MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 8

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Shen Yansheng and Lu Jingce looked at each other for about half a minute before her confused consciousness finally returned.

When she realized what she had just said, her whole brain went into a bit of a short circuit.

Seeing her being stupid, Lu Jingce raised his hand and pinched her chin, with a half-smile but a slightly shy tone, "What did you just say? Say it again? Just watching you wash? Would you like me to do it myself?"

While speaking, his broad palm went down and touched Shen Yansheng's waist, stroking the skin of her waist through the skirt, finding the waist zipper, and making a gesture to help her take off her skirt.

During the entire action, Lu Jingce looked at Shen Yansheng with a smile in his eyes. He was obviously doing nasty things, but he was born with the image of a noble and noble boy.

Shen Yansheng's skin touched by Lu Jingce's palm felt like an electric shock, and she had goosebumps uncontrollably.

Her body tensed unconsciously, and she couldn't hide the tension in Lu Jingce's eyes.

She was so nervous that she held her breath, looking like she was facing an enemy.

Lu Jingce's expression of nervousness and daring to resist fell into Lu Jingce's eyes, which made him less interested. He let go of his hand, got up, walked back to the sofa, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table, and said in a low voice, "I If I do anything to you, I'm so nervous, if I really do something to you, will you still be able to save your innocence?"

He sat on the sofa, picked up the lighter on the coffee table and lit the cigarette in his mouth, then raised his head and looked at Shen Yansheng.

Shen Yansheng was completely sobered up by now, she was not stupid, she could see that Lu Jingce was not happy, she thought about it, and said, "I didn't mean that. I just...just not ready."

She knew that she was Lu Jingce's person now, and this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, but she knew that she knew, but she couldn't control the physical tension.

Lu Jingce leaned back on the sofa lazily, holding a cigarette in one hand and playing with a lighter in the other, looking at Shen Yansheng with a half-smile in his eyes, and asked her, "Oh? Then when are you going to be ready? ?"

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips unconsciously, and after thinking for a long time, she couldn't come up with an answer.

At this time, the doorbell rang outside.

Lu Jingce took a cigarette and got up to open the door.

It was the front desk of the hotel who brought the hangover medicine. Lu Jingce closed the door after taking the medicine, walked back to the sofa, and said, "The hangover medicine, come and eat."

Shen Yansheng hesitated for a while, but got up and walked to the sofa and sat down beside Lu Jingce.

She picked up the cigarette case on the coffee table, looked at it, and asked, "How many do you want to eat?"

Lu Jingce poured water for her, and returned her two words like gold, "One."

"Oh." Shen Yansheng was docile now, picked up the water that Lu Jingce poured for her, and obediently took a medicine.

After taking the medicine, she sat there holding the cup.

Lu Jingce looked at her and saw that she didn't move for a while, but she was amused for a while, "What are you doing sitting stupidly? You're not going to sleep?"

Shen Yansheng looked at him sideways, wanting to say something, but the words reached his throat, but in the end he didn't say anything.

She put down the glass, but after all, she couldn't stand the smell of alcohol on her body, so she went to the bathroom to take a shower before getting into the bed and sleeping.

Maybe it was because she was too tired to play today, maybe it was because she drank wine and got into bed, the suitable temperature made her whole body warm, and she fell asleep in a while.

She didn't guard against Lu Jingce. After all, she was already Lu Jingce's person. Even if he really did something to her, she had no right to refuse.

But how did she know at this time that Lu Jingce had waited for so many years to keep her by his side, and he never wanted just her body.

If he just wants a woman, what does he want?

Shen Yansheng slept soundly because of the drink last night, and it was almost noon when he woke up the next day.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the sun was shining brightly outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

She sat up from the bed because she had just woken up and was not too awake yet. She sat on the bed and looked at the outside yard through the French windows.

The sun in winter was too warm, and the sun shone on the dead leaves in the yard, making Shen Yansheng feel the warmth that he had not seen for a long time.

She lifted the quilt, got off the bed with bare feet, walked into the yard, stood in the sun, and let the sun shine on her.

