MTL - Gold Lord is Very Busy-Chapter 42 .undercurrent

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Is Liang Yangxu's agent an idiot? of course not. The infinite status of light and shadow is one of the best in the entertainment industry. How can such a stupid thing come out? In fact, when Liang Yangxu hired Bai Hua as an assistant, the agent Shao Chengcheng had stopped it. How could Bai Hua's reputation be said? The problem was that she had offended Yu Yang ’s prince and was swept away by Yu Yang. Actors grab resources and compete for status, but there is no need to tear up a broken reputation agent. This is not worth the loss.

However, Liang Yangxu's assistant was paid by Liang Yangxu. He only needs to be the master. The opinion of the agent is the same as that of Liang Yangxu. Liang Yangxu ignored it directly. Baihua can climb to that position in Yuyang, of course, there is no way to say that before, there was no chance. Now, by taking a feud with Tan Feiyang, he got on Yang Yangxu's line. Liang Yangxu saw Tan Feiyang unpleasantly. Speaking of two bad words, Liang Yangxu and Tan Feiyang naturally became more enemies.

So the two people they did not know, Tan Feiyang somehow became a thorn in Liang Yangxu's eyes, which was also wrong.

In this post, hiring the navy was actually not the idea of ​​agent Shao Cheng, but Liang Yangxu himself directed Bai Hua to do it. Bai Hua is not a fool. This kind of thing is difficult to please. She knows it well. Even if the splash of black water is real, the program group will not show the corresponding picture when the program is playing. Help the "Star Le Lele" hype.

Shao Cheng really had a headache for Liang Yangxu, the second-generation ancestor. The grandpa didn't care about it at all, he didn't listen to him, caused trouble everywhere, and wanted to be the emperor and the song king all day. The movie emperor ’s gadgets, light and shadow unlimited, even if there is money and status, it does not mean that when it can be!

Shao Cheng knelt to Liang Yangxu almost, he said, "Liang Shao, what you do is really no harm to Tan Feiyang. Instead, you can help people improve their ratings and pay for things themselves ... Do n’t lose your wife and lose your troops? ”

"No." Bai Hua was standing behind Liang Yangxu in a smart white-collar suit, and she said blankly, "I know this is to help him earn ratings, but there is a saying, the higher you fly, the harder you fall . I can help Liang Shao to teach him now, but the effect is not the best now, of course, we have to wait. "

The words "help Liang Shao" successfully pulled hatred down Liang Yangxu, clarified his relationship, and still not overwhelming the master. After going through so much, Bai Hua has become more comfortable with how to fool his superiors.

"That is, the higher you fly, the harder you fall!" Liang Yangxu nodded and said, "I'll wait for Tan Feiyang to lose his name and get out of the entertainment circle that day!"

"... No ..." Shao Cheng just wanted to cry without tears. "What if Tan Feiyang leaves the entertainment industry? He is the chairman and deputy manager of Yu Yang. He is also a shareholder of Tan's. He also has a name of Tan Feiyu. Brother, he came to the entertainment industry to play tickets ... "

"Who keeps him pressed on me!" Liang Yangxu was a true second ancestor. There was no theory at all. Shao Cheng shut up.

Who knows that Bai Hua ’s heart is more severe. She stood behind Liang Yangxu and said thinly. “Even if he is the chairman of Yuyang, a shareholder of Tan ’s family, and a brother named Tan Feiyu, if he breaks the law, Go to jail. "

Shao Cheng was speechless.

What Tan Feiyang wants, there is no need to break the law, he can get everything as long as he spends money. But since Bai Hua said so, it was well-informed. Liang Yangxu probably listened to Bai Hua's encouragement before daring to target Tan Feiyang.

Shao Cheng glanced at the birch, the woman's expression was bland and she could not see any emotion at all. Probably the most poisonous woman's heart, like Bai Hua, is really cruel.


After listening to Xiao Ying's words, Tan Feiyang returned home with confidence. Xiao Zhang is ready to have dinner there, eaten beautifully, and after driving away to the gym.

