MTL - Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One-Chapter 523 Li Shimin's ambition, Journey to the West has quietly started!

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  Chapter 523 Li Shimin's ambition, Journey to the West quietly begins!

   "You don't need to flatter, from now on, you can practice on your own, and the heavens won't trouble you!"

  Jade Emperor looked at the flattery of Bull Demon King and others, smiled and waved his hands and said: "By the way, you have probably heard of the name Meteor God Pill!

   Today I will tell you the truth, right?

  In the fine nectar and jade dew you drank just now, I put the Meteor God Pill. When you make any decisions in the future, you need to think twice before acting.

   Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

   Bull Demon King and others are well-informed existences, not Monkey King's kind of Xiaobai who is not afraid of tigers when he is a newborn calf.

  Now when I heard the Jade Emperor talk about the God of Meteor Pill, I was immediately scared to pee!

  Meteor God Pill, the elixir that can make gods fall, this name is very scary in the prehistoric, when members of the witch clan used it to control the heavens and all races, the effect of the medicine was very terrifying!

The Jade Emperor looked at the bull demon king and others pulling their hips, and there was an unconcealable contempt in his eyes: "You don't need to panic, as long as you do things for the heavens in a down-to-earth manner, and you are loyal to me and the queen mother, then you will not activate the meteorite. Divine Pill, your lives will not be threatened in any way.

  In the human world, you are still the demon kings who are high above you.

  No one will despise you because of this matter.

  But if you are half-hearted and not loyal to Yanhuang Heavenly Court, then I can only say sorry. "

  Jade Emperor's words were very straightforward, and the Bull Demon King and others could understand them.

  In the future, if they do something against the Heavenly Court, their lives will be taken away by the Jade Emperor.

   Right now.

  They all regretted the jade dew wine provided by the Jade Emperor and others, but it was too late to say anything now, and all they could do was passively submit.

   "It's Your Majesty, we will never have two hearts." The Bull Demon King and others had no choice but to swear allegiance to the Heavenly Court and the Jade Emperor.

  If there is a second choice, they will definitely not be loyal to the Heavenly Court, to the Jade Emperor.

   Seeing this, the Jade Emperor waved his hands and said, "Okay, you can go down!"

   "It's the Jade Emperor!" The Bull Demon King and others saluted respectfully, and slowly exited the Primordial Heavenly Court!

This scene.

   was sent to Yanhuang Small World by Honghuang live broadcast.

   "The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are really despicable and shameless. In order to strengthen the strength of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, they even used the Meteor God to control the Yaozu. They are really not human!"

   "The Bull Demon King and the others are really cowardly! Even though they have great strength, they don't dare to confront the Jade Emperor and the others. It's too cheap!"

   "Sun Wukong sworn sworn brothers with them, he really blinded him for nothing!"

   "Don't talk about anything else, the strength is not strong, this is the only end!"


  When the Yanhuang people saw this scene, they cursed angrily!

   Some people think that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are despicable and shameless, while others think that the Bull Demon King and others are too cowardly.

  In short, you can say anything!


  Yanhuang Heavenly Court!

  Many gods saw this scene and frowned.

   "Although the power of the Yaozu is not particularly strong, they have made great progress in recent years. Now, it is not a good news for us to be recruited by the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother with despicable means!

  Your Majesty, do you want me to take action and destroy the six great sages so as to avoid future troubles? "The Great Emperor Wushi looked at the Bull Demon King and others who had returned to the human world from the heaven, and said with a frown.

  Ying Zheng did not respond, staring at Hong Huang's live broadcast in silence.

  He is now planning how Yanhuang Heavenly Court can break through the barriers of heaven and earth blocked by Primordial Heavenly Court. Others don't want such trivial matters to affect Yanhuang's future plans.

  But now that Emperor Wushi asks, as the emperor of heaven, he is too embarrassed not to reply!

   "I know this matter well, you don't have to worry too much!"

   "The top priority is to hurry up and improve your cultivation!"

   "After a while, Yanhuang Heavenly Court and Primordial Heavenly Court will go to war!"

   "At that time, it is the critical moment to decide who is the Lord of the Wild!"

   "Although the strength of the six great victories of the Yaozu is good, it is not difficult to deal with them. You only need to send a half-step imperial dao powerhouse!"

   "Although the monster clan is powerful, it is limited to the wild!"

   "When attacking the Primordial Heaven in the future, if the monster race intervenes, then I will destroy them!"

  When Emperor Wushi saw what Ying Zheng said, he didn't say anything more.

  Although Ying Zheng is not his master, he has a special place in his heart!

  As long as Ying Zheng said something, he would unconditionally believe it.

  Because Ying Zheng never fights uncertain battles, every word he utters has a deep meaning!

  I proposed to eliminate the Six Great Sages, although it was out of good intentions, but Ying Zheng has his own plan, obviously including the Yaozu!

