MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 81 The daughter of the sea (11)

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????Siren also experienced a splitting headache.

???? She felt very strange, after all, this was the treatment she had never enjoyed when she came to this forbidden place before. At the same moment when she was attacked, she thought, maybe the structure in this pyramid suddenly Change, they didn't come to the first floor.

???? As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, she fainted uncontrollably.

???? When she wakes up again—

???? Her memory, her world has been turned upside down.


???? Siren squinted his eyes along the faint light, and curled the corners of his lips comfortably and happily to Fu Guangqi.

???? "Long time no see."

???? She said, with some joy of reunion after a long absence.

???? It was you.

???? Siren thought, no wonder she never really wanted to deal with this man, she always felt that after killing him, she would regret it.

???? She recalled a lot of details, starting from the breath of this person that made her feel different, from when Fu Guangqi looked at her with that complicated look...

???? Many details have been revealed, this person has a long history with her and has a close relationship.

????Fortunately, they still came together due to misunderstandings. Fortunately, they never missed each other.

???? Indescribable jubilation rose in her heart, mixed with extra joy and happiness.

???? I'm so happy...


???? Fu Guangqi faintly noticed that something had changed in her body, but he was not sure what happened. After hearing the strange "long time no see", he sipped lip.

???? After all, coming in from the outside, including the length of time the Siren fainted, all happened in just half an hour.

???? Where did it come from...for a long time?

???? He didn't want to pay attention to it, but when his eyes met her joyful eyes, he found that the rippling smile in it was something he had never seen before, as if this guy opened his eyes You can see with your eyes what a big happy event.

???? Interrupted by this thought, he whispered unexpectedly:

???? "Hmm."

???? Siren laughed even more.

???? She looked at Fu Guangqi greedily for a while, although she knew how ecstatic this person was on the night of the mermaid feast, and it was difficult to quit, but now...

???? After knowing that he is where his heart is.



???? at the same time.

???? Sophia looked at the location of Siren and Fu Guangqi, and when she heard the two short answers, she hummed unhappily.


???? She suddenly felt that the couple was a little annoying.

???? After all, the person she was waiting for is still in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up.

???? Sophia doesn't know whether the speed of sobriety is related to the strength of everyone, or just depends on their own memory deviation, just before she asked Fu Guangqi if she wanted to listen to her story with Hua Baihe After that, the other party also told her one thing:

???? He hasn't been in a trance for a second since he came in.

???? He was the only person in the audience who was particularly sober.

???? Sophia raised her hand and smoothed Shunhua Baihe's hair, bent down and kissed her forehead, the original urgency and anger on her body was unexpectedly in such a difficult wait. Smooth a little.

???? Hua Baihe frowned, wondering if she was about to wake up.

???? In fact, she will faint, not because she also has a forgotten lover in her mind.

???? In fact, she was pulled away by the will of this ruin.

???? Hua Baihe couldn't figure out how she, a woman with a koi tattoo, was unlucky to be the only non-chief in the audience, but since everyone came, she followed. A memory of this ruin.

????From the ancient times before human beings were born…

???? She looked at the world full of frost and sighed softly in the palm of her hand. In fact, she didn't feel the cold at all, but only from the rime beside the tree. The pressed branches will collapse along with it, and only the faint dark green leaves can be seen at the bottom. It can be seen that there must be a lot of snow around.

???? A particularly terrifying beast roared from somewhere!

???? Then, the earth began to tremble violently, and the ice sheet with a thick layer of ice began to collapse. She looked at the shaking continent in front of her, even though she knew that she was just consciously coming to this strange place The world, but also worried that the ground will crack open under the feet, swallowing himself in abruptly!

???? The tremor lasted for a long time, the tree next to it shook violently, frost and snow fell, Hua Baihe could see clearly, what kind of tree was that, obviously It's just a huge fern, just the roots are crowded together, and it looks like a trunk.

???? There were dense dots at the end of the field, like a large group rushing towards her location.

???? That seems to be the first color in the world other than gray and white.

???? Hua Baihe squinted his eyes, and then heard a long hissing sound from the other end.

???? "What?"

???? She murmured.

