MTL - Gold Lord is Very Busy-Chapter 58

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As the year approaches, Tan Feiyang calculates his income this year, and finds that although he spends more this year, he earns more. Cheng Mingyi can't imagine a lifetime of money, Tan Feiyang makes a year, and this money and Tan Feiyang's own Property is completely incomparable.

Tan Feiyang gave Xiao Zhang a big year-end bonus, let him go home to rest, and he returned to his old house with a lot of gifts from fans. The gifts from the fans are not particularly expensive, but they are all dedicated. At first glance, they are gifts made with heart and emotions. There are greeting cards, scarves, dolls and clothes. The most are around the small sheep. These sheep are not produced by the company in batches. , But the fans themselves stitched it out.

Tan Feiyang's heart was full of emotions, he set aside a room, put a gift in the room, took several photos, and showed them on Weibo.

Feiyang-flyV: Settled at the end of the year, I found that I have harvested so many blessings, and I wish everyone a happy New Year ~~ [开心] [开心] [开心]

At a glance in the photo, you can see that the gift was not thrown away in the storeroom at random, but a large room was dedicated to presenting the gift. It was really attentive. The hot pot fry the pan all of a sudden, and I was particularly touched. Under Weibo, all kinds of kneeling licked the little fat sheep. Some sour comments made Tan Feiyang a show, but the hot pot girls sprayed it back.

The hot pot is so delicious: make a show, you make up a big room for me to show it!

Do n’t eat mutton, but also like fat lamb hot pot: Seeing the broken clothes you make can be hung in such a tall cabinet, even if you are a show, you are satisfied.

Chrysanthemum Clear Fire: Even as a show, I'm satisfied +1

Hot pot support group leader V: That ... This seems to be a room in the old house of the Tan family ... This kind of show ... I already knew that I would also give a gift!

The first commander of hot pot support group: @ 火锅 后 助 团 团长 V, leader! !! You have n’t given a gift, you do n’t have a gift for the New Year!

Hot pot support team leader V: I remember to receive the red envelope, I am guilty _ (: з ”∠) _

Hot pot support team second company commander: So the head of the team can not only see the little sheep and be raised by the little sheep, but also receive the little red sheep's New Year's red envelope. Finally, he forgot to give the little sheep a gift ... brothers, usurp it!

Hot company support team three company commander: decisive usurp, too irresponsible!

Hot pot support group leader V: @ 飞扬 ​​-flyV I, I, I will make up _ (: з ″ ∠) _

Flying-flyV: Red envelope! [Chinese New Year red envelope]

When Tan Feiyang issued a red envelope, a large wave of hot pot robbed them, everyone was shocked to find that everyone could grab a dozen dollars, up to a hundred dollars, and the number of red envelopes was 10,000 ...

So Tan Feiyang sent hundreds of thousands of red envelopes?

It is indeed my little fat sheep, it is so easy to be slaughtered!

Fans on Weibo boasted about my little fat sheep for a while. Tan Feiyang saw everyone so happy and couldn't help sending another red envelope.

Anyway, he is already recognized as a money-spreading boy in the online world. He is a big Chinese New Year and has made a lot of money himself.

After sending a red envelope, Tan Feiyu has not yet returned home. Tan Feiyang looked at the gifts in the room and thought of Tan Feiyu, he drove out and bought a watch for Tan Feiyu.

People like Tan Feiyu lack nothing, this expensive watch Tan Feiyang has seen Tan Feiyu change several times, but he still wants to buy a gift for his brother. In the past, no matter how he gave, he used the money that Tan Feiyu gave him, but now he bought the gifts by himself.

Buy a good gift to go home, and wait until Tan Feiyu returns late. Tan Feiyu is very busy every day. It is not easy to set up a large company. Tan Feiyang was able to fly freely and freely because Tan Feiyu supported him behind him.

