MTL - Gold Lord is Very Busy-Chapter 48

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Except for things about Cheng Mingyi, Jian Ningzhe told Tan Feiyang 151. As for Cheng Mingyi, he said so.

Cheng Mingyi is "troublesome". If only Jian Ningzhe himself, then he can unscrupulously develop in Beijing, without having to worry about being caught by Lin Zhengping. However, if Cheng Mingyi is being followed by Lin Zhengping, he may become the weakness of Jian Ningzhe, so Cheng Mingyi is "troubled". Jian Ningzhe said that if he could, he hoped that Cheng Mingyi had never been to Beijing with himself.

Tan Feiyang's heart gradually sank. He hated that useless self.

Why did n’t Wuge ask him what happened when he hugged him tightly, why he let Wuge be tortured in pain and hatred for so long, and why he did n’t realize that he had caused so much trouble to Wuge And left without interest?

It turned out that those happy days he once thought were a kind of trouble for Brother Wu.

Tan Feiyang, who was thinking in this way, did not realize the deeper meaning in Jian Ningzhe's discourse.

How could a person without a reason be the "trouble" of Jan Ningzhe? For Jian Ningzhe, this "trouble" is happy. He is willing to be restrained by this "trouble." He is willing to let Cheng Mingyi become his weakness.

Just these things, there is no need to let Tan Feiyang know and mind. Cheng Mingyi has gone, he is buried in the deepest part of Jian Ningzhe's heart, just like this become a deep memory, just fine.

"Then ... did you initially decide to accept my unspoken rules in order to deal with Lin Zhengping?" Tan Feiyang asked.

"Yes," Jen Ningzhe admitted simply, "He has been suppressing me secretly over the years, and I ... I think I am strong, but I did not expect that my city and ingenuity were inherited from him. He is stronger than me. I without any economic foundation is too small in front of him. But you are different. Compared to Tan's, Lin's is not worth mentioning. If you can tie you up, it will be easier to deal with Lin Zhengping , So when I found that you liked me very much, I chose to compromise, but unfortunately it was just a misunderstanding. "

"Now, do you still want to use me?" Tan Feiyang asked.

"If I said I never gave up against Lin Zhengping, what would you do?" Jian Ningzhe said.

Tan Feiyang quietly calculated in his heart and said: "My shares in Tan's can not be moved, that is the basic of Tan's. In addition, you can take all the cash, dividends, real estate and securities in my name. , Including Yuyang's shares now, if you need it, I can give it all to you. But ... After you succeed, I hope you can return it. It is not returned to me, but to the Tan family. Big brother hurts me so much , I can't ignore his thoughts. "

If it was Cheng Mingyi, he was willing to give everything to Jian Ningzhe. But now he is Tan Feiyang. In addition to his love for Wu Brother, he also has his affection for his relatives and his company's responsibility to society. He will do his best to help Jian Ningzhe, but it cannot harm Tan Feiyu's interests.

"You, you always look at me very ugly." Jian Ningzhe smiled bitterly, "I calculated everything and tried countless ways to seduce you, but I don't know that you really don't want these. In fact, it is easy for you to help me I just need to tell you directly, don't I? "

"Yes," Tan Feiyang hugged Jian Ningzhe, "I said, you do n’t need to do anything, I do it for you, I voluntarily, never give back. If you do this now for me to help you To deal with Lin Zhengping, then I still say that, you don't have to force yourself, I will help you, I am willing. "

Jian Ningzhe sighed and said, "I'm really the boy in 'Wolf Is Coming'. I lied and talked so much. In the end, the wolf came and no one believed it."

"I don't believe you," Tan Feiyang said, "I don't believe in myself like this, I can make such an excellent you like me."

"You put this sentence on the Internet, the hotpot regimen may tear me out. So many people like you, why are you so arrogant." Jian Ningzhe held Tan Feiyang and kissed his cheek.

Tan Feiyang also took the initiative to kiss Jian Ningzhe.

