MTL - Gold Lord is Very Busy-Chapter 26 Pain

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Tan Feiyang was going to make a night show that night, but Jian Ningzhe was more laid back. Although he is the male No. 3, but the role is much less than the protagonist and Tan Feiyang. Tan Feiyang's shooting was still not smooth that day, and the NG countless times before the director reluctantly nodded to pass. Tan Feiyang dragged his tired body back to the room and began to consider whether he really did not have talent for acting. error.

It is said that he did not intend to come to play, but wanted to have a real job in Yuyang, so as to help Wu Brother become famous. He has a real job at his fingertips, so why bother to film and suffer.

However, the bow did not turn back, and the propaganda has already been fired. It is very likely that you will give up this movie at this time and you will probably smash it. If you act too badly, it will also cause this movie to hit the streets. Now it ’s not a matter of Yuyang investing in this movie. Many people like Li Chengxi, Jian Ningzhe and so on are waiting to see the effect of this movie. Many people even wait for this movie to be on the screen. When he shows his face, no matter whether he gives up or smashes, he will ruin the efforts of countless people.

The director's eyes became red every day as he watched the photographer carry the camera and lie on the floor to follow the actors. The protagonist has a little drama. When chased by the killer, in order to shoot the scene of the rolling and crawling scene, his face was scratched, thick makeup and traces were applied, and these scars need to be removed during post-production. Brother Wu, in order to take a rainy scene with him for a whole day in the rain, it is winter. Even if it is not below zero during the day, it is only one or two degrees. The biting ice is the next day. Brother Wu is sneezing.

Too no, too weak. Acting is not a part-time job. The acting mainly feels that it is not a dragon suit and running around with everyone. If he really ruined the whole movie because he was alone, Tan Feiyang felt that he would never forgive himself for life. Because of self-blame and anxiety, he has been holding back the anger, and now someone has mocked and satirized in front of him, and Tan Feiyang has also gritted his teeth.

I dragged my tired body back to the room, and as soon as I entered the door, I smelled a scent of smell from the outside. The scent actually gave him a little appetite. You must know that you could not eat anything before.

"Xiao Zhang? What did you buy, so fragrant?" Throwing the thick coat on the chair, Tan Feiyang walked into the room, and as soon as he entered the door, Jian Ningzhe was putting vegetables on the table.

"Did you make it?" Tan Feiyang's eyes widened and he looked at the food on the table with a special warm feeling.

"The Chinese food in country M is not tasteful. I bought something to make by myself. But the kitchenware ingredients are not good, so I will eat it." Jian Ningzhe wiped her hands and opened the chair for Tan Feiyang.

Staring at home-cooked food on a large table, Tan Feiyang suddenly felt hungry, but he still stared at the dining table without moving chopsticks.

"What's wrong? Although the actors have to keep in shape, but I don't think you need that right now. The character of Qu Yan would have been better with a bit of flesh on his face, and your age, even if you eat more supper, will not hurt you. Body. "Jian Ningzhe took a bite of food and put it in Tan Feiyang's bowl." Even if you can't eat, try to eat as much as possible, you are thin. "

"Um." Tan Feiyang nodded and picked up his chopsticks to eat. He doesn't eat fast and doesn't look sweet, but he finally eats the food in one sip, not like he has no appetite.

Seeing that he slowly swallowed the food, Jian Ningzhe gave an encouraging smile: "Take it slowly. You can't get used to the food of country M during this time. You can come to me. Although there is no way to taste authentic outside the border, but always Better than Liuyang's improved meals. "

Tan Feiyang ate a little, his taste seemed to be gradually recovering, the food became more and more fragrant, and he gradually ate a little taste.

"It's delicious." He swallowed the vegetable that he had been chewing in his mouth, and lowered his head.

When eating, Jian Ningzhe didn't say anything. She had a loss of appetite. If she said something unhappy, it would affect digestion, and she would get stomach problems after a long time. Tan Feiyang used to toss his own body, his stomach was not very good. If indigestion affects the filming tomorrow, it is estimated that he will be lower.

After eating, Jian Ningzhe cleaned up his chopsticks, and Tan Feiyang looked at him quietly. When he heard that Jian Ningzhe was brushing the bowl, he quietly walked behind him, hugged Jian Ningzhe's waist, and put his face on his back.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, and had just been born again. He wanted to do it the first time he saw Jian Ningzhe. Jian Ningzhe's back looks so tall and looks particularly secure. Once upon a time, he liked to pounce on Wu brother's back and press him hard.

Jian Ningzhe's hand shook slightly, pressing down the inexplicable familiarity of her heart. He continued to brush the bowl, leaving Tan Feiyang to hold him like a conjoined baby.

