MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3877 Each has a ghost, changing rapidly

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The huge body of the ancestors appeared in the gray fog

Come, big as a mountain, shaped like a dog, with snake-like scales

Long neck, and fluffy lion-like golden hair on the head.

The front paws are like an eagle and the hind paws are like a tiger.

This is completely different from the corpse ancestors imagined by Zhang Ruochen.

There is no rotten flesh on his body, much like a mythical beast, a scorpion.

When the clone met Zhang Ruochen before, the corpse ancestor was not

This appearance is just a wisp of corpse fog that gathers and disperses from time to time.

Zhang Ruochen's fighting spirit was not diminished, and his mood was not disturbed, he said: "The corpse

Become a scorpion, and then turn into a hozen. The ancestor of Moli, I didn't expect you

Has lived to the third world!"

After the death of the strong corpse, they often bury themselves in Santu

In the river, hidden in the forbidden area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​corpses, hoping to borrow money from the Santu River

The strange power lived out the second life.

Indeed, some people do it, live out the second life, and become "


After the dry scorpion dies, it will be buried in the Santu River again, if it can still be born

When the intellect is alive, it will become mad.

Carrion gone, turned into life

This is the legendary account of the ancestor of the red dyed corpse and the ancestor of the dry scorpion, and it is also the mad ancestor of the demon clan.

the legend of.

From ancient times to the present, there has been only the first corpse ancestor of the corpse clan, "Red Dyeing Corpse Ancestor".

To change into a scorpion, and then into a scorpion, and live three lives in a row. The four corpse borders of the corpse clan, the red dye border

Heganjijiang was created in this way.

If you count the past body of the ancestor of the red dyed corpse, it is the fourth generation.

The four corpse borders, the Moli border, which was founded most recently, is the one in front of you.

A Moli corpse ancestor opened up.

The voice of the ancestor of Moli's corpse is like a thunder in the sky: "Since you know, this ancestor lived to the end of his life.

The third generation, turned into a scorpion, should understand why the ancestors merged with Huangquan the Great

do, not you. "

Zhang Ruochen nodded and said, "You are still alive, and you want to start over again.

To cultivate to the ancestral realm, the first step is to expel death energy. Huangquan of Emperor Huangquan

India can help you. "

"If the death energy is gone, the ancestor will immediately have the battle of the peak of immortality.

force. "Moli corpse ancestor said.

Zhang Ruochen said: "When the peak of immortality meets the half-ancestor, it is still difficult to escape, right? You kill me,

Tianmu will kill you, you are in hell

The world has no place to stand, and the price is too great. "

Moli Shizu shook his head and said, "You are wrong at least two times.

point. First, the three of our powerhouses join forces, you have no

There is a chance to escape from the impermanent ghost town, who knows who will kill you


"After this battle, I will continue to be the ancestor of the corpse clan, continue to

Befriend the heavens of hell. "

"Secondly, Tianmu is fighting against the darkness.

Unpredictable death. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you have to face Pakistan

Er, Unknown Swordsman, Bone Yama, Nine Dead Emperors, Seven

Twelve rank lotus and other powerhouses, as well as ancient creatures. she really

Do you have the spare energy to deal with the ancestor?"

"Zhang Ruochen, you have to understand a truth,

For those who are in the position, the current interests come first.

"If you are not dead, Tianmu will naturally value you. But if you

Dead, when the boat is done, do you believe it or not?

Under the pressure, Tianmu will not only not kill me, but also cooperate with me

If you don't believe me, ask Gai Mo!

Gai Mie took out a Demon God stone pillar and held it in his hand.

Zhong, said: "There is no eternal enemy in the world, only eternal

Interests. "

After a moment of silence, Zhang Ruochen said: "To get rid of your body

The death energy of death, the master of death Feng Caiyi can do it. I step

Entering immortality is immeasurable, and also has this ability, not necessarily only relying on

Emperor Huangquan. "

Moli Shizu said: "No need to say more, since this ancestor has

Promised to Huang Quan, it will not be repeated. Besides, you

These monks of this age are deeply hostile to the ancient powerhouses,

Among them, Feng Caiyi is the worst. What is the benefit of cooperating with you?