The atmosphere in the room heats up, and the air conditioner's cold air can't stop the flame that ignites between the two people. There are only people who never do / love in this world, and absolutely never do it once and never do it again. The temptation to taste the forbidden fruit is enough to make angels fall to earth. The beauty of embracing your lover is something you can't forget once.

Ten fingers intertwined, the skin was blindfolded, and the breath of the two turned into one.

Tan Feiyang was lying beside Jian Ningzhe, and the feeling of floating in the clouds finally disappeared. It was no longer the fear of the resort falling from the air at any time, but down-to-earth and peace of mind.

Jian Ningzhe held people in his arms. He couldn't imagine that he would sleep so sweetly, as if he had greedily embraced the whole world in his arms, and he no longer had to be afraid of losing.

Tan Feiyang's face froze on Jian Ningzhe's shoulder. The fifth brother's muscles are really strong.

Jian Ningzhe squeezed Tan Feiyang's face and said, "I'm going to film outside in a few days. Li Feng helped me get a chance to audition for" Broken Army "a few days ago, and I succeeded.

"Shen Dao's broken army? That historical war drama? I heard that this drama was a big production. It was filmed at the end of the year. It was released on the New Year's Eve, just in time for the Golden Bull Award reviewer. Dao Shen went for the prize!" Tan Feiyang eyes Yi Liang.

Shen Dao is a domestic first-class director and a real big name. His movie winning rate is very high, if you want to win the award, you must shoot Shen Dao's film, which is already recognized in the domestic film industry. However, in the past few years, Shen Dao has rarely filmed a movie. From the previous year, there must have been a Shen Dao film. Now there are not necessarily one in three years. The domestic first-class producers have said that it is very difficult to make Shen Daoshan of.

"Best actor, film actor!" Tan Feiyang said happily, he sat up excitedly, the quilt slipped off his body, exposing his upper body.

"It's not that easy, just keep working hard." Jian Ningzhe sat up, took a piece of clothing and put it on Tan Feiyang, blocking her body full of love / love traces. He frowned and said, "You're doing this now, are there any **** / dramas?"

"There is no naked scene," Tan Feiyang thought for a while, "but there is a kiss scene."

Jian Ningzhe's whole body breath changed from warm to cold: "Can you not shoot?"

"It doesn't seem to be possible, although the directors are all making small-cost movies, but the requirements are very strict. Qian Xinxin is also a very hard-working actor, and other actresses don't say anything, I am not good at big names, and I am not a big name "Tan Feiyang thought for a while and said," And how could an actor not kiss, I remember that when you filmed that third-rate TV series, Mingli's face was almost swollen. "

Jian Ningzhe squeezed her eyebrows and said with a headache: "Isn't that my swollen kiss, do you know what happened then? I acted like a strong / rapeer, and my mouth was basically pinching on my face, that is, looking It ’s scary. Actually, most of the time, it ’s just face to face. The reason why they kissed me was that Mingli gave me a kiss, but my face was not as tender and swollen as she was! ”

Tan Feiyang: "... what is she doing, an actress is so disadvantaged."

"Why don't you know how to be jealous," Jane Ningzhe laughed angrily. "It's her fancy. You took advantage of me by filming. Didn't you see that? Otherwise, when the director was NG, why did the director only teach Mingli? Say me? It's just this kind of thing, which guy is so sorry to say it out. Later, I really couldn't bear her. She acted a little harder, and she was scared to dare to take advantage of it. "

"There is such a thing!" Tan Feiyang stared. "I always thought that only actors would take advantage of actresses."

Jian Ningzhe said: "Ming Li is open-minded, her motto is to be happy in time, and she always does whatever she wants. There are not many women like her, but you are not the same as me. You are the grandfather of Yuyang, and many people think Many women will seduce you when they are filming. When you filmed "The Detective Duo" last time, two actresses did it. Later, during the reality show, Lily wanted to stab you. I helped you so many times. You don't even know. "

Tan Feiyang: "... I didn't see it at all."

"Did you look at me with all your heart?" Jian Ningzhe joked.

I didn't want to hit Tan Feiyang and actually nodded: "Yeah."

Jian Ningzhe was suddenly silent, staring at Tan Feiyang, seeing Tan Feiyang very uncomfortable: "What, what?"