Until he cleaned up, he took Tan Feiyang to sit on the sofa and asked him softly: "Is there a feeling of powerlessness? I have no energy to use and I think very well in my heart, but I cannot perform at all. Hearing the rumors and being suffocated and do n’t know how to refute. Without the director scolding you, you will feel guilty when you see him shaking his head, especially afraid of hearing the sighs of others? ”

"Uh-huh!" Tan Feiyang nodded again and again, his eyes helpless, "I'm useless."

"It's not useless," Jian Ningzhe patted his hand. "This is a difficulty that newcomers often encounter. There are too few geniuses in this world. No one will be smooth sailing. Everyone will feel powerless, and the most important thing is how to overcome it. These ones."

"I ... not the same," said Tan Feiyang, shaking his head. "I became a monk halfway and did not receive any education in acting at all. I also benefited from my own conditions to such an important role, but now I can't perform well ..."

He wanted to say that it would affect many people, but when he thought he was Tan Feiyang now, he swallowed it.

"There are a lot of people who are halfway out of the entertainment industry and get roles through relationships, but many of them are getting angry, and their acting skills are good now." Jian Ningzhe said, "Like Changlincheng, the protagonist. Squatting outside the studio every day, looking for opportunities to perform for those directors, hoping to get the role. And now you look at his acting skills, these are slowly honed, acting for one year, in those ten years, Twenty years, even if you do n’t have talent, you can practice eight or nine without ten. And in my opinion, you are not without talent. "

"But I really can't play it. I shouldn't play this role. I or I would be an idol drama. Even if the acting skills are bad, I can rely on the value, costume and production of color, but now this is Movie, I'm afraid I ruined the show. "Tan Feiyang shook his head.

"Don't be so unconfident in yourself," advised Jian Ningzhe. "Don't care if you came in through relationships or finances, and you didn't go through the audition. The director watched your performance and recognized your performance and chose you. What you are doing is just giving yourself a chance, not robbing others. This time the director was originally a newcomer, and the performance of another person may not be better than yours. "

Tan Feiyang shook his fist, gritted his teeth and said, "In fact, the crew is watching my joke. I know, and I know, in fact, I shouted that these people would not even dare to put a fart. But I ... if I use my own Identity is even more useless, except for being a good student, who has no strength at all. I want to hit their faces with acting! But I can't. "

"Offended." Jian Ningzhe looked at Tan Feiyang's unwilling expression, stretched out his hands and patted him **** the side of his cheek. The face didn't hurt much, but the sound of "popping" made Tan Feiyang's head look like a The needle stabbed hard, so painful that he had to break away from his emotions, and looked at Jane Ningzhe with some awkwardness and doubt.

"Does it hurt? I used some effort." Jian Ningzhe asked.

"It hurts," Tan Feiyang said, pulling his face. "But it didn't hurt even after taking it."

"Are you awake?"


Jian Ningzhe showed a complex smile: "Look, sometimes the negative emotions of pain and sadness are not bad things. He can make people face up to their deficiencies. Without knowing these deficiencies, they can never overcome them. You already understand To your own shortcomings, then it's just a matter of overcoming it, how simple it is. "

"How to overcome it?" Tan Feiyang asked with anticipation.

"It's very simple," Jian Ningzhe said easily. "Keep your original acting style. Don't think that you can't, try to change your understanding of the role, this will only change and become more chaotic. I can tell you with certainty that you are the most The starting acting is what the director needs, what the plot needs, and what the characters need. "

"But I have been NG since the beginning, and I was not good at first."

"Then you think about it, at the beginning, why were you NG?" Jian Ningzhe helped Tan Feiyang to recall, "Is the director have an opinion on your performance? No, I remember that your first NG was because of shooting At the airport scene, several dragon sets walking around constantly blocked your face. Your expression action camera did not capture them at all. Later, the few dragon sets that scrambled for the show were also scolded. But the previous few NGs were like this Disrupted your rhythm, causing your scene to become more and more chaotic, and completely forgot how you acted in the beginning. Later, the director asked you to rethink the role, not to change your original understanding, but to hope You can find your own rhythm, but you understand the meaning of the wrong director, and the result is worse and worse, you ca n’t find the clue. ”

"Ah!" Tan Feiyang yelled suddenly, thinking for a while, and nodded strongly, "Yes, yes, that's it! It was quite smooth at first, but it became more awkward!"

"So what you have to do now is to eat something, do n’t want anything, take a night off and sleep well. Tomorrow morning I remember that without your film, you do n’t have to go to the crew and watch the script in the room. That's all. "Jian Ningzhe patted Fei Yang's shoulders, looking like a big brother.

"Okay!" Tan Feiyang nodded strongly. "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed now."

So he rushed into the bathroom easily, and took a hot bath in Meimeidi. When he came out, Jian Ningzhe had already left, and he didn't stay outside. Instead, Xiao Zhang, who had disappeared, appeared in the room.