  If I still insist on eliminating the Six Great Sages, it will definitely disrupt Ying Zheng's plan!

   This is not what Ying Zheng wants to see, nor is it what he wants to see!

  So, when Ying Zheng finished speaking, he didn't make any further comments!

  At the same time, he has just broken through the Realm of Royal Dao, and his foundation is not particularly stable, and it will take time to stabilize it!

   This can be reflected from his battle with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

   Among them, although there is an element of him releasing water, the strength displayed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a bit difficult to parry even if he uses all his strength!

  So, the immediate thing is to stabilize the foundation, improve the cultivation level, and prepare for the decisive battle between the Yellow Heavenly Court and the Primordial Heavenly Court!

that's all!

   Time flies!

   In the blink of an eye, 500 years have passed!

   At this time, in Nanzhan Buzhou, there is a place called Datang Kingdom!

   Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva suddenly came to Chang'an City, came to the Daming Palace, and met Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Empire!

   "Amitabha!" Avalokitesvara first said a Buddha's name, and then paid homage to Li Shimin: "See Your Majesty!"

   "Who are you?" Li Shimin looked at Avalokitesvara in front of him, and frowned slightly: "If you dare to break into the palace without permission, what should you do?"

  When Avalokitesvara heard Li Shimin's question, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing an inscrutable smile: "The emperor of the Tang Dynasty need not panic, this seat is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, a disciple of Lingshan Buddhism!

  The purpose of coming to Daming Palace today is to ask Emperor Tang to send Buddhist disciples to Xitian Lingshan to obtain the scriptures and save the suffering beings in the world..."

  Li Shimin couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Guanshiyin's exaggerated words: "Pursue all sentient beings, save the common people! This is what my emperor should do. What does it have to do with you people outside the country?

  I, in charge of the Tang Empire, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, why use your scriptures to save sentient beings?

   What a big joke! "

   Li Shimin looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva like a fool. He felt that Guanyin Bodhisattva's head was rusted!

  If he went to fool a small country in the midst of war, it would be okay, but it is not enough for him!

  Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was not angry, and softly said a Buddha's name: "Amitabha!" A huge voice sounded in the Daming Palace in an instant, indeed, Li Shimin stopped his arrogant laughter in an instant!

   "Why do you have to deceive yourself and others, what is the Tang Dynasty like? Don't you, the emperor, not understand?" Guanyin Bodhisattva said mockingly: "Nowadays, the human race is being bullied by the heavens, and the talents have long since withered.

  Although your Great Tang Empire is powerful, what is it compared with the former Great Qin Empire?

   Today's Tang Empire is just a puppet empire under the heaven!

   As long as the Jade Emperor gives an order, the Tang Dynasty will collapse in an instant!

   Until then, how do you save sentient beings? How to save the people of Limin? How to resist the oppression of heaven?

   Just rely on one mouth?

   Stop making trouble, we are all adults, there is no need to talk about many things!

  Are you right, Your Majesty? "

  Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw Tang Emperor Li Shimin's face changed drastically, and continued: "As the emperor of the human race, His Majesty has seen talents wither and strength is declining under the oppression of the heavens. Is this what His Majesty wants to see?"

  As Guanyin Bodhisattva continued to speak, Li Shimin's mind gradually emerged the appearance of the Great Qin Empire dominating the prehistoric world in the past!

  He admitted that the Tang Empire is strong, the people in the territory live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is safe and peaceful!

  But compared with the Great Qin Empire back then, it is not a star and a half behind!

  When the Great Qin Empire was in its heyday, the human race became the overlord of the prehistoric world!

  Even if it is the prehistoric heaven, in front of the human race, it can only behave like a man with its tail between its legs!

  In that era, the human race was the real prehistoric overlord.

   Human Race is the real Human Race!

   No race, no force, dare to **** in front of the human race!

  At that time, the Great Qin Emperor Yingzheng was the real emperor of the human race!

  The current emperor of the human race, under the oppression of the heavenly court, must call himself the emperor!

   Son of Heaven, Son of Heaven!

   It indicates that the emperor of the human race will become the son of heaven, and he will no longer have the majesty and arrogance of the emperor of the human race in the past!

   As the emperor of the human race, Li Shimin was naturally unwilling to see this happen!

  But now that the strength of the Tang Empire has rebelled against the prehistoric heaven, it is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg!



  In recent years, he has worked hard to cultivate talents of the human race, and secretly accumulated strength, hoping that one day he will lead the human race to the peak and regain the majesty of the Great Qin Empire in the past!

   But he understands that such a thing is difficult!

  Because after hundreds of thousands of years of development, Heavenly Court has become a colossus. It is undoubtedly a dream to overthrow it with his empire!

   Now, under the instigation of Guanyin, the anger in his heart burst out instantly!

  The royal aura of the human race soared into the sky, combined with the golden dragon of luck on Chang'an City, stirring up the entire Chang'an world in turmoil, as if an ancient power was angry, making countless people feel horrified and trembling.

