MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-v2 Chapter 100 Sister, is it Shuangxiu? (Part 16)

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???? In the first half, she was really pulling a certain little apprentice to make a fool of herself, but in the second half, she finally remembered the practice process of a cute little apprentice, forcing the sobbing The cute little person who wrote it and he cultivated the "Hehuanyi" mental method.

???? However, the spiritual energy contained in the body of her Mahayana cultivator is as vast as the sea, but she only helps a little guy to wash half of his tendons, so he has to stop—

???? Because a child really can't stand it.

???? People who are extremely tired and sleepy almost even slow down the speed of their minds, and they are completely driven by Xing Yin unilaterally.

???? Therefore, Xingyin's progress was not at all, but Hua Baihe had reached the point where he was one step away from forming a pill.


???? Although she is now almost a half-immortal existence and does not need sleep, but after seeing Ningguang's quiet and beautiful face in sleep, Xingyin can't resist After falling asleep peacefully, he could see the charm of his lover again when he opened his eyes, so he hugged him tightly and fell asleep.

???? In this way, Hua Baihe slept for a full day and night before regaining his energy.


???? I don't know how long this person kept staring at her in this state.

???? Hua Baihe thought in a trance that if she hadn't known that the system was always there, she would almost have thought that she had lived the life she dreamed of.



???? Hua Baihe closed her eyes obediently, only a slightly lazy sigh leaked from her tender pink lips:

???? "If only it were true..."

???? She is also willing to be born in this world, to be a self-cultivator who feels the speed and passion on the road of cultivation, and spends her whole life just to meet Xingyin such a glamorous and beautiful A powerful master, practiced with her, watched the world with her, and shared Qi Tian's longevity.

???? Xingyin heard the regret in her words, first kissed her lips as she wished, and then slowly said:

???? "It will be true."

???? As long as it is what you think, I will make it real.

???? Hua Baihe heard the subtext in her words, and suddenly there was a bit of incredulousness in her eyes, her eyes widened, and the last words she said had a stammering meaning:

???? "What, what?"

???? "Did you mean...what I thought?"


???? Hua Baihe was about to speak when she suddenly noticed that her head was inadvertently turned to the side in a certain direction. Although the movement was small, it also showed that some external movements disturbed her.

???? She subconsciously raised her hand and poked Xingyin's shoulder: "Is someone looking for you outside?"

???? Xingyin frowned, as if he didn't expect the identity of the visitor, but he was torn between taking care of the visitor and continuing to molest his lover, and finally Hua Baihe was happy to show her face , urged:

???? "Come on, just in time for me to take care of my brother's relationship."

???? "Family, take off orders in a neat order."

????Xingyin: “…”

???? She watched Hua Baihe withdraw from her arms like a slippery loach, and moved to the bed in the blink of an eye, putting on a robe and staring at the stars Yin blinked his eyes, threw a kiss and wanted to leave.

???? However—

???? The moment she turned around, another person appeared behind her again.


???? Hua Baihe stopped in astonishment and heard Xing Yin ask in his ear with a smile:

???? "Is this going to kill me?"

???? After Hua Baihe heard this, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face, a blush emerged from his cheeks, and the pink peach-shaped lips touched up and down, and it took a long time to groan Make a sentence:

???? "But now it's bright and sunny, there are still people waiting for you outside... It's not good to prostitute in the daytime..."

???? Surprise flashed across Xingyin's face.

???? She raised her hand and turned the man's jaw to the side, lowered her head to meet the exceptionally pure eyes of Little Ningguang, and snorted. .

???? Hua Baihe: "?"


???? "It's just a kiss, so that's what you have in mind?"

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? What should I do if I accidentally expose my true attributes?

???? She first felt suffocated, then a little embarrassed, and then embarrassed, and when she noticed that Xingyin's eyes were full of playful smiles, she simply broke the jar:

???? "Yes... yes, how?"

???? Xing Yin was stunned for a moment.

???? She has always only regarded these things as fun, and she is quite keen to flirt with objects in various worlds to change her complexion. , the person who was most caught off guard was her.

???? Hua Baihe saw her stunned, and the embarrassment on her face became more obvious.

???? She knows!

???? Once he reveals his true nature, this guy will definitely be scared away!

???? She was a little annoyed that she had accidentally exposed the fox's tail at this time, and being stimulated by Xing Yin's reaction, she immediately ran away without looking back.

???? The system sighed heavily in her ear.

