MTL - Getting Simulated By The Empress Is Not My Intention-Chapter 13 execution ground

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  Chapter 13 Execution Ground

  Three days later, in Baiyang County, the execution platform.

  Today is the day when the new county magistrate will execute the death row criminals. Early in the morning, the guards released a notice, which attracted many people to watch.

   "The new official took office three fires, and the new county lord has just arrived, and he is going to kill people!"

"He found the wrong person. No one cares about killing some refugees and beggars. He wants to kill, but the direct descendants of the Bai family and the Yang family have angered these two families. How can he mess around in Baiyang County? go down?"

   "Don't forget, how did the previous county magistrate die! When he went to mediate disputes, he was beaten to death directly!"

  The people were discussing, but they heard someone shouting: "Master Yang is here, everyone get out of the way!"

  They saw a group of tall and mighty men walking towards a solid wooden sedan chair with sticks in their hands.

   "It's the patriarch of the Yang family, Master Yang's sedan chair!" The people hurried out of the way, for fear of blocking his way.

   The servants cleaned the road around the execution ground, and put fur blankets on it. Yang Shan, the Patriarch of the Yang family, walked down slowly and sat on the chair prepared by the servants. A group of domestic servants surrounded the surrounding fiercely, no one dared to approach.

   Before it was time to make a cup of tea, someone shouted: "Master Bai is here!"

  Bai Liangpu was more imposing than Yang Shan, not only did he come in a sedan chair, but his sedan chair was twice as big as Yang Shan's, and there were actually tea tables and maids inside.

   "I heard that when carrying the sedan chair for Master Bai, there must be no swaying at all. If you let his tea spill out, you will be beaten severely!" Seeing this style, the common people were afraid and envious at the same time.

  The maids spread paper fans to shield Bai Liangpu from the sun, and he sat down.

  Yang Shan saw this, and sneered: "Isn't the Bai family known as a military family? Why, are you afraid of the sun?"

  Bai Liangpu smiled contemptuously: "Is it from a military family, don't you know? Which one lost the last weapon fight? Have you forgotten?"

   Mentioning this, Yang Shan faintly had blue veins on his forehead, and he scolded: "Last time your Bai family hurt dozens of my children, and I haven't settled the debt with you yet!"

  Bai Liangpu said coldly: "I don't have time to argue with you today. Let's deal with the matter before us first!"

  The two looked towards the execution platform. At this time, Ah Da and the others had escorted four prisoners to the execution platform.

  Among the four people, two are from the Bai family and two are from the Yang family.

  These prisoners were fearless and felt that they would be released in two days after being caught. But when they heard that the new county magistrate was going to execute them, they panicked.

   Seeing Yang Shan and Bai Liangpu under the execution platform, the four shouted quickly.

   "Patriarch, save me!"

   "Grandpa, save me, they are going to kill me!"

   "Patriarch, father, mother, second uncle, save me!"

  Bai Yang and his family still had many relatives. Seeing them shouting, these people hurriedly begged Bai Liangpu and Yang Shan: "Patriarch, save them!"

   "Shut up, I'll take care of this matter!" Bai Liangpu scolded.

   "Don't worry, with Yang Shan here today, none of them will die!" Yang Shan snorted coldly.

  They waited for a long time before Zhang Beichen arrived.

   Around the execution platform, people from the Baiyang family had already surrounded the area, each with fierce faces, staring at Zhang Beichen and the others.

  The director Liu Wen was frightened and his legs became weak. He saw that the patriarchs of the Baiyang family had come, and this was no joke. They really dared to do it, but Liu Wen had seen them kill the previous county magistrate with his own eyes!

  Zhang Beichen walked towards the execution platform without haste. Yang Shan and Bai Liangpu looked at him and sat on chairs without getting up.

  When they saw Zhang Beichen's young appearance, they didn't hide their contempt at all.

  Yang Shan even said: "Zhang Beichen, you are just a public servant, and your title is under the two of us. Why don't you worship us when you see us?"

  Zhang Beichen said: "In addition to being a public servant, I am also the magistrate of this county. At this time, I am handling official business, regardless of title!"

  Zhang Beichen stood on the execution platform, and said to the crowd and the people watching from afar: "Everyone in Baiyang County, I am the new magistrate of Baiyang County, Zhang Beichen!"

"I think everyone knows what this official is going to do today." He pointed to the four people kneeling on the ground and said, "These four people beat the previous county magistrate to death in broad daylight under the eyes of everyone. Heinous!"

