MTL - Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You-Chapter 57 Anti-theft

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At this time, it was a bright moon, and then calm down, seeing the real endless night, could not help panicking for a moment.

But there was only a moment.

Mingyue Aotian, the president of Tianhuozong, the second guild of the rankings, has never known how many heavy winds and heavy rain I have seen. When the half-life floating life pretended to be an endless night, he had long expected that this scene would come.

Earlier or later, it's just a matter of time.

And what if the endless long night really appeared here, he said he was really true?

As long as they win this guild war, no one can question their identity anymore!

"Which of these two endless nights is true and which is false?"

"I remember a long time ago, there was a post saying that the endless long night was actually in Luo Shengmen."

"I remember people saying that the endless night never added guilds!"

"The ones on our side must be true, and the president will not lie to us."

"I think the one on our side is fake. You see that the forehead on our side has begun to sweat forever?"

Xue Chong was expressionless on the city wall, staring down from the top of the world for half a lifetime, and the cold and dark pupil was like a dead sea.

Although there was comfort and assurance from President Mingyue Aotian, and even he felt that their guild would definitely win, he could not help panicking when he saw Xue Chong.

Others in the guild may not know, but only he clearly knows that the talent in front of him is a real endless night, he is just a fake. And whenever the half-life floating life thought of three days ago, in the restaurant, Xue Chong said to him, "See you on the guild battlefield", he felt a little shudder.

Mingyue Aotian saw the half-life floating life standing on the spot looking at the endless night, shaking and frowning, and said in a deep voice: "What are you afraid of a fake? You are the real endless night."

On the one hand, Mingyue Aotian implied that life was half a lifetime, while at the same time quieting the impetuous members.

Immediately, Ji Hao and Mo Ranran, who had been defeated by Xue Chong, stepped forward, the weapon in their hands pointed directly at Xue Chong's direction, "Fake, you wait! Last time it was our care, this time it will make you look good ! "

The duo fell, and in the next second, all players present received a system mechanical sound.

[System Tip: The Guild Battlefield is about to open, please prepare for all players present. 】

[System Tips: Countdown, Three-]

[System Tips: Two-]

[System Tips: One-]

Just as Tianhuozong was all ready and rushing forward, he only heard the side of Wangchuan standing on the wall of the city, and asked Xue Chong, who was all expressionless: "Mrs. President, we will wait until the meeting is over. How about going to the movies. I already bought them ... "

Waiting for Wang Chuan ’s “vote” to speak out, he heard Xue Chong coldly replied without hesitation: “Do n’t go.”

Forgotten Sichuan glanced at Xue Chong.

Nanao and others on the side couldn't help the black line. Hey, President, what is the occasion now, is it appropriate to talk about this?

Sure enough, the members of the Huozongzong under the city wall heard Wang Chuan casually asked Xue Chong if he wanted to watch the movie, and they suddenly became angry.

In a rage, I had forgotten the pre-negotiated formation, whether it was long-range or melee, all of them rushed toward the city gate.

Especially those who have long wanted to trample Luo Shengmen under their feet, not only rushed forward themselves, but also took the lead to signal the others behind them to come forward together.

Nanao and others did not expect that the group of people at Tianhuo Sect were so impulsive that they raised their eyebrows in surprise.

During the Tianhuozong riots, the remote ten-stroke painting Chang'an with a feather bow in hand, and the seven tails with a flying blade between his fingers led nearly 20 minutes of the remote range. Remote players.

Ten strokes of Changan's squinted bow and bow, the sharp feather arrow shot out quickly, the center of the arrow, and in the blink of an eye, a remote output of the Tianhuo Sect fell to the ground.

The killing Qianjun in Luo Shengmen are all veterans in the PK arena and the wild area. They no longer know where to hit the player to kill the opponent. So, after a while, the large team of Tianhuozong had not yet entered the city, and they had already died of 30 members. And all are remote players.