Zhang Ruochen said with a smile: "In cooperation with Emperor Huangquan, we can

Is there a good end? It's still trying to find a skin with the tiger, maybe it will end

will be more miserable. You might as well consider it, I use the land

Ding, refining the strange blood spring, the blood here is half yours


The voice of Emperor Huangquan, passed from the coffin of life and death

Out: "Zhang Ruochen, you don't need to alienate us anymore, no

use. It is true that we do not trust each other, but

We need each other. Cooperation is beneficial to both, fighting is beneficial to both

hurt. "

Emperor Huang Quan no longer gave Zhang Ruochen a chance to speak.

Above the double coffin of life and death, a bright yellow ancient


After the ancient seal absorbed the ghost energy, it quickly became larger, with a length and width of 10,000.


"Life and death are up to me, yin and yang are the masters.


The eight ancient ghost texts on it burned.

It is Huang Quan Yin.

"What a strong space pressure.

Zhang Ruochen was shocked, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of chains between heaven and earth

Wrapped around him, the top of his head seems to be pressing a hundred thousand stars,

Don't talk about space shifting or breaking space, want to display

A more subtle body method is not easy.

The Yellow Spring Seal is the most supreme artifact under the Nine Tripods


To the ghost clan, and to the monks of the three clans, Huang Quan Yin

The value of it is more than that of a single Jiuding.

Huang Quan Yin itself has a tyrannical space attribute,

According to legend, if you activate it, you can penetrate the space and instantly

Jingtian, no one can keep it

Jingtian is 10,000 trillion miles.

It is because he holds the Yellow Spring Seal, so, Emperor Huang Quan

Only have the confidence to challenge the entire **** world. In contrast to the plow

The corpse ancestor, lived out the third world, and the cultivation base is not inferior to Huang Quanda

There are many emperors, but there are many rules on the bright side.

Not only is there Huang Quan Yin’s suppression space above, but Zhang Ruochen’s

The sea of ​​blood under my feet has also been swallowed by the boundless devil soil


a moment.


The imprint of Huangquan is like the incarnation of the symbols of heaven and earth.

Down, the space crackled.

The emperor rune suspended in the void was beaten one after another


It is conceivable that being hit by this blow is definitely not Zhang

Ruochen's current cultivation is bearable.

"Everything is invisible!"

Zhang Ruochen's white clothes swelled up, pointing his finger

Heaven, the endless radiance rushed out of the body.

The black hand flew out from the Shaoyang Mountain and followed the waterfall like a waterfall

Together with the Shenxia, ​​they rushed forward. Vientiane in the palm of the hand

Seal, hit the sky.


The two imprints collided, and the bright light waves scattered.

Gai Mo, Huangquan the Great, and Zhezu are three powerful weaving

order, almost unstoppable.

They think that they can be silent, take Zhang Ruochen

Killed in the ghost town of impermanence, so they joined forces to weave rank

order, make the source temple a world of its own, suppress the battle

Volatility spreads out.

Zhang Ruochen saw this, and it was invisible in Vientiane.

After breaking through Huang Quanyin's spatial confinement, he immediately flew away.

And rise like a beam of light straight into the purple starry sky.

"If you have any scruples, you will bind your hands and feet. I am rampant

Wuji, then the tactics are vertical and horizontal. This will be your one today

The key to failure!"

Zhang Ruochen can't stop coming, can't stop going, in Emperor Fu

Fuguang and the invisible power of Vientiane are wrapped, shuttle in order


The ancestor of Moli said: "A child with yellow mouth, spiritual power

It's only the ninth order, any one of us can suppress you,

Still running wild?"

"The palm of the immortal, the ancestor wants it!"

The left eye of Moli corpse appears in the purple starry sky

Come out, thousands of miles in diameter, like a wheel of blue-gray cold


This ancestor's eye is suspended in the sky above Moli for thousands of years

Ten thousand years, until Moli corpse returned, did he wake it up,

The sacrifice has become a treasure of warfare.

The ancestor's eyes are wrapped in countless ancestral patterns and ancestral spirits.

Hit the black hand to prevent Zhang Ruochen from manipulating the black hand to break the purple

Se Xinghai escaped.


After the collision, a crack appeared in the ancestor's eye, and then it exploded


A star-like eye with a grayish-white inside

The blood of the corpse fell like a waterfall into a river.

The fragments of the ancestor's eye, many are invisible to Vientiane

The force is annihilated, and only the two largest pieces of magic fall below.


