MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 35

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When we arrived at Nanta Temple, it was just seven in the morning.

The morning air in the mountains is refreshing and refreshing.

Shen Yansheng has come back to reality from the memory just now, Uncle Chen parked the car in the open space below Nanta Temple, she unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car, got out of the car and breathed fresh air, turned around and said happily to Lu Jingce : "Lu Jingce, the air in the mountains is good."

Lu Jingce smiled, walked around from the front of the car, and said, "If you like the air in the mountains, we can move to Nanshan to live."

He stretched out his hand to hold Shen Yansheng, and the two walked up the mountain together.

Shen Yansheng said: "Although the air in Nanshan is very good, it is still a little far from the city. We can come and stay for a few days on weekends or during holidays."

Lu Jingce looked at her sideways, with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Have you already planned your future?"

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a moment, then blushed a little, and said, "I just said this, one day you like someone else, just say it, and I won't pester you."

Lu Jingce took her hand and clenched it a little, and said without anger, "You really want to."

As he spoke, he glanced sideways at Shen Yansheng and said, "Did I tell you that you never want to leave me in your life."

Shen Yansheng had some secret joy in his heart, and said, "If you don't leave, you won't leave. I didn't say I wanted to leave."

As he spoke, he threw off Lu Jingce's hand and ran briskly up the mountain.

There are nearly a thousand steps from the open space below to the gate of Nanta Temple. When Shen Yansheng ran to the gate of the temple, his face was a little red.

The little master sweeping the floor came towards her, put his hands together, and asked, "Is the donor here to offer incense?"

Shen Yansheng also hurriedly folded his hands in a salute, nodded and said, "Yes. My boyfriend had an accident some time ago, but now he is safe and sound. I want to come and offer incense to the Bodhisattva and thank her for the blessing of the old man."

"Amitabha." The little master chanted a slogan and said, "Donor, please come with me."

Lu Jingce followed leisurely behind. When he walked into the temple, Shen Yansheng was already kneeling in the hall, his hands clasped together, and his eyes closed, reverently making a vow to the Bodhisattva.

When Lu Jingce was in a coma, she had prayed that she would spend the rest of her life in exchange for Lu Jingce to be safe and sound.

Now that Lu Jingce was peacefully beside her, she naturally wanted to come to express her gratitude to the Bodhisattva.

She knelt in front of the Bodhisattva for a long time, until Lu Jingce wanted to go in and help her up.

The little master gently stopped him and said, "Mr. Lu, don't disturb you when you are worshiping the Bodhisattva."

Lu Jingce: "..."

Ten minutes later, when Lu Jingce saw that Shen Yansheng had finally fulfilled his wish, he kowtowed three times on the ground extremely reverently.

When Shen Yansheng came out of the hall, he stretched out his hand to support her, leaned over and touched her knee, then straightened up and frowned at Shen Yansheng, "Does your knee hurt?"

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, "How come, I didn't kneel for a long time, and I was kneeling on the futon."

As he said that, he said to Lu Jingce, "You can also go in and burn incense sticks."

Lu Jingce clicked his chin on the incense table in front of the main hall, and said, "I just had incense."

Shen Yansheng glanced at it, and sure enough, there were three sticks of incense standing there, she followed, took another three sticks of incense, bowed reverently, and then inserted the incense into the incense table.

After serving the incense, Shen Yansheng went to the host to donate a sum of incense money.

Lu Jingce originally wanted to pay, but Shen Yansheng refused and said, "I donated it for you, you can't use your money."

Lu Jingce looked at her, the corners of his lips curled into a smile, and said, "Aren't they all the same?"

Shen Yansheng said, "It's different."

After coming out of the temple, Lu Jingce said, "Everyone has come. I'll go and put incense sticks on grandma's tablet at the back."

Shen Yansheng nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

When they got to the place where the tablet was enshrined at the back, Shen Yansheng didn't know if he could go in, so he stood outside and didn't go any further.

Lu Jingce entered the side hall, took a few steps forward, and suddenly stopped.

