local governments have followed suit, limiting themselves to the areas under their jurisdiction, forming their own systems and governing their own affairs, with the exception of defending against foreign enemies and agreeing not to interfere with each other.

Seeing that the big week is about to be torn apart, the national defense is not guaranteed. In the autumn of the same year, Qi Wang Sun Yunduan established himself as emperor in Jinling, respected the emperor and emperor Tai Emperor as the emperor. World.

The new dynasty was composed of old officials from exile in the north and the well-known sages of Jiangnan. Emperor Changzhi did not set up a prime minister. Instead, he emulated the former example of the Yuan and Thailand dynasties, opened a new Yaning Hall, and co-decided the state affairs with the ministers.

On the day of his ascension to the throne, Jiangnan Jiedushi, Jingchu Jiedushi, Lingnan Jiedushi, Fujian Jiedushi and Donghaihaishi joined the congratulatory table to embrace the new emperor. Yan Xiaohan followed King Qi from Qi Chu to Jiangnan. He first stopped him from returning to Beijing, and then made good offices with other localities. He set up a new dynasty's shelf with great care, and supported Qi Wang as the emperor in one hand. He can be called to worship the prime minister, but on the grounds that he has been criticized in the past, he would rather be a concealed hero. Therefore, Emperor Changzhi still ordered him to lead the banned army, and conferred into the Yanying Hall for discussion. He was regarded as a left arm and a right arm.

The old ministers who had once scolded Yan Xiaohan secretly opened their eyes. They stood for two dynasties without falling, and changed from the power minister's treachery. They became the hero who was in danger and helped the new owner. This hawk was not only clever and clever, luck It's pretty good too!

After experiencing this turmoil, Yan Xiaohan's image became closer to the "sophisticated minister". The corner of his mouth that used to smile now rarely rises. He is restrained and majestic, and moody, but always with a hint of If there is no gloom, people are even more afraid to go up.

The old courtier had a suspicion with him, and the upstarts were unfamiliar with him. In this way, Yan Xiaohan seemed to have returned to the Yuan Tai Dynasty and was again isolated by everyone.

The deeply-loved lord Yan has no sense of his colleagues' pointing and looking away. Anyway, he is used to it, and his gossip is like a breeze. He made every effort to plan for Emperor Changzhi and spared no effort to promote the new dynasty. He did not intend to make a contribution in this troubled world. It's just that the situation is so pressing. If Emperor Changzhi could not find a place to stand, an emperor who had left the country would either be used as a puppet emperor, or simply killed clean, and his followers had no weight, and of course they could not end well.

Yan Xiaohan didn't want to be controlled by others, and he didn't want to lose his life to Jiangnan.

In these days in Jiangnan, he sometimes woke up in the middle of the night, lonely pillows, cold rain and autumn windows, his hands fell on the empty bed beside him, holding a handful of cold moisture. At this time, he felt like he had another drug addiction, and his heart was full of unspeakable taste, as if a worm was eating away his heart little by little, leaving only a walking dead. Like an empty shell.

Nothing can be more terrible than pure pain. Yan Xiaohan dreamed of having wings under his ribs and flying through the night.

Where is Fu Shen?

He knew the capital was broken, he knew that Emperor Yuantai Xixi, and North Yan Tieqi successfully broke through, but he didn't know where Fu Shen had gone-did he stay in the southwest? Or returned to Beiyan, and followed the Beiyan army to other places?

Without a few words, Jing Chu lost their connection as soon as they said goodbye.

Yan Xiaohan asked many officials and soldiers who had flown from the south of the capital. He had also tried to inquire from the southwest, and even spent a lot of money to send people north from Shudi to find the trace of Fu Shen. So far, he had not heard anything.

They are separated by the land of the Central Plains, which is occupied by foreign enemies, but like a whole world.

When Yan Xiaohan woke up, he couldn't sleep anymore. He usually kept his eyes open until dawn, and then propped himself up to go to the early morning. When he couldn't bear it, he went to the sugar box on the table to find a sweet-scented osmanthus candy.