Almost smashed through the magic soil.

The ancestors of Moli were full of disbelief, expecting that the black

The invisible imprint of Vientiane in the palm of the hand is powerful, but there is no expectation

Arrived, the ancestor's eyes were shattered with a single blow.

This eye, hanging high in the Moli territory, has survived for tens of millions of years

Indestructible, how can it be so fragile?

Of course, this is not only the power of the invisible seal of Vientiane, but also

The power burst out from Yu Ding on the back of the black hand.

Gai Mo and Moli Shizu are both powerful people,

Quickly out of the shock of this blow. The former spit out the waste

Yue, hit Zhang Ruochen in the purple starry sky.

The latter raised his right claw like an eagle's claw.

Moli City.

Moli City is one of the four great **** cities of the corpse clan.

There are billions of corpse monks.

Especially in the years since the return of Moli Shizu, the corpse clan is strong

People rushed to Moli City to worship, and Moli City was unprecedentedly strong.

Great, it is already the first city of the corpse clan.

"Where are the monks of the corpse tribe, help the ancestor to suppress Zhang Ruo

dust. "

On the ground of Moli City, a group of divine light flew up.

Inside each group of divine light is a divine spirit, whose

There are also two immeasurable existences.

However, these gods did not fly out of the claws of Moli corpse ancestors

Heart, standing in the corpse cloud of the small world in the claws.

"The corpse has a purpose, and the corpse obeys!"

The cultivators of the billion corpses in the city all knelt down on one knee and lifted the

Looking up at the sky, a beam of light flew out from the eyebrows.

These beams converge on the gods in the corpse cloud.

The gods will rely on the formation technique under their feet to be extremely dazzling.

The light east of Zhang Ruochen in the purple starry sky.

Before Gai Mo and Moli Shizu took action, life and death

The two coffins had already reached Zhang Ruochen one step ahead, one by one.

God lock, grow scales, turn into a **** iron dragon, make the emperor talisman

The rune space was pumped explosively.

Zhang Ruochen stepped back while holding the Tianshen lock.

Control the black hand and collide with the flying locks and coffins.

In the battlefield between him and Huangquan the Great, the rules of heaven and earth are almost

They've been wiped out, only the rules of the two of them exist

After touching each other dozens of times, Zhang Ruochen has gone deep into purple

Starry sky, you can feel the pressure of the demonic order that you have been destroyed by

control, the combat power has declined.

Suddenly, Huang Quan Yin broke through the space and appeared on his head.


It came suddenly, and there was no breath to check.


In the double coffin of life and death, the tone of Huang Quan the Great is full of

Full of confidence.

Emperor Fu's rune space was crushed by Huang Quan Yin.

The blockbuster is about to fall on Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen's body suddenly sank and disappeared into space


In the sunken position, a bright light of truth appears


After Huang Quanyin hit the brilliance of truth, God of Truth

The light explodes, forming the boundless shape of the universe, and the cover is destroyed and repaired.

The purple sea of ​​​​stars that have been refined complement each other.

In the center of the realm of truth, suspended in the cauldron of truth,

Hong Ding!

"Retreat into the cauldron, and when you can avoid it, you can't escape in the end.

die. "

Emperor Huangquan continued to manipulate Huangquan Yin and bombard Hong


At the same time that Hong Ding was escaping rapidly, the gods were locked from the mouth of Ding.

Fly out, control the invisible imprint of the black hand palm, resist

Huang Quan Yin's attack.

"I retreat into the cauldron and hide with you in the double coffin of life and death

, what's the difference?"

Zhang Ruochen's voice just fell, and Huangyue smashed from another direction

Come on, hit Hong Ding.

The boundless truth of the universe is broken, as if a

A corner of the real universe was destroyed, and countless stars were annihilated.

annihilate, turning into light particles of dust.

Hong Ding flew out and fell into the depths of the purple star sea.


In the tripod, Zhang Ruochen spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even if it is hidden in Hongding, it is still hurt. if directly

When the barren moon hits, the consequences are unimaginable.

Huang Yue's blow traumatized Zhang Ruochen and sent him flying.

Hong Ding, but also let Hong Ding avoid flying in Moli City

Destruction beam.

If you get hit by that beam, the consequences will only get worse


The city of Moli was obviously carefully arranged by the ancestors of Moli.

