MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1229 Kill the king beast!

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Between the moment when the golden train attracted the attention of the king of Tandogula, the white wings behind Yue Zhong suddenly took a shot, and turned into a streamer from the side suddenly rushed to the seriously wounded king of Tandogula. Around him, the flame knives in his hands used all their strength, and they slammed into the scales of the king of Tandogura. .

The flame knives squatted over the scales of the king of Tandogula, as if they were on a hard and unobstructed diaphragm. It was difficult to get in, and it was so stubborn that they broke into the scales of the king of Tandogula. It seems to be embedded in Yue Zhong's roar, and the body is tight. Every cell in the body bursts like a nuclear fusion, releasing the power of terror, and letting him burst out of a hundred times of terrorist power: "Gathering!! ”

In an instant, the huge flame knives broke out the power of absolute horror, and the body of the king of the Tandogula was cracked hard, and the blood was splashed and fierce.

This trick of using the body cells to produce nuclear fusion and exploding the terrorist power in an instant is the secret technique that Yue Zhong retired for a hundred years. Only the body of the demon, such as Yue Zhong, can withstand the horror energy released like nuclear fusion.

If Yue Zhong uses this trick in the eighth-order environment, his body will only burst into numerous pieces when it is launched. Even if Yue Zhong evolved to the realm of half-step true **** level, it is very difficult to use this trick. It can only be used for eruption and cannot be in a state of long-term fusion.

Yue Zhong smashed the body of the king of Tandooro Gula, but the king of Tandogula still did not die immediately, but a scream of screaming, from above its body, a tentacle like a blue light Generally, they rushed toward Yue Zhongyu.

In the hands of Yue Zhong’s flame, the flames of the knife turned, and the body cells merged again. They slammed into the tentacles of the king of the Tango Gula, and the knife flashed. The tentacles of the king of Tandogula were degraded by him. On the ground.

After a knife fell on the tentacles of the king of Tandogula, the white wings behind Yue Zhong shot, his speed suddenly increased, rushing to the head of the king of Tandogula, the body re-converges, holding a flame knife A knife smashed over the head of the king of Tandogura.


Accompanied by the sorrowful voice of the king of Tandogula, its head was actually hard and smashed by Yue Zhong. The blue brain inside was also burned by the flame of the flame knife, and it quickly turned into fly ash. Direct death.

The king of Tandogula died, a pure and incomparable, the mysterious element of the cosmic truth was directly injected into Yue Zhong’s body, so that his body not only gained a lot of vitality, but also obtained a part of the Tanduula Can absorb a lot of energy, rules, the power of space and other mysteries.

After absorbing the vitality of the king of Tandogula, there was a glimpse of the truth in Yue Zhong’s heart. There was also some speculation about why this Tandoorula star was outside the Tongtian Tower: “It’s so, this Tandoorula The body is really wonderful. The imprint of the demon system above my devil's body also has some similarities with this part of the Tandoora beast. It must be the owner of the demon system when creating the demon body. Reference to the body structure of the Tandogula beast, and this magical system imprint is made by taking in some of the advantages of the Tandogula animal to absorb various energies. Only the direction of the demon system imprint is the evolution of the human body, the absorption of the most biological The pure vitality of life continues to evolve, and this Tandoorula beast is able to absorb all energy, fight and defense. From the perspective of the evolution of the most primitive source of life, it is the magical system of the dominant mark. From the perspective of combat In other words, the physical structure of the Tandoorula beast is dominant. As long as you absorb enough of the life of the Tandogula beast, my demon body can combine the strengths of both. Steps become more perfect and powerful."

While the sheep was holding another Tandogula king beast, he noticed everything that happened here. His heart was full of shock: "What? He actually killed the Tandogula king beast!!! This is too heavy It’s too abnormal. Even if he is a oracle, it’s too much to be able to kill the king of Tandogula easily. The ten gods I have met are all dragons, but They simply can't compare with this Yue Zhong."

Harlem also flashed a touch of shock: "It's too abnormal, this guy is just the ninth-order great perfect combat power that can rival those of our ten-order powerhouse. This enchanting metamorphosis, I saw it for the first time."

The king of Tandogula is a tenth-order alien creature. In its heyday, a king beast can single out two ten-order powers without falling. This time, even if a large amount of power is injected into the nest to cause a decline in power, it is still very ferocious, completely suppressing the ten-order powerhouse such as the sheep.

