MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 57 I'm really not the heroine of x-wen (4)

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???? The system was shocked by Hua Baihe's rude operation.

???? It was silent for a while and asked Hua Baihe, "What are you doing?"

???? Hua Baihe was holding the mobile phone, still waiting for Liu Ying's reply, she heard the words quite righteously said: "I had an idea just now, I remembered that I still have a store, Look, am I very business-minded?"

???? Not only can she get closer to her beloved author, but also generate income for her new store. How can there be such a smart person in the world!

???? System: "…"


???? There is no language to express its mood at the moment. After a long time, it can only give Hua Baihe an emoji:

???? "[You are such a clever ghost.jpg]"

???? Huabaihe is happy to use it.

???? On the other hand, Jiang Xue's mind is full of the question she asked, how can she still have the heart to sing poems against her brothers here, raise her hand to hold the one in front of her After drinking that cup of tea, she stood up calmly:

???? "I'll admit defeat this round, you guys continue."

???? Because there are also underage children present, and this verse Solitaire is just for fun, so the cups in front of the Jiang family members are all filled with hot tea, the loser Just have a full drink.

???? Usually, Jiang Xue is willing to talk to the younger generation about this kind of activity, but this time, for some reason, she was the first to leave.

???? Jiang Xue had two older brothers. Hearing her words, Jiang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled at her:

???? "Anything to do?"

???? Jiang Xue nodded silently.

???? Others did not embarrass her, and a child waved at her with a smile and said, "Goodbye, Sister Xiaoxue."

????Jiang Xue raised her hand and touched the child's head, turned and returned to her room, her expression tensed, thinking she was going to save the world.


???? "click".

???? After the door was closed, Jiang Xue pressed against the cool door panel, took out her phone again, stared at the line above, her eyes darkened, and she moved her finger after a long time , and slowly typed a line in the dialog box:

???? "Okay, what do you like to recommend?"

???? Hua Baihe waited for a long time for her news, almost thought that this 'Liuying' was a hooligan, but in fact he was a serious gentleman, in order to prevent the other party from thinking that he had been hacked by others , she was about to make a haha ​​to change the subject, but she saw this sentence.

???? Her eyes lit up, and she sighed at the system:

???? "Tonger, this author has a future."

???? The system didn't want to be polluted by her dirty thoughts and ignored her, but Hua Baihe had already chatted with Liu Ying with great interest, and even opened the store's inventory list , while searching the Internet for uses by name, and then selling Amway to Liuying.


???? Hua Baihe's eyes widened, and she went further and further on the road to be an old driver. The system ignored her, and she said to herself:

???? "My God, there is such a thing?"

???? "Wow I can't look directly at the carousel anymore..."


????Hua Baihe's knowledge base is rapidly expanding, Jiang Xue on the other side of the chat box is also surprised by her endless Amway, inexplicably has a kind of herself unable to meet the many needs of the object Visual sense.

???? So... does she know so much?

????Jiang Xue didn't know that she was colliding with the cutting-edge scientific research of the whole **** shop.

???? She heard the sound of her dignity shattering, but at the same time, she quickly remembered all the new tools of Huabaihe Science.

???? One day, she will let this little guy try everything.

???? "This is the online shopping link of my store. If Liuying is interested, you can choose what you like, and I will give you a 20% discount."

???? When Jiang Xue made up her mind, another sentence appeared in the dialog box in front of her.

???? She was thinking how to answer—

???? "By the way, if you don't mind, can you give our store a five-star review after the experience?"

????Jiang Xue: “…”

???? She held the phone and hooked the corner of her lips.

???? Five-star praise, right?

???? With a deep smile in her eyes, the girl replied with two simple words.

???? "Okay."


???? Hua Baihe didn't know how big a hole he had dug for himself. After chatting with Liu Ying this time, when the store counted the inventory and turnover that night, Registered a large bill.

???? She said to the system with satisfaction:

???? "Hey, this author is such a nice guy."

???? Not only is she approachable, but also very considerate of readers. It's just that she didn't drag her to talk about serious literature, and she actually supported the readers' business.

???? Is there a second such kind author in the world!

???? No more!

???? Hua Baihe decided to be friends with this 'Liu Ying'.

???? If it weren't for the fact that the other party already had a partner, she might choose to open the other party's chat box at the frequency of three meals a day plus afternoon tea and supper in the following days.

???? But she is deliberately restraining the frequency of her harassment, but someone does not have this self-consciousness.

