MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 73 Daughter of the Sea (3)

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????In the third experimental site.

???? Hearing Hua Baihe's words, a faint smile appeared on the mermaid's face.

???? The light laughter heard in the daytime sounded again in front of Hua Baihe.

???? But the man in the glass water tank clearly hadn't even opened his thin lips.

???? Hua Baihe was stunned for a long time, only to realize that the voice sounded directly from his heart.

????—The chat with the system and her has the same effect.

???? "You don't remember me?"

???? At the moment Hua Baihe was recalling, the ethereal voice that appeared directly continued to amplify in her mind.

???? The ridicule in the eyes of the other party is so profound...

???? It's like seeing an old friend reunited after a long absence. I can't believe Hua Baihe can forget her.

???? When she spoke, there was a peculiar light in her deep eyes, a kind of attractive charm.

???? so that people can't help but want to agree with her words from the heart.

???? Hua Baihe was stunned for a long time and didn't remember when he became a friend with a fish.

???? After all, the character of Qu Muchun was made out of thin air. I have never been to the United States before, let alone the sea, and I have never seen the sea, and the soul contained in this false shell , Huabaihe's own...

???? If you must have seen this person somewhere.

???? That's only the old world.

???? She frowned, as if she didn't know what this beautiful mermaid was talking about. On the one hand, it always feels a little strange...

???? In my impression, that person seems to have never had a moment when they met her in the new world.

???? Although Hua Baihe didn't know whether the other party was just plain bad taste, or because of scruples, in short, this time was unusual, which always made her intuition a little wrong.

???? "Sorry, I don't think I've ever met a beautiful fairy like you?"

???? The girl in the white coat stood barefoot on the cold floor, thinking she had kept a safe enough distance from the fish tank, and put on a false smile on her face, not forgetting Two words of flattery.


???? Her memory still stopped on the dazzling lights of the operating table—

???? She could have become the most powerful siren of the mermaid tribe, leading the entire tribe to prosperity.

???? However, all of this has been completely broken by human beings.

???? The steel-bodied monster sank to the bottom of the sea, and the released iron claws and cages floated in the vast ocean, and then suddenly raised a swift blood flower, sending her and her kin, All caught in this strange fish tank.

???? Mermaid is the strongest aquarium except sea monsters, left over from ancient times to the present.

???? Because of the inheritance of the memory and power of each generation of 'Sirens', the human fish gradually accumulated a strong advantage, so that the young fish who reached the top of the 'Blood Moon Night' can Gain powerful power overnight, and continue to lead the mermaid to maintain the group advantage of the water hegemony.

???? For many years, the mermaid has ruled the world in the ocean, standing at the top of the food chain in the ocean where all life was born.

???? Until…

???? With the rapid development of human science and technology, the exploration of the ocean is also gradually progressing. At the same time, the ocean has received a lot of garbage and pollution, and the survival range of all organisms and ethnic groups is gradually increasing shrink down.

???? Finally, they have been hidden in the ocean for thousands of years, and now they have been discovered again.

????The overlord in the water has become the captive animals in the aquarium.

???? Including her and some of her clan, all were arrested.

???? If it wasn't for her previous patriarch, who summoned the power of the seal in the mermaid cemetery and destroyed this **** human base in one fell swoop, she and other companions would have died long ago.

????However, unfortunately, the power that has not been activated for a long time has caused an impact on the whole world, making her accidentally...

???? and Qu Muchun have lived in the sea for so many years.

???? In all fairness, she likes this human being who has accepted her power and even named her 'Siren'.

???? Even if he has never corrected this person, 'Siren' is a name that every patriarch can have.

????Unfortunately, in the end, she didn't have time to say this, because the end of the two of them was not very good, they were captured by the new humans who gained their power again, and used a special method to take them away. her blood.

???? Before closing her eyes, she still has many regrets...

???? I haven't had time to send my red coral ring.

???? She remembered that when she went ashore once, many accompanying humans would wear this thing on their fingers, this thing was in her understanding...

???? It should be as important as the mating ceremony in the mermaid tribe.

???? From now on, you can prove that the other party is your other half.

???? She didn't know Qu Muchun's final fate, but after closing her eyes, she remembered a lot of things.

???? Those numerous pictures made her completely unfamiliar...

???? A beautiful girl who is tethered to a strange doll called the seed of a wonderful frog, shining in the sun; a girl who is about to swear allegiance to her forever; staring in front of her, A girl who is high above; a girl who holds a contract and asks her to call 'godmother'; a girl who asks her to hold a book and ask her to read the strange content on it...