When I saw Tan Feiyang at home, Tan Feiyu apparently froze a bit, and was even more surprised when he received the gift. He heard Tan Feiyang said, "Brother, this is a New Year gift for you in advance. I know you don't lack this, but this is I made money to buy it myself, and I will still make money in the future. Even if you never make more money than your big brother, I will still buy gifts for you. "

Tan Feiyang took the box, opened it and looked at the expensive watch, and immediately took off the more expensive watch on his wrist and tossed it aside, brought it by Tan Feiyang, and said, "I thought you made money It ’s all used as a scatter boy. "

It seems that the elder brother also knows that he issued a red envelope today. He sent a red envelope and made himself the top searcher. This kind of ability to stir the topic can not even be jealous of other stars. Several people can be like Is Tan Feiyang so rich? Well, there are actually a lot of rich stars, but how many of them are willing to spend so much money? Anyway, Tan Feiyang spends money to hit himself on the hot search first, that is, to spend money to buy the heat, that is also brighter than spending money to buy the water army!

Tan Feiyang said with a smile: "Hey, there's still something left."

Tan Feiyu glanced at him, and after hearing this, he knew that Tan Feiyang had almost lost the money he spent this year. The celebrities are already expensive, and they earn more and spend more. Tan Feiyang seems to make a lot of money, but that is compared to ordinary people, compared to first-line stars, Tan Feiyang is just a new entrant, even if there is no money in the family, the price is not as high as incredible. He spends a lot of money and saves money, so there is nothing left. If Tan Feiyu freezes his account, Tan Feiyang will have to drink Northwest wind next year.

"I thought you wouldn't go home to celebrate the New Year this year." Tan Feiyu said, he had long thought about it. If Tan Feiyang was really because of Jian Ningzhe's trouble with himself, he would freeze Tan if he was trying to take care of Jian Ningzhe and his influence on Tan Feiyang. Feiyang's account and blocked Jian Ningzhe unless they broke up.

But Tan Feiyang came back and bought him a gift with only that little money left.

Tan Feiyang sat next to Tan Feiyu and said, "Well, the New Year is not a reunion. Even if you don't go home normally, you should return for the New Year."

Tan Feiyu looked at Tan Feiyang's unscrupulous expression and went on to say, "Even if you please me, I won't agree with you and Jian Ningzhe. I know you resolved the matter smoothly. Lin Yuanhang's jail time seems to be him You made it yourself, but to be honest, is there any of Jane Ningzhe's handwriting? "

Tan Feiyang hesitated, thinking that these things could not be hidden from his elder brother, then nodded, but he said nothing, and did not say how much Jian Ningzhe did in this matter.

"That's why I don't agree with you," Tan Feiyu said unpleasantly. "It's not a man or a woman. His city is too deep, and his heart is cruel. You will be killed by him."

Tan Feiyang wanted to explain that Jian Ningzhe was not such a person, but seeing Tan Feiyu's expression, he knew he would not believe it. In fact, Tan Feiyu was right. Jian Ningzhe was such a person. Even if he was a girl, Tan Feiyu would not agree with his sister and Jian Ningzhe. Probably Tan Feiyu also knows that the Lin family has broken things. After all, the circle is so big. Who knows something? Even if Jian Ningzhe is an illegitimate child, he still framed the illegitimate child like that. The most important thing is that Jian Ningzhe is obviously following Tan Feiyang's question and using Tan Feiyang to achieve his purpose. No parent can be assured that his children are with him.

Tan Feiyang understands the truth, but how can he let Jane Ningzhe free.

That's Brother Wu! Even if he is bad-hearted, is he willing? Doesn't he want to live quietly with his mother in his hometown? Tan Feiyang always remembers that after her grandmother died, when she felt ashamed in that quiet room, Jian Ningzhe opened the door, dragged him out of the door, and gave him a home he could miss when working hard in the field. He did n’t May let go of Jan Ningzhe.

But he is now Tan Feiyang, and he cannot break up with his family.

Tan Feiyang didn't speak, so he looked at Tan Feiyu silently.

"If you insist on staying with him, I will freeze your account after the year, and you will not be able to spend one penny on Jian Ningzhe. In addition, I will release your position in Yuyang and you will not be able to give Jan Ningzhe any convenience. Tan Feiyu said, he waited for Tan Feiyang to fall away and ran away with Jian Ningzhe to celebrate the Chinese New Year. When Jian Ningzhe found that Tan Feiyang was no longer profitable, probably two people could break up.