Such a terrible alien beast, even if it is seriously injured, it is difficult to damage the ordinary 9th-order grand perfection with a gold-grade weapon, let alone kill it. Now the king of Tandogula was killed directly by Yue Zhong, and the presence was shocked by many powerful people.

After Yue Zhong killed the Tandogula king beast, the Tandoorula beasts were violent, and they burst into a more intensive fighting force, rushing forward toward Yue Zhong.

Those tangoula beasts in the distance also abandoned their current fighting goals, and opened their mouths of blood, spurting a blue beam of light directly to Yue Zhong.

The white light wing behind Yue Zhong flashed, and his whole person quickly turned into a streamer and rushed toward the huge Tandogula mother beast.

Between a breath, Yue Zhong immediately appeared on the top of the Tandogula mother, and the body cells re-converged, holding a flame knife and kneeling over the head of the Tandogula mother.

Yue Zhong fell devastated, and the head of the Tandogula mother beast was immediately thrown out of a deep wound, and a large amount of blood was spattered from the head of the Tandogula mother.

The head of the mother of Tantangoula was a few hundred meters long. Yue Zhong’s knife only left a deep wound on it, and it was impossible to kill the mother of the Tandogula.

The king of the Tango Gula was slashed by Yue Zhong, and suddenly a scream of sorrow was heard.

The mother of the Tandogula is a huge spawning machine, and it is also the core and center of the energy of the Tandoorula, but its combat power is not so tyrannical, and its defense is surprisingly strong.

In an instant, those Tandu Gula beasts rushed toward Yue Zhong.

The head of the Tango Gula, which is entangled with the strange sheep, flashed, and the body was torn off by the strip of demon dragons and smashed several huge wounds, madly rushing toward Yue Zhong.

Another king of Tandogula is firmly held by Harlem's two ten-order powerhouses and cannot move.

Yue Zhong is very clear that his time is not much. His body cells are constantly changing. The flame knives in his hands are also directly like the raindrops to the mother of the Tandogula.

In Yue Zhong’s crazy sniper, the head of the Tandogula mother beast was bruised and bruised. Less than a second, Yue Zhong smashed the head of the Tandogula mother beast, and the nucleus inside was taken to him.

After killing the mother of the Tandogula, one of the three kings of the Tandoorula, the life of the fat of the Tandoorula beast quickly poured into the body of Yue Zhong, and absorbed the mysterious After the vitality of life, Yue Zhongxin remembered his movements, and his body structure was quickly re-optimized and became more tyrannical.

At that time, the retreat in the light house for a hundred years, Yue Zhong specialized in learning a variety of knowledge, for all kinds of methods to transform the body know well, but also truly grasp the infinite mystery of his devil's body. It is because of this that he is able to optimize his body again and become more tyrannical.

Just as Yue Zhong killed the Tandogula mother and the beast, the head of the Tandogula rushed to the front of Yue Zhong, and slammed it directly toward Yue Zhong.

In an instant, Yue Zhong looked back, holding a huge flame knives and squatting on the arm of the Tandogula mother a loud bang, Yue Zhong Immediately, like a scum, he flew backwards toward the rear. He jumped into the hands of the Tandogula herd and directly smashed several Tandugou animals directly.

"Blocked!! He actually blocked the blow of the king of Tandogula!! It’s terrible. He clearly has no advancement to become a true god-level powerhouse. How can he face the attack of the Tandogula king? ?"

Watching Yue Zhong block the strike of the king of Tandogula, many of the strong faces changed, and the eyes were full of incredible.

The king of the Tandooro Gula was all struck, and the power even surpassed the full blow of the human tenth-order powerhouse like Harlem. Yue Zhong can stop this horror blow, which shows that Yue Zhong’s combat power is only comparable to the ten-order powerhouse like Harlem.

The mother of the Tandogula was killed, and its abdomen exploded immediately. Numerous fist-sized Tandoorula beasts were drilled from its abdomen and then fled in all directions along the tunnel. These fist-sized Tandugou beasts are tangoula animals that have not been gestated. However, as long as one escapes, it is possible to evolve a Tandogula mother beast again in the future.

At the same time, after the death of the mother of Tantangoula, from its position, suddenly burst, a green energy rises up and spreads in all directions.

The strange sheep immediately screamed: "Quickly!! Once the mother of Tandogula is dead, the nest will collapse, and the other two nests of the Tandogula beast will come to support quickly. Everyone will withdraw!" ”

(To be continued)

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