???? Those girls with different personalities and different looks eventually all blended together.


???? Let this mermaid understand in a trance what is the past life and what the heart desires.

???? She was so desperate to see this person again.


???? When she woke up again, she found herself in this strange big water tank.

???? This narrow water tank, the appearance of which anyone can observe, easily awakened her memory and fear.


???? So this mermaid, in ignorance, with countless memories, woke up in this backward time.

???? It's a pity that the people in her impression don't seem to know her at all.


???? Recovering from a moment of memory, the silver-tailed mermaid behind the large glass screen showed a wonderful smile to Hua Baihe, and once again used that special sound transmission method, Directly on her mind:

???? "I haven't corrected you before, I'm not called a Siren, but—"

???? "No need now, I'll be the new Siren soon."

???? That voice sounded ethereal as if it sounded in the valley, and it seemed to come from the depths of the seabed before eternity, and it was more like the Sanskrit sound that fell after the clouds broke at the end of the sky.


???? Hua Baihe looked at her with a dazed expression, and at this moment deeply understood what an insurmountable generation gap is.

????…It's a chasm like the Mariana Trench.

????"Tong, Tong'er, is this what she said to me in Chinese? Why can't I understand a word?" Hua Baihe is also an old Xian who has done many tasks. Fish, very different from those fresh rookies.

???? She thought they were both saltwater fish, so there should be something in common between the two.

???? It turned out that she was all wrong.

???? Having watched so many tasks, but never once made her look like she is now, the whole person is a look of lack of information.

????" And you, will always be mine - this time I won't let you refuse again, you don't like red coral rings, I'll make you a new one, How about it?"

???? The mermaid raised her lips again at Hua Baihe, and showed a smile that she thought was the friendliest.

???? But after hearing her words, Hua Baihe was suddenly shocked!

????Red Coral Ring…

???? Isn't that a gift from the mermaid heroine of this world to Fu Guangqi?

???? What happened?

???? Did this murloc take her as Fu Guangqi?

???? Wrong!

???? In an instant, the thoughts in Hua Baihe’s mind flashed like electric lights, and in an instant, countless questions appeared. Hua Baihe deduced the answer one by one according to the questions, but her thoughts No matter how fast the processing speed is, it will not be faster than the silver-tailed mermaid who has already made a decision!

???? The palm of the other party's palm that has been placed on the glass screen did not move any more, but suddenly there was a burst of suction from the palm of the hand!

???? Hua Baihe, who was originally barefoot, was caught by her through the double layer of plexiglass, and the whole person actually floated from the ground.

???? The system only had time to say a futile "be careful" to her, and then it could only watch Hua Baihe's entire figure like a kite, about to be kept in the glass water tank The silver-tailed mermaid was caught in his hand.

???? It’s like…

???? She has the ability to let Hua Baihe pass through this thick glass and fall into the huge sea pool.

???? Hua Baihe's eyes widened, his frozen toes and some blue feet kicked a few times in the air, and he could only squeeze out a sentence in a panic:

???? "What ring, I don't understand what you're saying..."

???? Now!

???? "Di Di!", the sound of the door opening the verification pass came from the door of the third experimental field.

His eyes were as cold as stars.

???? momentum.

???? The person who came is the child of destiny in this world, Fu Guangqi.

???? Compared to the way he was very curious about the observation glass in the daytime, he seemed a lot more indifferent now. After the door opened, he didn't even look at the room full of experimental subjects , went straight to the big screen glass at the end.

???? Wherever he passed, some experimental subjects who had maintained consciousness huddled on the opposite side of him, and even some of them were still in a deep sleep. The appearance of the enemy, trembling.


???? The person who was standing in front of the glass screen has disappeared.

???? He stood in front of the glass screen, looked inside, and found that the thing that attacked the plexiglass in the daytime still couldn't find a trace, as if there was nothing in the water color.

????Fu Guangqi frowned.


???? Hua Baihe felt like he was dying.

???? Since she was caught off guard and pulled into the water, she took a big mouthful, and the cold water poured into her ears and nose, her eyes were full of burning pain, and her mouth was full of burning pain. I also blindly swallowed a few mouthfuls of salty and astringent things...

???? She almost immediately fell into a state of suffocation of confusion.

???? When the silver-tailed mermaid saw her weak state, she didn't take it seriously, only at the moment when she was convulsed to the point of fainting, in the blisters she waved, She slowly approached her face.