In guild battles, it is self-evident that remote players are familiar with melee players.

There is no chance of resurrection in the guild battlefield. Mingyue Aotian saw the death of a famous member and screamed angrily: "Everyone calmed me down! According to the previous consultation, divided into ten teams, melee protection Enter the gate remotely! Whoever wants to hear me kick him out of the guild immediately! "

Mentioning that Mingyue Aotian said he wanted to kick out of the guild, the members of Tianhuozong quickly calmed down.

Ji Hao hurried forward and walked to the side of Mingyue Aotian, complaining: "I just told them countless times to go back to protect the remote, but they just don't listen ..."

Mingyue Aotian glared coldly at Ji Hao and said sharply, "What do you do if you don't come to me remotely?"

Ji Hao murmured, and immediately ran to the side of the long and long Kapok.

Ji Hao gazed at the long kapok, squeezed the sword in his hand, and vowed: "Cotton, you will have to tighten me later, I will protect you later!"

The cotton kapok turned his face and looked at Ji Hao, who was full of blood and enthusiasm, and ripped the corner of his mouth, and asked back: "Do you know that you have been cheated?"

Suddenly, the kapok came up with such a sentence, which caused Ji Hao to be stunned for some reason.

Ji Hao frowned: "Cotton, what are you talking about? How can I not understand?"

Seeing Ji Hao's reaction exactly as expected in his own heart, the cotton kapok teased the corner of his mouth tauntingly, and then snorted, and replied: "You don't understand it and it's normal. But you don't need to protect me, I can do it myself, you Go protect others. "

Ji Hao heard the cotton kapok saying this, frowning and hesitating for a while, "Can you do it yourself? The Luo Shengmen people are staring at the remote kill now. I'm afraid you are not enough on your side."

The kapok doesn't even think about it, "You don't worry about my technology? Besides, don't you have anyone else, what are you worried about? Well, okay, don't get in the way."

After being cheated by Mingyue Aotian for so long, the long kapok does not want to continue to be used by Mingyue Aotian. She does not intend to contribute in this guild station. She came here just to see the results of the guild station. Whether it is the Tianhuozong who wins a lot of people, or the Luo Shengmen who is gathered by the great gods wins.

Because he was not prepared to contribute, in case it was seen, he had to drive away Ji Hao.

After Ji Hao listened to the long Kapok words, he felt relieved and turned to another squad to protect the other remote players.

At the same time, under the command of Mingyue Aotian, after only consuming nearly ten remote players again, a group of Tianhuozong successfully entered the city.

Everyone in the Tianhuo Sect felt that victory was imminent, and they couldn't help starting to shout loudly.

"President wise!"

"Chairman domineering!"

"The Celestial Sect is the last winner!"

"You Luo Shengmen wait to admit defeat!"

Nearly 300 people shouted slogans together, with a loud voice and magnificent momentum.

However, for the members of Luo Shengmen, they just felt that there were countless noises in their ears, which made them very upset.

Meow frowned, and after saying something really noisy, he looked back at his president, Wang Chuan, and said, "Chairman, are there any instructions?"

Forget Chuan said slowly, "Choose a kill that doesn't look good on you."

Killing Qianjun holding a sword, staring at the Tianhuozong, eager to try, "I don't think anyone is pleasing to the eye, can I kill them all?"

Wang Chuan frowned slightly, expressing his freedom.

Immediately afterwards, I only heard the ten strokes on the side and Changan suddenly said, "The one who died first, when the guild war is over, go to the center of Daze City, how about calling me a pig three times to the sky?

Nanao had no objection, "Well, I have no opinion."

The killing Qianjun couldn't help turning his head and chewed Changbi with ten strokes, "Why are you so bad?"

Ten strokes painted Chang'an haha ​​smiled and said: "Ha ha, are you afraid?"

Several people were rushing towards Mingyue Aotian while chatting. The rest of them also rushed forward together, forming a battle of siege.

