MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-v2 Chapter 91 Sister, are you double cultivation? (7)

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???? Applause for love?

????Xing Yin patted her palm without changing her face, with a serious expression on her face, no one could see her fluctuating inner activities.

???? Hua Baihe only heard a soft "pop" and looked down at his palm in a daze.


???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? She took back her originally pleasing smile, and the expression on her face was clearly the same as Xingyin, the same cold look, but the same expression, placed in Xingyin's place is noble and cold Yan, she is at most a short and cold little doll.


????" Now that you two have learned the mind method of this door, you already know the secret of cultivating qi and entering the body. perception.”

???? "In time, when your Qi refinement is complete, I will share with you both of you, and you can come and go on this mountain."

???? She thought that the two of them were both children now, and it would be inappropriate to just practice blindly in Wendao Pavilion by her, so she promised them this A promise.




???? After all…

???? As an adult, she has gotten rid of the happiness of running around in the mountains and plains, and pursues a higher spiritual level of happiness.

???? System heard: "…"

???? I don't know how high her consciousness and realm are.

???? Xing Yin did not receive the expected reaction, his brows moved, and he knew what the little abacus in Hua Baihe's heart was thinking.

???? She raised her hand and pressed her temple lightly.

???? Headache.


????# The young apprentice has been rejected several times. #

???? Hua Baihe's suggestion was rejected several times in a row, she couldn't help but in the chat with the system, she made a social news headline for herself to express her anger.

???? The system thought about it and asked tentatively, "Would you like to experience the 'one-click report' function I have?"

???? Hua Baihe said blankly: "What is that?"

???? The system gave her a brief introduction to the universe law, and also told her that the true identity of Xingyin that she guessed was also the tasker.

???? Huabaihe suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, and it looked like it was shrunken for several days.

???? She finally realized—

???? Her biggest rival in love is not others, but her own age.


???? So Hua Baihe turned his grief and anger into motivation, and for a long time, he didn't sleep, his master was no longer sticky, and the play was not well performed. From early morning to late at night, they all comprehend the Dharma outside Wendao Pavilion.

???? Trying to use this pure-hearted, few desires, quenching of human desires, to lower the flames burning in my heart.


???? And Shen Wang was motivated by her diligence and had a sense of responsibility as a senior brother. He always felt that both junior and senior sisters were working hard to cultivate, so he had no reason to be lazy, and was also beside her Meditate and comprehend the Dharma with her every day.

??? and acupuncture points, and finally form a natural spiritual power cycle.

???? If you are an elderly person, you need to suffer some hardships in the process. The old dark wounds on the body and the blocked acupoints make the spiritual power unable to pass through and the meridians are difficult to pass through. It is necessary to use spiritual power to impact the blocked place, as if dredging a river dam.

???? And the young dolls do not have so many problems, the physical condition is like a newborn sun, and all things are much better—

???? This is also the reason why the sect picks young children as disciples. When you are young, you lay a solid foundation for practice, and your future practice will be much easier.

???? But when it comes to the practice of "questioning", especially after Nascent Soul, middle-aged people who have experienced the world will have to be more transparent, but it doesn't matter—

???? Every time they reach a new realm, the masters of each sect will let their apprentices go out to experience, and the knowledge they gain in the land of Kyushu will gradually become part of their perception of this world. Moreover, the monks are much older than ordinary mortals. After the accumulation of small amounts, they will also find a suitable path for them in the process of asking and seeking the way.

???? Now.

???? Hua Baihe meditated cross-legged and felt the comfortable spiritual power flowing in her body. The flow of spiritual power felt ethereal and gentle like water. miss them.


???? She didn't intend to perfunctory in this world, she cherished the opportunity to practice, so after the first day of meditation, she simply indulged in it and couldn't extricate herself. Documents such as "Human Meridian Diagram", "Washing Tendons and Cutting Vessels", "Spiritual Power Operation Mechanism" and other documents recorded in her database distracted her attention, and she really slowly entered the door.

???? Except…

???? There is a line of sight that has been falling on her body, no matter if she is enlightened, immersed in cultivation, or encounters something she does not understand, stop and take a bigu pill , and then just stared at the misty clouds and mists of the mountains under Wen Dao Pavilion Mountain in a daze.

