MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 64 Anti-theft

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【Chapter 64】

Of course, Xue Chong refused if he didn't want to.

Ever since Xue Chong was in the game last time, Qin Chuan was kissed half-push, Qin Chuan almost seized the opportunity to embrace Xue Chong in his arms. Fortunately, Qin Chuan still remembered the face of Xue Chong, picking some unoccupied positions.

In addition, because there is no one in the position, Qin Chuan hugged, and the nature began to change gradually.

Qin Chuan really has a hand in flirting. If Xue Chong is not determined, I am afraid that Qin Chuan will not just hug and hug.

Qin Chuan is really tight and sticks to people. What makes Xue Chong helpless is that because Qin Chuan's face is too thick, Xue Chong has almost nothing to do with Qin Chuan. In the past, Xue Chong could make his classmates evade Sanshe directly as long as he was cold-faced and glared slightly. However, in front of Qin Chuan, not only did he not retreat, but instead he was treated as a signal of flirting, and then ... get up again.

The only thing to be thankful is that Qin Chuan would never venture to his bedroom without his permission. Although Qin Chuan has repeatedly complained and protested this point, Xue Chong decisively ignored it every time.

Therefore, the bedroom is now the only place where Xue Chong can enjoy the quietness. If Qin Chuan is promised, he will move in and live together ... unimaginable.

And one of the most important reasons is that Xue Chong discovered that Qin Chuan's eyes have become increasingly hungry / thirsty recently. If he moved in, Xue Chong had no doubt that Qin Chuan would do something other than kiss and hug him.

——So I ca n’t agree.

However, in fact, let Xue Chong move to live with himself. In fact, Qin Chuan just mentioned it tentatively, and there was no illusion that Xue Chong could agree. But he hoped that Xue Chonghui might agree, and made a tentative mention.

But after being refused without hesitation, Qin Chuan didn't give up as he planned at the beginning, but couldn't help but start to fantasize.

If he lives with someone, he no longer has to worry about someone ignoring him like he is now, and he never has to send messages every day to ask someone to go online. If you live together, you can not only take classes together, go home together, but also eat together, sleep together ... Qin Chuan thinks it is wonderful.

Therefore, Qin Chuan decided to make experimentation a reality.

In order to allow Xue Chong to move over and live with himself, Qin Chuan preached that there were ghosts in the dormitory. After seeing that Xue Chong was not afraid of ghosts, he shut down the bedroom for three days. After discovering that it was still useless, Qin Chuan could only come from 'soft'. While preaching the benefits of living with yourself, before Xue Chonglin went to bed, he would send a harassment message of ‘want to sleep with Master’.

However, as everyone knows, Xue Chongyu, who received this message, became more determined to stay in the dormitory.

Qin Chuan couldn't attack for a long time in reality. Later, he didn't even let go of the game.

This time, Xue Chongcai boarded the game, before waiting for him to stand firm on the spot, he raised his eyes and saw that for a long time, Wang Chuan, who had been standing there for a long time, stood in a purple physique. Breath.

Some people are particularly hateful, not to mention popular in reality, but also popular in games.

Yes, this is Qin Chuan.

Forget a jade crown above his head, Xuanyi added body, and his eyes slightly picked up, with an indescribable style. At first glance, it looks like a handsome and noble family son.

However, there are only four words in Xue Chong's eyes at this time.

——It's annoying to watch.

Forgot to stay in the game for a long time, and finally reached Xue Chong on the line, but he hadn't waited for him to get close, and saw Xue Chong turned his face, gave him a cool look, and said silently, "Let me Further."

Forgetting about Chuanchuan's footsteps, he hadn't waited for him to make a wronged expression. Xue Chong, who only listened, said with a cold face, "Shut up, don't talk."

Forgetting to stand in the same place, Wang Chuan was told to be far away, so he could only stand in the same place, and at a distance, he stared at Xue Chong. A handsome face looks pitiful.

When the players around met, they couldn't help but want to step forward and say something good for Wang Chuan, but when they saw that the other main character was Xue Chong, they immediately dispelled the idea.

Ha ha ... whoever went up and died.

