MTL - Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?-Chapter 393 Fangmu's guardian!

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When Fang Mu returned to Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, Fang Yuan and Fang Qin knew that Fang Mu would not stay in Yifu for dinner because they had called Fang Mu in advance.

Deliberately wait for Fang Mu to come back in the restaurant, and enjoy dinner together.

Fang Qin and Fang Yuan are busy people on weekdays and rarely have time to relax.

Both of them tried their best to enjoy the rare comfort in daily life.

The three of Fang Mu usually don't talk about food and sleep.

The family can chat and eat a few more bowls of rice while eating.

Fang Mu took a bite of the chicken leg that Fang Qin handed to him, and asked Fang Qin and Fang Yuan seriously.

"Big sister and second brother, do you have any plans to improve your strength in the future?"

Fang Yuan and Fang Qin were taken aback by Fang Mu's question, and did not realize what Fang Mu's question meant for a while.

What plans can you have for improving your strength?

Isn't it about raising the level of the beast master as much as possible, comprehending the mysterious pattern and enhancing the strength of the beast master?

Seeing the expressions on Fang Qin and Fang Yuan's faces, Fang Mu knew that his question was a bit too general and hurriedly explained.

"Where do you want to go after improving your strength?"

Fang Yuan and Fang Qin looked at each other when they heard the words, not knowing what Fang Mu was doing for asking this question politely.

On the contrary, my little brother cared about the dreams of his older brothers and sisters.

Fang Qin poured Fang Mu a bowl of soup with a smile and said.

"Before you became a beast master and was favored by Qixing Grandmaster, my dream was to hope that you could spend your whole life without illness or disaster."

"I hope Xiaoyuan and Xiaoyan don't work too hard, and don't get hurt when they go out on missions."

"I never thought I'd be this relaxed before."

"I am still a member of the Jinghai Navy. I will continue to protect the Jinghai Province and the Longteng Federation as before, and strengthen my previous dream!"

After Fang Qin finished speaking, Fang Yuan spoke seriously.

"My mind was all on the development of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and the construction of the visualization hall."

"It was what you said, Xiaomu, that made me decide to focus on improving my own strength in the future."

"Since you are pursuing the improvement of your strength, you will naturally want to be famous all over the world!"

"My natal Beastmaster Leopard Monster is an S-class natal Beastmaster. It's a pity that I didn't have the resources before, so my Leopard Monster Monster couldn't play a role at all."

"But now I have enough resources for me to train leopard beasts."

"In a battle, I can pull out a pack of leopards, and when I encounter a powerful enemy, I can also make the leopard beasts in the pack merge with each other."

"I plan to play during this time. I haven't played for three years. Now my rank has probably dropped to silver."

Fang Mu's and Fang Yuan's dreams are completely different, one is to protect the other is to become famous.

But this is very in line with Longteng Federation's purpose of screening the younger generation.

Since both Fang Qin and Fang Yuan's ambitions are in this area, Fang Mu pondered for a moment, then seriously repeated what Yi Han told him to Fang Yuan and Fang Qin.

Hearing this grand event involving the younger generation, Fang Qin and Fang Yuan's eyes lit up at the same time.

It was obvious that both of them wanted to join this grand event to sharpen themselves and become famous all over the world!

"Big Sister and Second Brother, there should be a month or two before Longteng Federation selects talents of all age groups."

"After the selection, not only will the selected geniuses be sorted within the Dragon Federation, but they will also compete with the geniuses from other federations in the East Division divided by Diyuan."

"Finally representing the East Division to compete with other divisions and compete for resources."

"It took about half a year before and after. During this half year, I will provide you with sufficient resources from the master."

"And then contact a spirit forging master to create a spiritual weapon for you."

"This struggle on behalf of the federal interests is not a child's play, and will inevitably be accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice."

Fang Yuan and Fang Qin were not the kind of people without knowledge, so they naturally understood what Fang Mu said about bloodshed and sacrifice.

As a beast master, the first class in school is to face up to battle, injury and death.

Fang Mu was going to use resources to train the two of them, but neither Fang Qin nor Fang Yuan refused Fang Mu's kindness.

The two were unwilling to ask Fang Mu for the resources they provided before, because they were afraid that Fang Mu's taking out so many resources would affect Fang Mu's status in Qixing.