???? When it accompanied Hua Baihe on the mission in this last world, it was much quieter than the previous worlds. I don’t know if it was because Hua Baihe didn’t intend to ask for the reward for the mission. Shocked by the attitude of anticlimactic and wealthy, or something else, in short, most of the time, except for watching too many mosaics and starting to protest, other times it is very quiet.

???? So quiet that Hua Baihe accidentally forgets it is still there.

???? Now Hua Baihe heard its sigh, walked out of Wendao Pavilion, and said to it:

???? "Okay, don't say it! I know, you won't die if you don't do it!"

???? Hearing her brain hole, the system: "..."

???? It wants to know what makes Hua Baihe produce a very serious character design for her object.

???? Do you still remember your object that was constantly developing fresh Prey by the Daming Lake in the previous worlds? !

???? At this moment, the underage system felt a deep fear of love.

???? Hearing that the system was silent for a long time, Hua Baihe began to seriously think about how to honor Xingyin tonight.

???? She thought as she walked, and caught sight of Shen Wang who was meditating halfway up the mountain.

???? Because of the mountain where Wendao Pavilion is located, those rare vegetation are all on the top of the peak. All four seasons.

???? And there is a stone platform that extends out halfway up the mountain. There are also forests around, but there is a large bare area in the center, which is very suitable for the disciples of this sect to practice some lethality. Big move.

???? At this moment, Shen Wang's meditation is not enough, and he did not forget to drop his sword.

???? At this moment, the moon-white figure is sitting cross-legged on the flat ground, with a sword on his knees, sitting like a bell, like an old monk entering meditation, not knowing what to do understand what.

???? Hua Baihe was also idle around, so he simply leaned against a certain green bamboo in the bamboo forest next to the open space, and watched Shen Wang's practice from a distance.

???? Her eyes were focused on the back of his head… on top.

???? Thinking about the time since she entered this world, combined with her emotional progress, Hua Baihe thought, this is the slowest world for her task to complete.


???? The aura that was originally lingering around him suddenly flashed a light blue light, shaped like a small sword, and then disappeared into the air.

???? But those swords are not simply hidden!

???? Because at the moment when the light blue light disappeared, Hua Baihe suddenly realized that there was a lurking crisis around her, as if she had been locked by something, and the danger was imminent The feeling is strong only for an instant.

???? She subconsciously wanted to summon her own protective magic weapon from the spiritual bag, but just as the thought flashed, she was suppressed by her.

???? Hua Baihe squinted his eyes, and the next moment he closed his eyes.

???? She released her spiritual consciousness—

???? At the same time, the invisible sword lights that were approaching her were also about to approach her, and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

???? "Ding!"


???? Hua Baihe and Shen Wang almost faced each other at the same time, the former just took a sharp pale green jade hairpin in his hand, and the latter can command those who detect the breath to automatically release the attack The Spirit Sword Qi stopped.

????Shen Wang let out a breath slowly and moved the fingers that fell on his side, the next moment, the sense of crisis locked by the terrifying edge instantly disappeared from Hua Baihe's heart back off.

???? She even smiled playfully at Shen Wang:

???? "Congratulations, brother, your swordsmanship is improving day by day."

????Shen Wang raised his brows, his eyes overflowed with helplessness, looked at the hairpin in Hua Baihe's hand, and said a little fortunately:

????"Fortunately, the master borrowed her magic weapon by your side, otherwise when I was training my sword intent, if I woke up later, I would be expelled from the master today. already."


???? "Then I will tell Master that it was me who provokes my brother, and I deserve to be beaten." Hua Baihe's tone was very relaxed, and he wanted to give it a try from a sudden whim just now. When she was on her own, she had already thought about the extended ending that followed.

???? It was these few steps that made Shen Wang pay attention to her. He originally just listened to her, but then he noticed that Hua Baihe's cultivation had changed. There is a bit of surprise:

???? "Are you about to form an elixir?"

???? When he came back yesterday, his younger sister's realm was clearly only in the foundation of the Great Perfection, and there was no sign of a breakthrough in her realm at all.


???? Hua Baihe didn't want to hide from Shen Wang about this matter, but just nodded to him with a smile, and then approached him mysteriously and asked him:

???? "Brother, do you want to know why I have a breakthrough overnight?"

????Shen Wang has always been very curious about the practice of cultivation. Now that she can take the initiative to share, he immediately fixed his eyes on her and asked:

???? "Why?"

???? Hua Baihe grinned at him and replied, "Because I did some happy things."