He eventually adopted Jian Ningzhe's suggestion, and decided to train the vest line and mermaid line even if he couldn't train his abdominal muscles. Everyone will poke his white belly in the province. Qiao Jing actually pinched his belly and said "too tender" last time when she was stabbed / stabbed by a group of people in Granny Lin's mission. Really shameful!

As soon as I thought that this paragraph might be broadcasted later, Tan Feiyang couldn't help but want to cover his face. The fans had said that his legs were short. If he was talking about a white belly, he would really become a fat white sheep. .

Determined to be ashamed before the snow, Tan Feiyang has been insisting on going to the gym every day since that event. After rigorous training by a fitness instructor, she has been there for a month, and her arms and legs are a bit stronger. Although the belly is still in vain, Tan Feiyang himself pinches every day and feels a lot harder.

He also planned to bask in artificial sunlight to expose himself to bronzed skin. But Xiao Zhang cried and hugged his thigh, saying that without white soft belly, their fans are already very pitiful, don't give the white skin a tan, little black sheep or something, I can't imagine it!

"Can't it be a black horse?" Tan Feiyang asked with a pained expression, and he should not be a lamb!

Xiao Zhang got up and looked up and down Tan Feiyang, thought for a while and said, "Little black horse?"

"You go away!" Tan Feiyang kicked Xiao Zhang's kick. Whatever it is, he will resign tomorrow. Just focus on being a fan manager. Instead of being an assistant, he will always explode him on the Internet. According to his daily photos, every day he said that the fatness of our fat sheep is first-class, and there are no dead spots at 360 degrees. It is clear that he used beauty!

After arriving at the gym, as instructed by the coach, Tan Feiyang worked hard. When he was resting, the phone rang. Tan Feiyang looked at the phone and it was Jian Ningzhe.

Tan Feiyang: "..."

To be honest, since the holiday village broke up peacefully, although his relationship with Jian Ningzhe is okay, except for the reality show, Wu Brother never called him on his own initiative. Of course, Tan Feiyang did not.

In fact, he shouldn't be like this when he is a friend, but he always feels a little bit uncomfortable. Tan Feiyang decided not to harass Jian Ningzhe always before letting go. One day, after thinking about this in his heart, he will become a brother with Wu Brother.

"Feiyang?" When answering the phone, Jian Ningzhe's magnetic voice came from there. Tan Feiyang suddenly felt his ears a little itchy, as if someone was blowing hair in his ears.

"Well, it's me." Tan Feiyang said.

"How's it panting?" Jan Ningzhe asked over there.

Tan Feiyang was probably tired after exercising, and his face was a little red. After wiping his face, he said, "In the gym, don't be a fat lamb!"

There was a smile on Jane Ningzhe's voice, and his low laughter seemed to scratch the heart: "Oh, exercise is a good thing."

"Okay ..." Tan Feiyang knew that Jian Ningzhe was laughing at himself, but he didn't think that Jian Ningzhe was laughing at himself. He said, "I like your figure. Although I can't do anything with my height, I can still practice Better. "

"Well, come on," Jian Ningzhe encouraged.

Tan Feiyang's face became hotter, he said a little anxiously, "Well, I have nothing to hang up with, and I will continue to exercise."

"Wait a minute," Jane Ningzhe said, "something. That topic on the Internet has been fired to the first place. Have you checked what happened? Somehow somebody slandered you like this."

"I found it." Tan Feiyang briefly explained the results of his and Xiao Ying's investigation with Jian Ningzhe, "Nothing, Liang Yangxu is doing this to help me. The ratings in the next issue must be high, you just wait! Hey ~~ "

"No," Jian Ningzhe shook her head and said, "I didn't know how Liang Yangxu had contacted me, but I know Bai Hua, she must report it. You did n’t know what happened to the little actress who reported her celebrity artist in the past. She It ’s not a stupid person who can do this kind of unpleasant thing? There may be a second hand in this matter. "

"But ... these words are meaningless when the reality show is broadcast. What tricks can she use?" Tan Feiyang lost his head, and his brain was not the material for conspiracy.