???? But her side was empty, and no one could answer her question.

???? Hua Baihe suddenly remembered, because when passing through the pyramid, the fluctuation caused by the special energy inside was too strong, and the system was worried about what it would cause to itself Strong distress, so I can only temporarily disconnect from her.

???? In short, now she is alone and lonely.

???? At the moment when she was so stunned, the group of beasts on the horizon had already rushed towards her direction, Hua Baihe looked at the thick khaki fur on their bodies, and the side of their cheeks The two exposed teeth are so long that they are curled up, and looking at them, they can directly poke a huge hole in the opponent's body. After knowing it, they correspond to the characters in the cartoons I watched when I was a child:

???? "Mammoth?"

???? During the Ice Age, species that have been extinct for many, many years, and only creatures with traces of fossils can be unearthed in the Arctic Circle in later generations.


???? The size of elephants in later generations is like the gap between children and adults.

???? The tall back like a small hill, the suffocating ivory, and the size that caused great panic, made Hua Baihe watch them run close In an instant, I couldn't help but turn around and run!

???? Who knows whether she is really only in a false memory, or is really thrown into some strange world, for these ancient earth powerhouses, her Respect is - run first to respect!

???? Hua Baihe shouted wildly in his heart while trying to race with the four-wheel drive with the eleventh road car:

???? "Tonger! Escort! Escort! I am going to die!"

???? The system is silent, there is no movement at all, not even an emoji package to reward her.

???? Hua Baihe couldn't help shouting several times in the midst of his life-threatening run:

???? "Father-in-law?"

???? "Dad!"

???? "Grandpa!"

???? The system is still unresponsive.

???? If it had been this cheap before, it would have jumped out and claimed it without saying a word, either scold Hua Baihe and then waited for her to beg herself, or waited until Hua Baihe showed weakness and then hummed He hummed and asked her, "Now you know what to ask me?"

???? But now this quiet appearance just reflects what Hua Baihe thinks.

???? The system has really cut off the connection with her.

???? Her mind was empty, she was very uncomfortable, just like the mobile hard drive that had saved 18r articles for many years was lost, and her heart was full of loss.

???? She ran a long distance in frustration, but in the end she was only getting closer and closer to the wave of mammoths who had eaten too much and ran for a run, or a mass migration. Getting closer.

???? Finally, the running figures in the back easily reached behind her, and the shallow shadows crossed first, covering her body, over her head, and shrouded her heavily .


???? The elephant running at the front raised its heavy front legs and stepped forward gently—

???? At that moment, Hua Baihe felt that his heartbeat stopped.

???? She closed her eyes in horror.

???? Until…

???? The running sound seemed to be beating on her eardrum, and it slowly passed through her heart, and then slowly went away.

???? Hua Baihe opened her eyes and stood in the distance, there were some straggling mammoths passing by her, and some people's tusks from her across the body.

???? is really penetrating, as if she is just a projection placed here.

???? Hua Baihe was stunned, and a baby elephant didn't know whether it was lame or what, running too slowly, was caught up by a vigorous figure behind, and slammed towards its throat Bite away!

???? A huge figure in front of him heard the scream, turned around abruptly, and angrily hit the predator with his pointed fangs!

???? The big eyes on its face are full of sadness, but faster than it is, the predator is holding the neck of the baby elephant and running away vigorously .


???? Only those sad eyes remained in her mind.

???? In a trance, Hua Baihe heard a sigh from between heaven and earth.

???? Then there is complete silence.

???? Since the group of mammoths ran away, only Hua Baihe was left.

???? Tick, tick.

???? The sound of water droplets secretly sounded from somewhere.

???? She turned around quickly, and the ice sheet that she could see was melting rapidly, revealing the hard permafrost underneath.

???? In the gray, just snowed sky, the dark clouds rolled away, giving the sky back to sky blue.

???? The sun shines through the snow-white clouds and shines on the frozen, moist soil, and a green sprout suddenly emerges under her feet, swaying gently and taking root in the soil In the middle, the two green leaves that stretch out are full of fresh and vigorous vitality.

???? Frozen soil is not a simple matter to become a suitable growth soil for green plants.