Ignoring Wang Chuan from the side, Xue Chong opened the summoning package interface and looked at the material inside.

9000 pieces of cloth, 13,400 meteorite, 6450 gold coins ...

No matter what the material is, it is very abundant, except for the magic stone that can only be obtained through the guild mission. Although the last time was led by the long kapok, even without the participation of Xue Chong and Wang Chuan, he successfully completed the guild mission and received a reward.

Even so, it is still far away from Xue Chong's 5000 magic stone.

The annual PK competition is about to strike, and it is still important to upgrade weapons at the moment.

After thinking about it, Xue Chong decided to do the guild mission. Then I asked him if they would go. After all, if there were no four members in the guild mission, it could not be completed.

As for forgetting the river ... Xue Chong decided to continue to ignore it.

Xue Chong reached out and summoned the white tiger. Before he left, he turned his head and said coldly to the man behind him, ‘not allowed to follow up’. After that, he mounted the horse and left. Leaving Wang Chuan alone standing on the spot.

Wang Chuan looked at Xue Chong Juechen with a disappointed look. Two seconds later, Wang Chuan's expression suddenly changed, raising his hand slightly, and a mighty domineering sky fox Nine Tail appeared on his side.

Wang Chuan stared at Xue Chong's departure without blinking, and said with a deep voice: "Follow up."

Wen Yan, I do n’t know why, inexplicably, Tianhu Jiuwei, who had a good impression of Xue Chong, shook his tail cheerfully.


Xue Chong arrived at the guild building, jumped off the mount, and then turned back subconsciously to see if Wang Chuan had followed.

Because the image of Wang Chuan's cheeky face is so deeply rooted in people's hearts, Xue Chong knew that even if he warned Wang Chuan not to keep up, Wang Chuan would immediately follow without hesitation when he turned around.

Sure enough, Xue Chongcai turned around and raised his eyes to see Wang Chuan's beautiful and beautiful face. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a charming smile to him.

Forget Chuan smiled slightly and squinted, "Is Master looking for me?"

Xue Chong watched Wang Chuan silent for two seconds, and quietly returned two words, "No."


Xue Chong stood in front of the mission NPC, and he had n’t waited for him to ask the mission. Forgotten on the side realized what he knew, and then said without thinking, "Master, the weapon I have here is what Master wants. The guild ’s task is long and boring, shall we do other things? "

[Apocalypse] asked for a weapon such as gold, but it was difficult to reach the sky.

Moreover, as the No. 1 local tyrant on the Fortune List, it is absolutely impossible for him to come up with a weapon such as one-star gold and so on. Any shot must be above eight-star gold.

Anyone who listened to the words of Chuanchuan would be excited, but Xue Chong refused without hesitation. Because he can guess that forgetting the so-called ‘other things’ in Chuanzui is definitely something he is not interested in.

Xue Chong refused without hesitation. Forget Chuan was still thinking about how to trick Xue Chong over and fall in love with himself. At this time, the figure of the killing Qianjun suddenly appeared in the sight of the two. Inside.

Not only the killing of thousands of kings, but also Pluto, Seven Tails, and ten strokes of Chang'an ...

Suddenly Chuan had a bad hunch.

On the side, Qianjun saw that the two of Wang Chuan and Xue Chong were as if they had won the five million grand prize, and they were pleasantly surprised: "I just guessed whether the president and the wife of the president will go to the guild. The thought really made me guess! "

The more ominous the foreboding in Wang Chuan's heart grew, the more he looked at the destruction of Qianjun. Waiting for the next sentence to kill Qianjun, he forgot to say the next sentence. He forgot to step forward, and he stood in front of him without a trace, and said lightly: "You guessed it, okay, you can leave."

Killing Qianjun inexplicably so, "Ah, why is it President?"

Of course, it prevents them from falling in love. Of course, the ten strokes of Changan's consciousness did not speak out.

However, blocking the killing of Qianjun, still unable to stop the next person, Vice President Qi Mei looked at the weapons that he could upgrade with dozens of magic stones, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of Xue Chong, hesitating Tao: "Is the president's wife going to do the guild mission?"