After Fang Mu provided Fang Yuan and Fang Qin with Tianxiang Flower Beads and Brilliant Gold Honey, Fang Yuan and Fang Qin already understood that Grandmaster Qixing didn't really care that Fang Mu used the resources for the two of them.

For Fang Mu to be able to hand over such resources to himself, it must be with the permission of Grandmaster Qixing.

Strength is the root of everything, and the two of us are strong enough to protect each other even better.

Although Fang Mu no longer needs the protection of the two of them, Fang Yuan and Fang Qin are brothers and sisters, and Fang Mu's heart has never changed.

"Xiaomu, then my eldest sister and I will rely on you to train us in the past six months!"

"Lu Bo's ability is good, I have plans to promote Lu Bo to let Lu Bo manage the affairs of the Wood Chamber of Commerce."

"At that time, I will let people stare at Lu Bo for a period of time. If Lu Bo can successfully let the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce develop, I will temporarily let go of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and devote my mind to the visualization hall."

"When the visualization hall is on the right track, I plan to arrange Yin Nanzhen and Master Lu Zhong, who you recommended to me, to manage the visualization hall together!"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard the words, Fang Yuan was willing to hand over the power at hand, and no longer did everything by himself.

It shows that Fang Yuan really wants to understand.

Jiang Weng has been working on the research of that special space equipment during this time, and Fang Mu won't be able to use Jiang Weng in the short term.

It's better to let Jiang Weng stay in the capital to help Fang Yuan, Fang Qin and Fang Yan create a tailor-made spiritual weapon!

As for Fang Yan, since she became the disciple of Yi Han, the master who created it, Yi Han will help with matters related to the spirit weapon.

Yi Han is about to become the founding master under his command, Fang Mu doesn't need Yi Han to do anything for him.

The only thing Yi Han can show his own value is Fang Yan's training.

During the meal, Fang Mu had already finalized everything with Fang Qin and Fang Yuan.

Back in the room, Fang Mu was not in a hurry to enter the abdominal space of the abdominal worm to cultivate the plant-like beast called blood vine.

Instead, he dialed the phone to Shu Liangjun.

Shu Liangjun's phone number in Longteng Federation was assigned by Fang Mu to Shu Liangjun after he arrived in the capital.

Fang Mu is the only one who knows Shu Liangjun's phone number.

The phone rang twice before being picked up by Shu Liangjun.

"Amu, you finally remembered to call me!"

"I'm soaking in hot springs right now, and the hot springs here in Wangdu are no worse than those in Ludu!"

"It's okay to soak in a hot spring when I'm old, and I feel comfortable all over my body!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Old Shu, you are not very old, you still have thousands of years to live!"

"Don't look at the hot springs in Ludu and Wangdu, but the hot springs in my mountain manor in JA City are even better!"

"When you and I return to JA City, you can go soaking every day if you like!"

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Shu Liangjun was stunned, and Shu Liangjun said that he felt it because he was getting older.

Don't look at Fang Mu helping him prolong his life, but Shu Liangjun's body functions are there.

But Fang Mu said that he is not very old, and he still has thousands of years to live.

These words are tantamount to Fang Mu's promise to himself.

Fang Mu must have communicated with Qixing, otherwise, based on Shu Liangjun's understanding of Fang Mu, Fang Mu would never say such big words to himself.

It seems that Qixing agrees with him becoming Fang Mu's guardian, otherwise he wouldn't give him such benefits.

Shu Liangjun wanted to be Fang Mu's guardian because Shu Liangjun felt that he was very close to Fang Mu, and he didn't think about taking advantage of it to gain benefits.

It is precisely because of such a state of mind that Shu Liangjun is extremely happy at this time.

Qixing will not give himself benefits for no reason, and Fang Mu probably won this benefit by himself.

"Haha, the old man will be blessed in the future!"

"I'll go back right away. After becoming your guardian, your spiritual power is affected by me, and you can quickly improve in a short period of time."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Mu quietly waited for Shu Liangjun in the room.

With Shu Liangjun's methods and abilities, he will be teleported to his room through space within three seconds.

The facts were exactly as Fang Muliao had imagined, and a minute later Shu Liangjun, who was holding a silver mirror, was already standing in front of Fang Mu.

Before Shu Liangjun could say hello to Fang Mu, Shu Liangjun raised his finger and pointed at Fang Mu's brow.

"Xiao Mu, I have no children and no daughters all my life, except for those useless subordinates, I have always been a widow."

"I beg you to teach me, an old man, a lot in the future!"