???? Hua Baihe tilted his head, realizing that the world he was in might be playing at a very high speed.

???? She just watched the time from the Ice Age to the Triassic - the world of reptiles.

???? Little dinosaurs like lizards hide in the leaves of ferns. When dozens of them attack at the same time, they can take a prey a hundred times their own body in a short time gnawed to death.

???? The prey let out a painful neigh, trying to jump and shake off the little hunters, but every time one was killed, there were more Jump on it until it falls to the ground exhausted.

???? Hua Baihe came into close contact with nature's strong prey twice, and her brows twitched uncomfortably.

A lesson on the evolution of the earth, and tell her what this colorful dinosaur is called, which is a pity.

???? Now, where she is standing, has become a dense jungle.

???? The snow-white world that was so cold and head-dropping before was easily pulled down by nature, and the whiteness between heaven and earth was eaten up by green from the edge, like The green cabbage caterpillar slowly eroded her entire field of vision.

???? The temperature appears to be increasing continuously in this area.

???? When she was occupied by all kinds of reptiles, shallow water suddenly came up under her feet, and the original moist soil slowly turned into a section of The swamps, began to gurgling hot bubbles.


???? Then, the swamp turned into a quagmire, expanded into a river, and then into an inland lake...until the sea level slowly rose, and the rivers, trees, mountains and Yau, all covered in the past.

???? She stood in the depths of the sea and looked at a huge behemoth swimming in front of her.

???? Alligator-like head, degenerate eyes, long body, and a long tail as strong as iron.


???? Mosasaurus!

????The time has come to the Cretaceous.

???? Out of curiosity, Hua Baihe followed to see the mosasaur hunting, blind date, reproduction, and wondered if there would be a strange litter of offspring born later.

???? She squatted over curiously and muttered:

???? "The flow of time is so fast, is there a crocodile in the next litter?"

????"No, strictly speaking, among the existing animals, only birds are the descendants of dinosaurs."

???? A voice smiled softly in her ear and replied kindly to her.

???? Hua Baihe was startled, stood up from the spot and looked around in a daze, but couldn't find anyone to speak.

???? "Who are you?"

???? "Every death you see is me."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”


???? She was still squatting in front of the nest of eggs, curiously waiting for the things inside to be born.

???? "Don't wait, they're all dead."

???? That voice sighed in a low voice.

???? Hua Baihe opened her mouth in disappointment. This is the first time she has become curious about these ancient overlords since she entered this false world, but it turns out...

???? Can't wait to see what these overlords looked like when they were young.

???? In fact, she didn't understand the meaning of the phrase "all death is me", so she just squatted on the bottom of the sea and remained silent until an extraordinarily long and ruthless cry came from the sky !

???? She heard the cry and wondered what was flying in the sky.

???? As soon as the idea appeared, she found that she had already appeared on the sea.

???? Hua Baihe looked up and saw the giant flying in the sky. From a distance, he thought it was a bat, until one shuttled down from the clouds and rushed to the sea like a cannonball , the long beak took out a strangely shaped fish!

???? She knows this bird!

???? Hua Baihe said aloud: "Pterosaur!"

???? In the age of dinosaurs, the ultimate overlord of the sky.




???? Hua Baihe closed his eyes after watching this scene.

???? She finally realized something was wrong.

???? From the beginning of entering this world, she remembered the eyes of these animals related to death very clearly, whether it was the sadness in the eyes of the mother of the baby mammoth at first, or later The prey killed by the pheasant little dinosaur, or the pterosaur just now.

???? She suddenly shouted:

???? "Are you still there?"

???? "I'm here." The vicissitudes of life sounded again.

???? "Who are you? Where is this place?"

????"I am the will of all these creatures before they died. This is the place where all creatures were buried. Of course, you should call this place: the burial place of the mermaid. ."

???? That voice answered her questions.

???? Hua Baihe had a bad hunch about this smooth question and answer.

???? She said, "What did you want to do when you pulled me in?"

???? Just as she was talking to that voice, a doomsday scene had turned in front of her, and countless fireballs fell from the sky, smashing the world into pieces, leaving behind Potholes on the ground, and foggy air.