???? That line of sight that she could not ignore, followed her from beginning to end.

???? Obviously that person is already in the Mahayana period, if she doesn't want people to notice her prying eyes, she can completely hide her breath, even other people can't measure her whereabouts .

???? But Xingyin did not.

???? She just looked at her like this, so long that Hua Baihe suspected that that person was alone in the hall, and he was also sleepless like this, maybe without blinking... Own.

???? How many days have passed—

???? At a certain moment, Hua Baihe suddenly realized that the spiritual power in his body was about to be filled, and he seemed to rush into the eyebrows and mind platform.

???? The system once reminded her that such a feeling usually occurs during the Great Perfection of Qi Refining.

???? Hua Baihe expected that the final step of consummation would take her longer, so she suddenly stood up from the ground.

???? Shen Wang, who was not far away from her, didn’t know what to comprehend, the whole person had been sitting beside her for three days without eating or drinking, and she passed by without causing Shen Wang attention.

???? So she walked all the way to the hall, walked to Xingyin and stood still, watching her support her head in one hand at the table and a sunspot in the other. The white stone on the chessboard is exactly in the center.


???? Xingyin watched her come in, and knew that her current state was about to practice Qi to perfection, and it was time to build a foundation, so she played with this one that has not fallen for more than ten days The chess piece, secretly guessing in her heart what she would say.

???? Are you asking yourself to give that reward?


???? In the end, after thinking about it, she still misestimated the ambition of her lover.

???? Hua Baihe is not too close to her, lest she has to look up at Xingyin's existence at her current height, which will be very detrimental to her next speech.

???? She stood in a place where she could just look at Xingyin, but not too far away, and said to Xingyin:

???? "I cultivated to adulthood—"

???? Star is waiting for her next sentence with a smile.

???? Hua Baihe gritted his teeth and said directly:

???? "I want to date you."

????Xingyin: “…”

???? She was astonished that this person dared to say such a sentence so directly, which was different from all the euphemistic, hidden and unexpected teasing in the past.

???? Even her heartbeat swayed, as if the deer inside was accidentally drunk and bumped against the south wall with a "bang" ringing in her ears.


???? "Condensation."

???? "Have you forgotten who you are now?"


???? Hua Baihe put on that delicate little baby face and answered solemnly:

???? "Did not forget."

???? "One day is a teacher—"

???? "I remember."

????Xingyin: “…”

???? God is a teacher for one day.



???? "Remember what you said today."

???? "Ningguang, you are still young and weak, I spoil you, let you talk nonsense-"

???? "If you say such absurd words in front of me again in the future, I will definitely settle today's affairs with you one by one."

???? The meaning of her words is obvious.


???? Looking at the pair of clear and vivid black pupils, curled eyelashes, delicate skin like porcelain, small bridge of nose, and the rather **** cherry blossoms lip…

???? When she thinks that in the future, this person will be taller and more graceful than now, on her bed, she brazenly said the words "I want to date you", star Yin felt his blood flow faster.

???? Every day she succeeds in being a human being, she feels that she is one step closer to being insane.

????Xing Yin closed his eyes and cleared his chaotic thoughts.

???? Her original practice was wrong, but now in the later stage of "questioning", it is the time to test her xinxing. The already unstable Dao Heart is even more shaky.

???? This is the reason why she is not cultivating now and only has two little babies.

???? The more she trains, the faster she will retreat.

???? But for those who have reached the Mahayana stage, if they don't encounter problems, it's fine. If they encounter content that makes them unable to control their minds, then the problems will arise.


???? Xingyin found a little doll propped up on the table, with a small face carved in pink and jade, with a round mouth that was about to stick to his lips.


???? The little doll looked like the plan had failed, and shrank back in dissatisfaction. Seeing that Xingyin's expression was wrong, he immediately turned and ran away:

???? "I will work hard to build the foundation!"

???? Xingyin full of evil fire and nowhere to vent: "…"

???? She has some internal injuries.


???? Three days later, two small spiritual power groups suddenly appeared on the top of the main peak of Wendao Pavilion, like cirrus clouds hovering in the sky. It was pulled from all directions and gathered together.

???? After a while, the two spiritual power groups seemed to be stuffed into the funnel by invisible forces, and were pulled down by the two forces.