???? "Ding Dong! Detecting that the host is about to be in distress, use the 'random lottery right', the lottery starts - points, four, get the ability to breathe in water, congratulations."

???? "Hey! Are you alright? Breathe!" After that emotionally indifferent mechanical sound, the system sounded nervous and anxious.

???? At that time, Hua Baihe's consciousness was slowly drifting away, she was unable to respond to the sound of the system, and just floated in the water like a fake floating corpse, her fingers unconsciously Convulsed, and bounced.

???? At this moment, 'Siren' approached her lips and was about to give her a breath—

????"Dangdangdang." The sound of the glass being knocked sent out some sound waves in the water.

???? The silver-tailed mermaid raised its head, and suddenly sensed the breath outside the glass:

???? That was what she felt in the daytime, and it made her feel threatened, like... her kin.

???? She also deliberately showed her deeds when those humans left, just to observe the situation, and found that her kin was mixed among those people in white clothes, without looking back left.

???? The silver-tailed merman squinted his eyes, a little curious as to how this kin could mingle with humans.

???? The next moment, the snow-white figure, as if entering no one, slowly penetrated into the water from outside the glass cover.

???? When he looked at her, a little surprise flashed in the man's eyes.

???? "It's you..." He was not used to communicating directly with mermaids using brain waves, so when he opened his mouth in the water, he only spit out a string of white bubbles of different sizes.

???? But that's not the point. The point is that he found a figure floating in the water with his head raised beside the silver-tailed mermaid.

???? She seems to be about to lose consciousness.

????Fu Guangqi naturally knew the reaction of ordinary people after being imprisoned in the water, and was about to go in the direction of Qu Muchun, but found that the silver-tailed mermaid raised his claws threateningly at him, As if he was going to take her prey.

???? Seeing her food-protecting movements, Fu Guangqi squinted his eyes and made a judgment in his heart:

???? This mermaid, don't you remember him?

???? Inadvertently, a huge sense of disappointment crossed his heart, and it seemed that a large piece of his heart was suddenly gouged out with a knife, leaving it empty.

???? But these are not the most important—

???? "She's dying. Ordinary humans can't breathe in water."

????Fu Guangqi had no intention of going against the silver-tailed mermaid, he just stopped moving, stood there, and stumblingly used brain waves to communicate with the silver-tailed mermaid.

???? After one person and one fish stalemate for a few seconds, the mermaid suddenly waved its tail and pulled Hua Baihe to gallop through the water like a silver spear, rushing straight out of the water. Glass screen!

???? Compared to the loud noise of deliberate attacks during the day, her movements at night are almost as silent as a drizzle.

???? Hua Baihe didn't know that he was being swept out of the water by the other party, only pale and lifeless lying on the cold floor tiles.

???? And beside her, the silver-tailed mermaid has automatically transformed its legs from the moment it landed, and the straight and slender legs are still pale without blood.

???? Silvertail took a step, immediately revealing the strangeness of her walking posture.

???? She squatted down in front of Hua Baihe, trying to find a way to wake her up on land, but saw another person walking out of the water behind her.

???? Wearing a wet research suit, with his movements, the water vapor evaporated as he walked, and when he came to Hua Baihe, the whole person had never been in water. dry state.

???? Seeing the mermaid clumsily trying to learn artificial respiration from humans, Fu Guangqi immediately interjected: "I'll come."

& nbsp;

???? He thought, this guy is still...reckless.


???? Back then, he didn't lose his life in that dangerous deep sea, he mostly depended on his own luck.

???? Silvertail looked at him, as if judging whether he was going to use this action to rob him, squinting his eyes, before taking a step to the side.

???? Fu Guangqi sighed.

???? Maybe, he is the only one who is reborn with the memory of the previous life...


???? He was in a complicated mood, but it did not affect his first aid actions at all. He pressed his chest rhythmically and inhaled the other party. Finally, after more than twenty seconds—

???? "Cough! Cough..."

???? A ferocious cough sounded in the room of the third experimental site.

???? Hua Baihe's whole body was burning with fire in her lungs, so she really wanted to die again, just imagine when she had encountered such a dangerous thing since she traveled, even when Jiang Yao The time she was a slave, she hardly encountered any danger.

???? However, at the first intermediate stage, before the plot started, she almost lost her life to being played by the target of Destined Son.