???? A gust of wind came from somewhere.

???? When the dust gradually dissipated, the sulphur gas in the air disappeared, the green color reappeared on the ground not far away, and the ocean once again turned into an endless dark blue after—

???? A fish tail fiddled out of the water.


???? And on the land next to it, all kinds of monkey-like primitive savages came out of the cave and slowly learned to cultivate, keep animals in captivity and plant.

???? A grand, crystalline palace is slowly being born under the sea.

???? Hua Baihe looked at the great changes taking place in the world, and heard the voice answer in his ear: "You are a human being, and there are mermaids who have entered into it. Two powerful overlords."

???? "As for what I want to do—"

???? The voice replied: "I want to live, I don't want to die."

???? Hua Baihe is breathing deeply.

???? She didn't know what kind of scumbag she was talking to.

???? Could it be easier to speak?

???? That voice heard her thoughts, smiled, and tried to answer in a way she could understand: "You are not from this world, you want this world to exist , which coincides with my thinking.”

????"And I, I am the consciousness of existence of all creatures that you have seen, from the past to the present, but they have the breath of death before they die, so I am both Life in this world is also death in this world."

???? Hua Baihemu replied with a face: "Why don't you say that you are the **** of this world?"

???? "I am not God, I am just the will."

????Hua Baihe: "...Okay, awesome."

???? She felt that this chat had exhausted her few brains, raised her hand and scratched her head, thinking, I don't care what world will you are, I will too lazy to…


???? Wait?

????The Will of the World?

???? Hua Baihe suddenly understood the meaning of the voice!

???? This is the sixth world she has traveled through, and it is also one of the countless worlds under the jurisdiction of the Lord Mary Sue, but she has always thought that these worlds are under the control of the Lord God, did not expect…

????The world also has its own will.

???? She tried her best to understand and asked:

???? "What do you mean when you just said, you want to live, but don't want to die? Is it because the end of the world outside is about to be destroyed?"

???? The voice thought for a while and replied:

???? "Since the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid was opened by mistake, my death energy and life energy were mistakenly revealed, causing chaos in the outside world. I can feel that this world The thirst for survival of existing life has reached its climax."

????"At the beginning of the 'Dinosaur Extinction Period' in your mind, my consciousness was still very hazy, but now I have formed my own concept, I need to pull out this world The stable factor releases the correct survival energy and maintains the stability of the world.”

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? "Okay, so complicated, can you take care of my poor brain cells?"

???? She asked with a dazed expression.

???? That voice smiled and said, "Can I borrow your body to leave this place?"

???? "I don't want to see the world go to ruin again."

???? Hua Baihe: "How do you save?"

????"You came to the tomb of the mermaid because the life energy here is very strong, and it caused trouble to the world when it was released. You want to find a way to close the tomb, Less bad impact on the world, right?"

???? Hua Baihe: "Yes."

????" But once the tomb of the mermaid is opened by mistake, it can't be closed again. Since you can't close the wrong energy, it is better for me to use you as the carrier to correct the The energy spreads out."

???? "I'll repay you."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? Hua Baihe: "???"

???? In layman's terms, it is the will of the world. Need to borrow her body to spread positive energy?

????Thinking about it, she can also strangle in the cradle the aftermath of Fu Guangqi and Siren being arrested for experiments.

???? But, the socialist education told her that everyone should contribute to the promotion of morality and the spirit of the legal system, and to spread positive energy. It seems that it is not good for her to ask for compensation.

???? "You'll find a place for me."

???? That voice smiled softly and persuaded her.

???? Hua Baihe touched his chin and muttered, where is the magic stick.

???? Then asked again:

???? "Although this body is not mine, I would like to ask first, if you are attached to me, are there any side effects?"

???? This time, the voice replied:

???? "I want to ask you, how can I hurt you?"

????"You look like brainwashing by a pyramid scheme, I'm a little scared." Hua Baihe's face changed.

???? That voice smiled and said nothing, only replied meaningfully:

???? "I carry the energy of the world on my shoulders. As long as the child of the world is still alive, my energy will be infinitely abundant. I'm just worried that if you want to die at that time, you may not be able to die."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? The system must be very blocked when it hears this sentence.


