MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 2268 Emperor's gift

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Xia Ruofei was stunned for a moment and said, "No one is stopping you? What senior means... The junior doesn't quite understand."

Emperor Qingping said lightly: "When this emperor appeared just now, he inadvertently released some breath, they were just talking in the yard next door, they must have felt it, so Mo Shoucheng should have left the palace with someone at this time, they must have Don't dare to stay for a long time."

Xia Ruofei suddenly realized, and said in his heart: It seems that this boss used to be under great pressure! Mo Shoucheng must be terrified of him.

Emperor Qingping thought for a while, and then said, "Just wait a moment..."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and swiped a few times in the void, directly condensing a badge-like thing with the power of Yuanshen, and then waved his hand in the air to push the badge towards Xia Ruofei.

Emperor Qingping said: "Although this little friend's magic treasure in the cave also has a trace of the deity, it is already very weak. This badge is kept, if you encounter obstacles such as formations in the process of going out, you can rely on this Badges should save a lot of trouble!"

Xia Ruofei took the badge over like a treasure, which was condensed by the pure essence body, but it was substantial in his hand, even with a hint of metal texture.

"Thank you, senior!" Xia Ruofei said.

Emperor Qingping said with a trace of exhaustion: "The old man is seriously damaged now, so this badge should only last about twenty days..."

"Enough! Enough! Thank you so much, senior!" Xia Ruofei said quickly.

He can only stay in the Qingping World Ruins for a month. Counting the time spent in the early stage, he will only have about 20 days left. At that time, he must leave the Qingping World Ruins, so this The badge can be used until he leaves, which has surprised Xia Ruofei inexplicably.

You must know that the entire Qingping realm was under the rule of Emperor Qingping back then, so the badge of Emperor Qingping with his breath should not only be valid within the scope of the emperor’s bedroom and palace, but also in the entire Qingping realm. Within the scope of the ruins, it can play a certain role. For Xia Ruofei, it is definitely a great help for the exploration of the ruins.

Xia Ruofei also noticed that after the Emperor Qingping condensed the badge, the Yuanshen body seemed to be thinner, and the whole person seemed very tired.

Xia Ruofei was very moved in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help feeling a little guilty. He hesitated a little, and then made a decision in his heart.

"Senior Emperor, there are some soul jade essences here, I don't know if it will help your recovery..." Xia Ruofei said.

Then, with a thought, he took a piece of Soul Jade Essence directly from the air.

This is a piece he cut out of a large Soul Jade Essence piece. Although it is not the whole piece, it is many times larger than the set of small pieces.

Xia Ruofei knows the preciousness of the soul jade essence, and also knows that even if he takes out all the soul jade essence, it may not be enough for Emperor Qingping to absorb. After all, the strength of the boss is there, the stronger the strength, in this The more he needs to replenish when he is on the verge of collapse, even if his little Soul Jade Essence is useful, I am afraid that the amount is far from enough.

But Xia Ruofei still took it out, because up to now, Emperor Qingping has been very good to him. Just by staying for a period of time, he gave him a piece of wisdom, and there is a steamed bun that can improve his cultivation. , I feel that his cultivation strength has been slowly improving, he does not need to cultivate and absorb, and his cultivation is constantly rising, which is enough to show that this steamed bun, which is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Emperor Qingping, is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Xia Ruofei. It is also a very precious treasure for infant monks.

Now Emperor Qingping took the initiative to spend his Yuanshen body to condense a badge for him, which moved Xia Ruofei even more.

Xia Ruofei has always had clear grievances and grievances. Emperor Qingping treats him well, so he can't do nothing, even if the soul jade essence he takes out may not play a big role, but if he doesn't do it, he will feel bad.

Emperor Qingping couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the four words Soul Jade Essence. When he saw Xia Ruofei took a large piece of Soul Jade Essence, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise and said: "No Thinking of the little friend returning such a good thing..."

"So... Soul Jade Essence can help senior recover?" Xia Ruofei asked happily.

Emperor Qingping smiled slightly and said: "Soul jade essence has a warming effect on all primordial bodies, and this old man is no exception. But if I want to return to the peak level, this kind of soul jade essence can be used again. 100% should be about the same..."