???? Shen Wang didn't understand her overly grown-up suggestion, and a huge question mark appeared in his eyes: "?"

???? Hua Baihe was unable to explain his findings to him vividly, and immediately said to him:

???? "Senior brother, I see that you and the little nephew of Lingbaomen seem to have a good relationship?"

???? Hearing that Qin Changwan was mentioned off guard, Shen Wang suddenly thought of himself incarnating as a snake in that secret realm. After holding back his huge shame, he broke through the basic defense of men and women. Wrap around the picture on Qin Yongwan's arm.

???? I have always been calm and solemn, and now the bottom of my face is like a big white steamed bun in a steamer. It has been steaming for a long time, which may make people feel hot when they touch it.

???? Only he could be heard saying word by word:

???? "I met Daoyou Qin in the secret realm by chance. Junior sister said carefully, if other people heard this, it would be bad for Daoyou Qin's reputation."

???? However, when he was serious, he found that Ningguang blinked his eyes very innocently: "But, brother, I haven't said who is from Lingbaomen."

???? Miss Qin or something, you seem to have mentioned it yourself.

????Shen Wang: "…"

???? His face was full of helplessness, but what surprised Hua Baihe was that although her lovely senior brother Shen refused to hold back a word about Qin Changwan, the progress bar above his head But quietly ran from '5' to '6'.

??? You can guess what kind of unknown and rich activities this person is carrying out in his heart.


???? Of course, it is also possible that her senior brother belongs to the type of reflex arc length, and he was indifferent when he was present, and did not start his heartbeat until after thinking about it?

???? Seeing that the progress above Shen Wang's head slowly climbed to '15', Hua Baihe has been working hard to hold back his laughter in the process.

???? She felt that Shen Wang was the most interesting child of the world she had ever seen.

???? Others only move when their emotional progress has progressed, and it is Shen Wang's turn, okay, this young man, when someone asks, he thinks a bunch of—

???? Seeing that the progress was stuck at '15' and didn't move for a long time, Hua Baihe's wicked taste has not stopped, and he gave a proper stimulus:

???? "Brother."

????Shen Wang just stopped himself from thinking about Qin Changwan, and just as his heart calmed down, he heard Junior Sister Ningguang's very simple call.

???? But he knew that his junior sisters were never as brainless as they seemed...

???? This sentence is a compliment.

???? Because the entire cultivation world is as beautiful as Ningguang, who is a lot of thoughtful, but not bad female cultivators, Shen Wang has never seen a few.

???? Sure enough, the next moment I heard Ningguang say:

????"You care so much about fellow Daoist Qin, don't you—" Is it interesting to others?

???? "Ningguang!" Shen Wang pursed his lips, rarely calling her 'Junior Sister', but calling her by her first name.

???? Hua Baihe raised his brows, seeing the progress bar on the top of his head jumping to '20' with lightning speed, he felt even happier!

???? But she didn't want to tease her brother into anger, move her lips, and easily gain more than ten o'clock in the morning, she was very satisfied, and immediately made one for herself With a gesture of zipping his mouth, he compromised:

???? "Alright, bro."

????"I just want to say that there will be a temple fair at the foot of Zongmen Mountain in three days. So hard, do you want to invite Miss Qin to go to the temple fair to relax?"

???? She consciously and wisely liberated the title of Qin Changwan from her seniority.

???? As for Shen Wang—

???? Originally, when he heard that the practice was hard, he wanted to say 'it's okay', but when he heard Qin Changwan mentioned in the second half of her sentence, Shen Wang's answer was stuck for a while Living.

???? Until Hua Baihe went to the dining room to pack a dessert for today, he frowned and pretended to casually mention:

???? "Why do you want to go shopping with fellow Daoist Qin? That's a mortal's activity."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? She looked at Shen Wang, who was obviously very interested, but was about to say such awkward words, and suddenly realized that he was a half-baked bachelor in his previous life. reason.

???? Aojiao can't marry a daughter-in-law, Senior Brother Shen!


???? She looked up and down at Shen Wang with those indescribable eyes, and in the end, out of comradeship, she reluctantly handed him a ladder:

???? "Because Master is very interested in this, he is going to take me to see it with her."

???? "I think you can't cultivate alone in the sect, so Master asked me to find a monk who has a good relationship with you to go with you."

???? "I see that you have a good relationship with Miss Qin, so I mentioned it casually. It's up to you to decide whether to invite her or not."