???? Hua Baihe’s back of the head is not known to have entered the water, along with her coughing and breathing movements, an unspeakable throbbing pain, throat, eyes, nose, heart and lungs…


???? She coughed piercingly, and she couldn't help but burst into physical tears. An earthworm that had been dug out of the soil curled and rolled on the ground.


???? "Tonger, it's over, my brain is really flooded, what should I do, will I become ugly in the future?" Hua Baihe cried in his mind .

???? System: "…"

???? He was relieved to hear that Hua Baihe could still speak such nonsense.

???? "Cough, cough, cough...!" She coughed and cried until a cold hand was placed on her back in a panic, as if to comfort the little girl Like a child, he moved up and down.

???? Because the movements are not very skilled, the movements of the hands are not gentle at all, only clumsy.

???? Hua Baihe and Fu Guangqi looked at the owner of the hand at the same time.

???? Hua Baihe wiped his face indiscriminately, regardless of the hair sticking to his face like seaweed, for a long while, after coughing, spitting water, and wanting to retching had passed , she narrowed her eyes weakly and looked at the silver-tailed mermaid.


???? "You don't like me praising you as a fairy, we can discuss changing the words, sister, are you going to put me to death?"

???? The mermaid looked at her pitifully red eyes, and suddenly a little strange feeling filled her heart.

???? She didn't know it was guilt, she just felt a little uncomfortable.

???? When Hua Baihe confronted her, only the system remained calm from beginning to end and said, "This world is not quite right..."

???? "I just checked the background settings of the intermediate field urgently. Only the patriarch of the mermaid family can be called 'Siren'. Combined with what she said to you, I suspect that she has retained the previous life. memory, but strangely deranged."

???? "Furthermore, this Fu Guangqi is not quite right. It stands to reason that he should be an ordinary person now, but he also has the ability to pass through the barrier, which is too strange."

???? Hua Baihe's head is still buzzing, and he doesn't understand the system's words very well.

???? She only slowly turned her eyes to Fu Guangqi.

???? But he found that Fu Guangqi had been looking at the silver tail.

???? This picture is strange and familiar—

???? Hua Baihe thought, it seems like this when the novice village mission, the heroine looks at her, the hero stares at the heroine, and she looks at the hero?

????"Tong'er, have you seen the green light above Fu Guangqi's head?" Hua Baihe breathed a little and regained his previous vitality.

???? The system was not as optimistic as she was, and didn't say anything to her.


???? Fu Guangqi looked at the silver tail, and after a long time, he said abruptly:

???? "With your current ability, you can go out directly from here, how could you be arrested?"

???? Hearing his voice, the silver tail who had transformed into a human body with dark green curly hair scattered behind him glanced at him with contempt and ridicule in his eyes.

???? The atmosphere in the room was very quiet for a while.

???? Hua Baihe didn't know if the mermaid used the ability to communicate with people's hearts again, or if she simply mocked Fu Guangqi like this, the expression in her expression seemed to be:

???? Where I want to stay is my freedom, it's not your turn to speak.

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

????Fu Guangqi: "…"

???? Actually Hua Baihe guessed right, Yinwei did not answer this question to Fu Guangqi.

???? But she asked another paragraph:

????"This kind of ability to penetrate space is only possessed by me in my clan, where did you understand it? It stands to reason that the ability of clans should be different. , From before to now, I have not met the same kind of awakening ability."

???? "Also, you have an aura I am very familiar with, are you me..."

???? "Lost Brother?"

????Fu Guangqi: "…"

???? When he heard the phrase 'lost brother', his emotions were really complicated.


???? Why is his ability the same as Silvertail—

???? Of course it was because of her blood flowing in his body.

???? As the first experimental body in the history of the "Blue Ocean" project to successfully combine two species of creatures, let alone the ability to pass through the barrier, today's him, even his power, is similar to ' Sirens' were the same in their heyday.

???? Fu Guang opened and closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, his eyes were already indifferent:

???? "If you want to leave, it's best to take advantage of tonight. After this time, it will be too late."

???? Hua Baihe and Yinwei were stunned at the same time, not understanding what he meant.

???? Until—

???? "WARNING! WARNING! An abnormality has occurred in the third experimental site! An abnormality has occurred in the third experimental site!"


???? Facing Qu Muchun's doubts, Fu Guangqi said calmly, "Sorry, I'm here tonight because I have a private matter to settle, so I temporarily blocked the third experiment for half an hour. Field surveillance, it should have been discovered by now."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? Hua Baihe: "!!"