The smile on Xia Ruofei's face suddenly solidified, hundreds of copies... Even if you hollow out the soul jade mine of Hongyu, you can't get so much! Or bring Hongyu over, he is a soul chalcedony, and the effect should be much better than that of the soul jade... But Hongyu is also very good to himself, at least when Hongyu and Laobai were restraining each other at that time, This buddy is still going for his own, to take his soul jade essence, and even capture him as a supplement to Emperor Qingping, isn't it a bit unkind...

Just when Xia Ruofei was in a lot of thoughts, Emperor Qingping said with a smile: "Little friend, this old man is joking with you, it's not easy for you to find such a large piece of soul jade, hundreds of pieces of this kind of soul jade are not easy. Soul essence, even the entire Qingping world should not be able to gather together! And... the old man said that he has returned to the peak state. In fact, this little friend's soul jade essence is still very helpful to the old man, at least it can be Help the old man to stabilize the primordial body, and it will not continue to collapse and dissipate in a short period of time. This is already a great help to the old man! Little friend has a heart, and this old man of your kindness will not be hypocritical! There will be a great reward in the future. !"

Xia Ruofei breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he doesn't have to hesitate. Even if he wants to do something to Hongyu, he has to help Emperor Qingping. If Emperor Qingping had just appeared, he would have no problem dealing with Hongyu, but he went to the ground to repair the seal and came back. In this state, I am afraid that ordinary powerful cultivators can't match him, and it is quite good to meet Hongyu. Not good!

"It's good to be able to help the seniors!" Xia Ruofei said with a smile, "Since there is the help of the soul jade, won't the seniors fall into sleep so soon?"

Emperor Qingping said with a smile: "On the contrary, this old man is about to go into a deep sleep... For the present old man, the soul jade essence is a great tonic medicine, to absorb the breath of the soul jade essence, it is natural to It's only in the state of deep sleep. In fact, when the old man smelled the breath of the soul jade, he couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to enter the state of deep sleep, and now he is trying to fight and talking to the little friend..."

Xia Ruofei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and smiled bitterly in his heart. He thought that with the help of Soul Jade, Emperor Qingping could at least stay awake for a period of time, so that he could explore in the Qingping world, wouldn't he have One of the best guides? Who else would know the Qingping world better than Emperor Qingping himself? If there is the guidance of Emperor Qingping, even if it is a few big Jedi, he has the confidence to make a breakthrough. In such a dangerous place, there must be many opportunities. High risks are often accompanied by high returns!

However, now it seems to be self-defeating, taking out the Soul Jade Essence by himself, but instead makes Emperor Qingping fall into a state of sleep faster.

It seems that if you want to borrow strength, you can't borrow it.

But Xia Ruofei was just a little regretful, and this emotion did not last long and was relieved soon. Because Emperor Qingping has given him enough benefits, plus the benefits of exploring the emperor's palace this time, he can be said to have made a lot of money, and the badge condensed by Emperor Qingping can also give him Next, it is enough to help in the exploration of the Qingpingjie ruins.

One must know contentment, and contentment can lead to happiness.

Therefore, Xia Ruofei quickly adjusted his attitude and said quickly: "In this case, the junior will not disturb the senior emperor, you can sleep on this island with peace of mind, and communicate directly with the junior if you need anything!"

Emperor Qingping nodded with a smile, and then used his mental power to roll up the soul jade essence and flew directly into the wooden house in the medicine garden.

Xia Ruofei watched him fly into the wooden house, and then bowed to the wooden house, only then did he leave the spiritual map space and return to the outside world with a thought.

Xia Ruofei put away the spiritual picture scroll and put it in the palm of his hand.

He looked at the farmhouse's kitchen, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. So many things happened in this short period of time. He actually saw a legendary figure like Emperor Qingping, and now Emperor Qingping's Primordial Spirit clone, Even living in his spiritual map space, this kind of encounter is simply too miraculous, making him feel like a world away.

Xia Ruofei quickly packed up his mood, and while walking towards the outside, he separated a trace of mind and returned to the spiritual map space.

