MTL - Gold Lord is Very Busy-Chapter 56

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Kill the wolf as "Seven Killing Star", "Broken Army Star", "Greece Wolf Star". The Seven Kills are the thieves that disturb the world, the broken army is the general who is in charge of the world, and the greedy wolf is the treacherous and deceitful person. Once this Samsung gathers, the world will change hands and be irreversible.

The movie "Broken Army", as the name implies, tells the story of a world leader.

General Mu Ning played by Jian Ningzhe was a child of the general. When he first appeared on the court, he was young and martial. The emperor intended to take him as a forbidden army, but General Mu insisted on going to the frontier, even if he was only a small soldier, he had to protect the people at the border.

When the young General Mu arrived at the border, he was only a small school captain. He took his soldiers and guarded the frontier. After several battles, he was named a general. He took control of one party and led the soldiers countless times to resist foreign invasions.

More than ten years later, when the youthful General Wu of the British military had become mature and stable, the wise son of the primeval age was already old and confused at this time. Tianzi's mistakes made the border soldier's life more and more difficult. He could not eat or wear enough, and the border soldiers wore cotton clothes made of straw.

The increasingly decadent dynasty attracted the scrutiny of foreign enemies. Foreign enemies invaded. There was not enough food, no sharp weapons, no tools to defend the city. The border army lost several battles. General Mu called for help several times. There were only endless accusations. A bit of forage and weapons. ,

The iron hoof of the foreign race is about to step into the border town. Even the Jianjun are advising General Mu to retreat. A city is not important, leaving the green hills without worry.

However, in this border town, there are people who have lived here for generations, and it is impossible to take them all out in a short time. When the Jianjun retired with a large force, General Mu stayed in the town and faced the brutal attacks of foreigners. He stood on the wall and said, as long as I still stand on the wall, the city will not break!

There were not enough soldiers, the people went into battle, there were no tools to defend the city, and hot water and stones turned into weapons. General Mu and the people in the border town miraculously resisted the invasion of foreign nations. At last, at the moment of running out of food, the court finally came to a conclusion. The corrupt officials finally stopped attacking the quartermaster. Another The general rushed to the border town with reinforcements and enough forage.

The frontier city, which has nothing left, is left with despair at this time. If it was not for General Mu holding the banner, everyone would be afraid to give up. But as long as they looked up, they could see General Mu was there. As long as General Mu was there, they were not desperate!

Knowing the arrival of the reinforcements, the excited scout rushed to the tower and shouted next to General Mu. The reinforcements came, and the city would not break, we have been saved!

However, General Mu did not answer. He still held the banner and stood firmly.

The soldiers on the side looked at the scout silently and wept.

The reinforcements rushed out of the city gate, defeated foreign enemies, fled, and fled. However, they did not see General Mu with the remaining troops and horses following the reinforcements, and the reinforcements were slightly dissatisfied. He looked down at the standing figure, holding the banner firmly, and clearly saw them fighting, but remained motionless.

The reinforcements general went up to the tower with anger, and he did not turn back to speak with General Mu.

Finally, he noticed that the general was wrong, and when he saw the wounded and tears of his relatives, he slowly walked to General Mu and patted him gently.

The general dragged the banner. General Mu held the banner very powerfully. He did not pull the banner out.

The reinforcement general reached out his hand tremblingly, reached General Mu's nose, and then trembled and retracted his hand.

She was already out of breath, and long before the reinforcements arrived, General Mu was killed on the wall.

However, he was dead and still standing; he was dead, and the banner still did not fall. Because he was still standing, the soldiers in the border town and the people could support him for a few hours after his death and the support of the reinforcements!

The reinforcements dragged the banner vigorously, and they could not pull the banner from General Mu with all their strength! He pushed hard to push General Mu into the slightest.

It turned out that General Mu's feet had been embedded in the city wall, and his hand held the side of the city wall and had been embedded in it. The flagpole of the army flag was firmly glued to his flesh and blood, and it was loose.

The soldiers cried and hugged General Mu's legs, crying loudly, the general, the foreign enemy ran away, and the city held it!

The city was held, held, held!

Echoes kept echoing in the border town, and the wind spread this good news to everyone's ears.

General Mu's open eyes slowly narrowed, and he could not push the body, and fell straight backward, lying quietly on the city wall.

He used his body, his will, and his conviction to guard the border city, the lives of these tens of thousands of people, and the country!

A few years later, the new emperor ascended the throne, and a series of savvy decree revitalized the country. It was spring again, and the city was full of flowers, but there was no longer a young man in white and martial arts who was extraordinary and handsome in fighting against the heroes.

At the end of the film, Tan Feiyang was in tears when subtitles appeared on the screen. He always knew that Jian Ningzhe had good acting skills, but never felt so shocked.