   "So today, I will execute them here to rectify the law!"

   "Dad, save me!" Several people on the stage shouted.

At this time, Yang Shan stood up, and he yelled at Zhang Beichen: "Zhang Beichen, my two Yang family disciples just accidentally touched the county magistrate once or twice, when did you beat him to death? What evidence?"

  Bai Liangpu also looked around and asked, "Did anyone see that the county magistrate was beaten to death by them?"

  People from the two families shouted: "No, they were wronged!"

  Naturally, the people dared not speak, and now the people of the two families became even more arrogant, shouting one after another: "They were wronged, let them go!"

   "Let people go!"

  They yelled together, the guards didn't dare to speak, even Ada and the others brought by Zhang Beichen didn't dare to move easily, so many people, if they really made a fuss, they really couldn't watch it enough.

  Zhang Beichen looked stern, his eyes swept over Yang Shan and Bai Liangpu.

  He shouted loudly: "These four people beat someone to death, and the officers of the county government witnessed it with their own eyes. Not only that, General Che Yang, who led the troops that day, also confirmed it.

  Che Yang was a general under King Qin, and he led people to handle this matter at that time.

   Zhang Beichen moved him out, and the Baiyang family couldn't object directly.

  Bai Liangpu said: "Zhang Beichen, even if they saw it, it can't prove that these people killed the county magistrate. They just accidentally injured the county magistrate. Maybe the county magistrate was already weak and died of illness."

   "Ridiculous!" Zhang Beichen scolded: "Bai Liangpu, you are also a member of Qin State (a kind of title, three ranks higher than a public official), how could you say such absurd and uninhibited words?"

   "Speaking nonsense with your eyes open, ignoring the law, you are really embarrassing your ancestors!"

  Bai Liangpu was surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Beichen would dare to scold him. Words like humiliating the ancestors are very insulting words in this period.

The former county magistrates were all timid when they saw him, but Zhang Beichen's attitude made Bai Liangpu furious, and he scolded: "Zhang Beichen, you little public servants, how dare you insult me? You want to beat me!" "

  Bai Liangpu's aura erupted, forming a powerful coercion. People from the Bai family and the Yang family cooperated together.

   The officers in front couldn't resist, and were directly overturned by this wave of air. Seeing that the coercion was about to oppress Zhang Beichen, Hu Cheng scolded: "This is the execution ground, the place where public law is enforced. Are you planning to rebel?"

  Following his yelling, a stronger energy erupted from Hu Cheng, and the coercion of Bai Liangpu and others was like waves hitting a mountain, and they were bounced back directly.

  A group of men around were knocked over, and some even suffered internal injuries.

  Bai Liangpu and Yang Shan turned pale with shock, and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

  Hu Cheng said coldly: "The unknown soldier of the Black Armored Army is now Master Zhang's guard."

   "Black Armored Army!" The two were even more surprised when they heard it. If others don't know, how can they not know? The Black Armored Army is the personal soldiers of the successive Kings of Qin!

   With this person's strength, he is definitely not a nobody.

  Bai Liangpu carefully looked at Hu Cheng's face, and suddenly his face changed drastically. He seemed to recognize that Hu Cheng was the personal guard of King Qin!

  The King of Qin actually sent his personal guards to protect Zhang Beichen. It seems that they really can't act rashly.

  Thinking of this, Bai Liangpu sat down silently. Yang Shan had never met Hu Cheng before, but seeing Bai Liangpu like this, he also knew that no trouble should be allowed at this time, so he also sat down.

  Although Hu Cheng showed his strength a little bit, they will not stop there.

  They are all members of the old clan. In Qin State, the power of the old clan is greater than that of the royal clan of Qin.

  Bai Liangpu calmed down and said to Zhang Beichen: "Magistrate Zhang, it is true that they accidentally injured someone. But I don't think the crime deserves death. You are strict in enforcing the law. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public in the future!"

  There was a hint of threat in his words, even if he didn't do anything to Zhang Beichen today, if Zhang Beichen killed his people, he would definitely take revenge!

  Yang Shan also said: "My Yang family are all good sons. Although they have made mistakes, we must give them a chance to correct them. County magistrate Zhang, you can figure it out!"

  The two were sitting on chairs, behind them were hundreds of strong men and servants. There are also many people watching from afar.

  (end of this chapter)