This method is actually useless, and even the psychological comfort is very small, because the original package of sugar has already been eaten. Although the newly purchased sugar is delicate and sweet, the sweet-scented osmanthus smells, but the taste is different from the original.

Outside the inn's door that day, Fu Shen hurriedly threw him a poached sweet-scented osmanthus candy. Since then, he can no longer find the sweetness as sweet as it.

Outside the city of Ganzhou.

Autumn in the northwest is clear and airy, and the sky is vast. There are endless fields under the blue sky. Fu Shen and Yu Qiaoting are holding a bowl of steaming lamb broth, squatting beside the field to watch people gather wheat. From the back, it looks like two grazing sheep. of.

Ai Ai said in the period of Yu Qiaoting: "Master Hou, we are such a big general, isn't it nice to squat here?"

Fu Shen said: "If you go to the countryside to follow the custom, you have to face."

"..." Yu Qiaoting, "You are a bit too vulgar ..."

Fu Shen lifted his eyelids and tilted his eyes: "Isn't mutton soup delicious?"

Yu Qiaoting: "It's delicious."

"Don't you stop your mouth?" Fu Shen said. "Don't be embarrassed."

Yu Qiaoting knew for a moment, and the thief smiled unwillingly and asked, "Do you still think of your family? Is there any news in the south? The new emperor ascended the throne. He is a hero. In the gentle village of Jiangnan, he is in charge of the embargo. What else to worry about? "

Fu Shen deliberately kicked Yu Qiaoting's gloating **** off Tian Tian, ​​but there was no one around him who could talk to his children, and had to pinch his nose to endure: "One is in the south and the other is in the north. I do n’t know when I can meet , You said I'm not worried? "

Yu Qiaoting said with a smile: "It's easy to do, anyway, you plan to send troops next spring, and then you will kill Jinling all the way, will you meet?"

"It's like we can get to Jinling," Fu Shen said weakly. "The barbarians occupy the Central Plains north of Huai River. It's eighteen thousand miles away from Jinling. You can give me a try."

Yu Qiaoting whispered: "I think the new emperor has a small court in Jiangnan, and he has a good reputation. I am afraid that in the future, we will work hard in the north, but we will not worry at all in the south."

Fu Shen was even more worried after listening. In Wuwei, he reorganized the Ganzhou Army and the remnants in the northwest into the North Yan Iron Knight. The military power is in control, which is not worse than the Jiangnan Great Zhou Dynasty. However, Fu Shen can never support his troops. The North Yan Army has been loyal to the country for many years. Naturally, the restoration of the Central Plains should be taken for granted.

However, they think so, it does not mean that the independent Jiedushi and Jiangnan courts also think so.

The Beijing Division sits on the three defense lines of the North Yantieqi, the Beijing camp and the banned army. The fart that was beaten by foreigners urinates. How many years will it take for the Central Plains to regain the Central Plains from the foreigners by the strength of the North Yan Army? Even if it is recaptured, how can North and South be reunited into one? Who is orthodox? Where will Bei Yanjun be placed at that time?

Far away and near worrying layers piled on his heart, Fu Shen's mind was limited, and he was breathless for a while. With a long sigh, he looked up at the sky, and just in the sky, a team of wild geese was passing by in a line.

Fu Shen narrowed his eyes and estimated the distance. He shoved the empty bowl into Yu Qiaoting's hand, got up, took off the long bow on his back, put on an arrow, and aimed at the bow--

The arrow smashed into the air, and a cry came in the air a moment later. A big goose at the tail of the team fell straight from the sky and fell not far from them.

Without waiting for Fu Shen to pick it up, the farmer over there had already sent the wild goose over for him. The injured wild goose was still alive, while his wings were pierced by arrows, he couldn't help flapping in Fu Shen's hands. Yu Qiaoting glanced at the probe and exclaimed: "Nice, very fat."