????Shen Wang immediately began to think hard, unaware that after Hua Baihe brought the oil-paper-wrapped dessert, he walked back a lot more briskly.

???? Until—

???? When Shen Wang decided to send a jade slip to Qin Changwan, he suddenly reacted:

???? Why did Master plan to go to the temple fair with Ningguang?

???? And why do you describe him as lonely?

???? From those words, Shen Wang smelled a little secret.


???? At this moment, in the Wendao Pavilion.

???? Xingyin sat in the center of the main hall, raised his hand and took out two tripod jade bottles from his storage space, and took out a pot of "Jade Dew Nectar" that he accidentally obtained a few years ago ", is a kind of wine she got when she went to some powerful secret realms to experience.

???? It is said that this is a wine made from the grains cultivated from the last grain seeds left by Shennong in the world. The taste of the wine makes the monks in the Mahayana period feel mellow and fragrant , On weekdays, only the presence of distinguished guests can attract her so much attention.

???? She picked up the jade pot, poured out the wine with a white mist in the two jade bottles, and said softly:

???? "Since you're here, show up. Unfortunately, it's not meal time now, and there are no good dishes, so there is only a good wine to entertain the distinguished guests."

???? As her voice fell, another figure in black clothes appeared in the room.

???? It’s just that compared to the flickering on Xingyin’s robe, the effect of the heaven and earth robes that make ordinary mortals dazzled and dazzled, the one on the person’s body is like a second An ordinary black robe.


???? "It's really a good wine - Yulu Nongjiao, I thought there was no trace in Jiuzhou."

???? That person looked very natural, and took a seat in the direction indicated by Xingyin. If Hua Baihe and Shen Wang were here, they would definitely recognize him. Isn’t this person who I saw in the secret realm yesterday? The one who passed by, the master of 'falling red realm' who fought with Lin Yida, is it a feast?

???? Xingyin filled a glass and sent the jade bottle to the seated person out of thin air. Instead of continuing the topic of receiving wine, he mentioned another matter:

???? "Why did you come to me?"

???? After a pause, she said directly:

???? "Wei Youting."

???? Her hands were hanging in the air, and the long sleeves could not cover her wrists, revealing two tiny scars on the inside of her wrists.

???? It's a scar from a snake bite.

???? The man moved his eyes, his eyes drooped, and after a while he replied, "Did I ever say that I don't like people mentioning this name before me?"

???? Her hand still fell on the jade bottle containing the wine, picked it up, brought it to her lips and drank it, and said after a while:

???? "Also, you called it wrong, I'm Yanqing."

???? Xingyin at the top hummed a little smile in his nose, as if he was answering:

????You think you are, you are.

???? Hearing her reaction, the face of the person sitting in the guest seat suddenly became unhappy, and even the taste of the fine wine that was just delivered to the mouth was not so amazing. The aroma of the wine gathered by the party dissipated in just a few words from the other party.

???? She put down the jade bottle and said calmly:

???? "Looks like I've got the wrong person."

???? Having said that, she got up and planned to leave.

???? At this moment, the person above said again: "You came to me, just because you think you are of the same kind as me, or do you feel that you have the same disease as me...?"

???? Hearing her words, the person in the guest room suddenly looked over and asked, "Isn't it?"

???? "Besides me, you are the first person I have ever met, who cultivates the Tao of love."

???? After these words came out, Xingyin was not very surprised that she saw her own way, because when she saw this Wei Youting yesterday, she also saw through this person's way at a glance.


???? Dao Lv was born, she was born.

???? Dao Companion dies, she dies.


???? While Wei Youting was waiting, Xingyin's answer suddenly appeared:

???? "No, I'm not like you."

???? "If I were you, I wouldn't wait until I lost it before I regret it, and I know how to cherish it. If I were you, I would have achieved a positive result a thousand years ago."

???? She picked up the jade bottle in her hand, and seemed to be looking at the lines in the cup, but the words she said were very awkward.

???? Hearing her words, the guests suddenly looked at her:

???? "What do you know?!"

???? She was obviously forced out of her anger.


???? "Am I wrong?"

???? "Didn't you take advantage of the banquet and let her teach you the magic, so you did not hesitate to spend a long estrus period for her, let her fall in love with you, and finally help her Are you an enemy of the Son of Heaven?"

???? "Unfortunately, the real dragon emperor carries the crape myrtle true energy, which cannot be invaded by evil spirits and cannot be harmed by monks."