Tan Feiyang nodded silently, did not leave, still sat beside Tan Feiyu, accepted the incident.

He stubbornly must be with Jian Ningzhe, but he did not draw a line because of Jian Ningzhe and his family. Even if Tan Feiyu treated him like this, he still didn't leave.

Be obedient and disobedient.

"When did you become so obedient?" Tan Feiyu touched Tan Feiyang's hair. "I'm busy with my work, I can't see you a few times a year. When my parents die, I don't have time to take care of you, so I send you to school abroad. As a result, your grades in school were so bad that you almost could n’t get your diploma. I did n’t see you once in three or four months after returning home. As a result, you ran to Shaoya to almost kill yourself. It ’s my brother. It's irresponsible. Now that you have managed to be a little bit better after the rebellious period, I can't treat you well, no wonder you are the big brother. "

Tan Feiyang shook his head: "You're right, I know what kind of person Jen Ningzhe is. But ... he is more affectionate than you think. A person with a city government does not mean he has no emotion, does he? ? "

"But people have only a little energy. If the mind takes too much stuff, the feelings will become insignificant." Tan Feiyu said, "Just like I obviously want to take good care of you, but I have no time at all and can only throw you away. To the side, when you really value you, it is when you are in critical condition. "

Tan Feiyang did not understand why Tan Feiyu Mingming was so good to his younger brother at this moment, but he did not find the difference between himself and the original body. It turned out that they had never touched like normal brothers at all.

"I know Brother is good for me, but I want to try it." Now that the words have been said, Tan Feiyang also formally said to Tan Feiyu.

"There is no room for discussion in this matter." Although Tan Feiyu's tone softened, his decision will not change. "Even if he is sincere to you, I still hope you can get married and have children, and live a normal life, I will Forcing you to break up. "

This is probably the mildest quarrel in the world. Tan Feiyu Mingming was making an overkill decision, freezing all the normal assets belonging to Tan Feiyang, leaving him with a little money in addition to the money made by the actor last year. No, but his attitude is so gentle and so kind to Tan Feiyang. And Tan Feiyang, when faced with such an objection, he was not angry at all and did not feel wronged. How to stay at home or how to stay.

When it came time to eat New Year's Eve, Tan Feiyu finally couldn't help but say, "Although I don't give you money, but what do you want? Just tell Assistant Gao and he will buy it for you."

Tan Feiyang nodded absently.

He didn't really care about his money being frozen. Tan Feiyu didn't do too much. He just didn't let himself use the money of the Tan family and the power of the Tan family to help Jian Ningzhe. Don't let yourself use the money you make as an actor. As for Tan Feiyang himself, he has no shortage of money, and he doesn't like any luxury. There is no big deal if he doesn't have money. He can't spend the money he earns as an actor.

The so-called helping Jian Ningzhe ... Tan Feiyang didn't feel how he could help the fifth brother. Since he was reborn, the only thing he did was to keep Jian Ningzhe from being suppressed. All the rest was by Jian Ningzhe's own efforts. Now Jan Ningzhe probably doesn't need himself. That little help.

He was absent-minded, just remembering Jian Ningzhe, who had been in this world for two years, but Jian Ningzhe had been alone for seven years.

Before returning home, he had told New Year's Eve to Jian Ningzhe. Jian Ningzhe told him to go home for New Year's Eve, and he could not be hostile to Tan Feiyu. It is not necessary for Jian Ningzhe to say that Tan Feiyang would do the same, but Jian Ningzhe went to travel again for the New Year. Foreign countries do not have such a strong flavor of the year, even if it is a Chinese New Year, it does not matter.

Even if he understood, Tan Feiyang was still very worried.


When Tan Feiyang showed off fan gifts on Weibo, Jian Ningzhe visited a person in prison before traveling abroad.

Not Lin Yuanhang, who was just sentenced to six years in prison, but Lin Qihang, who was imprisoned six years ago.