"I don't know, but I'm just a bit worried." Jian Ningzhe said, "You should worry about me, and tell Xiao Yingdu to pay attention to the same white birch."

"Well, okay." Tan Feiyang nodded obediently, and then didn't know what to say.

Jane Ningzhe probably didn't know what to say. Neither of them spoke, but neither hung up the phone, listening to the other's breathing sound through the cell phone.

Actually, there is nothing left to say.

After being silent for a while, Jian Ningzhe heard an English word on the phone, a foreigner, saying "time is up". He heard Tan Feiyang reply "Fine, I'll be right now" in fluent English and knew that Tan Feiyang was going to hang up.

"You go to the gym and try to get your abdominal muscles out sooner," Jian Ningzhe encouraged.

"Oh." Tan Feiyang held the phone, bit his lower lip, and rushed to say before Jian Ningzhe hung up the phone, "That, thank you."

Jian Ningzhe originally thought that he would not say anything after saying "Oh". He put his finger on the hang up button and heard the phrase "Thank you" when he was pressing down. He quickly wanted to take back his hand and say something, but It's too late, the finger was already hung up, the call was cut off, and the phrase "thank you" is the end of the last signal transmission has not been interrupted.

Jian Ningzhe grabbed the mobile phone and called up Tan Feiyang's number. She put her finger on the small sign of the call for a long time, but it still didn't fall.

What are you talking about? It ’s all friends, do n’t you say thank you? It's boring to call again for this.

Jian Ningzhe put her mobile phone beside her and sat quietly for a while, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. He's messed up now, and really don't want to confuse another Tan Feiyang.

After closing her eyes for a while, Jian Ningzhe finally opened her eyes arrogantly, and took out from the drawer a Nokia phone used a long time ago, which contained a calling card he had not used for a long time.

The phone is of good quality and can be used for so many years. He pays the calling card every so often, and has never stopped.

He made a call and the other party connected.

"At this time, staring at two people, Liu Yi and Lili, yes, the two famous stars now. Money is not a problem, and you don't need to check anything, as long as you have contacted them during this time, have done it. Just write down what you send to this mailbox. "

After the call was hung up, Jian Ningze turned off the phone. No need to contact by phone afterwards, just the email and transfer.

Although he didn't know what Baihua wanted to do, if he really wanted to make a comeback, he would have to start with Liu Yi and Lili. At the present stage, Liu Yi and Lili are both standing on the side of Tan Feiyang, but the friendship in the entertainment industry who said it is right, betrayed you, and got up from your wife or husband's bed, mostly so-called brothers or girlfriends.

After making this call, Jian Ningzhe hammered the wall and muttered to himself: "Why so much nosy!"


A few days later, "18 Years Old" was launched, and the shooting location was in Beijing. The shooting progress was not that tense. Tan Feiyang didn't move into the crew because he had a lot of houses and there was a place near the studio.

The most money this crew spends is probably on hiring big-name celebrities. Although Tan Feiyang now has a lot of enthusiasm on Weibo, his value is not high here in the movie. After all, "Second Detective" has not yet been released. I don't know his acting skills and potential. However, the heroine and the two actors who played the middle-aged heroine were quite famous, and they paid a lot of money.

The heroine Qian Xinxin, in her thirties, looks very beautiful, has a magical beauty between maturity and simplicity, and has a domineering beauty. In this play, the actor from young to old, and from old to young, is played by two actors, and the heroine is Qian Xinxin from beginning to end.

After seeing Tan Feiyang and Jing Lin, who played the middle-aged protagonist, Qian Xinxin smiled and shook hands with the two and said, "It seems that this time I am a mature and handsome two handsome guys, it is really full of happiness!"

Qian Xinxin is very hearty and behaves very aggressively, so she said that both protagonists also laughed and said that it is actually their own right to be able to cooperate with such beautiful beauties.