???? As long as Hua Baihe starts, she can quite naturally lead people to the next chat, as long as there is nothing important for the two of them, the information in the dialog box will not beat. Pause.



???? Hua Baihe and Liu Ying are still chatting hotly over the internet.

???? And Xue Jiming and Zhao He often make appointments to meet in the library, whenever they go to the study room to write a paper first, they will help the other party to reserve a place next to them, and over time, in the eyes of others , Although the two have not officially confirmed their relationship, they have been tacitly agreed to be a pair.

??? I have seen many, but rarely come into contact with such a confused and lovely type.

???? Xue Jiming found that he gradually began to look forward to every morning.

???? He looks forward to working side by side with Zhao He, and he is silent but still very comfortable to get along; he expects Zhao He to secretly poke himself with his finger every time he encounters doubts The elbow of the other party, when he got the source of the data at his fingertips, the star-like worship in the eyes of the other party...

???? He looks forward to seeing this girl every day in the future, preferably as soon as he opens his eyes after getting up.

???? When Zhao He could not go to the library for self-study and write papers due to his part-time job, and sent him a message to apologize—


???? He seems to be in love.

???? This sweet and bitter feeling reappeared in his mind very clearly.

???? At that time, it was only two days before submitting the first draft of the dissertation prescribed by the supervisor. He should have been in the library all night, and a good student like him has always been like this.

???? However, Xue Jiming just sat in the library study room for a long time, resolutely packed up his computer and books, and walked out with his mobile phone:

???? "Where are you part-time?"

???? Zhao He's answer was quickly sent over: "There is a pastry shop on Wenhua Road called 'Warm in the World', I am learning to make western pastries here, you can do it when you are free. Come and try it."

???? She knew that Xue Jiming's mentor was strict, and he himself was very restrictive, so he did not invite him immediately, but only said later.

???? However, what Zhao He didn't know was that the person who received the message was coming in her direction.


???? Cultural Road.

??? As if rubbing against the century-old shop next door, it can also become famous all over the world.

???? And when customers are tired from shopping, there are many coffee shops, restaurants and milk tea shops on the street to rest, because the most famous Beijing Hotel is nearby, so here It also brings together top restaurants of major Chinese and Western cuisines.

???? So, the **** shop 'The Secret of Humanity' under Xue Ling's name happened to be a neighbor with 'Human Warmth'.

???? The severe cold in winter did not reduce people's enthusiasm for shopping. On the way to the broad culture, a sneeze suddenly sounded among the hurried crowd:

???? "Ah!"

???? Pedestrians who passed by frowned and looked in the direction of the voice, and happened to see a black wheelchair, the person sitting on it had a pair of 'I feel pity' ' face, perhaps because the body is too thin, the layers of clothes and blankets wrapped around her have a feeling of drowning her whole.

???? People who were originally disturbed by her sneezing sound loosened their brows when they saw her pitiful appearance.

????…Too poor.

???? They have endless sympathy in their hearts, even if Hua Baihe is letting the people behind her push her wheelchair into the store, no one will put her and 'human' The things in the secret' shop are connected together, and I can't help but think:

???? It's so cold now, she probably wants to go into the store to warm up.

???? As everyone knows, several employees came out to greet her, and the leading female manager bowed politely to her, and said to Hua Baihe: "Manager, it's cooling down a lot today, your body is well enough?"

???? Hua Baihe didn't want to go out in this weather, but when she thought that today was the day when Zhao He and Xue Jiming were together, she was worried about the butterfly effect of her arrival, so she had to come over in person It's best if you don't need her. If there is any accident, she can arrive in time.

???? She squeezed her thick gloves and said to the system:

???? "Ah, I'm going to be moved by my dedication!"

???? The system replied to her coolly: "Are you sure it's not because you heard the introduction of foreign new products in the store today, and rushed over to gain insight?"

???? Hua Baihe replied with a whimper: "I hate it, how do you understand it~"

???? The system was so choked by her that she shut up.

???? Due to the importance attached to literati in this world, even if Xue Ling wrote some novels that were not accepted by mainstream literati when she was young and frivolous, she had to say—

???? The manuscript fees for the books she publishes are enough for her to live the rest of her life without food and clothing.

????Opening a store in such a big place in the core business district of the capital, it can be seen from Xue Ling's wealthy second-generation friend's family how powerful and powerful, but she Even more surprising...