The way of receiving is to meet by phone. Jian Ningzhe looked at Lin Qihang, who was five points similar to himself, across the glass, picked up the phone and said, "I heard that you are about to leave prison. I'll see you."

Shaved head Lin Qihang smiled slightly at Jian Ningzhe: "Jian Ningzhe, you have been very comfortable in these six years, ah! There is another month, and there is another month I will kill you, you wait! "

As if Jen Ningzhe didn't feel the threat of his words, he still said calmly: "It's funny, do you think you are still Lin Dashen? Did you look in the mirror to see how you look like, addiction quit? But don't you leave the prison? Thinking about taking drugs again, I will laugh at that time. "

"It's you!" Lin Qihang gritted his teeth and said, "You tricked me into taking drugs!"

Jian Ningzhe showed a mocking smile: "It's funny, I lied to you? That kind of occasion is for you to go by yourself, and drugs are your own hands. I advised you not to smoke, from the beginning to the end, it's all for you. I didn't You've never said anything to make you take drugs, even if you're going to sue me, you can't find evidence. "

"You miscellaneous / species!" Lin Qihang knocked on the glass angrily, and slowly calmed down after being warned by the prison guard next to him, staring at Jane Ningzhe, thinking in his mouth, I will kill you, I will kill you !!

Jian Ningzhe said indifferently: "Do you really think that you are released from prison like this, Lin Zhengping will still choose you as the heir? Or will you be the heir of the Lin family, don't make trouble, you are out of touch with this era. Before you go to prison Smart phones have just been on the market. Now that Apple 7 is out, you are out of prison. Do you know how to use a mobile computer? Do you still understand financial things? You ca n’t speak a few words in English. I think you are now The swear words are quite smooth. Does Lin need a heirs? "

"I am his 'eldest son'. His property must be half of me and Xiaoyuan." Lin Qihang hammered the glass and said loudly, "I will never give you this hybrid / species!"

Jian Ningzhe said with a smile: "Don't make trouble, you think that Lin Zhengping has only three of us? He could abandon my mother and marry Zhao Lanyun, and then he could support Zhao Lanyun and raise a few three, three, four and five. You are also a man. , There have been countless women, do you think he can hold it? "

When he said this, Lin Qihang was obviously a little flustered, but he calmly said quickly: "He can't do this! Even if he plays outside, he won't be able to leave wild seeds. Even if there are, they are wild seeds and cannot be given to you. what!"

"It wasn't always possible," Jian Ningzhe shook his head. "But both sons went to jail. You have been in jail for six years. Has he thought about keeping you out? If it wasn't Lin Yuanhang's jail, Lin Zhengping would have to put one When your son comes out to appease Zhao Lanyun, he can never let you out. But if you have a history of drug abuse, Lin Zhengping will give you Lin's tube. Can you convince the public? Think about it for so many years Is it long! "

He satirically mocked Lin Qihang, and inadvertently transferred Lin Qihang's hostility.

"Impossible, impossible!" Lin Qihang's isolation from the world has probably gone through his mind. All his life-saving straws are now on Lin Zhengping. Jian Ningzhe said so, but said that he was dropped into the abyss.

Want to deceive yourself? Jian Ningzhe would not let Lin Qihang live so innocently. He was cruel to help Lin Qihang destroy the last point in his heart. "Have you been in jail for six years, has Lin Zhengping ever seen you? Lin Yuanhang has not worked in the company for so many years. He spent a lot of time making a sister-in-law, did Lin Zhengping manage him? At that time, Zhao Lanyun owned 40% of Zhao's shares. After Lin Zhengping changed Zhao's family to Lin's, he continuously diluted the shares in Zhao Lanyun's hands. When you go back and see, How much is left of Lin ’s shares. Do n’t be naive, if Lin Zhengping has any plan to let you inherit your family business, you ca n’t just watch you playful and ignore the teaching, you and Lin Yuanhang have been adopted. Didn't you realize it yourself? "

A series of problems made Lin Qihang face dead. He has not loved studying or caring about the company for so many years. Lin Zhengping would not scold him at all, but what he wanted to do, and Lin Zhengping let him do nothing. When I was a kid, I saw that another child ’s child had to learn this and that. He was content with contentment. Later, when he grew up, he felt that this was not appropriate, but he did n’t have that brain to think too much.