???? This movement could not be concealed from those with high cultivation in the Hehuan sect, and rumors spread in the sect that day:

???? "The two disciples that the ancestors received are incredible, but within ten days, they both established their foundations."

???? "As expected of a cauldron."

????"I wonder if you have ever thought about it, if two people with cauldron physique double cultivation - with the qualifications of these two people, the earth-level exercises in the door must not be difficult for them. , our Hehuan Sect will soon have a new Taoist companion?"

???? "The two uncles are only in their early 10s! Where does the double cultivation method come from!"

???? "You don't know this, right? To find a Taoist companion, start with the doll!"

???? At first, the rumors were praising Xingyin's two apprentices for their outstanding talents, and there were also some who were envious and hated for the physique of Dingluo, but later, I don't know who led the topic A crooked floor-

???? Everyone's attention is very frantic and moved to the pair of double cultivators who are about to be born in the door.

???? So, on the first day when Ningguang and Shen Wang successfully established the foundation and passed the outer formation of Wendao Pavilion with the waist card given by Xingyin, they found that everyone looked at their The eyes are not right.

???? Although the disciples who were younger and older than them saw them both saluted and called uncle, but—

???? Their eyes made Hua Baihe feel subtle.

???? The female disciple's eyes turned around Shen Wang's body, all kinds of regrets flashed inside, but after seeing her, everyone was amazed, and soon revealed A look of sincerity and sincerity surrendered to the two:

???? "The two uncles, golden boys and girls, who cultivated in a heavenly manner, were very handsome, and the disciples admired them."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? The word golden boy and girl sounds so subtle.

???? When she thought that she and Shen Wang were still underage, this sounded even more subtle.

???? Next to Shen Wang, apart from his instinct to distinguish between good and evil, he didn't study much about such words.

???? So he can only vaguely feel that the disciples around him admire him and Ningguang, and he can't feel anything else.

???? He even thought for a long time with a serious expression:

???? Ningguang looks good, he knows it.

???? As for himself, he doesn't feel much.

???? So Hua Baihe's subtlety didn't resonate with the other party, so he could only smile at those nephews and nephews, and didn't talk much.


???? Ding Furnace's physique was deliberately guided by him, so that everyone in the Hehuan Sect could wear colored glasses to Shen Wang. The spreaders of the rumors were completely unrecognizable when they heard it.

???? These two are a perfect match...?

???? He was very depressed, so today I learned that the two disciples of Wendao Pavilion Xingyin went down the mountain to the sect, and specially followed everyone to have a look.


???? "03, how?"

???? He had suspected this "Ningguang" who had never heard of the name in the world line before, and suddenly appeared beside Shen Wang, the son of the world, he was very suspicious of this person identity of.

???? even thought of rebirth.

???? In addition, the Xing Yin who took Shen Wang as an apprentice is also on his miss list.

???? But Xingyin is beyond his current strength after all, and there is no conflict with the original character he is hosting, and he does not need to take this big guy for revenge, so he goes back and forth, He only stared at Ningguang.

???? Sure enough, the next words of the system proved his guess:

???? "She is a mission officer, and I sensed a systematic presence in her."

???? "Just don't know what system that is."

???? Different modes of mission system, the result of collision is completely different.

????03 Think, for example, its host Xie Qingcheng, bound it as a 'cannon fodder villain revenge system', if they encounter a system that helps the protagonist, they will become deadly enemies , which is very detrimental to the completion of the tasks of both parties.

???? But…

????03 The same breath is felt from the other party, that is to say, they are all systems from the regulatory agency.

???? In order to better maintain world peace, the systems created by regulatory agencies have a mutual protection mechanism, that is to say, the purpose of the other party should not be contrary to it.

???? But to be on the safe side, 03 still said to Xie Qingcheng:

???? "It is suggested that the host find an opportunity to approach this condensing light, and I would like to have a close contact with each other."


???? He did what he said, and when the two children were going to go to the Zongmen Deacon Hall, they took the initiative to stand up, which was completely different from the one who shrank behind the crowd just now:

???? "I'll show the way to the two uncles, so I won't bother the busy seniors."

???? Hearing his words, the surrounding disciples began to boo him:

???? "Brother Xie, you want to get along with the uncles, I can understand, but if we are busy with business, we can't even lead the way to the uncles, how can it be spread out? Got it?"