???? "I have the money to buy such a big store, I am really rich."

???? Hua Baihe sniffed, revelling in his wealth.

???? The system sees that since she came to this world, apart from self-entertainment, plus occasional chats with netizens, she has not acted in the slightest, so she turned a blind eye. One eye did not interfere with her actions.

???? At this time, Hua Baihe is being led by the manager to visit some new products in the store:

???? "This cactus is inspired by a desert plant, you should have heard of it, but the material itself is very advanced, and under the premise of ensuring absolute safety—"

???? The manager picked up a light green small stick similar to a small cactus in his hand, and pointed to another branch extending beside her: "This side can guarantee Massage to the front, and the smooth surface can also be converted in one click.”

???? Said, the manager took the diagram next to her and showed her.

???? In the picture, the smooth little green stick shows several morphological changes. In the picture marked with change one, the light green surface has countless convexities Particles that look like...

???? Small mace.

???? And in the second change, this little cactus, from about seven or eight centimeters in the size of a palm, suddenly grew to twenty centimeters, the female manager continued to her without changing her face Say:

???? "As shown in Figure 2, it can automatically adjust the length according to the physique of different people, ensuring endless pleasure for users."

???? Hua Baihe was stunned.

???? She looked at the manager who introduced the products to the store manager without changing her face, and only exaggerated for a while: "The products in our store... are quite advanced."

???? Hearing her say this, the manager immediately showed a proud expression, smiled and said to her:

????"Yes, because the request of the former store manager is, let us add happiness to the life of the Chinese people, so we have been following the world for the introduction of products in this regard. cutting edge.”

???? Auditing system: "…"

???? I don't know which State Key Laboratory this conversation took place.

???? Rao is a cheeky person like Hua Baihe, and he almost didn't hold back. Fortunately, there were only her and the manager around. The other clerks received customers on the first floor and the store on the second floor. There were only her and the manager in the long lounge.

???? Hua Baihe nodded and said, "That's good, let's do things, no matter what, just look in the best direction."

???? The manager nodded, looked at the things in his hand, and continued the unfinished topic:

????"This also has the ultimate third form, which is to simulate biological activity and the growth characteristics of plants. After pressing the switch, many fine lines can be extended from the top of the trunk and auxiliary trunks. The material of the twigs is similar to the outside, but with the addition of a temperature-sensing system, it will automatically adsorb to the place with temperature."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? She asked the system in disbelief: "Is the material of this thing made of Transformers?"

???? How can you still play like this?

???? The system looked at the mosaic and fell silent.


???? "This world is too... extravagant."

???? Hua Baihe is an eye-opener.

???? The system also feels indescribable about the pursuit of human desires.

???? When it was relieved that Hua Baihe could finally stand on the same side as his minor this time, it heard Hua Baihe whispering to himself:

???? "Tonger, you said, isn't it good for me to take away such an expensive thing?"

???? "How do you think I'll give myself a 40% discount?"

???? System: "…"

???? Hua Baihe did not hear the answer, and shouted again: "Tonger?"

???? The system squeezed out a sentence: "Don't talk to me!"

???? Hua Baihe was taken aback by his scumbag tone of 'you deceived my feelings', not knowing which of his words touched his sensitive nerve, give up In order to communicate with it, he turned to look at the manager in his own store:

???? "Can these new products be delivered to my house?"

???? The manager's gaze couldn't help but want to move to her legs.

???? Hua Baihe cleared his throat and continued: "That's right, I have a friend who is writing a novel in this area recently, and just wants to know about the cutting-edge results, I will give it directly to she."

???? The manager breathed a sigh of relief.

???? Hey! It's all because of his dirty thoughts. How could the store manager, with such a thin body, be so stubbornly interested in these things.

???? But the store manager is so gentle, he is willing to take down the store from Boss Yu, and doesn't care about his reputation, so that these employees will not be lost This is a great job with great salary and benefits.

???? Hua Baihe looked at the inexplicable reverence in her eyes, and said in her heart, "...?"

???? Intuition told her not to explore the manager's psychological activities, she thought about it and then said:

???? "What's the store manager's discount, just send me the bill after you get the discount."

???? The manager quickly replied: "No no no, we don't have a branch in this store. In the past, Mr. Yu also took it directly when he came here. We can just register it directly."

????Hua Baihe: "...Alright."

???? In a sense, everything in this store now belongs to her.