A character performed by an actor, in addition to his own image and acting skills, has many elements that can affect the impression that this character leaves in people's hearts. A director's shooting techniques, expressions, background tones, music, etc. can add color to this character. In this regard, Shen Dao is undoubtedly first-class in the domestic industry.

In the beginning, when General Mu first appeared, the film was bright and lively. The surrounding background was full of smiling Beijing residents who lived in abundance. The music was also lively and cheerful, and people were so happy. General Wu, the white horse and silver armor who won the No. 1 champion, enjoyed the envious eyes of the crowds on the crowded street. That bright color has become the brightest color in people's hearts, and it is beautiful.

When General Mu arrived in the border town, the background color became more stable and the music was relatively low. The expression of the people around them changed from a smile to a toil. Only the depiction of color, music, and expression can see the same country. How different people's lives are in Beijing and the border towns. At this time, General Mu's white uniform had turned gray, like a child who had grown up overnight, his expression changed from flying to solemn.

In the final battle, the music became lighter and softer, but a sorrowful sorrow poured into people's hearts through hearing. The smile disappeared, and the background color was only endless black. General Mu's black armor had already been there. The boy in fresh clothes and angry horse has become a stable and reliable general today. His expression is calm, as if he is not a lone city, but a town with plenty of soldiers and grains; as if he is about to fight not a battle of nine deaths, It's about winning. In his eyes, it was neither despair nor sorrow, but desolation. At this time, he didn't need to be depressed and sad, and the things far away from the court had nothing to do with him. He only had this city in his heart, and the people in this city. It is the belief of coexistence and death with the people in the city. If he lives a day, the city will not break.

He did it.

With his extremely firm conviction and will, even if he died, General Mu will keep the city to the last minute.

A few years later, the picture returned to the capital again, with the same background, colors, and music as the beginning, in the noisy capital city, the children's laughter remained. But the handsome young man in that fresh clothes was no longer there.

Loyalty, perseverance, and responsibility are General Mu, decline, struggle, and gloom are the imperial court. This is the decline of an era and the rise of a new era. This is also the belief that time will not change even if the times change. adhere to.

The emotion Shen Dao wants to show is perfectly shown to everyone through the movie.

Through the applause behind the curtain, Tan Feiyang knew that the drama was successful, and Jian Ningzhe was also successful.

The main creators are sitting in the first row, the media critics are in the second row, and Tan Feiyang is only watching the smiling Jian Ningzhe in the front row in the third row. Success symbolizes the success of countless people. Of course, the most successful, except for Shen Congrong, who is the director, is the male No. 1 Jian Ningzhe in the play.

It's hard to imagine an actor who has never acted in a movie's leading actor. He was full of spirits, and the audience followed the smile; he was suffering with the soldiers at the border, and the audience was happy for his heartache and for his military support; he gave up his life and stayed alone in the lonely city, and the audience followed him to make a fist. His handsomeness, publicity, stability, and determination are never expressed through lines. For more than a decade, Jian Ningzhe can do it with only one eye.

As an actor, Tan Feiyang knew the mood of other actors who congratulated Jian Ningzhe best. From this film, he saw an insurmountable mountain. This mountain is not something you can surpass, but a combination of talent, sweat, determination, persistence and other elements. Jian Ningzhe's success is not overnight, but people who have worked hard with him can hardly reach this height. .

Later, some film critics compared Jian Ningzhe's two roles in "Detective Duo" and "Broken Army". He said, "If you don't see the cast, I really have a hard time imagining that these two people are the same person." of. Admittedly, they are one person. The time difference between the two films was less than one year. Even if their appearance changes, they will not change where they are. It is not a makeup artist who masters the magic of Yi Rong in martial arts novels. . But even if the two characters are exactly the same, they may not be able to believe that they are the same person. I tried to watch "Detective" and "Broken Army" on two computers at the same time. I freezed the screenshots of both characters, but found no similarities. From the look, movement, temperament, to even some detailed habits, small movements, there is no similarity at all. There are few such terrible actors in the show business. When playing a role, he completely wiped out "self", even habit can ignore it and become another person completely.

No one compares the two now, just the performance of Jian Ningzhe in this film is amazing, Shen Dao is even more fortunate that he chose Jian Ningzhe. At first, he planned to choose some old movie directors who often cooperated with himself, but these people are already in their forties, they have no problem in acting skills, they will be able to perform when they are General Mu, and the makeup artist will try to make them younger. Some, but young people are young people. As they get older, they get older. There are always things that can't be clearly explained to the audience at a glance. This is not a teenager. However, in this film, the contrast between General Mu's youth and later period is particularly important. Shen Congrong did not want two actors to play the same role.