???? Being able to complete the mission and being able to stay with Sophia without any accident is wonderful.

???? She asked casually, "How are you going to save the world?"

???? While speaking, the human civilization in her sight has begun to develop by leaps and bounds, and in the ocean, the blooming marine civilization has reached its peak and began to slowly decline.

???? The elders and patriarchs of the mermaid found that the power of the mermaids was not as good as the previous generation, and they exhausted all kinds of methods to keep their power and transfer it to on the new generation.

???? Finally…

???? They developed the eyebrow scales of the first generation of patriarchs that can carry infinite power.

???? Since then, the elders and patriarchs have been buried in the mausoleum where the palace is located after the collapse of the palace under the sea, and the mermaid family began to migrate.

???? Part of it went to the inland lake on the land, and part of it remained in the ocean. After struggling from generation to generation, it once again became the overlord of the sea.


???? It seems that this will's memory of the world only stays here.

???? At this moment, Hua Baihe heard her answer: "You want to develop a vaccine that can act on zombie viruses, in fact, those zombies are just because of the old corpses underneath. And dead corpses, the result of absorbing the wrong life energy."

????"With you as the carrier, your body is the correct life energy, your human science has developed enough, and after I possess you, you are the correct energy representative , through you, can parse out the way to decipher those wrong energies."

???? Hua Baihe replied dryly:

???? "That's great news."

???? Well, the person who became the research product was not Fu Guangqi, but her.

???? This is another time to worry about the love of the protagonist, and to go to the operating table for the protagonist, Hua Baihe feels that his image has become stalwart and tall.

???? "Why don't you share such a good thing with your son of the world?"

???? "He is too obvious, the children of the world in every world are the objects of your Lord God's attention, and when I get to him, the little changes he produces will be fed back to your Lord God. , inappropriate - I'm sorry to read your memory, I found that you and your main **** don't seem to have a good relationship." The Will of the World said again.

????Hua Baihe: …You are too euphemistic.


????Unfortunately, Hua Baihe is the one who commits the following crimes, doesn't know the good or the bad, and breaks the rules.

????"At the same time, I also noticed that you have a very good relationship with that wrong factor. I originally planned to expel her from this world, but she also has traces of your Lord God, I Reckless interference will not only affect your impression of me, but it will also shock the snake—"

???? "I only hope that after you leave, she will not cause too much disturbance to the world."

???? That voice is still very gentle, just listening to the voice, it is difficult for people to be wary of her.

???? Hua Baihe: "Wait, what do you mean when you say she has traces of the Lord God?"

???? Will of the World: "I don't know, in short, she has the breath of the Lord God that I hate."

???? Hua Baihe showed a thoughtful expression.

???? It seems that she still has to ask the system about something.

???? She quickly reached a consensus with the will of the world—

???? Because Hua Baihe is a little selfish.

???? She thought that after she left this space, she must continue to contact the system. If the will of this world is really harmless, she can do the other party a favor, maybe give The Lord God added a little block, this is the best.

???? And if the other party has any thoughts...

???? She doesn't mind letting the system alert the main **** directly.

????Anyone in power hates things getting out of control, and God is no exception.


???? "You finally woke up. If you don't wake up, someone will consider tearing down the resting place of the ancestors."

???? When Hua Baihe regained consciousness, a slightly mocking voice sounded from the side.

???? She was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that the person who spoke was Siren.

???? And as soon as she opened her eyes, the person above held her head, kissed her cheek, and then raised her hand to touch her forehead, but before she could judge Temperature, and heard her unhappy "tsk" sound again.

???? A faint smile appeared on Hua Baihe's lips.

???? She knew that the other party wanted to try her forehead temperature, but because the mermaid itself is not a warm-blooded animal, she couldn't try it, so she was a little annoyed.

???? "I'm fine."

???? she whispered.

???? "I just had a dream, but I don't remember exactly what I saw."

???? "Ahem..."

???? Just when Hua Baihe was explaining to everyone, the system coughed twice in her mind.

???? Hua Baihe wanted to speak when he regained consciousness, but Sophia's kiss came faster than his voice.