Xue Chong hadn't answered yet. Wang Chuan from the side suddenly blacked his face.

Qiwei's words fell, and Qianjun, a murderer on the side, quickly answered, pointing to himself, Qinan and others, and said happily: "I, the president's wife, the president, the vice president, and then ten strokes. Chang'an and Pluto, just six people! "

Forgetting now, Chu Chuan only wants to get along with Xue Chong alone, together, I am interested in what guild mission.

Forgetting to curl his eyebrows, Shen Sheng retorted without thinking, "No ..."

What Wang Chuan originally wanted to say was that neither he nor Xue Chong would go. Xue Chong, who was on the side, gave him a light glance, and said quietly without changing his face: "You can do it without going, five people are enough."

Wang Chuan's voice stopped suddenly.

Wang Chuan froze his face and changed his tone, "I mean, 'No, I'm going.'"

Hearing this, Xue Chong said lightly, ‘Is it’, and then there was no other reaction.

Wang Chuanyou looked at Xue Chong with a grudge, turned his face, and looked at Nanao and others, his eyes instantly filled with killing intent.

The members of the Guild of Luoshengmen, such as Nanao and Qianjun, silently looked at the sky, pretending that they saw nothing.


Along the way, Wang Chuan's expression was very resentful.

Forgetting Chuan's grudge followed behind Xue Chong, the top of his head seemed to be covered with a thick and unshakable black mist, and his beautiful face seemed to have four big characters engraved on it: I am not happy.

Forgetting Chuan was in a bad mood, the other members of the team were also trembling with fear, fearing that he would be unhappy when he was on the way, and he cut himself off with a knife.

In order to save his life, Nanao and several people moved away from Wang Chuan quietly and slowly backed away to the distance they felt safe before slowly relaxing.

Mom, they did the guild mission for the good of the guild, but the president was not happy, and they had to cut them. Can anyone be more hard-working than them?

Thinking about it, Nanao's expression could not help but start to murmur.

However, in order to prevent themselves from being seen, Nanao and others quietly moved away from Wangchuan, and then further away. Finally, after retreating to the distance that I felt completely safe, this slowly relieved my breath.

So the players passing by can see that the legendary infamous endless night rides the cheapest white tiger in [Apocalypse], walking at the forefront. The first **** on the PK list of the dazzling ride was behind the endless long night with the only three horses in the "Apocalypse" and the priceless and non-market sky fox Nine Tails. Finally, Vice President Luo Shengmen Nanao and his three famous Luo Shengmen members rode each horse with a minimum value of 20,000 gold behind each of them, trembling and daring not to step forward. Scenes.

This time the task is to go to a Murong Villa on the 110th level map to help the Villa defeat the thief who steals the Cheats of the Villa.

The mission reward is still 50 magic stones and 10 gold coins. Four people are required for the task.

This task is not difficult to tell the truth, it is three times simpler than the copy of Canglan that Xue Chong first went with Shibihua Changan and others.

But the only difficulty is that this task is to divide the four members into a one-to-one format, which means that one member can only play once, and the difficulty will increase one by one. And more than that, this task also limits the time.

That is to say, this task can't be done as brutally as it used to be.

It didn't take long for a group of people to come to Murong Villa.

Then, several people's ears sounded a system prompt.

[System prompt: You have arrived at the mission destination, Murong Villa. 】

Several people stood at the entrance of the villa. It was precisely that a team had just been forced out of the villa by the NPC because the mission failed.

The team looked scoldingly at the NPC behind him, vomiting who was the mother of this task, and hadn't finished talking yet. He raised his eyes and inadvertently saw the crowd of Luoshengmen standing in the villa, and then froze.

The endless night of the seventh in the killing list, the forgotten river of the first in the PK list, the Pluto in the fifth of the PK list, the killing of the thousand kings in the ninth of the PK list, and the vice president of Luo Shengmen Nanao ...

Several people watched as if the golden light was shining in front of them. The team that was so dazzling that they couldn't help couldn't help being silent for a while, and then ran to tears immediately.

This game can't be played ...

