MTL - Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One-Chapter 559 Fighting across the air, Yingzheng's full firepower...

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  Chapter 559 Fighting across the air, Yingzheng is fully fired...

   Since the birth of the prehistoric world, countless soul-stirring things have happened.

  In the past, Emperor Jun teamed up with Fuxi and others to create the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, which was definitely one of the big events.

  At the same time, the Great Desolate Heavenly Court established by Di Jun is also the first Heavenly Court in the Great Desolate World!

  The name of Emperor Jun, from now on, no one knows, no one knows!

  Up to the prehistoric heaven, down to the heavens and myriad worlds, and even mortals in the world, all know the prestige of the emperor.

  From that time on, Great Desolate Heavenly Court represented a transcendent status.

   Afterwards, under the rule of several emperors of the human race, the majesty of the prehistoric was directly raised to its peak!

  Among the heavens and worlds, no force dares to disobey!

  In the following years, the Great Qin Dynasty of the human race rose strongly, and the **** emperor Yingzheng led civil servants and military generals to fight against all invincible opponents in the world, gradually overshadowing the prehistoric heaven!

  But after the Great Qin Dynasty transcended the whole country, the Great Desolate Heavenly Court rose again and became the most powerful force in the heavens and myriad worlds.

  From then on, the human race began to weaken and was ruled by the prehistoric heaven!

  However, tens of thousands of years ago, the Yanhuang Heavenly Court suddenly appeared and rose strongly at an extremely fast speed.

  Even the current Great Desolate Heavenly Court needs to rely on the Hetu Luoshu formation left by Di Jun to stop it.

  Based on this alone, one can see how powerful Di Jun is.

  Now, the two arrogance-like figures confront each other in disguise, attracting the attention of all the powers in the heavens and the world.

  However, they can only observe through supernatural powers and secret techniques, and they cannot have live broadcasts like the people of Yanhuang!

   There is a world of difference in visual effects between the two!

   Or in other words, there is no comparability at all. One is a screen live broadcast, and the other is a text live broadcast. No matter how you look at it, there is no comparability? !

   Even so, it has attracted all the attention of the powerful.

   Yaozu resident.

   Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong looked up at the sky, using his fiery eyes and golden eyes to pay attention to Yingzheng and the heaven.

  But I can't see the real changes clearly, I can only see the prototype.

  Although he has stepped into the Realm of the Royal Dao, his own strength has not transcended, the 3000 Dao, he has not comprehended the world, and has not integrated his magical powers into the 3000 Dao!

   So, his prodigy is not powerful.

  At this moment, in the Hetu Luoshu formation, Ying Zheng walked forward step by step, and the surrounding scenes changed rapidly like a movie screen.

  It was not until we came to the front of Lingxiao Palace that all the pictures were frozen and no longer changed.

  The Lingxiao Palace at this time is not the Lingxiao Palace controlled by the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, but the Lingxiao Palace from the Heavenly Court of the ancient demon race!

  It seems that from the moment Ying Zheng stepped through the Nantian Gate, he has come to another time and space, not the time and space where the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are!

   And when he walked to the entrance of the Lingxiao Palace, his figure also disappeared from the Haotian Sutra, which caused the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and others who were paying attention to him in the Red Light Heaven to look surprised!

   "What's going on? Why did Ying Zheng disappear suddenly?"

   Jade Emperor widened his eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

  His first impression was that Ying Zheng used supernatural powers to hide!

  The second impression is that Ying Zheng was wiped out by the Hetu Luoshu formation!

   But he quickly vetoed these two ideas. It is impossible for an existence like Ying Zheng to go to the front of Lingxiao Palace and hide his figure on purpose.

   It is also impossible to be eliminated silently by the Hetu Luoshu formation, because he is the main person in the Hetu Luoshu formation, and nothing that happens inside can't escape his perception.

  But he didn't know how Ying Zheng disappeared, and even the Haotian Mirror couldn't spy on it.

  The Queen Mother and others were also very puzzled. I don't know where the problem is? !

  However, the sudden disappearance of Ying Zheng now indicates that their crisis is temporarily lifted!

   Anyway, good news!

  At this moment, Ying Zheng has entered the Lingxiao Palace, as if he has returned to the prehistoric heaven in ancient times.

  At that time, there were not as many heavenly generals as there are now. Di Jun was able to open up 33 heavens with the help of the heavens at that time. I have to say that he is an admirable figure.

  At this time, in the prehistoric heaven, Ying Zheng could clearly feel that a powerful force was within it.

  He doesn't know where this power comes from, but he can be sure that this power is not possessed by the weak.


  Ying Zheng didn't speak, and looked up at the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, a golden light flashed in his eyes!

   Then, with a smile on his face, he walked towards the sky.