After finishing speaking, a strong spiritual force and soul energy spurted out from Shu Liangjun's fingertips and shot into Fang Mu's brain.

This spiritual power and soul energy did not cause any negative impact on Fang Mu, but left a mark in Fang Mu's soul.

This soul energy and spiritual power are feeding back by imprinting Fang Mu's soul and spirit.

Fang Mu really felt that the speed of his mental power was improving a little faster than before.

Fang Mu was extremely surprised by this discovery.

Through the imprint of the soul, Fang Mu discovered that he was able to communicate directly with Shu Liangjun!

Shu Liangjun's face turned pale at this time, as if his actions just now had caused a lot of consumption to Shu Liangjun.

Shu Liangjun held the table with his left hand and let himself sit down.

"Amu, you should know the guardian very well. I can be your guardian, and I would like to thank your teacher for trusting me!"

Fang Mu didn't pretend to understand, especially in front of Shu Liangjun, there was no need for Fang Mu to do so.

"Mr. Shu, I haven't been a master's disciple for a long time, so I don't know much about guardians."

"I hope you can help me answer more questions!"

Although Shu Liangjun was a little surprised when he heard the words, he felt it was reasonable.

Qixing Fangmu should be more responsible for Fangmu's education about the creator.

Secretly dispatched masters to protect Fang Mu, but did not mention the news of the guardian to Fang Mu.

Shu Liangjun said to Fang Mu.

"I have already told you about the relationship between the guardian and the guardian before."

"Next, let me tell you about the protector imprint I have placed in your soul."

"The guardians appeared because several founding masters discovered the soul circuit between the beast master and the beast master when they were studying the contract between humans and beast masters."

"Then researched the soul circuit between the beast master and the beast master. In the end, although I didn't understand the essence of the soul circuit between the beast master and the beast master, I accidentally imitated another new soul circuit."

"This soul circuit is the mark of the guardian!"

"The soul circuit between the beast master and the beast master is dominated by the beast master, and the soul circuit between the guardian and the guardian is just the opposite."

"Occupied by Guardians!"

"If you don't want me to be your guardian, you just need to use your soul power to cover my soul imprint."

"In less than two days, my guardian imprint will completely disappear, and the energy contained in it will also turn into nourishment for your soul."

"We can communicate directly through souls through the guardian mark."

"When the protected person is in danger, other guardians may not be able to rush to the protected person's side in the first time, but my ability can do this!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu fully understood what a Taoist guardian was all about.

The relationship between the guardian and the guardian is extremely unequal, which is why only the children of those powerful forces have guardians.

Because of his status as a Taoist protector, Shu Liangjun has become Fang Mu's most trustworthy person in the world besides his own family!

"Mr. Shu, it seems that I will trouble you a lot in the future!"

Shu Liangjun waved his hands quickly when he heard the words.

"Amu, don't worry about it. If it weren't for you, old man, I would have become a dead bone by now."

"If it's true as you said, I still have thousands of years to live, you can be said to be the most noble person in my life!"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this.

"Mr. Shu, you should be very clear that I'm not a big talker."

When it came to Fang Mu's conversation, he changed the subject and asked Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu, I don't know what level of resources you, a strong man of order, need to use on a daily basis?"

Shu Liangjun said to Fang Mu very frankly.

"At the level of order, if you want to improve your strength, it is no longer possible to create a master!"

"Unless there are resources allocated by the Holy Creator to assist, otherwise it depends on one's own good fortune!"

"This is exactly why Han Ming of the Federation of Nations can get so many crowds. UU Reading"

"Many strong people of order will communicate with Han Ming in private, hoping to get a chance to be promoted from Han Ming."

"It's a pity that Han Ming is very arrogant and difficult to get in touch with."

"Except for those powerhouses who are loyal to themselves, they will not release the resources of the Holy Creator!"

"Now there is news from the Palace of Bliss that Fairy Yongle has been promoted to the Holy Creator. Recently, there will be many orderly people who will take the initiative to contact Fairy Yongle."

"Even those strong in order who have already pledged their allegiance to Han Ming will not give up the opportunity to contact Fairy Yongle."

"This is also the fundamental reason why the Palace of Bliss has been hiding from the world for more than two hundred years, and can directly fight against the Federation of Nations after its birth!"

"The struggle between the Federation of Nations and the Palace of Bliss is actually a battle between two holy creators, and it will never stop in a short time!"

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