MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 92 Anti-theft

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【Chapter 92】

After the movie was finished, with the courtesy of the man, as before, gentleman Xue Chong returned Chu Qianyi to his home. However, this time Chu Qianyi did not invite Xue Chong upstairs to "sit down" anymore.

Chu Qianyi stood downstairs in his own community, his eyes slightly red. His lips moved, and he looked at Xue Chong with a blank expression, seeming to say a thousand words. But in the end, she just closed her eyes, and then quickly opened her eyes again, said to Xue Chong: "Thank you for sending me home, this time ... disturbed you."

Xue Chong said quietly.

Knowing that Xue Chong has always spoken very few words and never talked a lot, so Chu Qianyi no longer talked about it as hard as before.

Chu Qianyi twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, and raised a reluctant smile on his face, and said, "You go back first, you don't have to send me anymore, I'm all downstairs, it's already safe. Go back and remember to go to bed early."

After talking, Chu Qianyi waved his hand and trot upstairs.

Xue Chong watched Chu Qianyi go upstairs until Chu Qianyi disappeared from his sight, then turned around and walked back.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and there was no one on the road. The only thing is the dim light of the roadside, and the bleak night wind.

Because it was too late, and the location where Chu Qianyi lived was not in the urban area, it was very difficult to get a taxi. So Xue Chong then slowly walked towards the direction of the urban area and took luck.

Xue Chong walked alone on the road. The dim yellow flashing lights extended the shadow under his feet infinitely, making his figure lonely and desolate.

Pedestrians passing by in twos and threes couldn't help but look around, yet Xue Chong still looked as usual, as if he had already been used to it. Or, from the beginning ... he was alone.


Because a colleague in the office had an emergency and asked for leave temporarily, his work fell on Xue Chong, the team leader.

The workload increased, and when Xue Chong left work today, it was fully delayed by an hour than before. And when he took the elevator downstairs, there were hardly many people in the company.

With a ‘ding—’, the elevator reached the lobby on the first floor of the company. Xue Chong carried his briefcase and pressed the swollen temple out of the elevator.

But the next second, Xue Chong's footsteps stood still.

Qin Chuan not far away seemed to see him, but Qin Chuan only looked at Xue Chong lightly, as if he saw a stranger he didn't know, and quickly withdrew his sight.

Since playing Ruan Tinglan, Xue Chong and Qin Chuan have never spoken again. Even if it happened by chance, it seemed to be like a stranger who didn't know each other, and passed by directly.

And every time Xue Chong meets Qin Chuan, he can always smell a strong perfume smell on Qin Chuan's body. The smell of this perfume is the same as that of Xue Chong in the hotel Ruan Tinglan a few days ago. The smell is exactly the same.

In this regard, Xue Chong did not think. Because he was already mentally prepared, he was not surprised.

And, for Xue Chong ... this is the best ending.

Instead, Ruan Tinglan beside Qin Chuan greeted Xue Chong with a smile, "Isn't this the last Mr. Thousand Cups not drunk? I really was the first time I saw someone you can drink like this I'm so admired. "

Xue Chong didn't change his face and said quietly: "General Ruan exaggerated."

Ruan Tinglan had a bright smile on his face, and then suddenly lowered his voice and asked in Xue Chong's ear: "Cough ... I didn't do anything last time after drinking the wine?"

Xue Chong raised his eyebrows and asked quietly, "What Ruan always means."

Hearing that, Ruan Tinglan seemed to be embarrassed to clip the falling curls behind his ears, and then his eyes flickered and said: "It's like ... shameful things, undressing, singing on the road ... ... I asked you Mr. Qin, but he didn't say anything. "

Xue Chong looked down and said: "Sorry, after sending you to the hotel, General Qin asked me to go back. I don't know what happened afterwards."

Ruan Tinglan heard Xue Chong ’s formal reply, stared at Xue Chong dissatisfiedly, and said with carelessness: “How can you even perfuse me!”

Xue Chong said nothing.

Not far away, Qin Chuan standing in front of the elevator seemed to be impatient and frowned, "Is enough chatting? Not enough chatting please tell me how long I have to wait."

Seeing Qin Chuan's impatience, Ruan Tinglan threw out his tongue and returned the sentence 'Come here immediately', then could not help but yell at Xue Chong. Just wait impatiently. It ’s normal for people to fall in love and wait half an hour for an hour. "

Although Ruan Tinglan vomited Qin Chuan on her mouth, the smile she couldn't hide from her face was completely opposite to her voicing.

Xue Chong silently.

Xue Chong silently watched Ruan Tinglan's sweet face and ran towards Qinchuan, and then said something to Qinchuan, Qinchuan then returned, and then Ruan Tinglan smiled and smiled. Laughed.

Then, the two stepped into the elevator, the elevator doors closed, and Xue Chongbian could not see anything.

Until the figure of the two disappeared from Xue Chong's sight, Xue Chong, who was standing on the spot, couldn't help raising his hand and pressed his eyes tiredly. Obviously all these people have come here for the past five years, but now I feel exhausted for no reason.

... Maybe it was possible that I didn't sleep well last night.

Xue Chongru told himself.


