MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-v2 Chapter 113 Unreal and Real (10)

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???? When Hua Baihe said this, not only Ying Fan, but she herself was stunned.

???? Ying Fan actually wanted to answer her: Can I have this honor?

???? However, before the other party spoke, Hua Baihe smiled and took the right to speak back to his palm: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

???? Should: "…"

???? For some reason, the moment she heard this answer, the light in her eyes dimmed.

???? This change made Hua Baihe noticed, but Hua Baihe was concerned about another aspect: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you charging?"

???? When I bought it, Hua Baihe patronized the face of this series of products, and didn't listen carefully to the introduction of the shopping guide on energy and configuration, so that I was in the experience of the function. At times, it feels like every second is a new surprise.

???? Hearing her words, Ying Fan lowered her eyes and replied, "It's fine, it should be the internal battery's poor contact, I'm starting the self-check procedure."

???? Hua Baihe suddenly felt relieved: "Oh."

???? Ying Fan's answer is not true—

????M's latest generation of artificial intelligence, although the internal energy module is found on an alien planet, a small one kilogram of energy modules that can continuously supply energy for a hundred years, and Usually, it can automatically convert solar energy, wind energy, and light energy to continue to serve as its own daily energy consumption.

???? That is to say, even if Hua Baihe reaches the end of her life, Ying Fan can continue to exist in this world.

???? In addition, since Xi Tong came last time, she found that her energy conversion efficiency is much higher, even if she takes away the energy module in her body now, She can also maintain her own energy by virtue of the conversion of external energy.

???? In addition, the energy module is the core part embedded in her body, because it can supply huge energy, so the surrounding protective wall can absolutely guarantee the raw materials in it vent…

???? From this, it can be seen that how could she have such a low-level problem of "poor battery contact" when she was not injured?

???? But Hua Baihe just believed it.

???? After expressing her inner doubts, she clapped her hands and went downstairs, as usual, as if she had never expressed doubts about her life experience, She still looks like she doesn't know when she will be able to regain her memory.

???? Ying Fan didn't say much, just followed her downstairs quietly, quietly watching her and Xue Jiming happily use the new dessert made by Uncle Daobo in the corner , After eating contentedly, he also took Xue Jiming to play games with her.

???? And Xue Jiming dismissed today's writing activity without any psychological burden, and shared his tablet. The two downloaded a single-player kitchen game, but Use four hands to happily swipe across the screen, and each one passes with a high score.


???? Hua Baihe, a full score obsessive-compulsive disorder, said to Xue Jiming during the game interval:

???? "Quick, quick, change the decoration in our store to attract more customers!"

???? "This round of raising the price of coffee beans, the more people who drink coffee, the more money they give!"

???? Xue Jiming also let her go, until all the stamina given in the game was exhausted, and the two of them switched to a two-person shooting game and happily went to the game to give away heads.

???? "There is someone in the northeast! Hey, little brother, help!"

???? One afternoon plus one night, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

???? From the beginning to the end, Ying Fan was standing not far away, like the simplest furniture in this house, silently and non-existently beside him, watching Hua Baihe The smile on his face softened his expression after seeing it for a long time.



???? Just seeing her smile, I felt that the little bit of discomfort I heard her answer before was gently erased.

???? Until Yin Xiao came home—

???? "What are you talking about? I can hear you two laughing at the door."

???? While the man was changing his shoes at the entrance, he put his head in and looked at the direction of the pair of children at home.

???? Hua Baihe beckoned to him: "Dad, you came back just in time! The game is in the fourth row! Just in time, you should come too!"

???? Ying Fan was suddenly called by her name and was startled.

???? Yin Xiao doesn't care, only Xue Jiming showed a subtle smile, looked at Ying Fan and said, "If she comes, will the other side report us for cheating?"

???? After all, letting artificial intelligence play the game is really the biggest harm to the players in the same field.

???? Ying Fan mentioned this sentence in her heart.

???? She looked at Hua Baihe subconsciously, but saw that the other party's eyes widened, his head turned to the side as if he was thinking, and then he tentatively asked herself:

???? "Ying Fan, are you good at games?"

???? Secretly connected to Hua Baihe's mobile phone, watched them online for an afternoon, and responded to the game mechanism:

???? "I haven't tried it, I'm not familiar with it."

???? Hua Baihe relaxed and smiled at his younger brother: "Look, she is not familiar with it, maybe she will be beaten to death as soon as she enters, and it will turn into a box. Woolen cloth?"


???? As for Yin Xiao, although he is a parent, he doesn't mind playing games with young people with his two children. He also took out his mobile phone and downloaded the game.