Why is this happening?

"In your hearts, Lin Zhengping's father is Wei'an. When you go to see him with an aura, of course you can't see anything. But I'm different. I hate him. There is no saying that the person who knows you best is you. Enemy? So I know him better than you. "Jian Ningzhe continued to destroy Lin Qihang's will." Let me tell you why he did it. "

"Because he never intended to let you and Lin Yuanhang inherit the Lin family, he managed to turn Zhao into his own. Why would he give his belongings to Zhao's descendants? Lin Zhengping, a man of inferiority and pride He is inferior to Zhao ’s family, because he just relies on his wife. He ca n’t wash this stain all his life. How do you make him like Zhao Lanyun ’s child? Do you think he came to us in the past, and he wanted to treat me well? Mom? Fart! He just heard that he still has a child, and he wanted to come and see if I could outperform you two. In his mind, Zhao Lanyun ’s children will always be half of Zhao ’s. He wants one that belongs to him. Child, this kind of psychology ... you look at your expression, you understand a little bit. "Jian Ningzhe revealed a **** expression.

Lin Qihang understood. He understood because he remembered things when he was a child.

Lin Qihang still remembers that when he was a child, his father was in full compliance with his mother. Even if his mother used him to call him, Lin Zhengping didn't complain. He didn't understand when he was a kid, and now he wants to come, that kind of husband and wife relationship is unequal, that is not love. And now ... basically, Zhao Lanyun is holding Lin Qihang.

Jian Ningzhe then recalled: "I remember that he came to see me and my mother when I was ten years old. I am thirty-one years old and it has been twenty-one years. After he went back, he would find someone to be pregnant for ten months. One child, just one year ... enough to raise a 20-year-old child, just two or three years younger than Lin Yuanhang. "

Lin Qihang's palms are cold. How can I remember that Jian Ningzhe is his own enemy, thinking about the possibility of what he said, the more I think, the more likely it is true!

He once hated Jian Ningzhe, not because Lin Zhengping was good to him, but simply hated the illegitimate child. The most abhorrent thing is that this illegitimate child is older than himself, making him look like his mother is a junior. However, he knew that Jian Ningzhe was not faced by Lin Zhengping. When he bullied Jian Ningzhe, Lin Zhengping didn't look at him straight, and it didn't matter that he killed Jian Ningzhe.

Lin Zhengping didn't pay much attention to Jian Ningzhe, and he and Xiaoyuan had been in jail almost completely. He originally thought that his enemy was Jian Ningzhe after he was released from prison, but if Lin Zhengping really had other illegitimate children ... let alone 20 years old, even if he was only a decade old, it was a huge threat. After all, Lin Zhengping is now over 50 Years old and in very good health, it doesn't matter if you live another twenty years!

"Don't put that shallow gaze on me, in fact I found some time ago that Lin Zhengping often ..."

The guard came over and interrupted Jen Ningzhe's words, "It's time to visit."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Qihang said, "I still have something to tell him, just one sentence!"

He looked at Jian Ningzhe anxiously, but Jian Ningzhe said, "Forget it, one or two sentences are not clear, you can check it yourself, congratulations on your release."

After speaking, Jian Ningzhe put down the phone, greeted the prison guard and left, totally ignoring Lin Qihang who was almost crazy in prison because of his words.

After leaving prison, Jian Ningzhe got on a plane to travel abroad. He really travels abroad almost every year, so that can be lively, not to mention Cheng Mingyi.

The plane flew up into the sky a little, and in the high altitude, Jian Ningzhe opened the window next to her, looked at the cloud nearby, and stuck her palm on the window.

After Lin Qihang returns home, after his mention, he will probably be more honest for a while, right? Will obediently stay beside Zhao Lanyun, and then secretly check if Lin Zhengping has any other illegitimate children.

I believe he will find many things.

Jian Ningzhe looked at the clouds outside the window and smiled. 2k novel reading network

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