???? Her eyes turned to the many shelves displayed outside, and she couldn't hide her excitement for a while.

???? "Hey, I can try everything here, what kind of fairy life is this! Tonger, I love you!"

???? The system's response was very indifferent: "[Mok Lao Tzu.jpg]"


???? at the same time.


???? Zhao He was making latte for a cup of cappuccino, when a little friend next to her gently bumped her with his elbow: "Hey, there is a little boy over there. The handsome guy is staring at you all the time, your boyfriend? Is this handsome?"

???? Zhao He's hand trembled, and he drew a long stroke on the maple leaf, and his face turned red.

???? "No, don't talk nonsense."

???? The little friend tutted and pointed at her cup of failure, "Not yet? There was a guest who was interested in you before, you didn't blink your eyes, but now your hands are shaking. In this way, who are you lying to?"

???? The blush on Zhao He's face slowly spread towards his ears.

???? She stabilized her mind, tried her best to ignore her partner's ridicule, quickly made a new cup, and said, "No, don't talk nonsense, he may already have a girlfriend ."


???? All the academies know that Xue Jiming has no girlfriend.

???? He participated in many literary competitions during college, and was busy with the affairs of the student union. Not only did he have no girlfriend, but many people who bet on him had lost all their pants.

???? Everyone is guessing in private:

???? Xue Jiming will probably only marry a book in this life.

???? As the old saying goes, the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. She feels that she is poor and ugly. Compared with the book, it seems that she has no competitiveness.

???? Zhao He's mind was complicated, but it didn't prevent her from serving customers, until a boy sitting by the window held a menu and beckoned to her.


???? The inventor of the name waiter is really great.

???? How can this word sound so good!

???? She moved to Xue Jiming's side in a buoyant mood, her voice subconsciously lowered a lot: "Sir, what do you need?"

???? Xue Jiming smiled at her and showed her white teeth, pushed the menu to her, and said to her:

???? "What signs do you have here, please recommend."

???? His hand was still on the menu, and his knuckled fingers contained a power that was completely different from that of a woman, attracting her attention.

???? Zhao He looked at his fingers, for some reason, remembered a sentence he had seen in some book:

????"People are attracted to people with good-looking hands and people with high nose bridges, but it is actually the original sexual attraction at work, because the genes that determine the fingers and bridge of the nose and the genes that represent the ability The same — in short, those with long, good-looking fingers, and those with a high nose bridge, are generally sexually capable."

???? Zhao He raised his eyes subconsciously and saw Xue Jiming's straight nose.


???? Xue Jiming thought it was the 'waiter' he joked that offended the other party, so he quickly said: "Just kidding, student Zhao He, I happen to have time today to spend the afternoon. Tea, do you mind recommending some signboards for me?"

???? Zhao He listened to him calling his name seriously, wishing he could raise his hand and knock on his head.

????If Xue Yuancao knew that she thought so...

???? She's done.

???? Zhao He quickly gathered his thoughts, flipped through the menu, and recommended drinks and desserts to Xue Jiming.

???? "Do you like desserts? If you like, the red velvet cake here tastes pretty good, sweet but not greasy, but boys probably don't like it—"

???? "Do you like red velvet cake?" Xue Jiming suddenly interjected.

???? Zhao He froze for a moment, then subconsciously replied: "No, I like to eat the soufflé here."

???? Xue Jiming nodded, ordered the menu, and said, "Then soufflé, the taste you like should be right."

???? Zhao He felt that the heat on his face began to rise again.

???? Does this classmate know that he is flirting...?

???? Xue Jiming pretended to order the meal as if nothing had happened, but in his heart he kept reminiscing about the method of chasing the girl he heard from the roommates in the dormitory.

???? First, learn what the other person likes.

???? Well, he has ordered the dessert that Zhao He likes and is ready to try it.

???? So…

???? What's next?

???? Xue Jiming is racking his brains to recall.

???? At this moment, a series of wind bells rang out at the door of the store:

???? "Welcome."

???? Xue Jiming and Zhao He looked at the direction of the movement at the same time.

???? A girl with a small ck bag came quickly in the direction of the two of them. Originally only Zhao He was in her eyes, but she was caught off guard by the handsome boy next to her. attracted.


???? "Sister, this is... my brother-in-law?"

???? Zhao He quickly said: "Zhao Mei, don't talk nonsense, he is my classmate."