The monks of the city, the convergence of hundreds of millions of forces, such as

At the same time, he led an army of gods, and when he encountered the Tianzun level, he could touch it.


Obviously, Moli Shizu and Afuya have the same

A sense of crisis, and has come to the front, has integrated all

Power that can be integrated.


The ancestors of Moli saw Hong Ding flying to the depths of the purple star sea

The distance is too far, so the paw holds Moli City, flying

Out of the demon soil that was destroyed, he chased after him.

But he had just left the Demon Land, and a surge of

A sense of crisis came from behind him.

Gai Mie appeared behind him, holding the Demon God Stone Pillar in his hand.

Over the top of the head, the blood in the body is rushing like a river of gods, and it hits hard

Split down.


Moli corpse roared, but it was too late to defend


The demon stone pillar hit its head, and the skull exploded instantly

Open, the blood of the gods dyes the magic soil below red.

In the next instant, Gai Mie flew from under its huge right claw.

At the same time, a bright magic light flashed across.

The right claw was cut off.

Gai Mo immediately manifested a giant demon body, becoming dozens of

Thousands of miles high, put the right claw of Moli corpse ancestor, together with the claw in the claw

Moli City, swallowed into the stomach.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was on fire, and he held the

The possessed ancestor Ziwu Yue let out a wild and heroic laughter.

Just now, it was Ziwu Yue, the ancestor of the devil, who cut off the ancestor of Moli's corpse.


This sudden change surpassed that of Huang Quan the Great.

It is expected that the double coffin of life and death will stop chasing Zhang Ruochen and stop at

in the purple starry sky.


Anyone can hear the voice in the double coffin of life and death,

Contains infinite anger.

Gai Moe said indifferently: "It's just that you are so stupid!

What a secret event is the construction of the altar of time and space, and what is the news?

May leak easily, and leak for so long

Coincidentally? Feng Caiyi had long expected that people in the ghost town of Fengdu would not be happy.

Qi, that's why we relax control and see who will escape

letter. "

"I didn't expect you to actually show up!"

"If you don't show up, no one can estimate your position

set. Once you show up, how can you escape the mental power 9

The calculation of the tenth-order monk, not to mention, he still holds the sky

Pivot needle?"

"The most unacceptable thing for this seat is that you actually

Because, with a mere Heqing, you can return to the White Impermanence Temple

Capture Jiuding. How much do you look down on Tian Yuanwu in this world?


"As long as you are smarter, this seat will cooperate with you


"Conspiracy with Zhang Ruochen may not be a good choice. But with Zhang Ruochen

A fool who conspires will surely die. "

Zhang Ruochen stood on the edge of Hong Ding and smiled faintly: "

The Supreme Pillar is a murderer! In fact, Huang Quan the Great

He and Moli Shizu are both extremely shrewd people, but not

However, they have one that they themselves unaware of

fatal flaw. "

"That is, they once stood too high, invincible

In this era, always look at everyone with a downward attitude.

Too self-righteous, naturally blind. "

"Great Emperor, all your information, including

The meeting, and the time to leave Disha Ghost City were all controlled by the ghost master.

Let me know!"

"It's not that you can't find him, it's that you ignore him

he. The ghost master is actually a character, at least he

Know who to follow and how to make choices. in your eyes

In the middle, he is no different from weeds and dead wood, right?"

In the double coffin of life and death, Emperor Huang Quan said: "Do you think that

If you say that, you can mess up the emperor's mood? Ghost masters can't be masters

Move to you and tell you all this, he doesn't have the guts


"I took the initiative to find him."

Zhang Ruochen said again: "Going to seek refuge with you in Luowen, you will

When flying out of the desert, I use the Tianshu needle to calculate

Arrived at the ghost town where you live. Fortunately, I and the ghost master are old

Friendship, it doesn't take much means, he just abandons the dark and turns to the bright


It is from the ghost master that I learned enough

information, Zhang Ruochen went to Gai Mo again, and put the demon

Zuzi Wuyue lent it to him to show his sincerity.

However, it is still very risky, Zhang Ruochen cannot

Certainly Gai Mie would not cooperate with Emperor Huang Quan. like a corpse

Although Zu and Huang Quan met, they could not represent him

We will definitely cooperate.

The four of them are all in their own way, and no one believes anyone.

On this battlefield, there are only interests.

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