???? "That's right, Junior Brother Xie, if the Sect Master and the elders hear this, we will definitely be punished for copying the book."

???? That's what he said, but many disciples who are older than him are just joking and making fun of him, they don't really care about him, or even think about him That's two or three years older than Ningguang and Shen Wang, and I'm afraid they can find common topics the most.

??? It was given to Xie Qingcheng.


???? "Two uncles, disciple Xie Qingcheng, worshipped under the head of Hehuan Zongzhang a decade ago, and you two call me Qingcheng."

???? Both Shen Wang and Hua Baihe nodded to him.

???? The difference is that Shen Wang glanced at him and skipped it, only Hua Baihe smiled, but he thought to himself.

????Xie Qingcheng, I seem to have seen this name before.

???? At that time, the system replied rather solemnly in her mind:

???? "It is the person that Shen Wang once killed. In the last life, this person was one of the demon cultivators that Shen Wang slaughtered."

????" Let me tell you the bad news, the other party has a system in the body, which is of the same origin as mine. I just tried it with the signal. The firewall of this system is higher than mine, it is estimated that it is my senior."

???? Hua Baihe smiled in his heart and said:

???? "Spicy Chicken Lord God."

???? If this Xie Qingcheng was on the same side as her, she would screw out her brain and play it as a ball for the Lord God.

???? A person who has been killed by the protagonist in the world line generally has only two choices after rebirth, stay away from the protagonist, continue to be cannon fodder, or seek revenge.


???? The system is looking for the information of the predecessors from the stored data, and it is easy to report the names of the predecessors before leaving the factory:

???? "I looked for it, the four predecessors of the cannon fodder villain revenge system, cannon fodder counterattack system, villain survival system, and cannon fodder survival system are the most similar."

????The first means is intense, the second may take the inspirational route, and the latter two pay more attention to the survival time of the villain and cannon fodder in the plot.

???? Hua Baihe replied without blinking:

???? "Three short and one long, choose the longest—"

???? "I choose A, the cannon fodder villain revenge system."

???? System: "…"


???? Really choose A.

???? Hua Baihe squinted and asked the system:

???? "If Xie Qingcheng killed Shen Wang, wouldn't this world disappear? This is not in line with your regulatory agency's principle of maintaining the peace and stability of the universe, right?"

???? The system replied dully:

????"The seniors are different from us. Their means of saving the world are more violent. They can take away all the protagonist's luck and transfer it to themselves, and then they can create A new child of the world, even if Shen Wang dies, the world will not collapse."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”


???? The system continued: "But later the regulator found out that this method can only be used in the advanced field, because the advanced world's own rules are perfect, so the fate of the son of the world is If the connection is not too close, the low-level field will not work, the rules of the world itself are vague, and the connection with the child of the world is even closer."

???? "Once the children of the world disappear, the world will be destroyed."

???? "So later the regulatory agency produced a new system, and did not use the original extreme products, and the new system maintained the peace of the original world."

???? Otherwise, there will be no rules that do not allow quests like Hua Baihe to have emotional lines with characters in the world.

???? Obviously, Hua Baihe and the system both thought of the same point.

???? Hua Baihe sighed.

???? The system threatened in advance: "If you dare to say something bad about me, I will immediately submit an application to the agency, saying that my host insists on breaking the rules and wants to talk to the characters in the target world. Falling in love, I quit."

???? After all, it also sent an emoticon of a yellow cockatiel holding a pistol at its head:

???? "[Threat.jpg]"

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? She smiled and cried in the bottom of her heart: "Don't dare."

???? Hua Baihe: "I know, I don't deserve it."

???? System: "…"

???? Still feeling scolded.

???? On their way to the Deacon Hall, Hua Baihe had finished communicating with the system, and the two finally decided to take a thrilling approach—


????Hua Baihe calculated it easily: "Since it's all revenge, let's help him find the root cause, although killing Xie Qingcheng is wrong for our family, but we pay attention to everything. 'The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner', I think the way to ease the conflict from the root is to kill Yi Lin from the Jiange."

???? The system laughed twice: "...hope this name is a good one."

???? Hua Baihe was immediately proud: "Really?"