There were only 60 people, but the nearly 300 people of Tianhuozong began to panic inexplicably.

Mingyue Aotian is still not panicking and shouting, shouting: "What is panic! It is still the same as previously discussed! Break down one by one!"

As Mingyue proudly fell, Tianhuozong instantly turned into 7 teams of 20 people and 25 teams of 4 people.

Tianhuozong decided to use most of the people to first destroy some of Luo Shengmen's strongest fighting power, and then use the remaining team to contain the remaining members of Luo Shengmen.

As long as the main fighting powers such as Qianjun and Nanao are destroyed, Luo Shengmen is nothing but meat on the cutting board, and they are allowed to be slaughtered.

They have so many remote outputs, even the melee meat shield is several times their full. Even if they are strong, can they kill them all?

Mingyue Aotian thought vowedly.

However, he counted thousands of times, but he didn't count how strong the Forgotten on the top of the PK list was, and how strong the endless nights that had long surpassed the top three in the killing list.


Among the 7 large teams of Tianhuozongzong, Half of the Life is the captain of one of the teams, and Ji Hao is the captain of one of the teams, and Mo Ranran is divided into one of the teams because of weapons such as Jin. Kapok, which is long-distance, was divided into another team.

After half a lifetime of life with these 20 people to follow, he finally got full of energy.

In order to convince the members of the guild that he was really endless long night, and the one in Luo Shengmen was fake, so he led 20 people and came to Xue Chong.

Xue Chong is not the object of ‘emphasis’ divided by Mingyue Aotian, but in order to ‘prove himself’, Half-Life Floating Life does n’t want to worry about Luo Shengmen ’s main fighting ability.

He thought that anyway, he had 20 people, but he was still afraid that this product would not succeed?

Half a lifetime of life was stopped in front of Xue Chong, sneered: "I don't want to target you, but who made you this fake wear my 'clothes'? It's no wonder I am."

As the language fell, 20 people simultaneously attacked in the direction of Xue Chong.

The long stick in the first person sealed Xue Chong's undercarriage, while the other person greeted him and swept his head towards Xue Chong's head. Xue Chong couldn't avoid counterattack, and pulled the third person behind him to block it in front of him, while the sword in his hand directly penetrated the chest of the fourth person who wanted to attack.

The fourth person died directly, and the third person who was taken as a shield by Xue Chongla also spit out a big mouthful of blood from his companion's attack.

Seeing Xue Chong hurt both of them at once, the others did not dare to slacken off again and quickened the offensive.

However, no matter how they attacked, they saw fewer and fewer companions, from twenty to fifteen, ten ... three ...

Half a lifetime of life, there are fewer and fewer companions in front of him, and the original confidence is turned into anxiety.

He thought that Xue Chong was just a little stronger than ordinary people, but he didn't expect that he was so strong, even 20 people couldn't help him.

When there were three people left at the end, I probably realized that I would never be Xue Chong's opponent anyway. Half a lifetime did not even care about the remaining two players. I turned around and ran away.

However, before he ran far, Half-Life Floating suddenly felt a sharp pain between his leg bones. He stared down at his legs staring blankly, and saw a sharp long sword passing directly through his knee joint, dripping bright red blood on the tip of the sword.

Half a lifetime of life slowly turned his head, and after seeing that Xue Chong wiped out the last two people, he walked in his own direction steadily, and he asked faintly on the side of his mouth, "What are you running."

Half a lifetime looked at Xue Chong in horror, and his eyes seemed to see death.

The half-life trembling of the whole life could not stop, he looked at Xue Chong, stuttering for mercy, "It's me ... I'm wrong, I shouldn't pretend to be you ... You let me go for a life ... Never dare again ... "

Xue Chong said expressionlessly, "Oh, is it."