People are more dead than popular ...

The content of the mission is that several people came to the villa as the masters who were invited, so when they entered the villa, they did not need to defeat the butler to enter like the Golden Bull Martial Arts Museum. Instead, they entered the villa directly and unhindered. internal.

Entering the villa, crossing the promenade, and then triggering the official plot.

Not far away, a NPC named Liu Renxing was in a fierce battle with a man in black. The two seemed to have fought for a long time, but because of their similar strengths, they had never made a difference.

Xue Chong and his party appeared, and NPC Liu Renxing and the Man in Black looked at Xue Chong.

NPC Liu Renxing shouted: "The young man came just right, so come and help me catch this abominable thief!"

The man in black sneered contemptuously, turned his face to Xue Chong and said, "If a few young heroes help me to leave the villa, there will be a gift from the next day!"

The two people are behind, and the system prompt sounds again.

[System Tip: Please send a member to help Liu Renxing defeat the man in black, the time limit is three minutes. 】

The men in black in the first round are much simpler than the remaining three rounds, and the difficulty is medium. So several people glanced at each other and decided to let the most unreliable killer in the team come first.

Qianjun Wangchao, who was pushed out because he was the least reliable, uttered, "What is because I am the least reliable! When will I no longer be reliable!"

While killing Qianjun's mouth, he complained, and he took out his weapon in an anxious way. The next second, he received a system prompt.

[System Tips: Weapon durability 2/100, about to be damaged, please go to the blacksmith shop for repair as soon as possible. 】

Qianjun broke into silence for two seconds, then turned back with a smile, and touched the back of the head, "Then ... my weapon is broken."


Ten strokes of Chang'an used the power of nine cattle and two tigers, and finally solved the first round of people in black.

He sat on the ground, took out a bottle of energy recovery agent and a bottle of blood medicine from his pocket and drank it, only to feel as if he was half his life.

Ten strokes painted Changan's ragged clothes, while looking at the people in black, only one hand rested on the post to pant.

The man in black looked at Xue Chong and the others fiercely, and said coldly: "With one enemy and two victories, we will gradually count this."

Having said that, he was injured and escaped from the east.

Then, NPC Liu sidewalk: "The thief stole my Murong cheats and fled to Shangyuezhai in the east. Shaoxia must not let him escape Murong Villa."

In the next second, the system sounds again.

[System Tip: The man in black escapes to the east, please find the man in black quickly, the time limit is five minutes. 】

The group walked eastward while discussing the order of the next three rounds.

Nanao: "The last two rounds of the president and the president's wife, this round depends on whether I am on Pluto."

Pluto: "I am free."

Ten strokes painted Chang'an: "Pluto, Pluto's style of play is more secure."

Kill Qianjun: "I think ..."

Seven Tails, Hades, and Ten Painted Chang'an: "Shut up, you don't have the right to speak!"

Kill the Thousand Kings: "TAT"

The three discussed and decided that the next order would be Pluto, then Xue Chong, and finally forget Chuan.

Pluto said that he had no objections, let him direct, and Nanao naturally turned his eyes to Xue Chong's direction and asked, "What do you think, Madam President?"

Xue Chong's expression was indifferent, and he also expressed no objection.

Since the president's wife agreed, the president must have no objection. Therefore, Nanao et al. Skipped directly from Forget River.

Of course, the main reason is that Wang Chuan is in a bad mood now. No one dares to touch the mold ...


Several people followed the east to Shangyuezhai, and then they saw a black man holding a maidservant.

The man in black smiled at several people and said: "Good boy, dare to chase it, I really don't know life and death! Just now I was defeated by the two enemies and one and one, just look at how competent you are!

[System Tip: Please send a member to defeat the man in black, the time limit is three minutes. 】

Pluto stepped forward, and a golden short knife appeared in his hand.

The strength of the militant Pluto in the PK rankings fifth is naturally needless to say, although this time the black men are much stronger than the previous ones, but it only makes Pluto unable to squint slightly, not very much. Embarrassed.

And when Pluto and the men in black were fighting, Xue Chong suddenly found that Wangchuan was gone.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.

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