  Next second!

  A phantom appeared on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. It was the creator of the prehistoric heaven...the ancient demon emperor Di Jun.

   After Di Jun appeared, he looked flatly at Ying Zheng who was walking over!

   "Since I created the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, I have felt that there are countless powers in the Great Desolate Heavenly Court. One day in the future, the foundation of the Prehistoric Heavenly Court will be shaken, so I set up the Hetu Luoshu formation here to fight against powerful enemies!"

  "For hundreds of thousands of years, Tianjin has encountered countless powerful enemies, but there has never been a single powerful creature who has set foot here!

   No one can come to me and have a dialogue with me!

  Even the former Huangtian Emperor did not have such ability!

  I am surprised that you can come now. "

Di Jun's voice was very flat, but his tone was full of endless power of law, as if the person in front of him was not the ancient demon emperor Di Jun, but a powerful creature evolved from the rules and order of the Hetu Luoshu formation .

   Not only is it powerful, but it also has the powerful power of the law of the emperor.

   In other words, in the Hetu Luoshu formation, Di Jun is the supreme demon emperor of the past.

  Here, his words can reach the point where words cannot follow.

  No one can stop him from speaking...

  But when Di Jun watched Ying Zheng carefully, he frowned directly, and vaguely felt a familiar atmosphere, as if he was someone he had met before.

  But no matter how he thought about it, there was no sign of Ying Zheng!

   "Who are you?"

   "Why do I feel a familiar aura on you!"

   "I have definitely seen you before, otherwise this familiar aura wouldn't be so strong!"

  Di Jun stared at Ying Zheng in front of him with a puzzled expression.

  Although he has transcended this world and basically has no connection with this world, his imprint is left in the Hetu Luoshu formation, which is equivalent to a clone left in this world.

  Relying on the special induction with the main body, he felt the aura of prehistoric Yingzheng from Yingzheng!

   But this avatar is just a mark, and has no memory after transcending this world!

  So, he doesn't know who Ying Zheng is? !

   "Strange?! Why did Di Jun show such an expression after seeing Ying Zheng? Is there any friendship between the two of them?"

   "Friendship? Where is there any friendship? I think Di Jun saw the terrifying aura on Ying Zheng and felt scared, so he showed such a change in expression!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, have you forgotten the relationship between Yingzheng and Honghuang Yingzheng?

  The Dijun manifested in the Hetu Luoshu formation is a clone of Dijun, and there is a strange connection between the two.

  He felt the aura of Yingzheng in Yingzheng, so there was nothing surprising! "

   "Not bad, the relationship between the two of them is like this, there is no other friendship, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!"


  The people of Yanhuang saw this scene through the live broadcast of Honghuang, and they started talking about it.

   After all, such scenes are not common!

   And Ying Zheng ignored the surprised Di Jun, but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, outlining a contemptuous smile towards the earthquake!

  At this time, a contemptuous smile fell into Di Jun's eyes, causing Di Jun to frown immediately: "Are you belittling me?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Ying Zheng smiled!

   Laughing so much!

   This time he was smiling so happily for the first time since he came to the prehistoric world!

   It was also the happiest time I laughed in front of the Yanhuang people!


  Ying Zheng didn't deny the contempt for Di Jun, he just admitted it!

   This moment made Di Jun feel humiliated.

  He has never received such contempt in hundreds of thousands of years!

  Because he is the emperor of the prehistoric heaven and holds the greatest power in the prehistoric world!

  Even after the establishment of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, it unified the entire Great Desolate Heaven!

  Emperor Jun of that period, no matter if he was a monster race, a human race, a witch race or a ten thousand race, he would not dare to offend him easily!

  Although hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the prehistoric world, his reputation is still circulating in the prehistoric world.

   Now, Ying Zheng, a younger generation, mocked him so much and ignored him, which made me very angry!

  In the mundane world, when the emperor is angry, he can lay down millions of corpses!

  In the heaven realm, when the Emperor of Heaven got angry, the result was unimaginable!

"you wanna die!"

   Di Jun stared, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood suddenly manifested, and all the surrounding Lingxiao Palace turned into fly ash, disappearing invisible!

   Around Yingzheng, countless corpses appeared!

   There are ancient mythical beasts, mighty monsters, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns...

  Endless corpses of strong men manifested, and **** aura rushed towards his face, making Ying Zheng feel a strong breath of death.

Just at this time!

  Di Jun roared: "What qualifications do you have to despise me?!"

   "I am the creator of the Heavenly Court, and also the Heavenly Emperor who has ruled all races for hundreds of thousands of years!"

   "No one can rule the roost before me."

   "How dare you belittle me today, and dare to replace the Great Desolate Heavenly Court. You are too presumptuous, too arrogant, and too self-righteous!"