Yuluo, then straightforwardly pulled out the long sword inserted between the bones of the half-life floating knee, piercing his throat when he just opened his mouth to cry.

Blood splashed Xue Chong all over, Xue Chong looked down at the ‘blood suit’ on his body and could n’t help but frown, frowning a little and wanted to change clothes.

Suddenly, Xue Chong suddenly felt a strong sight not far away, and looked at himself straight, his sight was very hot.

Xue Chong took a look and looked back in the direction of his sight.

It is the person of the Tianhuo Sect. And it was one of those people who chased Xue Chong shouting fakes three days ago. But the strange thing is that she doesn't seem to have any idea.

Since she is not ready to do it, Xue Chong has no intention to do it.

As Xue Chong passed by her side, she only heard her suddenly say, "You are the real endless night, right?"

Xue Chong's footsteps, as if he didn't hear it, walked directly by her side.

In fact, for Xue Chong, it doesn't matter who is the endless night. So Xue Chong did not answer.

The soft kapok watched Xue Chong's back and bit his lip.

If Xue Chong's side is a unilateral massacre, then Miao's side is purgatory.

Xue Chong was killed directly and neatly, but Meow was different. She did not directly kill all the 20-person squads, but first killed the long-range, and then slowly tortured one by one until the collapse.

First, a whip mark was thrown on the arm of the first person, and then he turned sideways, backed a few steps, and lashed **** the legs of the second and third persons. Then when the two couldn't help but scream in pain, they pretended to be surprised: "Is it so painful? I haven't tried my best."

Mo Ranran on the side stared at Meow and gritted his teeth, "Why don't you try if it hurts? Vicious woman!"

Meow raised an eyebrow at Mo Ranran and gave a whip to her face without hesitation. Then when she covered her eyes and couldn't help but scream, she asked lightly, "Why should I try my own whip?"

Mo Ranran covered his eyes and rolled on the ground, but he still refused to accept his mouth: "You are a bitch! You wait! When my brother comes over, I will definitely let him look good to you!"

Meow raised his eyebrows and asked with full interest: "Who is your brother?"

Mo Ranran did not want to look in the direction of Ji Hao. Meow looked in the direction of Mo Ranran's line of sight, and then saw Ji Hao who was stepped under the feet by Pluto.

Meow saw Mo Ranran's pale face for a moment, and it became clear at once.

Meow smiled slightly, "If you are talking about this, I don't think he has a chance to avenge you."

Mo Ranran looked at Meow with a small smile and raised his whip again, frightened, and his blood was all gone.

Mo Ranran shouted: "No! You can't do this to me! No matter where you are, don't hit my face! Ah--"



Covered with injuries, Ji Hao stared dumbly at Xue Chong behind Pluto, and could not put in a channel: "Why are you so fake ?! This is impossible, it must be used-"

Before he finished, Pluto frowned and asked Ji Hao to pick up the bento.

Pluto retracted his short knife, wiped the blood on it, then turned his head to look at Xue Chong, said quietly: "The famous endless long night is really extraordinary, and I will meet for a while when I have time."

Xue Chong returned lightly: "Look at the time."


Because Mingyue is proud of the enemy, so there is a one-sided situation on the battlefield.

In fact, Mingyue Aotian is not wrong. It is indeed more than enough to have 20 people to deal with the killing of Qianjun and Qiwei. But he forgot to count the uncertain factor of Xue Chong, and it can even be said that he did not add to the plan the possibility that he would be in Luo Shengmen for an endless night from the beginning.

So much so that Xue Chong not only wiped out the 20-person team led by Half-Life Floating, but also freed up time to help Pluto and others kill Ji Hao and others.

The situation that was originally thought to be a win-win situation, because Xue Chong joined, instantly changed.

Mingyue proudly looked at Xue Chong, who was almost unstoppable, and immediately got anxious. Moreover, as the members of Tianhuozong decreased, Mingyue Aotian's complexion became paler.

——No, this person must be removed.