Qin Chuan left early today and came to the company lobby on the first floor when he happened to meet Xue Qian's 'current girlfriend' Chu Qianyi.

Chu Qianyi walked side by side with another female colleague, talking and laughing along the way, as if preparing to take the elevator upstairs. The two looked up inadvertently and glanced at Qin Chuan not far away, the pace stopped immediately, and then respectfully called General Qin.

Qin Chuan responded faintly, turning his eyes around Chu Qianyi with no trace of his eyes. After slowly taking his eyes away, he said casually, "Go up."

After Chu Qianyi and the female colleague in the same room answered, he lifted his feet and continued walking towards the elevator in the direction just now.

Chu Qianyi and her female colleagues have gone a long way, but Qin Chuan is still standing still. He stared at Chu Qianyi's back straightly, wondering if someone liked this type of sarcasm.

Although it is admitted that it is better than the average person, but if compared with Ruan Tinglan, the appearance and ability are still slightly worse.

Qin Chuan is currently trying to accept Ruan Tinglan.

Anyway, I do n’t like it now. It seems good to find a woman of equal strength to get married, to cooperate with the company, and to benefit each other.

And I have to say that Ruan Tinglan is more sentimental than someone, and has more words, and his temperament is more lively than someone's. When going out together, he always takes care of his ideas and puts him first. The most important thing is that the grandmother is very satisfied with her. Although his father said nothing, the approval in his eyes has long been visible.

As for the fiancee, it was something that Qin Chuan used to excite Xue Chong's son. It never existed. It is a pity that no matter what he said, the other party was indifferent.

But now he doesn't need to lie hard anymore, because the fiancee will soon become a fact. In a few months, he will get engaged to Ruan Tinglan.

In fact, Ruan Tinglan wanted to get married directly, but Qin Chuan felt too fast. Because he still needs some time to slowly accept Ruan Tinglan.

And someone ...

Someone doesn't like him, and he doesn't need to go up and beg.

Just as Qin Chuan turned and was about to leave, he suddenly heard a colleague next to Chu Qianyi suddenly say: "Hey, did n’t you and Xue Chong go to the movie last night? How did you watch it? Is there ... hey? Hey. "

Although the sound is not loud, it is enough to pass into Qin Chuan's ears.

Qin Chuan stepped in a stalemate and froze in place.

Chu Qianyi smiled, pretending to be ashamed: "Oh, Sister Qin, how kind of saying this kind of thing. But last night he sent me home and looked at me upstairs before leaving."

Colleagues exclaimed, and then could not help sighing: "Xue Chong is such a peerless good man. I really have to grasp it. Now I don't smoke or drink, nor do I have any special hobbies. It is very rare. You see The man in my family is incomparable to Xue Chong. "

Chu Qianyi waved his hand and said, "There is no one, he is not so perfect."

A colleague gave her a sip and scolded her for being clever and good-natured. The two joked for a while, and then they couldn't help but ask, "Oh, when are you going to get married? Xue Chong 25, you are now 23, and you are of good age to marry. And ah, if not earlier Grabbing a great man like Xue Chong into his hand, maybe one day he suddenly ran out of a flirtatious and cheap product and took him away. "

After Chu Qianyi responded, the two walked into the elevator, and the elevator doors closed immediately. After that, Qin Chuan could no longer hear the sound.

Qin Chuan stood motionless, trembling uncontrollably, his fingers chilling.

He had made such psychological preparations clearly in the morning, but after hearing these words from others' mouths, he could not help but feel a pain.

Qin Chuan's eyes were dull, he lifted his feet and stepped out of the company step by step, leaving his head blank. Where should I go? he does not know.

In Qin Chuan ’s mind now, there is only the sentence ‘Xue Chong 25, you are now 23, which is a good age to get married’, and this sentence has been echoing in his head, as if he was stunned.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Xue Chong finished the shower in the bathroom, put on his pajamas, and was about to fall asleep. The cell phone in the living room suddenly rang.

Xue Chong picked up his cell phone and found that it was Chu Qianyi who was calling, and he was slightly stunned. He frowned and looked at the phone for a few seconds. After seeing that Chu Qianyi did not hang up, he made sure that he did not accidentally make a mistake. Then he pressed the connect button and answered the phone.

Xue Chong: "Hey."

Chu Qianyi's voice on the other end of the phone was a little uncomfortable, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to be brave enough to say, "I today ... lied in front of my colleague and said that the two of us were together ... talked For a long time……"

Xue Chong paused a little, and then calmly replied: "Is it."

After seeing Xue Chong's voice calm, he said lightly, "Isn't", and didn't ask her why again, nor did she blame her. Chu Qianyi choked with a choked voice, "You don't want to ask me why I did this?" ? "

Xue Chong's voice is still stable, not fast, "If you are willing to say, you will naturally say."

Xue Chong's curiosity has always been very weak, and even if he is curious, as long as the other party does not take the initiative to speak, Xue Chong will not take the initiative to ask.

This was the case five years ago, and five years later.

Hearing Xue Chong's words, Chu Qianyi was sure that Xue Chong would not take the initiative to ask her. Touching the trace, the mood can not help but become complicated for a while. Why can't he accept her?