   "Today I will tell you, what is the scene of the destruction of all worlds when the Emperor of Heaven is angry!"

  After Di Jun finished speaking, his figure disappeared suddenly, and the vision that filled the sky also disappeared.

   It was replaced by the ancient starry sky, the stars around the sky burst into bright starlight, and bright beams of light descended from the sky, with the breath of tearing everything, they went straight to Yingzheng!

The power contained in these beams of light is extremely powerful, and any meaning to power is enough to penetrate the prehistoric world. Ying Zheng also knew the power of it, and threw out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which instantly became a billion times the size, covering the whole body Inside!

  Boom boom boom boom boom...

  The beam of light collided with the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in an instant, and countless laws and golden dragons of luck blended in the void.

   Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion, and terrifying energy swept all directions.

The bright starry sky dimmed in an instant, countless stars suffered a devastating blow, and the 18 nine-clawed golden dragons on the Chuanguo Yuxi also became much darker, but they did not disappear. They all surrounded Yingzheng to protect his safety .

   "Is this all the power you have left in the prehistoric world? If it is such a power, I am afraid that the prehistoric heaven will not be able to keep it!"

  Ying Zheng looked at the dim look of the ancient starry sky, and a contemptuous smile flashed in his eyes!

   Such words may not be too insulting to other people!

  But these words were extremely humiliating to Di Jun!


  Di Jun roared angrily!

  The figure disappeared again, and the ancient starry sky also changed.

  Ying Zheng's figure seemed to be in the void, and a huge void appeared, trying to swallow Ying Zheng into it.

   Ying Zheng frowned, concentrating on the black hole in front of him.

  He stimulated Di Jun with words, not because he really looked down on Di Jun, but to relieve the pressure on Emperor Gouchen Xiang Yu and others!

  The greater the pressure on him, the lighter the pressure on Gochen Shanggong Emperor Xiang Yu and others.

   The hope of breaking the formation is greater.

   It can be said that Ying Zheng's move was well-intentioned, but in Di Jun's eyes, it was extremely rude!

  Although he felt a familiar atmosphere in Ying Zheng, he would not stop punishing Ying Zheng because of this.

  A person who dares to despise him so much, he will make him pay a heavy price!


   Seeing that Ying Zheng could not be swallowed up, the black hole spewed out endless chaotic airflow, and a strong suction lingered around Ying Zheng.

  The law of order in the heavenly court also emerged, forming a series of orders, and the chains lingered around Yingzheng.

   Seeing this, the 18 golden dragons on the Chuan Guo Yuxi roared and spewed out fiery flames, trying to melt the chains of order and the terrifying suction around them!

   But there was no effect. In order to make up for the law of the order of heaven and earth and make the prehistoric world more perfect, Di Jun deliberately opened up 33 heavens!

   In this way, the law of the order of heaven and earth becomes stronger!

  If it wasn't for the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother who changed the composition of the heaven without permission after taking power.

  The law of order in heaven is even stronger than it is now.

   But it is a pity that the Great Desolate Heavenly Court at this time is not the Great Desolate Heavenly Court in ancient times.

  The law of order in heaven was obviously much weaker. Seeing that the 18 golden dragons had not been shattered, Yingzheng waved his big hand to see that the 18 golden dragons were not shattered, and the law of order in heaven plunged into the black hole in front of him with a powerful force!

   Seeing this, the 18 golden dragons also flew towards the black hole one after another.


  Ying Zheng's eyes seemed to have passed through many barriers, and saw Di Jun in the chaotic space.

   "Di Jun, you are nothing more than that!"

  A huge wave of air surged from Ying Zheng's body, and in the blink of an eye, he became ten thousand feet high.

  The huge fist swung out violently, directly holding the deep-diving black hole in the palm of his hand!

   Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he stuffed it directly into his mouth.

   This scene completely shocked the people of Yanhuang.

   "Damn it, Ying Zheng is too aggressive, isn't he? Just swallow the black hole!"

   "It's so terrifying! The black hole formed by the law of heaven and earth is swallowed by him like this, it's too terrifying!"

   "The attack method on the other side is Di Jun? Ying Zheng swallowed the black hole just like that, doesn't he take Di Jun seriously?"

   "Is Di Jun so weak?"


  The people of Yanhuang were completely immersed in heated discussions. In fact, they are not to blame for their excited discussions. The main reason is that Yingzheng's combat power is too strong, so that watching their blood boil!

  After all, since Ying Zheng entered the prehistoric world, he has rarely seen him take action in person. Now seeing his explosive combat power, it is obviously impossible not to be excited!

at the same time!

  After the black hole was swallowed, there was a desperate voice in the void: "Damn you..."


   To be continued, so stay tuned!

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  (end of this chapter)

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