Forgetting to raise his foot to stop Mingyue Aotian who wanted to rush into the battlefield and want to help, he ticked his lips, "What do you want to do?"

Mingyue proudly lifted the heavy hammer in his hand and smashed it in the direction of Wangchuan. He asked angrily: "It disappeared before, why did it suddenly appear!"

Forgetting to step back two steps, he kicked his knee to Mingyue Aotian's knee, "It has nothing to do with the president of Tianhuozong."

Mingyue Aotian took a step back and stormed forward, the weapon in his hand striking Wangchuan's right shoulder. Probably too angry, just remembering the attack, I forgot to guard against it.

Forget Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and used his body to resist Mingyue's attack. Then, the long sword in his hand was like a glare point toward Mingyue Aotian's waist.

The long sword of Jin etc. in Wang Chuan's hand pierced into Mingyue Aotian's waist, and Mingyue Aotian groaned painfully. With several broken bones, he knelt down on the ground like a scatter.

At the same time, the last member of the Celestial Sect on the guild battlefield was destroyed.

On the battlefield of the guild, the killing of Qianjun and Hades and others surrounded Xue Chong, and I was not sure what to say to Xue Chong.

Kill Qianjun: "The endless great **** is so powerful! Why can it be so powerful! Take it away, great god!"

Pluto: "When is the first battle."

Nanao: "This time it was our president's wife ..."

Ten strokes painted Changan: "President plus endless night, terrible combination ..."

Yu Guang accidentally glanced at the corner of Wang Chuan's eyes, and his face suddenly became dark.

——What are you doing so close to his master one by one!

Mingyue proudly stared at the guild battlefield with only Luo Shengmen members left, his eyes widened in disbelief, and his eyes slowly dimmed.

... the general trend is gone.

Thousands of calculations, they actually lost.

But immediately, Mingyue Aotian's look returned to his usual appearance.

However, they just contributed a fake and went out, they didn't lose anything in the end. It's just a pity that after planning for so long, the bamboo basket is still empty.

Mingyue Aotian drank the lipstick medicine and slowly stood up after the wound healed.

Immediately, everyone heard a system prompt in their ears.

[System Tips: Luo Shengmen wins, Luo Shengmen will receive 5000 guild prosperity, and Tianhuozong will deduct 10,000 prosperity. 】

[System Tips: The ranking of Luo Shengmen and Tianhuo Sect Guild remains unchanged. 】

The system language fell, and the player who just died appeared on the guild battlefield again. Just like before.

The only difference is that the ending is set.

Mingyue proudly said quietly: "The endless night, you come out." Of course, the nature of Mingyue proudly called the false endless long night in the Tianhuo Sect, half a lifetime.

Looking back at the guild battlefield, looking at the face with a cold face, Xue Chong with an expressionless face, and shook his head in a panic, "No, no, no ... President I won't go! He will kill me!"

Mingyue Aotian's face sank, and he took the initiative to carry him out. "As a famous endless night, such a greedy life is afraid of death."

Wang Chuan frowned slightly, his expression slightly subtle.

I didn't expect Mingyue Aotian to now, they didn't admit that the one in his guild was a fake. Smart ... and stupid.

Before waiting for the river to open, the cotton kapok on the side suddenly stood up and said quietly, "President, I'm going to resign."

Mingyue Aotian asked why: "... what? Why did you want to resign?" Suddenly, Mingyue Aotian had an ominous feeling.

Only Kapok, who heard it, glanced at the half-life who was still struggling on the side, and contemptuously said: "Because I can't stay under the chairman of a president who uses fakes to deceive others into joining the guild."

Mingyue Aotian's face sank.

Including Xue Chong, everyone at Luo Shengmen looked at cotton kapok with a little surprise.

Love to roll! I do n’t have you as a traitor, please collect it: ( Go! I do n’t have the fastest update of literature in your penitent pen.

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