????"You don't know this, or you know it and you are lucky, you know that you will go back for revenge, then the banquet will not stand by, but you still choose to drag her down Into the sea of ​​misery, let her end like this."

???? "How can I be the same as you?"

???? Every sentence of Xingyin's words is piercing into the heart of the heart.

????She is different from Wei Youting, she has no deep hatred, from the first time she saw Hua Baihe in her own world, she fell in love with this person at first sight.

???? Later, she continued to create various opportunities for the two of them to meet, and successfully made the person focus on herself, and even looked forward to the stars and the moon before waiting Here comes the man's confession.

???? However…

???? It only takes an accident, and she will be separated from the lover who is in her heart, and even has planned the future for the rest of her life.

???? If Hua Baihe also entered these worlds later, she doesn't know how long it will take to climb back from the end of the world again and find her lover.

???? "It's not like that..."

????Wei Youting shook her head and almost raised her hand to whisk the jade bottle off the table.

???? She didn't know what memory Xingyin's words touched her, her eyes were full of confusion, and she kept repeating:

???? "It's not like that, it's not like that, I never took the initiative to seduce her..."

???? "Even before I took revenge, I knew that I had gone back and forth, and I specially invited her to drink realgar wine..."

???? Wei Youting became more and more excited as she spoke, her eyes had turned red, Xingyin just raised her hand easily, took back the jade bottle by her hand, and just stared at her.

???? Suddenly, Wei Youting stood up from her seat and cupped her head with both hands, as if a splitting headache, as if frantically leaking out a The spiritual power of her, the coercion that belonged to the powerful cultivator was also released from her side.


???? Fortunately, a certain child ran away in the morning. If she was still here, it would not be easy to protect her.

???? The next moment, where Xingyin disappeared, there was already a palm shot by Wei Youting—

???? "Boom", the tables and chairs in the main hall were scattered!

???? And Xingyin had come behind her, raised his hand to capture her, but was directly blocked by Wei Youting, who had reacted. Hundreds of tricks have been passed in the main hall of Wendao Pavilion!

???? If it wasn't for Xingyin's formation in advance, presumably today's Wendao Pavilion, or half of the hilltop of Hehuan Sect, would have to be in the hands of these two ancestors. Direct annihilation!

???? In a moment!


???? Time suddenly stood still.

????Wei Youting stood there and didn't move, her eyes were wide open—

???? Or, she wanted to move, but couldn't move at all.

???? Because Xingyin's hand is very stable, the sharp weapon did not hurt her eyeball, but forced one of the needles out of it.

???? And during this process, Wei Youting seemed to be frozen, and she did not recover until the thing was taken out.

???? "This is...?"

???? She was no longer the sudden mad look she had just before, looking at the thing that Xingyin picked out that was much thinner than the strands of hair, she asked shudderingly.

???? "Desure needle... For the high-level cultivator who asked, it is most likely to make people go crazy. It is the handwriting of Lin Yi's idiot. You were probably plotted by him yesterday. ."

???? If he was also an ordinary monk on this continent, Xingyin would not have noticed that this thing was planted.

???? Just received the world line when he came, and deliberately pondered the life trajectory of this guy Lin Yi, plus his special constitution, Xing Yin made a difference to all his methods Be prepared.

???? "Those words just now are also to force this thing out, I didn't inform you in advance - sorry."

???? Xingyin can at best guess that there is some accident between Wei Youting and Yanqing, and most of them are related to her revenge. As for those who use it or not, it is all guesswork .

???? Wei Youting just smiled, for a cultivator like her, it is true that a single thought becomes a god, and a single thought becomes a demon, and Lin Yi's plot is just right in her heart.

???? But she was not angry at all, just said lightly:

???? "It seems that the gift I gave him yesterday was the right one."

????Xing Yin raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

????"I gave him a piece of the most poisonous scales in the world, and now the leader of the demon clan is a fox? Then no one in the demonic way should be able to cure his poison, he will feel In each day of the poison, he died of fear until the forty-ninth day, when his body fell off, his Nascent Soul shattered, and his bones and flesh were separated."



???? "What did he do in that 'falling red realm' yesterday?"

????Wei Youting whispered: "He dismantled all the memories that I worked so hard to build."

???? After she finished speaking, she raised her head in a funny way and said to Xingyin: "However, it is rare for me to see such a hypocritical righteous path in this world, he is getting that scale. At that moment, do you know what he did?"


???? Wei Youting squinted her eyes and said, "He forced the poison of the scales into his own daughter's body."