???? After fifteen minutes—

???? Game starts.

????Yin Xiao, Xue Jiming, Hua Baihe and Yingfan jumped down from the plane at the beginning of the game. After opening the parachute, the four fell steadily to the ground.

???? Hua Baihe lowered his head, manipulated the characters to pick up equipment, and casually gave his father a popular science: "Dad, pick up helmets, armor, and guns, can you shoot?"

???? Yin Xiao hummed and said with a smile: "When your father and I were playing guns, the researchers of this game were still drinking milk."

???? Hua Baihe raised his hand and made an "OK" gesture, but suddenly heard the sound of gunfire nearby.

???? "Enemies nearby?"

???? The next second, Xue Jiming's exclaimed voice came: "Ying Fan, it turns out that your R&D company didn't equip you with a game system? Now? How many times has this been for nothing?"

???? Hua Baihe, who heard Ying Fan being beaten by a mentally handicapped robot: "???"

???? The response that tried to drain the water but went too far: "…"

???? In the end, it was Xue Jiming's bullet that ended the embarrassing situation.

???? Hua Baihe finally discovered the shortcomings of her decathlon android and leaned towards her curiously, because Yin Xiao and Xue Jiming's game skills are good, her characters There was no chance at all, so he simply taught Ying Fan how to play this game.

???? "This button is to open the scope you installed before, allowing you to see people farther away..."

???? "For example, now, there is someone in front of you, you should aim at her, and then—"

???? "Bang bang bang bang!"

???? Before Hua Baihe's next step instruction arrived, Ying Fan pressed the button to shoot first, and directly beat the person into a cool item box.

???? Hua Baihe was overjoyed and patted her shoulder: "Smart!"

???? Seeing the bright smile she showed at her, Ying Fan stared at her for a while, desperately trying to move in her direction, just as her head was just tilted over, Hua Baihe was already He turned back in front of him and continued to operate his character attentively.

???? I tried to kiss her, but came back to my senses, feeling a little lost in my heart, and didn't want to continue playing the game, just followed calmly The other three ran.


???? Hua Baihe's helmet was suddenly hit by someone else's long-range sniper, and the whole person fell to the ground instantly, kneeling behind a large stone and wailing:

???? "Save the child..."

???? Ying Fan ran to her side without saying a word, trying to pull her up.

????Hua Baihe turned her perspective of the game character and found that there were other enemies sneaking over nearby, and quickly reminded her: "Hey, don't pull me! I saw someone , you go away first, or we will be gone together!"

???? "It's okay."

???? Ying Fan replied very calmly, the manipulator blocked the direction of the opponent's bullet, and after pulling Hua Baihe up, he blocked her tightly, just at Ying Fan At the same time that their character was shot and fell to the ground, Yin Xiao and Xue Jiming, who had eliminated the enemy in the distance, had come to support them both.

???? But Hua Baihe chose to fight back first in order to avoid the situation where two people would always be beaten by pulling back and forth.

???? So…

???? Ying Fan cooled into a box in front of her.

???? Uncle Bo saw that they were having a good time, and he deliberately postponed the dinner time for half an hour before telling the family to prepare dinner:

???? "Sir, dinner is ready."

???? Just stuck on the node where the remaining three of them won the first place in the game, Uncle Bo shouted with a smile.

???? The three of them put down their phones, and Ying Fan went straight to the game. They saw Hua Baihe frantically talking to Xue Jiming and Yin Xiao about the game just now with Xue Jiming and Yin Xiao at the dinner table.

???? "You should hit the other party first, and then pull me up..."

???? Ying Fan helped her to prepare the soup, lowered her eyes and looked at the results of the last game of the four:

???? Among the twenty-five teams, Yin Xiao ranked first, and the one with the most kills was Yin Xiao, who eliminated the enemies of thirteen other teams.

???? So Ying Fan thought about it, and at the same time as a few people dined, he went to randomize this game by himself.

???? After ten minutes—

???? Game over.

???? Yingfan's solo ranking is the first, the number of enemies killed...41.

???? There are a total of 100 players on the same map in one game, and she killed half of them by herself.

???? It is estimated that someone will report her for hanging...

???? However, when she looked at the result, there was no joy on her face.

???? Without the other side, whether it is life or death, it seems to have no meaning.

???? Ying Fan calmly closed the game.


???? That night.

???? Hua Baihe didn't drive her out of her room. Instead, after taking a bath, she put her hands behind her head, lay on the pillow and asked her with slanted eyes:

???? "Have you had a good time tonight?"


???? Looking at the smile in her eyes that hasn't faded away, Ying Fan replied, "Yeah."