???? The girl gave a meaningful 'oh~' and glanced at the famous brand on the boy, knowing that the other party was from a wealthy family, and was trying to take advantage of this convenient opportunity from her cousin , trying to cast a net, can hit the best, can not be pulled down.


???? "Sister, why did you come out on such a cold day?" Xue Jiming saw the nanny pushing the wheelchair at the door, and the man sitting in the wheelchair, his face was extremely surprised.

????At the same time as he passed, he glanced at the weather outside, and then looked at Hua Baihe's clothes, worried that she would be frozen in this environment.

???? Hua Baihe actually saw the figure of Zhao He's cheap cousin, and followed him, worried that what happened to the encounter between the male and female protagonists.

???? At this moment, she found that Xue Jiming's attention was shifted to herself, and when she met his anxious eyes, she was speechless for a while.

????... This person, obviously from her stepmother, knows her eccentric temperament, but still wants to get close to her.

???? Thinking that such a kind younger brother would end up like this, Hua Baihe couldn't help but soften his heart.

???? Her answer softened a little: "I have a store on hand recently, I'll come out and have a look."

???? Xue Jiming asked subconsciously, "What store? Where is it?"

???? When he spoke, he had already told the nanny to walk away, walked behind the wheelchair, and pushed Hua Baihe to his place.

???? Hua Baihe thought that if he answered next door, he might terrify such a simple child of the world.

???? So she remained silent, only lifted her eyelids, turned her head and glanced at him.

???? Xue Jiming naturally realized that she didn't want to tell herself, so she immediately shut up and didn't ask, and switched to another topic: "It's cold outside, I'll order you a cup of red dates and **** milk tea. ?"

???? Hua Baihe was captured by his thoughtfulness. If he hadn't been wearing the name of the other's sister and bent thoroughly, he would have been convinced by the other party's suitability.

???? She made a dispensable appearance, leaned back in the chair, and replied, "...Okay."

???? Then, for some unknown reason, she looked in the direction of Xue Jiming when she came, and saw the beautiful **** the spot, and the little girl next to her who was wearing a mid-range brand.

???? She remembered that the Zhao family's family background was very ordinary. Although the brands on the little girl were not luxury goods, if the usual consumption was compared to these mid-range brands, it would be a little difficult financially. .

???? Hua Baihe's eyes only turned for a while, and when he retracted it, there was one more word in his heart:

???? Vanity.

???? But for these insignificant little people, she has her own way, and she doesn't plan to let the Child of Destiny be involved, so when Xue Jiming was about to turn around to order for her, the white He added lazily again:

???? "I remember that the first draft of your recent paper is about to be handed in?"

???? She thought she would see shock and shame on Xue Jiming's face, and then heard the other party admit the fact of love, but Xue Jiming was shocked, and then turned her wheelchair to her own Opposite the seat, when he walked up to her, there was a move in his eyes:

???? "How do you know!"

???? Said, he scratched his hair embarrassedly: "I thought you didn't care much about the family."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

????Young man, what is the emotion in your eyes?

???? She really doesn't care about things at home!

????Hua Baihe was cut off by him in the second half of the sentence, and the whole person felt a little unstoppable, and immediately heard Xue Jiming promise himself:

???? "Sister, don't worry, my first draft will be fine this time, don't worry."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? Where is the worry written on her face?

???? Moreover, the two sisters Zhao He and Zhao Mei next to them have been left to dry for a long time.

???? Hua Baihe never imagined that her good face during this period of time would open up some strange 'sister and brother love' mode to Xue Jiming. In order to avoid disturbing the love story of the hero and heroine, she Quickly changed the subject:

???? "Cough, I saw you chatting with someone when I first came in, is this...?"

???? She only looked in the direction of Zhao He.

???? It seems that she doesn't know Zhao Mei next to her.

Several people inexplicably succumbed to this aura.

???? Zhao Mei, who was ignored, did not dare to say a word.

???? Xue Jiming was reminded by her so, thinking of Zhao He who had been forgotten by him, when he looked at her, there was a bit of embarrassment in his eyes. He said, "This is my classmate, Zhao He."

???? Hua Baihe snorted softly and said three words: "Young man."



???? "This is my sister, Xue Ling, Poria's Ling." Xue Jiming subconsciously wanted to introduce his family to Zhao He.

???? Zhao He was stunned by this progress, and shouted crisply:

???? "Hello sister!"