???? Almost instantly, she pretended to be the character of Qu Muchun, holding her head in confusion, "I must be sleepwalking tonight! Why can't I listen at all? Do you understand what you're saying? Fu Guangqi, do you know these mermaid sisters?"

???? Fu Guangqi listened to her words, raised his eyes to look at Yinwei, but saw that she hooked her lips to him, and then the whole figure gradually disappeared in the air, disappeared.

???? He silently picked the corner of his lips, knowing that the current ban on the pill company was described as false to this mermaid, and somehow he was a little happy.

???? Even if the other party doesn't remember him at all, it doesn't prevent him from being happy at the moment.

????Fu Guangqi looked at Hua Baihe's weak appearance after drowning.

???? Hua Baihe's back hair stood on end as he looked at him: "You, what are you going to do to your lovely friend? Fu Guangqi, let me remind you first, be a person—"


???? "You have to leave someone to clean up this mess, right?" Fu Guangqi interrupted Hua Baihe's words and smiled inexplicably at her.

???? Then, before Hua Baihe could react, he raised his hand and slashed at the back of the man's neck.

????Next moment—



???? "WARNING! WARNING! There is an abnormality in the third experimental site!"

???? The warning of the third experimental site is still beeping, but the initiators have disappeared, and when the guards with guns and live ammunition come inside, all they find is a puddle of water. The low-level assistant inside was Qu Muchun.

???? The glass fiber reinforced plastic in front of her was intact, but after inspection—

???? Everyone found that the most precious mermaid inside was gone.

???? In the first laboratory, the research director in charge of the mermaid project almost vomited blood, even if this Qu Muchun woke up and claimed that he didn't know anything, he was still furious and gave orders to his subordinates road:

???? "Let her speak! Within twenty-four hours, I must know the whereabouts of that precious mermaid!"

???? "Where did the loophole come from? Did you check it out? How did the monitoring of the third experimental site get invaded? You people! Let me check!"

???? All the researchers in the first experimental site looked bad.

???? Even worse than their faces are the security personnel hired by the pill company.

???? They feel that today is simply unlucky. In the morning, the mermaid in the third experiment field destroyed it, they thought it was very strange, and it turned out to be better at night!

???? That merman experiment just slipped away!

???? The water tank switch in the first experimental site has no sign of being turned on at all, and the third experimental site has no exit at all, but there is a low-level research that fell into the water and asked three questions assistant.


???? Can the mermaid still do magic?

???? They all know that the low-level researcher really doesn't know anything, but the above has already spoken, and it is absolutely impossible for them not to give an explanation .

???? No one will pity the life of an ordinary low-level research assistant.

???? After all, the least valuable things here are the junior research assistants and those volunteers.


???? If the entire pill company feels that the fleeting years are unfavorable, then the experience of Hua Baihe is definitely a blood mold!

???? "Tonger, did you read the old almanac before you did this mission?"

???? Hua Baihe was locked in a small interrogation room and asked the system with a deep expression.

???? "Child of Destiny and his object, one person pits me to death once, this can be regarded as 'not a family, do not enter a family'?"

???? Hua Baihe was at a loss.

????" You say that the mermaid is messing with me, I have no problem, after all, I am upright, beautiful, and charming across races, I can understand - but this Fu Guangqi is really not a man stuff!"

???? "The wife has not yet married, so she threw the matchmaker over the wall, what is this operation?"

???? System: "…"

???? It also wants to know why, the question is Hua Baihe asks it, who does it ask?

???? After thinking about it, it can only reply: "Probably, he is jealous that you are attracted by his wife, so...?"

???? Hua Baihe was expressionless and compared countless middle fingers to Fu Guangqi in his mind.

???? "This story tells us a truth." The system taught her a meaningful sentence.

???? Obviously, it is still a little bit worried about Hua Baihe, the object of Destiny Child, and did not forget to put education first when Hua Baihe was facing prison. one.

???? Hua Baihe: "?"

???? System: "Don't touch your brother's wife."

???? It thought for a while and added: "Actually, the low-level field before was fine, but if it gets to the intermediate field—"

???? "You may die."

???? Hua Baihe looked desperately at a muscular man approaching her from far to near, and replied with a blank face:

???? "I see."


???? In ten minutes.

???? Underground of the "Blue Ocean" base, one of the special torture chambers.

???? "Ah ah ah ah!" A scream came from it.