???? Hua Baihe smiled and stared at her for a while before asking, "Hey, you are obviously very good at games, why do you pretend to be when you play with us? Mengxin?"

???? Ying Fan: "Huh?"

????Hua Baihe took out her mobile phone, clicked on the game, pointed to the new single-row score above Yingfan, and motioned to her: "Well, still pretend."

???? Ying Fan didn't blush at all, and replied earnestly: "You taught me that I'm great."

???? Hua Baihe raised his eyebrows.

???? However, under her gaze, the other party has no intention of changing his words.

???? Hua Baihe then asked: "Should I praise you for your ability to learn? Or..."


???? Hua Baihe smiled and continued her question:

???? "I should ask you - do you like me?"

???? Ying Fan's heartbeat suddenly stopped.

???? Very briefly.

???? Then it slowly returned to normal.

???? She opened her lips, but Hua Baihe patted the back of her hand: "Look at the silly question I asked, I am your master, of course you like me, and only me ,Right?"

???? Should: "…"

???? Ying Fan: "Yeah."

???? Hua Baihe laughed, lying on the bed and stretched hard, revealing a slender waist, her shiny jade-like skin was plated under the warm light A curved arc.


???? After a while, Hua Baihe tucked herself into the bed, blocked her peeping, closed her eyes and said to her:

???? "It's all real."

???? "Such a great father and brother, and you who will always be by my side..."

???? She muttered to herself, the meaning of her words seemed to be unilaterally saying goodbye to all the things in front of her, although she used a sighing tone, she had no regrets.

???? Hua Baihe closed his eyes, thinking about the reason why he lost all these memories.

???? Whoever that person is, wherever that person is hiding in the dark—


???? From tomorrow, she will work hard to return to her own reality.

???? Ying Fan sat beside her and watched her as she went to sleep, until she heard her breathing gradually calm down, and after a long while, she said in a low voice:

???? "Whether it's fantasy or reality, whatever your choice..."

???? "I will always be by your side."

???? I will always try to reach your world.


???? Ying Fan sat beside the bed, watching Hua Baihe sleep peacefully all night.

???? She knew that Hua Baihe would sleep very peacefully tonight without dreaming of dawn.

???? When the first ray of sunlight drilled under the bed curtain and brought a little light to the dark room, Ying Fen knew that Hua Baihe had to act when she arrived, to find her true nature Time passed.

???? Ying Fan was very patient, waiting for Hua Baihe to wake up naturally.

???? The person in the quilt looked very well-behaved, like a little sheep, with hair on the side of her face restlessly falling to the tip of her nose, making her a little itchy , rubbed his head against the pillow.


???? But this action woke people up.


???? "It's already ten thirty in the morning." Ying Fan replied slowly.

???? The man let out an 'oh', then closed his eyes and rubbed against the pillow again, until a few seconds later—

???? Hua Baihe suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the person sitting in front of his bed:

???? "Who are you? Why are you in my room? No, where is this place?"

???? Ying Fan thought she was playing with her at first, but at the moment when she realized that the alertness and strangeness in her eyes were too real, Ying Fan couldn't help but "crack" in her heart.

???? Hua Baihe lost her memory again.

???? When realizing this, Ying Fan couldn't help but have a doubt:

???? Is this time node an accident, or is someone really pushing this coincidence on purpose?

???? She still remembered yesterday, this man was still in the room with doubts about his life, and in the afternoon he happily dragged Xue Jiming and Yin Xiao to play games until he returned to the room at night—

???? Just as if saying goodbye to everything, and saying to myself, if only my life was like this.

???? Ying Fan didn't know what she had met, only that when she decided to explore all this, Hua Baihe lost her memory again.


???? Ying Fan realized that something was wrong, and after talking to Uncle Bo and Xue Jiming about the situation, she watched them both rushed into Hua Baihe's room nervously.

???? Ask her if she is not feeling well, tell her about her condition and let her relax.

???? But…

???? From the beginning to the end, no one came to ask Ying Fan what kind of stimulation Hua Baihe got to be like this.

???? Except for some special amnesia diseases, other memory stimulations to the brain all have certain triggering media.

???? Ying Fan remembered the record of Hua Baihe's physical examination before going to bed last night, and the mood swing detection was not even as deep as when he chatted with him yesterday afternoon...

???? Why did I wake up with amnesia again?

???? Is Hua Baihe trying to escape, or... something else?

???? At that moment, a person appeared in Ying Fan's mind.


???? When Hua Baihe was surrounded by his family, Ying Fan directly contacted Xi Tong and asked him:

???? "What does your behavior that day—what does it have to do with Hua Baihe?"