She felt her body become warm, and even her heart that had been immersed in the ice cellar for too long became warm little by little.

She looked up at the sun in the sky, and suddenly thought of that sentence, the cold winter will eventually pass, and the morning sun will eventually rise again.

When Lu Jingce came back from the outside, what he saw was Shen Yansheng wearing a white nightdress, bathed in the sun.

She turned her back to the direction of the door, the sun fell on her, her skin seemed to glow, and even her hair was gentle.

Lu Jingce walked into the house, walked to the door leading to the courtyard, and leaned against the door with his pockets.

He looked at Shen Yansheng's back and didn't make a sound to disturb her.

Time seemed to freeze at that moment, and Lu Jingce didn't know how long he watched Shen Yansheng, as if he could never see enough.

Finally, Shen Yansheng turned around, only to see Lu Jingce leaning against the door watching her.

She couldn't help but froze for a while, then asked, "When did you come back?"

She walked towards Lu Jingce and said with a smile, "The weather is really nice today."

Her bright smile fell in Lu Jingce's eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes, teasing her, "You still laugh? I think you can't laugh anymore."

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Maybe it was because I slept so well last night that I slept until the sun rises."

Lu Jingce laughed at her, "Yes. Who can sleep with you."

Shen Yansheng was really in a good mood today, the smile on her face never faded, and she asked again, "Are we going home today?"

Lu Jingce asked her back, "Do you still want to play?"

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a moment. She looked at Lu Jingce and tried to ask, "Can I stay if I want to play?"

Lu Jingce said, "It's up to you. Anyway, I have nothing else to do today."

Shen Yansheng hadn't played relaxedly for a long, long time. In the past half year, because of family affairs, she almost had a nervous breakdown. Every day she woke up, she felt a heavy boulder weighed down on her body, which could crush her in the next second.

When she was kidnapped on Heifeng Cliff, for a moment, she actually wanted to jump off. If you jump down, you can be relieved, and if you jump down, you can forget a lot of painful things.

But the idea of ​​committing suicide was only for a moment. She thought of her elderly parents, and that she still had dreams. No matter what, she still wanted to survive.

As long as you survive, there is hope.

At noon, it was Lu Jingce's restaurant, a western restaurant on the top of the mountain.

There was someone playing the cello in the dining room, Shen Yansheng looked at it with his chin up, with an envious look in his eyes.

Lu Jingce followed her gaze, then turned to look at her, "Like?"

Shen Yansheng nodded, she looked at Lu Jingce, and told him about her childhood, "Actually, I have no talent in music. When I was a child, I learned musical instruments, from piano to guzheng, from guzheng to pipa, and later to cello. Know how many teachers have been changed."

"I'm not good at learning, but I like to learn. In short, I want to learn this today, and I want to learn that tomorrow. My parents dote on me very much. Whenever I want, as long as I speak, they will satisfy me unconditionally. ."

"When I was in high school, I participated in the cello competition held in the city. In fact, I was just playing tickets and I didn't expect to win the prize."

Speaking of which, she couldn't hold back her laughter and asked Lu Jingce, "Guess what number I won?"

Lu Jingce said, "First?"

Shen Yansheng sneered, and compared the three fingers of his left hand, "I just took the third place, the level is really poor."

"But my dad died of pride, and he praised me when he was in the third place. He praised me even more than the first. Once, I was reading a book and saw a book about an antique. The cello, I casually said that I really want to have it."

"I really just said it casually at the time and didn't take it to heart. Who knew that my dad really went to help me find that piano, and gave it to me as a coming-of-age gift on my eighteenth birthday. ."

Recalling the past, the smile on Shen Yansheng's face gradually faded, and a layer of mist gradually formed in his eyes, and said softly, "Later my mother told me that my father had suffered a lot to buy that qin for me and traveled to and from Europe. After several trips, I came to the door with the money, and after all the good words, I finally got someone to sell it to him."