Qian Xinxin is famous enough, but in fact, he hasn't gone far enough in the film industry. She is too overbearing, so no matter what role she plays, the audience sees her face, no matter what the acting skills, whether there is a breakthrough, the audience's heart, only her face. The movies she participated in were actually average at the box office. There are a few movies that are fiercely speculative and are still cheating at the box office, but in the end the box office was just average.

But because of this, she is almost paid for TV dramas, but in the film industry, the pay is actually very ordinary.

This crew is not the same as Tan Feiyang's "Detective Duo" before. The "Detective" crew is rich and can take the crew to go around country M. The funds of the "18-year-old" crew are really average, and the overall planning is saved in all aspects. For example, in the casting, the director and the overall planning also discussed Qian Xinxin.

In this film, Tan Feiyang wants to stay true to Qian Xinxin. Whether he is 18 or 38, he loves his wife deeply.

However, he really couldn't play this feeling of love.

He looked at Qian Xinxin and couldn't understand it. In the script, the protagonist became 18 years old as if he had regained his youth. His wife's eyes looked like first love, and the young protagonist met his wife again. In the words of the director, " As if shot / hit by Cupid's arrow, I fell in love at first sight, and my heart moved, and I could no longer look away. "

What Tan Feiyang can do is only look away.

This scene was filmed for a long time, and Tan Feiyang couldn't find the feeling of falling in love with Qian Xinxin. There was no way but to shoot Qian Xinxin and the 38-year-old protagonist's rival scene, as well as Tan Feiyang's other plays.

Tan Feiyang's other films are very good, because the director has only one requirement for him-young and energetic.

The director asked him to show the joy of being reborn and the vitality of young people. In fact, the director was not worried about the second point. He was worried that Tan Feiyang would not perform that kind of joy.

However, Tan Feiyang performed very well. He was really like regaining his new life, ecstatic and excited, just looking at him can be driven, as if he was young as he was 18 years old. And no matter how many times it was retaken because of issues such as positioning, angles, makeup, supporting roles, Tan Feiyang can perfectly express this joy.

And Tan Feiyang was young and a public figure. It was too easy for him to play a successful student. It was almost hand-to-hand. When he was just born again, the director made him act a little exaggerated, so Tan Feiyang walked all the way around. In the circle, it must be particularly beautiful, which has a lot to do with his dancing skills in FY.

Other dramas can perform well, it is really anxious to interact with the heroine, you can take it easy, after all, feelings can be gradually cultivated.

The director was very patient, but Tan Feiyang was a bit awkward. He did n’t know what it was like to fall in love at first sight. He was working at a young age. The only love experience was that he did n’t know what fell in love. He had no love experience at first sight. He couldn't understand how one person could identify another with only one glance.

In the tangle of Tan Feiyang, the second episode of the reality show aired was the episode where Tan Feiyang set up the stove and gave quilt to Jian Ningzhe Lu Xing, and they did not expect them to have an unbelievably high audience rating.

Post it, Weibo, and all fans of Tan Feiyang exhaled and almost frowned. I went to the post saying that Tan Feiyang's sponsoring female celebrities is a big jerk. The following shows how good our fat sheep are!

The hot pot is always so delicious: our fat sheep is great. Whoever said that the rich second generation is the four-body unattended and the grain does not distinguish, he can even use the stove. Everyone here can stand up and cook without leaving the kitchen!

Hotpot opened a branch: I'm sitting anyway, I can't even cook.

Hot pot favorite shabu-shabu: Look at how much fat sheep we love, holding the small quilt and sending it to Brother Jian and Brother Lu, it ’s so good to want to raise a fat sheep ~~~~

Cucumbers are also good in hot pot: I want to raise a fat sheep +1

Hot pot can actually put vinegar: I want to raise a fat sheep +2

Hot pot support group leader V: A silently being raised by a fat sheep, suddenly felt very happy!