????Xingyin: “…”

???? She was silent for a long time, and found that she was suddenly not surprised.

???? Lin Yi's ultimate selfish nature, it seems very normal to be able to do such a thing.

???? Wei Youting saw her expression and expected her reaction. When she was in the Falling Red Realm yesterday, she had observed Xingyin, and she could even guess who she was with Lin Yi is mostly not to deal with.


????Wei Youting put this episode aside and talked about another thing: "I came today, I have one thing to ask for, and I even did the equivalent to you Preparing for the exchange—"

???? "But you did me a big favor as soon as you came up, I have nothing more for you."


???? "Your reward is exactly what I want."

???? "Enough."

???? Wei Youting looked at her and smiled:

???? "Do you know what I want to exchange with you? You know what I want?"

???? Xingyin looked at her and said:

???? "You need to use the Chaos Clock fragment to exchange with me... The way to bring the feast back to life."

???? Wei Youting's expression tightened unconsciously and asked:

???? "So, do you have any?"

????Xing avoided answering, but asked another question: "How about you add another chip to exchange with me?"


???? "What chips?"

???? That night, Hua Baihe, who heard the story of today's guest, sat on Xingyin's lap, hugged her neck, and asked with shining eyes.

???? Xingyin held her in one hand, although she knew what she was capable of, she still raised her hand on her waist like a baby to prevent her from falling.

???? "Huh? Want to know?"

???? She said: "You please me, I will consider it."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? She thought about it for a while, and felt the pastry she had packed in the dining room at the foot of the mountain from the table next to her. Xingyin's lips dipped her lips with snow-white pastry, and she dipped a little frosty white on her ascetic thin lips.

???? "Hmm~"

???? Hua Baihe blinked his right eye at her, and deliberately made a seductive tone from his throat. Hearing Xingyin, he didn't have the heart to eat any more cakes. He just wanted to…

???? ate her.

???? After taking a random bite of the pastry, Xingyin swallowed it whole without tasting it, then raised her hand to squeeze the pastry on Hua Baihe's lips, and immediately wanted to take it away Throw the little goblin on the couch to teach her how dangerous it is to tease people anytime, anywhere.

???? However, Hua Baihe made a "hmm" and pushed her shoulders, motioning her to wait.

?????? After the pastry, why did you only return to the sect in the afternoon?"


????Hua Baihe couldn't help bending her lips, "Because the boss called me to talk."

????Xing Yin: "?"

???? Does this have anything to do with their upcoming events?

???? Seeing the confusion on her face, Hua Baihe smiled more and more mysteriously, and quietly held her hands and wrists. The wrists snap together, and at the same time—

???? Xingyin suddenly felt her wrist tighten. She looked down and found a thick golden rope.

???? "This is..."

???? "Bang Xian Suo, the sect master said that you returned to the peak before, and I didn't give you a gift, so let me give it to you!" Hua Baihe happily solved her doubts.

???? However, Xingyin had a bad premonition.

???? Sure enough, the other party easily ordered the rope to tie it to the head of the bed, spread his legs and sat on her legs, leaning over and raising his hand along her neckline Going down, as if not afraid of death, he said with a chuckle:

???? "The head said, this monk who can bind the Mahayana period for a quarter of an hour."

???? "A quarter of an hour is enough for me to do a lot, right, Master?"

????Xingyin: “…”



???? "I won't let you experience my nature tonight, you may not know my charm..."

???? Xingyin just remembered what happened in the morning, but she didn't expect the other party to wait for her here for a whole day, so she could only laugh and cry: "I know your charm very well, baby , darling, let me go, so I won't be able to satisfy you."

???? As she returned, she was glad that Ningguang only unwrapped her own clothes, and did not come to untie her, otherwise her sense of crisis—


The temptation to hide is obviously more extreme than taking it all off!

????Xingyin: “…”

???? She moved her wrist, but couldn't shake the rope at all.

???? Xing Yin's eyes were a little red, and his voice was a little hoarse. When he closed his eyes and opened them again, he threatened:

???? "If you don't let me go, after a quarter of an hour, you will be responsible for the consequences."

???? But the unscrupulous little apprentice tore off his robe and prepared to undress, obviously he had a troubled face, and he had to learn to wink at her like a little white rabbit. Eye.

???? Not afraid of her at all.

???? He even leaned over to approach her and rubbed close to her body, just like a fox who had been practicing for thousands of years, and tactfully added fuel to her fire:

???? "You want me to let go?"

???? "You

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