???? The system pulled back its attention: "The problem is, we don't know if Lam Yi's progress bar will move after we solve it."

????Hua Baihe snapped her fingers, "Good question."

???? She laughed inwardly and said to the system: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't know, just let them both believe it, you listen to me..."

???? Then, she boldly came up with an idea for the system.

???? At that time, several people had already reached the door of the Deacon Hall.

???? Because Ningguang is a little shorter, Hua Baihe raised his head with a smile and said to Shen Wang:

???? "Senior brother, please help me get a brand. I have a few words that I would like to know with Senior Nephew Xie. You go first."

???? Shen Wang thought for a while, the waist card to enter and exit the school only needs to be registered and taken out, handed to Ningguang and then let her shed blood to recognize the master, it is not necessarily wrong To get it myself.

???? So he nodded, only glanced at Xie Qingcheng again, and walked inside silently.

???? Xie Qingcheng instantly understood the meaning of Hua Baihe.

???? In all fairness, he has a good impression of this little girl carved in pink and jade, and the appearance of the other party is rare to surprise him. It is estimated that it will grow in the future. There is hardly anyone in the continent who is more outstanding than her.

???? In particular, this Acacia sect is already a place where the beauties are like clouds. He has been soaking in the pile of beauties all day long, and he can still have such a feeling. It can be seen that the system has pinched Hua Baihe's face What an extreme.

???? The smile on his face became warmer, and he even lowered his voice and said:

????"I remember that this place is very close to the dining room. Today, the dining room asked Elder Sun from Lingzhi Church to ask for some Linggu. The cakes made in the morning tasted good. If you don't mind, why don't you go to the pantry with your disciples to pack some food for dine-in, and then come back and wait for Uncle Shen."

???? Hua Baihe nodded his head solemnly, and responded with a word, which is very cold in Xingyin's style:

???? "Yes."

???? But what she didn't know was that because she was too cute, even if she had a straight face, it only made people want to please her more.

???? Just like those who keep cats as pets, they not only relegated their status to be **** shovelers, but also wished they could hold everything in front of the cold cat owner. In order to coax it to reveal its soft belly to itself.


???? Hua Baihe looks like this existence in Xie Qingcheng's eyes.

???? In addition to what 03 told him, most of the other party had the same purpose with him, so he was not too wary of this beautiful little doll.

???? Just as Hua Baihe took a few steps, he heard the system reply: "Okay."

???? She praised with satisfaction: "Tong'er, I am patient with you."

???? The system is extremely indifferent, still remembering that she just said that she was not worthy of the old senior, so she could only make do with it: "[Don't suffer Laozi.jpg]"


???? at the same time.

???? Xie Qingcheng also received a report from his own system: "It's done, this system appeared after me, the name... It's called the emotional system."

????"We are all in the mission world now, except for the content of the world, I can't get other information - but fortunately that guy is very acquainted, he tested my firewall before and found that My level is higher than it, and after the signal is connected, she obediently told me everything."


????03 said: "That guy is an emotional system, number 1000286, the regulatory agency made it to solve some people in other worlds who died in vain before the emotional cause and effect ended, in order to let They eliminated their resentment and let them come to various worlds to fall in love."

???? "Isn't it true that Shen Wang couldn't ask for a relationship in his last life?"

???? "Its host, the Ningguang you see, is here to enjoy falling in love, seeing that the child of the world looks good, so I chose him, and I want to help by the way. He removes the emotional obsession."

????Xie Qingcheng: "…"

???? There is such a system?

???? However, considering the identity of Ningguang, which has never appeared, and the appearance that is almost higher than that of the Jiuzhou female cultivator, this is probably true .

????03 He didn't say anything about himself and Xie Qingcheng's information, and the other party explained it obediently. At this time, it was confirmed that the two sides were on the same position, so he also unloaded himself. defense.

???? After thinking about it, Xie Qingcheng asked:

???? "Will it protect the children of the world?"

????03 thought for a while and replied: "They have nothing to do with the main story at all, it told me that its host only needs to brush the target's favorability and then retire. ."

????Xie Qingcheng thoughtfully:

???? "So, I'll either wait until she finishes her mission and take Shen Wang's life, or—"

????03 said in unison with him:

???? "Take his chance, take his woman."