"It wasn't for you," Fu Shen bowed his bow with one hand, and geese with one hand, and turned back, "Let Du Leng go to my trip and bring his wounds."

"Ah?" Yu Qiaoting was confused, "What?"

Fu Shen didn't even go back, saying, "Let Du Leng treat it. Doesn't it want to fly south? Just right."

Qiaoting Yu: "What?"

"Have you never heard of the Biography of Yuyan? Unfortunately, Ben Hou did not sink the fish and go wild, so he had to use force." After that, Fu pondered for a moment, and felt that he was in need of the wild goose. The big goose in his hand said to him sincerely: "Brother Yan, I'm sorry."

Dayan: "..."

Yu Qiaoting, who was hanging in place and holding two bowls in his hand: "..."

Jingning Hou, this is going crazy, is he crazy?

Winter solstice, Jinling.

The cold night came out of the palace at sunset. Today is the winter solstice. After the discussions in the Yanying Palace, His Majesty's custom of the Eucalyptus City, specially given the lamb soup dumplings, several old officials from the north holding bowls of old tears on the spot. Emperor Changzhi touched the scene and couldn't help tearing a few tears. The monarch and his officials wailed. Four bachelors of Jiangnan origin gave a few false condolences to the side. It was only when Emperor Changzhi received tears that they broke up.

Yan Xiaohan felt as if his lungs were burned by a bite of hot soup. When he walked on the wet and cold street, he felt painful. He didn't want to go back to his house, wandering aimlessly in the street, walked for a long time, and passed by a market, his shoulder was hit by someone suddenly.

A man ran past him and shouted, "Let me see! Show me!"

A group of people gathered not far from the front, surrounded by a stall. I didn't know what was going on. Yan Xiaohan had sensitive ears. He could only hear a man yelling, "... I hunted this wild goose outside the city. There is also a piece of silk cricket attached to the feet, which is not the old saying "Fish and Goose Biography"! "

As if a string was ringing in my mind, Yan Xiaohan felt a little curious, and walked forward to take a closer look. He was tall and standing outside the crowd could see a dead wild goose lying on the chopping board. The man showed a crowd with a piece of silk cloth in his hand: "North geese fly south, maybe the North people used it deliberately to send a message. What about? "

Someone shouted, "What's on it? Take it out for everyone!"

The man said, "No! No! This is a rare thing ..."

"How much is this goose?" Yan Xiaohan said suddenly, calmly, "I bought this silk pudding together."

Seeing the lively crowd give him a way at once, the man saw that he was luxuriously dressed and had a magnificent manner, knowing that he had encountered a wealthy injustice, and opened his mouth and said, "A money and silver!"

Yan Xiaohan ran out a silver coin of about one and a half yuan from his purse, and threw it into his hand. The man immediately smiled with an eyebrow, and held the silk in his hands with his hands. Yan Xiaohan took it, but didn't open it to see, and ran into his sleeve. People around the audience saw that he didn't show up to show their intentions, and they were very sorry that they smashed their mouths and dispersed. Yan Xiaohan turned to leave the booth, and behind him, he followed him and took away the wild goose.

Taking a breath and walking to no one, Yan Xiaohan repeatedly grasped the silk quilt and loosened it again and again, telling himself not to be delusional. The homophony of "Northern Goose" and "Northern Goose" is just a coincidence. It was an allusion that was overused. He was mad before he was impulsive and bought something that did n’t make sense at all.

But he needed an old thing too much to support his feelings.

— Even if it was just a false image.

After a long period of recovery, his heartbeat gradually slowed down, Yan Xiaohan hesitated again and again, and finally pulled out the piece of white silk from his sleeve and carefully opened it along the crease.

From north to south, the geese did not know how long they had flown, the white silk tied on their feet was dirty, the characters were wet, and a dry ink mark was opened on the silk.

Even though it was fuzzy, he could still clearly recognize the irregular writing, because there were only four words on the silk book--

"Is my wife safe?"

The author has something to say: Your Majesty Chapter will be able to meet 2k novel reading network

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