Chu Qianyi took a deep breath on the phone and wiped away the tears on her face. Even though Xue Chong did not ask her, she still explained to him: "I am a very mean person because I ca n’t be with you, so I do n’t want others to be with you ... Now people all over the company know the fact that we are together. If you mind, I will explain to you tomorrow ... "

Not waiting for Chu Qianyi to finish, Xue Chong quietly truncated it, "No, just keep it as it is now."

Chu Qianyi listened to Xue Chong's words, and the mood that he had just calmed down just now couldn't be suppressed anymore. There was a crying voice in her voice, and she said, "I know you are gentleman, considerate. But if you are to take care of my face, you don't need to do this. My face is nothing ..."

Chu Qianyi's repressed choking noise made Xue Chong silent for a few seconds. He held the phone and closed his eyes slowly. He said in a deep voice, "No, I have this need. It's really despicable, it should be me . "

Xue Chong's heavy voice made Chu Qianyi's whimper stop suddenly, feeling that Chu Qianyi, who seemed to have touched some secret of Xue Chong, asked a little cautiously, "I can ask ... Is it because of what? Then get entangled by other women? Or ... something else? "

Xue Chong's eyes dimmed and he didn't speak.

The woman ’s sixth sense has always been unacceptable. Xue Chong on the other side of the phone was silent for only a few seconds. Between the lightning and the flint, Chu Qianyi suddenly found the direction with caution.

Chu Qianyi bit her lip, dumb her throat, and hesitantly whispered, "Is it because of someone you like?"

This time Xue Chong was silent for a longer time, and when Chu Qianyi almost thought that Xue Chong would not answer, he finally heard an inaudible 'en' in his ear.

After receiving a definite answer from Xue Chong, Chu Qianyi's eyes suddenly understood that he would not have any chance anymore.

She lowered her shoulder in frustration, but again, she quickly picked herself up and asked, "Aren't you together?"

Xue Chong echoed faintly.

Chu Qianyi couldn't help but then asked: "Why not together? Her parents hate you? Or because she doesn't like you? Or ..."

Before waiting for Chu Qianyi to finish the rest, Xue Chong quietly interrupted her and said calmly: "It's my reason, and he and I are not very suitable."

Chu Qianyi listened, and suddenly couldn't help it anymore, "There is nothing inappropriate! If you like it, you go for it! Your conditions are so good that you can't catch up! If it's because of face , Just lose your face. Look at me, a woman, shamelessly chasing you back, what a shame of being a big man! Do n’t be afraid, go bold— "

Chu Qianyi was still encouraging Xue Chong. Xue Chong suddenly heard a heavy flapping sound from the direction of the gate. Someone seemed to be slamming the door.

The loud voice was not only Xue Chong, but even Chu Qianyi over the phone heard it.

Chu Qianyi became nervous all of a sudden in recent cases of robbery and homicide. Her voice trembled slightly, trembling, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you ... what? Nothing happened?"

Xue Chong held the phone and walked towards the door, while calmly calming down: "Nothing happened, just someone knocking on the door. I went to open the door, you go to bed first."

Chu Qianyi clearly heard the sound of heavy beating, which sounds like the usual knock on the door! She didn't believe it.

Seeing that Xue Chong was still going to open the door, Chu Qianyi's voice suddenly became anxious and said excitedly: "Don't come to the door! What to do if there is danger! Just let him continue to shoot the door like this, and don't care about him. Open the door to see the situation— "

Chu Qianyi couldn't be more excited, Xue Chong remained calm, and continued to walk towards the door, while saying nonchalantly: "There may be a person in the property. I opened the door to see what would happen. "

Chu Qianyi immediately retorted, "If it is a property, it will be clear-"

Without waiting for Chu Qianyi to finish his speech, Xue Chong went on to say: "I will not hang up the phone first. If you hear the sound and feel the situation is wrong, you will call the police immediately."

Just listen, Chu Qianyi's voice slowly weakened. Holding her mobile phone, she still reassuredly said, "Then remember to be careful ..."

As Chu Qianyi's words fell, Xue Chong on the phone also opened the door.

Then the next second, after seeing the person coming, he froze.

Qin Chuan outside the door was drunk, and behind him, a cell phone was torn apart. He looked up and saw Xue Chong holding the phone in his hand. He seemed to be on the phone. He didn't hang up. He sneered, and while Xue Chong was unprepared, he quickly grabbed the phone in his hand.

Chu Qianyi on the phone still remembered the safety of Xue Chong, and quickly asked what happened, who was the other party and so on.

Qin Chuan looked at the three words Chu Qianyi on the phone screen, sneered sarcastically, and then raised the phone back and said, ‘It ’s me, do n’t call again’, and immediately hung up.

Chu Qianyi at the other end of the phone heard Qin Chuan's voice, and he stayed at once. Even when Qin Chuan hung up his mobile phone, nothing happened.

Chu Qianyi's expression was dull, and his brain seemed to be stuck, unable to function normally.

That was ... Qin ... President Qin? ? ?


There will be surprises tomorrow.

Thank you for Shuai's two mines and Tiny's three mines.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.

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