"Nothing," Jian Ningzhe sighed. "Suddenly I understand what it feels like to be full-hearted, and a little happy."

Tan Feiyang smiled happily.


The two were so tired and crooked for two days. "Breaking the Army" started, Jian Ningzhe left Beijing, and will follow the crew in China for several months. This is a large-scale production, and Shen Dao plans to release it on the New Year's Eve stall in mid-December.

Before leaving, Jian Ningzhe asked, and asked Tan Feiyang to pay more attention to the heroine in the future. Do n’t be too stupid. In particular, don't be too kind to others, you will be misunderstood that he wants to foster each other, not all of them can resist the temptation like themselves.

Tan Feiyang was also reluctant to leave with Jian Ningzhe. He wanted to be with Wu Brother all the time. Compared to being an actor, he was more envious of the position of assistant Xiao Sun and was able to follow Jian Ningzhe brightly and upright. But forget it, he also has his own career, live again, and can never achieve nothing.

The reality show has already played the last episode of the second trip at this time. For the purpose of this event, the program group put all the clips of Jian Ningzhe and Tan Feiyang at the end, leaving some clues for everyone to guess. At the time, the synchronization topic of # 内 害 是 谁 # on Weibo was hot to the sun, and the audience guessed everyone, from the calm and intelligent film to Yang Ling who liked to play games, everyone was suspected, Tan Fei Yang has the least suspicion.

Only one or two people said that from the time when Tan Feiyang dumped Jian Ningzhe, Tan Feiyang was actually a little clever, and he could use the acting skills to deceive the old drama Jian Ningzhe. He should be a traitor.

As soon as such words come out, they will be confused. The fondues said indignantly that our fat sheep is so cute, so simple, so sensible, so kind and so kind. If he is really selected as a traitor by the unscrupulous show crew, he will certainly be uneasy in conscience and let people see it at a glance. A sheep so simple will definitely not lie, it will never be a traitor.

As a result, the show aired to the end of Episode 6, and countless people were slammed.

Tan Feiyang was watching the show, and when the truth came out, he quickly posted a Weibo——

Flying-flyV: Haha, this baby can also play as a pig and eat a tiger, in fact, I am a big tail wolf in sheepskin 2333333

This Weibo was suddenly turned by countless people, and the hot pots were beaten and beaten by hot pots. They said that you have broken the fat sheep. The worst in this game is you! You said with confidence that you had to follow others in order to prove Xiao Lingling's innocence. We all thought that the traitor Xiao Lingling would follow you, and the fat sheep would definitely suffer. Who knows that you gave our single stupid and innocent game control Xiao Lingling to the surface of Mars? You do n’t know yet. Say, how did you change the clue without changing your face and hide the same group members and us! Say it!

So Tan Feiyang said. After the truth was revealed, the program team broadcast an interview with the reporter at the time. The reporter asked Tan Feiyang: "To be honest, not only everyone, even me who knows that you are a traitor, cannot see you at all. There are no flaws in your performance. Everyone says that you are a simple and kind little sheep. How did you do all this? "

Tan Feiyang ’s answer is very advertising: “Because I ’m Qu Yan. Qu Yan with 200 IQ in“ The Detective Duo ”ca n’t even do such a simple thing, please listen to my arrogant laughter , Ha ha ha ha! "


Subtitles float by: I don't want to bother about the mood of this product, you know!

Regardless, he once again beautifully promoted "The Detective Duo".

At the end of the show, the show team also broadcasted a picture of a group of people torturing Tan Feiyang and Jian Ningzhe. Tan Feiyang was tickled by his team members and tears came out. The white belly and beautiful ankles were exposed in the struggle. While watching, we took a screenshot on Weibo and said: Let go of that fat sheep! I want to touch the white belly of the fat sheep!

Tan Feiyang, who is always concerned about online news, quickly rolled up her clothes, took a picture of her well-trained belly, and posted it directly to Weibo, with a postscript: Since the show team rubbed the belly, she swears to exercise, and every month thereafter Put down the belly photos, try to get out of the vest line within three months, and have abdominal muscles at the end of the year!