At this time, the appearance of Jian Ningzhe brightened Shen Congrong's eyes. At the age of 30, the age was a man with a spirited age, between young and strong. Jian Ningzhe's image was good. He could easily be in the young and strong Change, and his acting skills are definitely not lost to the old names, and can even be said to be better. From him, Shen calmly seemed to see the low technical level in the 1960s and 1970s. Although the technology was not developed enough, the actors were real, and every action and every look were carefully crafted. Jian Ningzhe Obviously he is a young man, but he does not have the impetuousness of the post-80s, but is a kind of calm that the older generation can hardly compare.

When choosing this actor, Shen Congrong knew that he was half done.

The best thing is that Jian Ningzhe didn't have any previous scandals and black materials. His interpretation of Shi Qing is innocent. He is such a low-key and hard-working actor.

Of course, from then on, Jian Ningzhe will not be low-key.

In the evening, Jian Ningzhe was going to be interviewed by the media, and there was a dinner. Tan Feiyang drove home by himself. In addition to joy, there was a kind of unconvinced feeling in the chest. As a lover, he was proud and happy for Jian Ningzhe; but as an actor, seeing such a performance, Tan Feiyang had to say that he was hit hard.

His debut was so smooth that he never experienced any setbacks. The first film was widely praised, and the director of the second film also said that he performed completely differently from the first, better than some Facebook actors. too much. Tan Feiyang is complacent. He jumped in praise. Cheng Mingyi, who was once so cheap, became a little fat sheep that is now loved by everyone. Tan Feiyang is proud. He became famous overnight and kept his little happy pride. However, I think that I am really a genius.

Maybe he will be so confident all the time. Anyway, with his background, his road will be so smooth. But Jian Ningzhe's acting skills were too impactful, seeing his poor pride and self-confidence shattered. In front of General Jian Ningzhe's Mu, Tan Feiyang felt that he was just a small stone under a towering mountain, and said to the ant Yaowu Yangwei on the side of the road, "Look, how old I am", but because he was too small to see the whole picture of the mountain.

Now that he saw it, he finally realized how pathetic his so-called achievements were, and how bad he thought he was.

Tan Feiyang was lying on the bed, thinking about the picture of "Breaking Army" over and over again. The performance with huge contrast before and after the same character but the same original intention was too shocking. This drama broadcasted, if this year's Golden Bull Award Wanhua Award Don't give Jian Ningzhe a film emperor, I'm afraid the audience won't do it.

He finally understood why when he met Jian Ningzhe, he was so poorly treated, but his expression was as calm as he is now. Whether he is shooting a third-class urban idol drama or a first-rate big movie, he has the same attitude. This spirit comes from strength. Jian Ningzhe always knew that he had such strength, even if Lin Zhengping suppressed it again? The stars far away from the sky, even if they are separated by millions of light years, can still reflect the brilliant light in people's eyes. With such a light, Jian Ningzhe does not need to be lowered, his light has always been, but it is too far away and takes time to come. Spread it.

Now Jan Ningzhe is successful, and she is just a toddler.

Just be complacent about your achievements, be content with the present and stop, still be patient, work hard, and climb to the mountains, even if the road is difficult, but still climb without turning back and giving up?

Tan Feiyang was unable to make a decision.

It was very late when Jen Ningzhe returned. As the protagonist tonight, he drank a lot of alcohol and should have been drunk. Of course, no one can tell that he is drunk. Since he can hold Tan Feiyang as soon as he gets drunk, the others must be crawling home. Oh, maybe some people ca n’t even climb, just tossed in the hotel room and slept for one night.

Probably today, many people will tell Jane Ningzhe massively, some people who want to sip his wine if they refuse to accept it, and some will never dare to try again, but only Tan Feiyang knows that Jane Ningzhe is actually drunk. When you are drunk, you can perform the drunk state, and when you are drunk, you can perform the calmness that is not drunk.

Hugging Jian Ningzhe, helping the person into the bathroom, help Jin Ningzhe, who just looked at him blankly, took a shower, and put Jian Ningzhe on the bed with a shower gel.

Jian Ningzhe ’s response has always been very small, and his expression is calm and calm. If others think, he may feel that Jian Ningzhe is awesome, drinking so much and sober-looking. In fact, he didn't recognize who he was anymore, and even his family felt a little strange. In a strange environment, there is still a stranger next to him, and Jen Ningzhe's performance has always been calm. He will pretend to have a good look, so that he can observe where it is.

Gradually, Jian Ningzhe watched as Tan Feiyang's expression softened. He reached out and touched Tan Feiyang's hair, and his smile turned into the charm and the lifeless feeling.

From the hair to the face, from the face to the neck, because his palms became hot because of the drunkenness, Tan Feiyang felt a little hot when he was touched, but he knew that he was not doing well after being drunk, and he tried to push Jian Ningzhe into the quilt. Meditate on "Calm, Calm and Calm" so that the temperature on your body can drop a little.

