MTL - God and Devil World-Chapter 7 Small supermarket

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The zombies around the small supermarket have been cleaned up by Yue Zhong. In the vicinity of the supermarket, there are only 16 zombies around the big tree.

After wearing protective clothing, Yue Zhong’s physical strength limit has reached 13 points. He only took 5 minutes of rest and his physical strength recovered from 4 to 7 points. However, after Yue Zhong continued to rest for twenty minutes, his physical strength did not increase by one point.

"The battle is too long, is my body too tired? The physical strength is still too low." Yue Zhong brows and wrinkles, quietly thinking. He took on a high-intensity battle today, and even though he was strengthened, his physical strength could not be restored indefinitely.

"I can only use this apple!" Yue Zhong took out the vibrant apple and bit it up.

A sweet and delicious apple juice did not enter Yue Zhong's mouth and flowed into his body.

Yue Zhong took the vibrant apple for a few mouthfuls, and a cool stream ran through his body, repairing his tired body.

Five minutes later, Yue Zhong was nourished by the cool and thin stream, and the tired body gradually recovered, and his physical strength rose to 12 o'clock.

After the break, Yue Zhong immediately went out of the small supermarket with the bones.

"He came out!" Sun Yu said that Yue Zhong came out, and immediately excited to the side of Chen Gang said.

Chen Gang looked at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a touch of excitement and worry. If Yue Zhong does not come to save them and choose to leave alone, they have no choice.

Yue Zhong looked at the sixteen zombies around the tree and waved a can of beer on the ground.


The crisp sound of the sound falling back in this area, the 16-year-old zombies around the big tree turned back and wobbled toward this side.

"We are on! Bone bone!" Yue Zhong held a novice stick to the white bones around him.

Upon receiving the order of Yue Zhong, the white bones rushed toward the 16 heads of zombies.

Ten seconds later, the bones rushed to the front of a zombie, and the head of a zombie was immediately smashed.

After easily killing a zombie, the three zombies rushed from one side to the white bone.

Yue Zhong stepped forward and slammed a scorpion on the head of a zombie. He slammed the head of the zombie to the side, kicked it on the body of another zombie and kicked the zombie. Falled to the ground.

Yue Zhong had a lot of daring after wearing the protective suit. If he had no protective clothes, he would never dare to play the zombies. Because he was caught a little bit by accident, he would die.

The bones are axe, and the head of a zombie flies.

After being promoted to level 4, the overall strength of the white bone has been increased by 30%, and the combat effectiveness has been significantly improved. The most direct performance is that its response is a lot more agile.

Yue Zhong stepped forward and slammed a stick on the head of the zombie and knocked the head of the zombie directly.

Between just a few breaths, four zombies fell under the joint of Yue Zhong and Bai Bing.

After killing the four zombies, Yue Zhong and the white bones retire backwards, turning the circle around the remaining twelve zombies, and rushing to the left side of the zombie group, a assault rushed over, a charge Killed three zombies and quickly retreated.

After a few times, a small group of corpses that were slow to move were immediately killed by Yue Zhong and Bai Gu.

"It's amazing! I didn't think that our school actually hides such a fierce person." Watching Yue Zhong and Bai Bing easily hunt those zombies, Chen Gang slowly sighed.

Sun Yu and another male Wang Shuang also nodded.

After killing the small corpse, Yue Zhong’s physical strength only cost 3 points and dropped to 9 points. After his strength and physical strength have been strengthened, the fighting has become more and more durable.

After cleaning up the small corpse, Yue Zhong quickly collected a living coin that fell to the ground in the corpse.

Seeing that the zombies around the big trees were cleaned up by Yue Zhong, the three boys of Chen Gang climbed down from the tree very agilely.

"Hello classmate, I am Chen Gang of the third year of the Department of Economics and Management." Chen Gang came down from the tree and came to Yue Zhong to warmly introduce himself to Yue Zhong.

"I am Sun Yu of the Department of Economics."

"I am Wang Shuang of the third year of the Department of Economics and Management."

Sun Yu and Wang Shuang also came to Yue Zhong and introduced themselves.

Yue Zhong thanked Chen Gangdao: "I am Yue Zhong, I just thank you."

Just now Chen Gang helped Yue Zhong to open a part of the zombies. Yue Zhong was able to defeat the first wave of corpses, otherwise he could only escape everywhere and not so simple to destroy the corpse.

The most terrible thing about zombies is not its personal strength, but its appeal and quantity. The number of zombies is difficult to deal with on the 20th. Even if you can get rid of it, the physical strength and energy consumed are amazing.

"What kind of polite, I haven't thank you for saving us!" Chen Gang smiled, then pointed to the white bones around Yue Zhong and asked: "Yue Zhong, how did this thing come?"

Sun Yu and Wang Shuang also looked envious of the special skeleton bones around Yue Zhong. They just saw the tyrannical strength of the bones, and they could easily kill a zombie with a big

"Go there and talk about it. This is not the place to talk." Yue Zhong looked around and pointed at the small supermarket and said to the three. The nearby zombies have been cleaned up by Yue Zhong and Bai Gu, but in this school, the number of zombies is only over a thousand, they are not safe.

Chen Gang and his three men nodded and followed Yue Zhong quickly into the small supermarket.

As soon as he entered the small supermarket, Sun Yu took a can of beer and took a sip of it. Then he took a long breath and said with a big sigh: "Call, finally survived, thirsty me." ""

Yue Zhong took a look at Sun Yu, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and it was not safe at this time. Apart from the necessary communication, he did not like to have other sounds.

After taking a sip of water, Chen Gang came to Yue Zhong and pointed to the white bones around Yue Zhong and continued to ask: "Yue Zhong, how did you get this thing? Can you tell us about it?"

Sun Yu and Wang Shuang also put their eyes on Yue Zhong’s body, and his eyes filled with eagerness. In this world of sudden change of zombies, everyone knows that only by having the strength can live better.

Yue Zhong stared at Chen Gang’s voice and asked: “Have you heard that the voice of God is heard?”

"I heard it!" Chen Gangdao.

"I also heard it."

"I also heard it."

Sun Yu and Wang Shuang both said.

Yue Zhong slowly said: "I killed a zombie and broke a skill book from the zombie. After using the skill book, I can summon this head."

There is nothing to hide in this. At this time, if they want to escape from this place, it is good to have more power.

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