The hot pots downstairs saw the head of the Big V running on Weibo and whispering, all of them rushed for a beating. The head of the team is actually a fan of fat sheep. The hot pot group knows it inside. After all, the head of the team always gets so many photos of life, and it must be related to the fat sheep. However, today he showed such a show that he hated people. It ca n’t be so happy to see such a cute fat sheep every day, can he be raised by a fat sheep when he is the leader? For a while, the deputy commander, the battalion commander (yes, the scale of the hot pot regiment has been expanded to include a battalion commander), and the captain all said they would usurp the position!

Of course, there are still some sour words on the Internet. Some people have said that Tan Feiyang is the crown prince of Yuyang. Of course, it is impossible for the show group to play content that is not good for him. It is also said that reality shows are deceptive. In fact, they are all arranged. Do you think Tan Feiyang is so perfect? Besides, in fact, maybe the smiling actress on the show was crying in private, maybe how could it be taken advantage of by the Lord Devil.

These sour words were beaten by the hot pot regiments, and soon fell silent, but I don't know if this statement is really some sunspots, or the navy is dormant.

At the same time, Jian Ningzhe went to a private investigator to investigate Lili and Liu Yi. The results were also there. There was nothing over Liu Yi. Lili had contacted Baihua there.

There is always a way for a star to avoid paparazzi. It is also difficult for a private detective to keep up with Lily. Fortunately, this private detective is very clever. After unexpectedly seeing Bai Hua entering Lili ’s neighborhood, he not only sent someone to follow Lily, but It is important to keep track of white birch. After all, Bai Hua is not a star, so she pays less attention in this regard. Her residence is not particularly well-secured and it is relatively easy to follow.

In the photo, Bai Hua and Lili, who had put on makeup, went into a high-end restaurant together, or in a private room. The private detective only saw that Bai Hua gave Lili a file bag when the waiter delivered the food. Lili's face seemed unsightly.

Although I didn't get much, these were enough for Jane Ningzhe to guess a lot. He looked at those photos, considered them, and finally printed them out and went straight to Tan Feiyang.

Although Tan Feiyang has many residences, most of them are open to Jian Ningzhe. Jian Ningzhe doesn't even need to contact Tan Feiyang, just call Xiao Zhang.

So when Tan Feiyang returned to his residence, he saw that Jian Ningzhe was ready for him.

The weather had already entered the scorching heat, and Tan Feiyang was walking into the room while taking off his jacket while shouting heat, so when he saw Jian Ningzhe, he had just taken off his jacket and left it aside.

Jian Ningzhe glanced over Tan Feiyang's belly, and smiled and said, "It's much stronger than before, and keep working hard."

After speaking, his eyes fell on Tan Feiyang's chest again. After looking at it, he said, "The exercise of the pectoral muscles is almost near. Don't forget the exercise here."

Tan Feiyang was slowly and slowly under his generous eyes ... He bent down and picked up the clothes he had just thrown on the ground silently. Then he grinned at Jian Ningzhe: "Hey, The air conditioner was a bit cold, so I better put on my clothes. "

"Yes, it's best not to take off so fast just after sweating." Jian Ningzhe said, "go and take a shower, then eat, and make your favorite."

Tan Feiyang glanced across the table, nodded, and walked steadily into the bathroom.

When he entered the bathroom, he patted his chest immediately, and quickly called Xiao Zhang, who was away, and asked, "Why don't you tell me that Jian Ningzhe is here?"

Xiao Zhang lost his head: "He called you and called in front of me! After calling, he also said that you told him not to come back tonight, Tan Shao, you really plan to call him Do you want to start? Feiyang, don't lose it, I'll tell you ... "

Tan Feiyang hanged up the phone decisively, and he couldn't count on this fool who was deceived by Jian Ningzhe's acting skills.

I took a quick shower and calmed down, and changed into more conservative clothes. I also wore a vest under my T-shirt. I was afraid I might show something, so I walked out of the room.

When he stepped out of the door, he saw Jane Ningzhe smiled to herself in an apron and said, "After taking a shower? Are you hungry? Would you like to eat?"

Tan Feiyang felt that he heard the sound of flowers blooming. 2k novel reading network

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