When I saw Xiao Zhang, Tan Feiyang couldn't help but feel a little lost, but he didn't lose it for too long. The fifth brother was able to notice his current situation, and came to cook for him, unravel him and comfort him. It was nothing if he didn't stay. Well live in this room. Now it ’s not at home. The crew is very talkative. The fifth brother and the people who live with him are not good at gossiping.

I slept beautifully in bed, only waking up feeling refreshed. It's nine o'clock in the morning, and there is a breakfast in the kitchen. I didn't buy it outside, but I made it myself. Tan Feiyang filled the bowl of porridge and ate it with one mouthful. He only felt that his tongue was fragrant, which was the taste of Wu Brother.

He eats sweet and sweet, and the happier he eats. When I have eaten the meal and then pick up the script, it's new. The script is still the script, but all the words are like alive. He only needs to read it once to imagine how to perform. Of course, this kind of performance is still analyzed with Wu brother, but the previous analysis is like the teacher passed the knowledge to him. He used it a bit awkwardly, but now it seems to be completely his own thing.

Tan Feiyang, who went to film in the afternoon, had a feeling of breaking a cocoon and turning into a butterfly. The whole body was restrained, and the whole person was refreshed.

The first scene in the afternoon was after Detective Liu Song was chased by a killer, he went back and cried with his nose and tears. Qu Yan was sympathetic and disgusting to him. Sympathy was sympathy. He was almost killed by the killer's eye. His dislike was because his nephew really wiped his nose on him!

"Woohoo ... Cousin, if I hadn't practiced in the past, my skills were quite flexible. Today you see the ashes of your cousin, woohoo ..." Liu Songwang was in Qu Yan's arms, who was younger and thinner than himself. Flutter, beg for comfort.

"It can't be ashes," Qu Yanyan, with low emotional intelligence, watched Liu Songyi's head pierce himself, tears and snot snoring on his white shirt. He leaned back convulsively, but behind It was the wall, he could only twist his face in pain, but still very lovingly extended his arm to pat the back of his nephew. "According to the death pattern of the previous deceased, you will definitely be divided."

Song Liu snorted suddenly.

"Mut limbs and skull."

Liu Song pulled out of Qu Yan's arms and touched his arms, thighs and neck vigorously.

"Buried again."

Liu Songhuan hugged himself.

Qu Yan said earnestly: "And I didn't stay with you last night and didn't witness you being victimized. You are an adult and can only be declared missing after 48 hours, and the police will go near your life I'm looking for you. The murderer will drive you overnight to bury it elsewhere, it must be buried deep. When the police can find you elsewhere, my visa will expire and I will return to your country, and you are black / household in country M. The police cannot Check your identity through your blood type, hair, and DNA. The last two cases, one murder and one disappearance, will become a headless case. By the way, you have a criminal record at the police station, and you have left your fingerprints. The murderer will definitely let you The fingerprint disappeared, so the skin on your finger ... "

"Don't talk!" Liu Song held his body and twisted a few times, covering his face, "I want to cry even more ..."

Qu Yan put on a cute face again and said, "This is not the past tense, but not necessarily the future tense. The murderer saw your face, but you did not see his face ..."

Qu Yan shook his head and sighed hard.

"So what am I going to do!" Liu Song really cried and wiped his nose and tears directly on Qu Yan.

Qu Yan: "..."

"What to do!" Liu Song rushed to Qu Yan with open arms, his fingers dark.

"Ah!" Qu Yan jumped away and said, running and jumping, "Of course, before the murderer found you, he thought of the murderer's true appearance and arrested him!"


Li Chengxi nodded with satisfaction and smiled at Tan Feiyang. While the next scene was being prepared, he whispered, "Yes, it's back to normal."

He used recovery instead of entry.

Thinking of what Jen Ningzhe said last night, Tan Feiyang looked around in the crew and saw that Brother Wu was watching the script silently. A actor who seemed to have a lot of drama came to his side, and said in front of Jen Ningzhe with a brave look. What is it.

Tan Feiyang walked over, sitting beside Jane Ningzhe, looking up at the actor.

The actor shut up immediately, but his expression of looking at Tan Feiyang was also disdainful. With a look of "you two and one Qiu Zhiben and the high-ranking people don't care about you", Tan Feiyang didn't need to listen to know what he was talking about.

This is the actor. When he was acting badly, he had a slight disdain in the words. His words always make people think of "some people, without acting, they must steal the opportunity of others, and ruin a play, let us act badly with these acting skills", listening to a particular heart. Of course, it's not just him who speaks bad things about Tan Feiyang behind him.

Tan Feiyang showed an unwilling smile: "Say, what are you talking about so happy, let me listen to you."

The actor smiled with a skinny smile and said, "I'm not very familiar with Jian Ningzhe, just a few words of boredom."