The body that was condensed with the invisible power of space regained its vitality immediately after Xia Ruofei's mind entered.

And the remnant soul of the black dragon also discovered it at the first time, and hurriedly came over and said respectfully: "Master, are you back? How is it? Did Huigen get it? You just said that Emperor Qingping gave it to you... Could it be that this old... The old man is still alive? He... he still lives in the palace?"

Xia Ruofei glanced at the remnant soul of the black dragon with a funny look, and said, "These things have something to do with you? Why do you feel that you care more about Huigen and Emperor Qingping than me?"

Black Dragon Remnant smiled and said: "Isn't this curious about Xiao! After all, Emperor Qingping once fought with Xiao... this deity for so many years, so he can be regarded as a respectable opponent!"

Xia Ruofei said lightly: "Then satisfy your curiosity! Emperor Qingping left a primordial spirit clone in the bedroom, and he has been in a state of sleep, but our movement in the abyss was too great, and he was awakened. And I was just exploring the room where he lived, and I was caught by the owner..."

"Ah? In such a situation... Are you still alive, Master?" Heilong's remnant opened his mouth, and after he blurted out, he consciously lost his words, and said quickly, "I want to are really heroic and extraordinary! Even the Yuan of Emperor Qingping. God clones can't help you..."

Xia Ruofei said with a smile but not a smile: "The emperor is broad-minded, how can he have the same knowledge as me?"

"That old... The emperor is broad-minded? This is simply..." Heilong's remnant soul muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Xia Ruofei asked.

"Oh! No... nothing, you're right!" Heilong Remnant said, "But even if Emperor Qingping doesn't pursue your case of trespassing into the palace, he can't take the initiative to give you a piece of Huigen! Huigen is for the emperor. It's also very precious..."

Xia Ruofei said lightly: "He went down to the underground abyss to completely repair the seal, and he was also severely consumed, and the Yuanshen body was on the verge of collapsing and dissipating..."

"That's great..." The Remnant Soul of the Black Dragon subconsciously cheered.

Then he immediately realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing again, lowered his head to avoid Xia Ruofei's eyes, and explained with all his might: "The little thing is... Emperor Qingping has completely repaired the seal, which is really great. In this way, That black dragon deity will definitely be trapped inside, unable to come out to make waves! This is really heartwarming!"

Xia Ruofei naturally knew what the black dragon remnant soul meant by "great", but he didn't break it, just smiled and said: "This cave magic weapon is made of some bones of Emperor Qingping as the main material. Therefore, in this magic treasure of the cave, it can delay the dissipation of the primordial spirit of Emperor Qingping, and even help him to recover slowly. Therefore, I let the avatar of Emperor Qingping enter this magic treasure to cultivate, and he gave it to me to thank me. I have a lot of wisdom..."

"What?" The remnant soul of the black dragon almost disappeared, "Master, you mean... the clone of Emperor Qingping is also in this magic treasure?"

Xia Ruofei nodded and said, "Yeah! He lives not far from here. Would you like me to take you to see him? By the way, you should be considered as old acquaintances, and he is a primordial avatar, and so are you. A wisp of remnant soul, the two are similar, and there should be a lot of common language!"

Heilong's remnant soul waved his hands again and again and said, "Don't, don't! Master, please forgive Xiao! Back then, Heilong and Emperor Qingping were about to blow their brains out, so what else can we do when we meet? Now Xiao You are so weak, I am afraid that you will be directly suppressed by Emperor Qingping in a single meeting, you are still pitiful and poor!"

Xia Ruofei put away his smile and said: "Then put away your resentment against Emperor Qingping, and help me explore in this Qingping world. As long as I can leave here safely, I will naturally have your benefits after I go to the outside world. Even if there is a chance, it is not impossible to find a body for you..."

"Yes yes yes!" The remnant soul of the black dragon nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Little one, remember, you must do your best and never dare to slack off!"

"That's good!" Xia Ruofei nodded, and then said, "I'm looking for you just to tell you, now that the things outside have been basically dealt with, I'm going to leave the emperor's palace, you can tell me the route and talk about it. What are the things that need attention on the road, what formations and possible traps, please explain them to me one by one, the more detailed the better!"

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