???? An interesting smile appeared on Xie Qingcheng's lips. If it was the former, he could not affect the relationship between the two systems.

???? But the latter sounds…

???? A little more exciting.

???? "Can her target person be changed?" Xie Qingcheng asked a key sentence.

????03 smiled and replied: "As long as people in this world appear by her side, they can become her target."

????Xie Qingcheng: "…"


???? After he communicated with 03, when he looked at Hua Baihe again, his eyes became more interested.


???? "I just asked, Master Ningguang, today there is a new snack that can replenish spiritual power in the dining room. Would you like to try it?"

???? He said he was asking. When he communicated with the system just now, he had already communicated with the people in the pantry. He held butter paper in his hand and wrapped a few green **** between leaves. , handed it to Hua Baihe.

???? He deliberately said something like this snack should be eaten hot.

???? In his opinion, this little girl is very deceiving, even if the soul inside is an adult, she is an innocent child with unrealistic fantasies about love.

???? Hua Baihe smiled at him, just blinked his eyes and pretended to be thinking, and replied after a while:

???? "Then...then I will bring it to my senior brother to eat, thank you senior nephew."

???? The soft and waxy voice is cute and tight.

???? Xie Qingcheng even had some desire to commit a crime.

???? As soon as Xie Qingcheng heard the existence of Shen Wang, he was a little reluctant.

???? Because this snack is his handwriting, it can make people change their body shape at will after eating it, he wants to see if this uncle will be alluring in the future—

???? As a result, it seems to be cheap now.


???? Hua Baihe smiled at him and shook his eyes.

& nbsp;


????Two quarters of an hour later.

????Shen Wang and Hua Baihe received their waist cards and met the headmaster, listening to him talk about the apprenticeship ceremony a month later, and told them to pay homage to Xingyin, what's wrong If you want, you can directly order the doorman to send it and so on.

???? Saying goodbye to the sect master, after seeing the elders in the sect, the two children who left Wen Dao Pavilion went back.

???? But Xingyin's expression is not very good-

???? Because the spiritual sense followed Hua Baihe all the way out, so she listened to all the rumors about her and Shen Wangxiang outside.

???? Originally, Shen Wang had the highest hatred value.

???? But…


???? Xie Qingcheng, right?

???? Xingyin chewed the name back and forth in his mouth twice, and smiled to indicate that he remembered him.

???? She saw what Hua Baihe had in hand, and was about to tell her with a straight face that she was not allowed to eat anything given by others.


???? "Master, I brought you something delicious! Come on!"



???? Hua Baihe held up the cake in his hand and gestured to Xingyin: "Ah~"

???? Xingyin didn't want to eat, her mouth closed tightly.

???? Then Hua Baihe rolled his eyes, put the cake into his mouth with his backhand, and said, "This is from my nephew Xie, if it doesn't taste good , Master, you have to help me beat him."

???? Although Xingyin knew that the other party would not dare to do anything in the door, she felt a little uncomfortable when she heard Hua Baihe's words to be wary of Xie Qingcheng.


???? The room was foggy for some reason, and she and Ningguang were wrapped in it. The other party raised his hand to loosen his clothes and tried to come in her direction. one cent.

???? until you reach her.

???? The upper and lower parts of the clothes have been torn, and only a crumbling piece of fabric is implicated on the slender waist. He moved his eyes away, but there was still a piece of white and tender skin on the opponent's chest that was almost reflective.




???? However, the little goblin was very satisfied with her changes, leaned to hug Xingyin's waist, raised her hand to touch the cold cloth, and whispered softly Make a sentence:

???? "It's so cold..."

????Xingyin: “…”

???? But she was dying of heat.

???? She closed her eyes and refused to look at Ningguang's miserable appearance, for fear of seeing her chest, waist, or long legs that were almost uncovered.

???? But how can the other party easily do what she wants?

???? Hua Baihe approached her face with a smile and whispered in front of her:

???? "Oops."

???? Xingyin suddenly opened her eyes, thinking that something was wrong with her.

???? Results—

???? Hua Baihe saw her eyes open, the smile on her lips deepened, she got close enough to almost kiss her, and said slowly:

???? "I can't wait to cultivate to a more powerful level."

???? "I miss you now, what should I do?"

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