Fans howled, do n’t let the fat sheep, the mermaid line vest line and the **** horse are not suitable for you, the fat sheep only need the white and soft belly to look good! If there is a public signing meeting next time, can we touch the belly without signing it? While you haven't developed your abdominal muscles ...

Tan Feiyang was so embarrassed by his fans. Do n’t everyone else fans particularly like their idols like to build a good figure? Why did he get here, and the abdominal muscles are not worth it?

In addition to the unexpected response from the fans, there were two other responses that made Tan Feiyang not sure how to evaluate.

Jian Ningzhe immediately sent him a WeChat account after posting Weibo: [It is not allowed to post his own **** photos / photos on Weibo in the future! And let me touch it a few more times before working out. 】

Tan Feiyang: "..."

He just gave a belly, but didn't.

And another person.

Liang Yangxu V: Just finished training @ 飞扬 ​​-flyV [with photos]

The picture attached by Liang Yangxu is a picture of eight pack abs with bronze skin on the naked upper body.

Tan Feiyang: "..."

He really didn't know why Liang Yangxu just posted a photo of why Aite himself, they didn't pay attention to each other, and their relationship was not good at all!

Because Liang Yangxu ate Tan Feiyang in a high-profile manner, a large wave of hot pot ran to the side of his Weibo to watch.

Hotpot loves fat sheep: Hey? The bunny is so good, I didn't even see it before!

Cucumber hot pot: The fat sheep had abdominal muscles as soon as the baby had finished shooting the belly. Just went to the followers of the rabbit and the fans of the fat sheep. The rabbit did not pay attention to the fat sheep, but it was so fast. Bo, bet a cucumber, the rabbit must be watching the sheep quietly.

After eating hot pot, drink chrysanthemum tea: a cucumber and a chrysanthemum, the rabbit must be quietly paying attention to the fat sheep.

Rabbit meat hot pot: Press all the chrysanthemums on, and the rabbit must be watching the fat sheep quietly.

One hundred thousand why: Why do the hot pot people call us Yangyang Bunny? Our Yangyang has such a good body, and should we describe it as an animal?

Hotpot loves fat sheep: two = rabbit.

Hot pot XX: two = rabbit.

Hot pot XXX: two = rabbit.

Liang Yangxu: "..."

He is incompatible with Tan Feiyang! !! !!

The hot pot regiment generally does not deliberately step on anyone, but this time Lily's slander Tan Feiyang was eventually picked up by "informed people". Liang Yangxu asked someone to do it, so each time the hot pot regimen mentioned Liang Yangxu's attitude was different. The hot pot regiment did not step on anyone, but when they met Liang Yangxu, they would definitely come out and laugh at it. This time, Liang Yangxu publicly tweeted and mocked their fat sheep with abdominal muscles. How could the hot pot regimen endure, one by one rushed to teach Liang Yangxu. Their principle is that we do n’t swear, we are fans of hot and elegant little gentlemen and fat sheep, we wo n’t do such unsophisticated things. .

Sometimes, ridicule is 100 times more lethal.

The most annoying is that with the unremitting efforts of the growing hot pot group, Liang Yangxu really gradually added a nickname for a rabbit. After all, it sounds very cute. Passionate fans who do not know the truth can't bear to hear others call it. Live and call. All three can become tigers, not to mention that Tan Feiyang's fans are close to 30 million. Among the 30 million people, even if only one percent of them are called Liang Yangxu little rabbits every day, that is 300,000 people. Liang Yangxu is useless even if he has money, the nickname of Bunny has to be what he wants, and what he doesn't want!

The hot pot is so domineering!

Comrade Xiao Zhang, the leader of the hot pot support team who secretly planned this, secretly hid. He succeeded in taking back a city for Fei Yang. He is the best fan manager!

At this time, Xiao Zhang had long forgotten that he could be the most professional job of Assistant Tan Feiyang-monitoring every move of Tan Feiyang and reporting to President Tan in a timely manner.