???? "Did you know something?"

???? When Xi Tong received her news, she was actually near Yin's house.

???? In order to avoid more accidents, he said directly: "Come out, meet and talk."


???? With the excuse of helping Hua Baihe go out to throw household garbage, Ying Fan walked out of Yin's house and met Xi Tong at the comprehensive garbage disposal station behind the house.


???? "Did she forget everything again?"

???? Ying Fan nodded: "You really know."

????Xi Tong's eyes suddenly became a little nervous. He first looked up at the sky, and then lowered his head and said:

???? "Time is running out and I'm running out of energy to put into this world—"

????" I guessed wrong before, I thought that as long as she could restore her memory, she would be able to leave this world, although I was limited, I couldn't open my mouth and give too many hints in front of her , and all the people around me are watching me, I can't tell the truth, otherwise I will be rejected by this world."

???? "But not at all now."

????Xi Tong barely took a breath, and continued: "Time is running out, I guess she should have just opened her mouth to doubt the existence of this world, but this has already touched She has reached the protection mechanism of this world, and as long as her willpower is not strong enough to defeat the will of the world, she will repeat this cycle."

???? "Next, the speed of her suspicion will only increase, and at the same time..."

???? "She will forget faster and faster."

???? How many times can a person persist in pursuing the truth?

???? How many times can she resist, this is exactly the life she dreams of?

???? People can break free from their sweet dreams once, twice or three times, but what about hundreds of times?

???? After being branded hundreds of times, will she accept the fixed setting of this world and become a puppet of this world?

???? Ying Fan heard something unusual from his "this world" words, and asked him: "This world...for her, does it not exist?"

????Xi Tong glanced at her and affirmed after a long time, "Yes."

???? Ying Fan was stunned and wanted to ask, then, shouldn't I exist in her world too?

???? But when the question came to her lips, she turned to another: "What would happen if she stayed in this world?"

???? Xi Tong said seriously: "I will forget her persistence and obsession. The moment she decides to surrender to this beautiful dream, she completely loses her will."

???? "Also."

????Xi Tong paused and looked at her with a warning: "She would have returned to her bad life, and the reason why she was dragged into this dream is because of you."

???? "I can tell you for sure that her reality is a hundred times worse than it is today..."

???? When he said this sentence, Xi Tong's figure suddenly dimmed a lot in the sun, as if the real character suddenly turned into a projection, or the signal was particularly poor kind.

???? But he insisted on conveying his answer: "I originally wanted to accumulate enough energy to tell her the truth at one time, but the world has been devouring my energy, I always Didn't get a chance to-"

???? "Only you, now I leave the choice in your hands."

???? "Whether to respect her original will and accompany her back to that bad reality, or simply let her sink, is up to you."

???? After the last sentence, Xi Tong's figure had already blurred into snowflakes in the air.

???? I can't even hear the sound.

???? Ying Fan also sensed the urgency of time for no reason, and subconsciously asked:

???? "If I let her go back! What should I do!"


???? She should try her best to distinguish clearly, but in the case of blurred snowflakes, no matter how high the resolution is, she can't do anything, and even in the end she can only vaguely guess:

???? "Her?"

???? "Itchy? On?? Think?"

???? Now! Xi Tong's figure disappeared!

???? The original world of the two disappeared, and Ying Fan realized that he had just walked into a world specially isolated by Xi Tong. All the people who came tossing them with garbage bags were looking at her.

???? Thinking of the supervision that Xi Tong said, this world is too fake, Ying Fan can only pretend to be calm and throw away the garbage bag in his hand, then turn around and return to Yin Family.

???? Her mind was a mess.

???? I don't know what Xi Tong said "Hua Baihe is here for her", nor what decision he should make for the other party.

???? And…

???? What does Xi Tong's last sentence mean?

???? Ying Fan thought about it for a long time, and could only organize for a long time according to the only word that could match his mouth shape.

???? "Miss her?"

???? "She wants?"

???? "Up...she?"

???? Only the last ligature seems to make sense.

???? Ying Fan pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out what the operation of "getting on her" was, and what did this have to do with Hua Baihe's amnesia.

???? But—

???? What Xi Tong said should be right, even if it is wrong, it seems...

???? She wants to try too.

???? Ying Fan walked upstairs, thinking about how to reintroduce herself to Hua Baihe, when she walked to the door—

???? Uncle Bo and Hua Baihe in the door smiled and said:

???? "This is a new generation of androids that you bought for 13 million, Miss. You named her Ying Fan."

???? Hua Baihe was shocked when he heard the number: "I spent so much money just to buy a vase and put it back? Is there something wrong with my brain?"



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