"Oh," Tan Fei raised his eyebrows. "Are you bored and talk casually? How can I see that Jian Ningzhe has been seriously watching the script here, and suddenly a fly came over and 'buzzed' to affect people's trying to figure out the role. Boring and trouble playing mobile Do n’t affect us who are working hard and motivated here. Oh, by the way, I remember that you have never played a good role. It is probably too poor to afford the traffic. The traffic in country M seems to be very expensive. Hey, anyway, I There is no shortage of traffic, and I don't understand what the poor think. "

"You ..." The actor was so humiliated that he pointed his finger at Tan Feiyang, but did not dare to scold Tan Feiyang directly.

"Finger, take it off." Tan Feiyang stood up, more than one actor taller. He wrapped his hand in a handkerchief and moved the man's finger aside, still looking down at him, contemptuously with his hand (across the handkerchief). Pat the actor's face and said, "It's not educated to see you, and it's not polite to point your finger at someone. Is it necessary to temporarily suspend the show and take a break and find a third-rate school for further study?"

"Tan Feiyang!" The "clear and high" actor finally shouted, "Don't threaten people with power, others are afraid of you and I'm not afraid, even if you use means, I won't give in to your sister-in-law!"

"噗 ——" Tan Feiyang laughed loudly, and threw his handkerchief on the ground like any pollution source. "Don't make a noise, you are the bottom of society, where can I crush. What kind of submission, I will deal with it You? Who gave you the face and asked you to give yourself so much money. To you, I do n’t even have to say a word, there are a lot of people who help me teach you lessons and teach you what is understanding, courtesy, and appearance. "

He put his hands / in his pants pockets, with a look of contempt and contempt, and the utterance was full of humiliation. The actor stared at him with red eyes for a while, but finally turned away.

Tan Feiyang shrugged and lowered his head and said to Jian Ningzhe: "Look at his success, he really considers himself a thing."

Jian Ningzhe: "..."

"what happened?"

Jian Ningzhe: "Why are you standing on a stool?"

"Oh, he seems tall." The arrogant Tan Shao blushed just now. He was obviously not short.

Tan Feiyang stood on the stool, and Jian Ningzhe sat next to him, looking directly at his leg. Jian Ningzhe looked up and down Tan Feiyang and smiled: "Although he is not tall, his legs are quite long."

Tan Feiyang blushed and quickly got down from the stool. Jian Ningzhe took out a tissue to help Tan Feiyang wipe the stool. Tan Feiyang sat next to Jian Ningzhe again and smiled brightly.

"Very happy, aren't you sad?" Jian Ningzhe asked.

"Huh!" Tan Feiyang nodded strongly, his eyes were very bright. "The director praised me just now."

"It's fine," Jian Ningzhe said lightly. "But the difficulties in the entertainment industry are not limited to this. As long as you want to act, you will encounter various difficulties later."

"Then ... when I have any more questions, can you ... come to help me cook a meal again?" Tan Feiyang looked at Jian Ningzhe with anticipation.

I don't know why he's always trying to reach out and rub his hair. He's obviously not the only inch size Jen Ningzhe likes, but he still wants to touch. With a lot of perseverance, Jian Ningzhe restrained his hands that were about to move, and laughed, "It's okay now."

"Then I can't bear it," Tan Feiyang bumped Jian Ningzhe, lowered his head and said in his ear, "You've worked hard enough, and you'll feel bad if you get tired."

Brother Wu used to say this to him before, saying that he would be distressed when tired, and that Tan Feiyang would be full of energy every time he listened. He thinks this is a very good way to encourage people, and it can give people unlimited motivation!

Jane Zhezhe being tuned / played: "..."

After speaking for a while, Tan Feiyang didn't want to disturb Jian Ningzhe, so he accompanied him silently, watched the script with him, and figured out the characteristics of the characters. After a while, it was Tan Feiyang's turn, and he put down the script to make up for the film. After Tan Feiyang left, Jian Ningzhe put down the script and looked at his back quietly.

"Sometimes the negative emotions of pain and sadness are not bad. He can make people face up to his weaknesses. Without knowing these weaknesses, he can never overcome them." Jian Ningzhe said these words to Tan Feiyang yesterday. It's not what the great man said, but Jane's own understanding.

He had broken his heart, broke his heart, and lost the whole world. He had no idea what it meant to live, and he had deeply realized how incompetent he was.

The sense of superiority brought about in his career has disappeared. He is just a little person who is helpless and helpless. Like a ant, he thinks how esoteric to avoid the circle of power. In fact, he is only his self-satisfaction and his self-righteousness.

He used to think that he could live well with Xiaoba, even if he was not so rich, but he could be very happy.

But the fall into the mud made him understand how much he had.

The former high and proud are just excuses without courage.

Only the most painful experience can make him understand his deficiencies and make up for them.

So Xiao Ba, I will keep going, even with the pain of eternal life. 2k novel reading network

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