???? The system followed Hua Baihe's point of view, the head was kissed, the whole system was a little down, and the joy was suppressed, and then it returned to normal.

???? Hua Baihe also greeted it in a good mood:

???? "Tonger, let's get to know our new partner - Dangdangdang ~ World Will."

???? "Hello." As Hua Baihe's voice fell, the indistinguishable gentle voice of the will of the world rang out.

???? The system was taken aback and blurted out:

???? "Self-check is on!"

???? "Start scanning for viruses!"

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? Will of the World: "…"

???? The will of the world endured and laughed lightly.

???? Hua Baihe reminded: "Hey, Tonger, do you have any insight? Be polite, it's not a virus."

???? System: "…"

???? "I didn't watch you for a while, but you actually...!"

???? The system didn't think of any suitable words, and simply sent an emoji to express their feelings:

???? “[I am so close to dying on the spot.jpg]”

???? Hua Baihe was not in a hurry to speak, or the world will have a good temper, and patiently explained to the system why Hua Baihe was chosen, and why she used her body reason.

???? The system listened to the complex face:

???? "Am I not something with the breath of the Lord God?"

???? "I didn't notice it." The Will of the World answered honestly.

???? The system is speechless.

???? This thing is really not wrong, it is a system from the regulatory agency, and it really has nothing to do with the Lord God.


???? It quickly grabbed a thought!

???? Wait, there are only two unreasonable existences in this world, Qu Muchun and Sophia.

???? The will of the world means that Sophia has the breath of the Lord God.

???? That means…!

???? The system widened its eyes in disbelief and said to Hua Baihe:

???? "I found something incredible, you guys chat first, I'll calm down first."

???? Hua Baihe: "?"

???? The system ignored her helplessness and said to the will of the world:

????"I will file your existence first, no problem? My file will not be reviewed by the Lord God, but it will be submitted to the regulatory agency. You can rest assured that the regulatory agency is not against the will of the world. The existence of the world is malicious, as long as you and the child of the world can ensure the operation of the world and abide by the basic treaty of the universe."

???? The will of the world responded gently: "Okay."

????"Right, old flower, remind you - since you can't die casually in this world, then we are still the old rules, after the task is completed, I will let you pull away directly , is it alright? I'll go without me."

???? Hua Baihe: "Yes."

???? However, the system has stopped her, and I don't know what to do.

???? Hua Baihe: “…”


???? At the moment, she was still lying in Sophia's arms, as if she had just woken up from a coma and needed to rest for a while.

???? After all, she is the only person in the audience who has grasped the direction of the world, and she is not panic about the next plot development.

???? Only Sophia and Siren, who knew that the truth of the coma was "restored memory", heard her evasive words just now that she didn't remember the dream, and each thought for a while in their hearts.

???? Sophia didn't mind at all, she quickly put the problem behind her, and only got close to Hua Baihe and pressed her head for her.


???? Hua Baihe felt the privileged experience and worried about the loneliness of the world's will, and said:

???? "Hey, my system is not there, since you are a new resident in my body, on the first day of your stay, my landlord will give you some benefits."

???? The Will of the World asked curiously: "What?"

???? Hua Baihe thought for a while: "Let me tell you the story of me and this beautiful girl in front of me?"

???? The Will of the World said, "Okay."

???? Then Hua Baihe thought about it, time was running out, so she picked the key points—the two started from the popular science of various postures in the first world, instilling a sense of will in the world A pile of yellow waste from the human world.

???? In reality.

???? Sophia gently pressed Hua Baihe's temple, and asked in a warm voice:

???? "Did you just dream?"

???? "What a coincidence, I also had a dream."

???? Hua Baihe asked casually, "What?"

???? Sophia laughed softly:

???? "Not a good dream."

????"In my dream, there was a person I liked for a long time, standing in front of me shyly and blushing confessed to me, I was so happy in my heart, and pretended to be very calm accepted."

???? "She doesn't know, I have liked her for a long time, I have been waiting for the day when she confesses to me, even the cake is ordered in advance."

????"Unfortunately, on the way to pick up the cake that day, I never had the chance to see her again."

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