???? A person holding a syringe in his hand said to the person next to him: "This time the new medicine works well, but this woman is really a tough woman, and she has nothing to do at this stage. Didn't get hired."

???? "Maybe, she really doesn't know anything?"

???? "There's no other way, the above explained, I can only blame her for being too unlucky, and it's also that I'm not interested in these Asians, they're too dry."

???? In the laughter of a group of men, Hua Baihe felt very tired.

???? My throat is very tired and my heart is also very tired.

???? After all, it’s not easy for her to perform the tortured screams all the time, but it’s better than she really endures so many inexplicable tossing, all of which have to be Relying on the system cut her pain nerves.

???? Hua Baihe got bored and began to play to the system:

???? "Tonger, the first time I was tortured was gone, how are you responsible for others?"

???? System: "…"

???? The system is indifferent: "Would you like me to restore the pain for you again, so that you can savor this first time."

????Hua Baihe: "...You have changed, you are a heartless man."

???? The system knew the difficulty of her first calendar task, and was about to say something else to divert Hua Baihe's attention.

???? But Hua Baihe said to himself in his mind:

????"Hey, that silver-tailed mermaid said she was about to become a 'Siren', if I remember correctly, after she inherited the position of the patriarch, wouldn't she? To become, androgynous?"

???? The system doesn't understand where her focus is, and is a little confused:

???? "Ah, what's wrong?"

???? Hua Baihe said quietly: "I have never played such an exciting game before."

???? System: "…"

???? "I'm still a child! You bastard!" The system refused to think about the picture Hua Baihe thought.

???? In order not to let this person play along the topic, the system grabbed the conversation: "Wait, I feel a strange energy!"

???? Hua Baihe: "?"

???? in half a minute.

???? When the men holding the new laboratory medicines were listening to the ever-changing cry of this low-level experimental assistant, they suddenly found that the man stopped screaming.

???? They suddenly focused on her, not understanding what happened.


???? Her long hair fell in front of her face, blocking her expression, making it impossible to see anything.

???? Under the shadow, she slowly hooked her lips, and her voice became extremely hoarse without drinking water for a long time.

???? Just listen to her slowly:

???? "God said, let there be light."

???? "What if I don't want the light?"

???? When the voice fell, she slowly raised her head, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

???? At the same time, the electricity of the entire "Blue Ocean" base suddenly stopped.

???? Everyone habitually pulled out their guns and was about to shoot at Hua Baihe, but the floor tiles of the room were suddenly lifted by a huge force, and a waterfall-like flow of water flowed from below. He rushed up and immediately knocked the person standing in front of Hua Baihe into pieces.

???? She kept her hands tied and sat on the chair, motionless.

???? Just beside her, a voice suddenly appeared in the air: "Tsk, you are so arrogant, if I didn't come, you would have become a shuttle by now. "

???? At the moment when the sound sounded, water arrows were suddenly condensed out of the water under the feet, and flew towards the well-known places of the security personnel in the room—

???? "Ah!" "God!" "Fuck!"


???? Fu Guangqi only showed his figure. Looking at Hua Baihe's miserable appearance, he was about to bend over to untie her rope—

???? Suddenly Hua Baihe took a deep breath.

???? Before Fu Guangqi could react, he heard her angry roar ringing in his ears:

???? "Fu Guangqi, I'm tired of you! Are you happy selling teammates!"

???? Fu Guangqi, who was suddenly attacked by sonic waves: "…"

???? He took a deep breath and knew that this little ancestor was not so easy to solve. He actually cherished this friend who appeared in his life in the new life. of.

????Because he was a little guilty, he could only reach out and touch his ear with a blank face, and then gestured to Hua Baihe in another direction.

???? "Is my mother finished?"

???? "When the sun is over, please be fair, let the rain and dew be on the ground to pamper her family hall."

???? In the direction he indicated, a familiar and beautiful face appeared in the air.

???? It is the 'Siren'.

???? Hua Baihe just wanted to continue speaking to show fairness, but suddenly thought of another question:

???? "Wait, Tong'er, is she the patriarch now?"

???? System: "Ah, what?"

???? Hua Baihe looked inexplicably in the direction of the mermaid, and then looked at Fu Guangqi. After he was unshackled, he moved his wrist and showed a sympathetic expression to Fu Guangqi. eyes.

????Fu Guangqi: "?"

???? Hua Baihe said to the system, "I suddenly don't hate it anymore."

???? "As soon as I think about Fu Guangqi's future - his wife is bigger than him, I don't hate it anymore."


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