Speaking of this, Shen Yansheng choked a little unconsciously, and after a while of silence, he said: "Actually, my father has never asked anyone in his life, he is a very proud person, and he has a good face, and he has never spoken to anyone in his life. That time, in order to help me buy a piano, I said all the good things to others."

"That's why I have cherished that qin all these years. When our family went bankrupt and auctioned off, I took the qin to a friend's house and hid it. Later, we had no choice but to sell it."

Shen Yansheng said it lightly at this time, as if she had let go, but on the day she sold the piano, she really hid in the bed and cried all night.

In the past six months, she has hated Fu Shiyu many times. When her mother was sick and could not arrange a ward, when she called Fu Shiyu and no one answered, when the loan shark first came to her house and smashed things and splashed chicken blood, she When she was desperate to sell her piano, when she was caught on the Black Wind Cliff, standing on the edge of the cliff.

At every moment of her despair, she hated Fu Shiyu.

She didn't understand why there would be someone. Usually, eachother's promises were convincing. When she really needed him, he could evaporate from the world.

Thinking of this, her eyes seemed to have entered the sand, she turned her head and looked out the window, trying not to let the tears flow.

But even though he was holding back the tears, his eyes still couldn't help but turn red. Lu Jingce sat across from him and looked at him. He took a tissue from his hand and handed it to her, "Don't cry, you're ugly."

Hearing this, Shen Yansheng frowned unconsciously. She was a little angry, she turned her head to look at Lu Jingce, and couldn't help but say, "Do you have any heart? Others are crying. If you don't comfort them, it's fine. Your mouth is still so poisonous."

Lu Jingce looked at her and couldn't help laughing. He leaned over, wiped Shen Yansheng's tears with a tissue, and said, "You can still quarrel with me, but it doesn't look very sad."

Shen Yansheng patted his hand away, not wanting to pay attention to him.

After lunch, Shen Yansheng went to the next ski resort to play.

Lu Jingce had no interest and sat on the bench in the rest area next to her, waiting for her.

Shen Yansheng skied very well, and when he slid down from the top of the mountain, he felt like he was flying, and all his bad emotions were released at that moment.

She played happily all afternoon, and when the sun was about to go down, she slowly put away the snowball and walked over to Lu Jingce.

Lu Jingce had been sitting here all afternoon. He was extremely patient. When he saw Shen Yansheng approaching, he stretched out his hand and took the man into his arms.

Hooked her neck with one hand, looked down at her, and smiled, "Have you had enough?"

Shen Yansheng said "um", "It's okay."

She crouched down and took off her skis.

Seeing the snow on the ground, he suddenly had the idea of ​​a prank, quietly grabbed a handful of snow, and when he got up, he quickly tucked the snow into the collar of Lu Jingce's shirt.

The icy snow was caught off guard against the skin on the side of Lu Jingce's neck, which made him frown. As soon as Shen Yansheng saw Lu Jingce frowning, he wanted to run away. Who knew that Lu Jingce would take him back before he stood up. She couldn't laugh, and rushed to Lu Jingce Surrender before losing his temper, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare again."

Lu Jingce wrapped his arms around her waist, looked at her with a smile but pinched her cheek, "What's wrong?"

Shen Yansheng was hugged by Lu Jingce, the faces of the two were very close, and she could even smell the fragrance of cologne on Lu Jingce's body, which was light and unexpectedly pleasant.

Perhaps because the two were too close, Shen Yansheng blushed unconsciously, "I was really wrong, you don't remember the villain, please forgive me."

Lu Jingce glanced at her and hinted to her: "You are not very sincere in admitting your mistake."

Among adults, body language is already so ambiguous, Shen Yansheng still can't understand Lu Jingce's meaning, she is too dull.

Lu Jingce looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth, raised her head and kissed Lu Jingce's face, and then asked through gritted teeth, "Are you satisfied, President Lu?"

Lu Jingce curled his lips into a smile, obviously pleased. He raised his hand and pinched Shen Yansheng's face, and said, "I'll let you go for the time being, and try again next time."

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