Finally put the one in the quilt, who knows how to cover the quilt, Jian Ningzhe raised his hand again, ran to touch Tan Feiyang's hair, touched it carefully, his eyes were a little cyanose, a bit nostalgic.

Tan Feiyang knew too much about Jen Ningzhe's appearance after being drunk. He knew that Jen Ningzhe probably regarded himself as someone else. When he was still Cheng Mingyi, when Jian Ningzhe came back drunk, he touched his hair and said, "Mom, when did you cut your hair into an inch?", Making Cheng Mingyi cried and laughed.

Now, who does Jian Ningzhe think of him again?

Tan Feiyang suddenly wanted to know.

Tan Feiyang has always known that Jian Ningzhe likes himself and likes it very much. If he does not look for others in his life, then Jian Ningzhe will never have a relationship with a second person in his life. Even if he was tired of Jian Ningzhe's peaceful breakup with him like a real rich second generation, he probably would not find anyone else.

But this is not because how much Jen Ningzhe loves him, but that Wu Brother has always been a man from beginning to end. He was even paranoid and morbid from the beginning to the end. He forced himself and others to have only one partner in his life. Even if it was due to various inappropriate breakups, he should not find another one, but he must grow old alone. Cheng Mingyi always felt that his thinking was quite wrong, but he didn't know why, Wu brother listened to his advice, only this thing will not change.

Now Tan Feiyang understands that this has something to do with Jian Ningzhe's father, Lin Zhengping. Wu Brother probably ... exhausted all his efforts to make himself different from Lin Zhengping. Jian Ningzhe has long found that he is a bit similar to Lin Zhengping. Regardless of his appearance, character, or ability, he hates Lin Zhengping, and even if he forces himself to restrict himself, he must be "different" from Lin Zhengping.

So even if he does n’t love him, but just likes it deeply, Jian Ningzhe can still give all of himself to Tan Feiyang, and strive to pay all his feelings to be equal to Tan Feiyang, even if the feelings between them only come from that scene Going to bed like a misunderstanding, Jian Ningzhe will walk with him for a lifetime.

But is that really good? Tan Feiyang prefers Jian Ningzhe to cast aside himself in search of new happiness, rather than a lifetime like him. He wants Jian Ningzhe to be happy.

After being drunk, Jen Ningzhe mistaken Cheng Mingyi for Jane's mother. Now who does he consider Tan Feiyang as?

Tan Feiyang held Jian Ningzhe's hand and asked very lightly, "Why do you always touch my hair?"

Jian Ningzhe smiled and did not answer Tan Feiyang's question, but looked at the surrounding environment and said, "This decoration does not seem to be your favorite style."

Brother Wu is testing himself! Tan Feiyang's mind has never been so sober as he is now. Brother Wu does not know who he is, but he is not sure if he is mistaken for confession or drunk, so there is such a temptation!

If Dr. Wu hasn't forgotten the temptation to this extent, it means that this person is too important to him and hidden too deeply. Even when he is unconscious, Jian Ningzhe won't say the name.

Tan Feiyang felt that he was about to become Conan. He clenched his fists and tried to calm himself, saying, "This is not home. You are drunk. I can't take you home. We are in the hotel."

"Oh," Jian Ningzhe nodded. "Yes, you don't have a car."

Tan Feiyang's heart cooled down, and what Jian Ningzhe saw at this time was really not him, but another person. How could Tan Feiyang not have a car!

Suddenly he didn't want to try again. Isn't it confusing at times? Tan Feiyang put away his mind and pushed Jian Ningzhe's restless hand into the quilt. He was also lying on the other side of the bed, and was going to sleep like this.

Who knew that as soon as he turned off the light, Jian Ningzhe turned on the bedside lamp and reached out to touch his hair.

Tan Feiyang sighed and said to Jian Ningzhe in a coaxing tone: "Be good, sleep."

After speaking, I reached out and patted Jian Ningzhe. When Jen Ningzhe used to be a Jane mother after being drunk, once he was determined to be Jane mother, he would become very childish. He would always "pat" before going to bed, and buried his head in the quilt Here, he came out to look at him for a while, pretending that he was only three or four years old, and very childish.

Tan Feiyang wants to let him sleep, but can only take pictures of children like he used to.

Who knew that he had just patted it twice, and Jian Ningzhe's hand touched his hair again, his movements were much lighter and his eyes became softer.

Tan Feiyang heard Jian Ningzhe said, "Xiao Ba, when did you change your hairstyle? Wasn't it your favorite inch?"

Tan Feiyang was shooting Jian Ningzhe's hand and stopped. 2k novel reading network

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