???? Hua Baihe looked at her for a while, and replied, "Well, hello, but it's still far from the New Year. I'm calling my sister now, and I don't have any red envelopes to get."

???? Xue Jiming, Zhao He: "…"

???? Zhao He blushed thoroughly and did not dare to stay any longer. He hurriedly said that he was going to place an order for them.

???? From far away, I can still hear Zhao Mei's voice asking her:

???? "Sister, your classmates are all wearing big names, and your family is rich, right?"

???? in place.

???? Xue Jiming's face was a little embarrassed, and he finally recalled his original intention of delaying his studies to pursue his partner. He was afraid of being scolded by Hua Baihe, and was trying hard to think about what topic to turn to. direction.

???? But Hua Baihe would not let him do as he wished. He leaned comfortably in the wheelchair and opened his mouth with a straight ball:

???? "Like it?"


???? He thought that he would hear disdainful comments from the other party, or that his vision was not good, or that he truthfully told him that such a person was not worthy of the Xue family.



???? "Then you can bring her to the house next time as a guest - the one next to her just now is her relative, so you can also bring her with you."

???? Hua Baihe looked at the back of Zhao Mei leaving, his eyes full of meaning.

???? Xue Jiming froze in his seat.


???? As soon as the words came out, he realized that he had asked the wrong person. After all, the people Xue Ling hated the most were these parents.

???? Hua Baihe looked at him with a foolish look for a long time.

???? Finally, he said with a sigh: "You think, with my comparison, you are looking for a serious object, what's wrong?"

???? Xue Jiming: "…"

???? That makes sense.

???? However, after thinking for a long time, he said solemnly to Hua Baihe: "Thank you, sister, but I am a man and should be responsible for my choice. Before taking her home, I will Will definitely try to fix these things.”

???? Hua Baihe squinted his eyes. Compared with the previous life, Xue Jiming made a good choice.

???? She was somewhat relieved.

???? But—

???? "Have you caught up? That's all you want?" Hua Baihe looked at his favorability score of '20' and stabbed him in the heart curiously .

???? Xue Jiming: "…"

???? His expression froze for a long time, and he said, "I'll chase it today."

???? "Hey, this guy is very fierce!" Hua Baihe sighed with the system.

???? The system has not yet answered her question, and suddenly heard a sentence beside her:

???? "What a coincidence, I saw you here, Sister Ling, Jiming."

???? The two turned their heads in the direction of the words, and they saw Jiang Xue wearing a white coat, a long wool skirt, and a pair of middle boots. The buttoned long hair set off her small and exquisite features.

???? Hua Baihe was not very interested in her and nodded to her expressionlessly.

???? On the contrary, Xue Jiming smiled with her: "What a coincidence, are you here to go shopping too?"

???? Jiang Xue saw that someone was dismissive of herself, she silently gritted her back molars, and replied, "I was shopping with friends nearby, passing by here, and saw you guys in Inside, come and say hello."

???? Hua Baihe: "Huh? Tonger, did you hear the sound of something breaking?"

???? The system answered no.

???? So she could only listen to Xue Jiming and Jiang Xue politely with each other in doubt, but fortunately, someone Jiang really didn't want to stay long, so she said hello and left, letting Hua Baihe Breathed a sigh of relief.

???? "This little white rabbit has a high rate of appearance, she won't be..."

???? System: "No?"

???? Hua Baihe: "Isn't it because of my little brother?"

???? Outside the door.

????Jiang Xue took out her mobile phone, logged into the number of Shangliuying, and entered a line of words in the dialog box with 'Lingluo, the time-lost':

???? "I went to your store today and it's really interesting."

???? That person's reply was more enthusiastic than meeting her in person: "Isn't it? It's super interesting! After you experience it with your partner, you can tell me what you think."

???? Jiang Xue sneered expressionlessly, and continued to type:

???? "Okay, why don't I buy you a drink another day and talk to you face to face?"

???? Hua Baihe, who was still worried about Xue Jiming's emotional life in the store, didn't know what was going to happen to her, she muttered, 'It's not good to have a partner with the reader Mianji' , but could not resist the temptation of the mysterious author 'Liuying' to her, after thinking for a long time, she gave in:

???? "Okay, are you also in the capital? Wouldn't it be good for your partner to know?"

???? Jiang Xue outside the door: "…"

????Her hands are a little bit inflexible from the cold, but it doesn't prevent her from typing a line on it murderously:

???? "Yeah, if she found out, she might cry on the spot."

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