Fortunately, during this time, Tan Feiyang was always active on the Internet, calm and sensible. He filmed seriously every day and never went outside to play around. Tan Feiyu was very relieved. He closed his eyes on Xiao Zhang's practice of forgetting his job. One eye.

But this time, Xiao Zhang did a good job!

Broker Xiao Ying gave an oral reward to Xiao Zhang and gave Xiao Zhang a credit, which was directly linked to the year-end bonus. After knowing this, Tan Feiyang silently added a bonus to Comrade Xiao Zhang's monthly salary, which was several times the salary. Mr. Tan, who finally knew about this, directly notified Manager Yang to raise his salary!

Comrade Xiao Zhang, who made a small amount of money, likes Tan Feiyang more. One thing he is distressed in secret is the relationship between Tan Feiyang and Jian Ningzhe.

Others don't know about this. How could Xiao Zhang, an assistant who takes care of Tan Feiyang's daily life, didn't know! He had been a little worried in the resort a few days ago, but after Tan Feiyang came back and Jian Ningzhe should be like this, he temporarily put down his worry. But this time was completely different. Tan Feiyang was taken by Jian Ningzhe for dinner and he returned every day for two days and three nights. Xiao Zhang could only see him on the set. Tan Feiyang immediately ran away by himself. Don't want to say anything, tired!

In fact, he should report this, but watching Tan Feiyang look so happy, Xiao Zhang finally chose to be silent. Anyway ... Anyway, the agent doesn't know now, so he shouldn't know. If something really happens ... he will lead the hotpot group to protect the fat sheep from public opinion. He is the most dedicated assistant!

Tan Feiyang didn't know the assistant Xiao Zhang's worry. Now he is in love. He and Jian Ningzhe have WeChat videos every day. What's more, it's a bit shameful, but it's pretty cool. Jian Ningzhe's voice can make people pregnant !!

He mentioned this to Jian Ningzhe, and Jian Ningzhe told him the name of a great CV god, saying that it was his vest. Tan Feiyang ran to listen once, and suddenly fell in love with the network distribution ring, Jian Ningzhe's voice is really great!

Jian Ningzhe also did not expect to tell Tan Feiyang the hidden secret again, and now suddenly understood what it feels like "wine is not drunk and people are drunk, and color is not charming." As long as Tan Feiyang said "You are so good", he couldn't help showing him all his goodness like a peacock opened his screen, and he didn't even care about revealing it.

If Tan Feiyang were to be a spy, he would be the best.

The filming of "Breaking Army" was bitter, but Jian Ningzhe's heart was bright.

Because in love with Jian Ningzhe, Tan Feiyang's shooting was also very smooth. He doesn't even need to perform, as long as he unconsciously thinks of Jian Ningzhe when he sees Qian Xinxin, he can show a good expression in front of the camera. His expression convinced everyone that he loved this woman deeply, whether she was eighteen or thirty-eight, she was his only one.

Tan Feiyang has performed very well, youth and vitality are his strengths. This time even the emotional drama has performed so well. The role of the 18-year-old protagonist has been fully interpreted by him. His role is full of joy, youth, vitality, and astringent but the only love, showing all the goodness of youth in front of people. Even Qian Xinxin was driven by him. When acting, she was not so facial, she did n’t Consciously reveal the expression of a woman in love.

But she was twenty years older than the boy who deeply attracted her, and she couldn't be with him. In reality, Qian Xinxin saw Tan Feiyang and knew very well that this feeling was just a drama, but he still couldn't control himself.

The filming time for this movie was short, only a few tens of days. At the banquet, Dr. Qian Xinxin said to Tan Feiyang: "You are so amazing. I almost fell in love with you. You ca n’t go back to reality. You give A young dream, girls will love you once this movie is released! "

Tan Feiyang does not feel that he is a genius. No matter which drama he is, he is deeply affected by Jian Ningzhe. Without Jian Ningzhe, there will not be Tan Feiyang who is now praised as talented in acting.

After the filming, Xiao won't let Tan Feiyang idle, and the reality show is coming to an end. In order to increase the exposure, he began to arrange Tan Feiyang to participate in various public welfare activities. 2k novel reading network

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