  Avalokitesvara Sword Dao Li Shimin looked like this, and smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, now that you cooperate with Buddhism, everything will turn around!

   In the future, the Buddhist scriptures will successfully reach the Western Paradise, and we and the Buddhas will definitely help Datang get what he wants! "

   "Really? How can I trust you?" Li Shimin frowned slightly when he heard Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva say so firmly, revealing a contemplative divine invitation!

   In a few moments!

   Li Shimin suppressed the anger in his heart, looked up at Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and said lightly: "Although your Buddhas are powerful, they are not enough to overthrow the prehistoric heaven!

  My wish is to restore the former glory of the Great Qin Empire and bring the human race back to its dominant position!

   In this way, it is bound to fight with the prehistoric heaven.

  By that time, Nixitian Lingshan will break face with Heavenly Court? "

   "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my presence here today has already explained everything!" Avalokitesvara waved her right hand, forming a transparent barrier in Daming Palace to prevent others from eavesdropping!

   "Your Majesty only needs to send Buddhist monks to Xitian Lingshan to obtain the scriptures. At that time, the Buddhist monks will lead the Buddhist supernatural powers back to the Tang Dynasty!

  As long as the Buddhist supernatural powers and mysteries are passed on to the people of Tang Dynasty, I believe that within a hundred years, the power of the human race will definitely improve greatly!

   Within a thousand years, the power of the human race will inevitably grow!

   Within ten thousand years, the human race will surely restore the glory of the Great Qin Empire!

   Do you want to do it? It depends on His Majesty's choice!

  If His Majesty breaks face with Honghuang Tianting in the future, I promise you here that Xitian Lingshan will definitely stand by your side! "

  After listening to Avalokitesvara's words, Li Shimin's dark color moved slightly!

  Since Emperor Qin Emperor Yingzheng led the Great Qin Empire to transcend, the prehistoric human race has never recovered, and even today, it has not regained its former glory!

  The Great Desolate Heavenly Court still oppresses the human race from time to time, and does not allow the birth of a strong human race!

  The monster race that was suppressed by them in the past has gradually become popular, rushing to run wild in the human race's territory!

   Such a thing is unacceptable to him!

  As the hero of the first generation of the human race, Tang Emperor Li Shimin's wish is to bring the human race back to the status of the prehistoric overlord!

  Now, Fomen took the initiative to offer an opportunity, and he agreed after a moment of contemplation!

   "Okay, I agree to what you said!" Li Shimin said in a deep voice: "However, you must do what you promised, otherwise, even if the Tang Empire is destroyed, your Buddhist lineage will definitely be wiped out!"

  Li Shimin did not lie. Although he could not compete with the entire Buddhist sect, as the emperor of the Great Tang Empire, it is still very easy to destroy the Buddhist power within the Tang Dynasty!

   Only one command is needed to uproot the Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty!

   Guanyin Bodhisattva's pupils shrank, knowing that if Li Shimin's request was not agreed, the Buddhist plan would not be able to be implemented!

   Thinking for a moment, nodded, and said: "Okay, what you said, our Buddhism agrees!"

   After finishing speaking, he left Daming Palace, leaving Li Shimin alone to think!


   Three months later!

   Chang'an City, God's Capital of the Tang Dynasty!

  In the Taiji Hall of Daming Palace, Datang Imperial Palace!

   Li Shimin hosted a banquet for Buddhist monk Xuanzang!

   "Master Xuanzang, I have issued an order to canonize you as my younger brother. After today, I will take Zhen to the Lingshan Mountain of Western Heaven to obtain the scriptures!

  It’s a long way to go to the West, and there are many difficulties. I hope Xuanzang will take care of you all the way, and don’t disappoint my expectations of you! After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the choice is happy or not, she directly puts the Jinlan cassock on Xuanzang's body!

   "This is the cassock I prepared for you. After you put it on, you will be able to prevent some small attacks!" Li Shimin began to explain the origin of the beautiful cassock, and told Xuanzang that he must not forget his original intention!

   Xuanzang is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi. Although his cultivation is not as strong as in his previous life, he still has the cultivation of an Earth Immortal. He doesn't know about the past life!

  Hearing that Emperor Tang Li Shimin believed in him so much, he was so moved that he burst into tears!

   "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the poor monk will never fail to live up to your expectations! He will definitely arrive at the Lingshan Mountain in the West, obtain the scriptures, and come back to save the people!"

  Master Xuanzang expressed his determination on the spot that he would never return to Chang'an City unless he retrieved the scriptures.

   "Okay, I'm relieved to have my younger brother!" Seeing Master Xuanzang's determination, Li Shimin patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm waiting for you in God, don't let me down!"


   To be continued, so stay tuned!

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  A book that crushes different worlds with the help of various gods in the underworld. If you are interested, you can go and read it. It is updated every day, and the volume is large!

  (end of this chapter)

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