He turned around and saw Shen Yansheng standing outside the threshold of the side hall, looking at him.

After a few seconds of silence, he walked back to Shen Yansheng and tried to ask her, "Meet grandma?"

Shen Yansheng was stunned, looked at him, and asked softly, "Can I do it?"

The two of them were each a little careful. Lu Jingce's words "meet grandma" meant to explore Shen Yansheng's thoughts, to see if she would like to see her parents.

Shen Yansheng's sentence "Can I do it?" was also exploring Lu Jingce's mind, to see if he was willing to take her to see her parents.

Lu Jingce stared at Shen Yansheng for a few seconds, a little smile appeared in his eyes, then took Shen Yansheng's hand and said, "Come in."

Grandma Lu Jingce's tablet was enshrined in a separate room. Entering the room, Lu Jingce went to get the incense, lit it and distributed it to Shen Yansheng.

Holding the incense in both hands, Shen Yansheng followed Lu Jingce to the grandmother's tablet.

The two bowed three times to grandma together. Lu Jingce put the incense into the alcove and said, "Grandma, let me introduce you, this is Shen Yansheng, your granddaughter-in-law."

Standing beside Shen Yansheng, hearing Lu Jingce's words, she looked at him subconsciously.

Lu Jingce said, "Didn't you always worry about me getting married before? Now you can rest assured. Your granddaughter-in-law is beautiful and cute. If you are still alive, you will definitely like her very much."

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce blushing a little, she heard his words and felt her heart beating so fast.

She didn't dare to think deeply, for fear that she would be wrong.

Maybe Lu Jingce just brought her to make grandma happy, and didn't really want to marry her.

Lu Jingce put in the incense, and when he looked back, he saw Shen Yansheng looking at him in a daze, and said with a smile, "Come and call grandma."

Shen Yansheng finally recovered his senses, stepped forward and inserted the three incense sticks in his hand into the incense alcove, looked at the tablet of grandma in the Buddhist altar, and said softly, "Hello grandma, I'm Yansheng, I'm here to see you."

The two pairs of incense sticks in the incense shrine flickered gently, as if the old man heard their words and responded to them with relief.

Ever since she met her grandmother at Nanta Temple that day, Shen Yansheng has been thinking about what Lu Jingce said in front of her grandmother's tablet that day, and she couldn't help but be happy when she thought about it, so that for many days, Mengmeng and Ruan Yuan found out that their boss had recently Seems like a bit of a nympho, smirking with his chin on his back when he has nothing to do.

But before she could be happy for a few days, when she and Wanwan were eating in the mall that day, she overheard a few women at the back table mention Lu Jingce.

Shen Yansheng didn't intend to listen to other people's speech, but when these women talked about Lu Jingce, she couldn't help but not listen, so she subconsciously pricked up her ears.

I only heard one of the women say, "Why do you think Lu Jingce hasn't gotten married yet? Do you really think he likes Shen Yansheng? Women, it's okay to have fun. If you really want to get married, it's not Shen Yansheng's turn."

Another woman said, "But I think Lu Jingce likes Shen Yansheng a lot. When there was a car accident, Lu Jingce rushed over to protect Shen Yansheng."

The woman next to him was disdainful and said, "That doesn't mean anything, it just means that Lu Jingce has a good character, is responsible, and habitually protects women."

"Speaking of this, it seems to make sense." Another little sister echoed.

"It doesn't make sense, it's a fact." The woman who started talking took over the words and continued, "You know my little sister Zhao Ning, right?"

"The eldest lady of the Zhao Group?"

"Yes." The woman said, "I talked to her on the phone last night, and she was going crazy with joy, saying that she and Lu Jingce were going to get married."

"Isn't it?" Several people beside him were surprised.

The woman said, "What are you doing to lie to you? Yesterday afternoon, Lu Jingce went to the northern suburbs horseback riding field, and Zhao Ning also went there and had dinner together. She was so happy when she came back, saying that Lu Jingce was more handsome than the news."

A woman next to her sighed, "Then if Lu Jingce really wants to marry Zhao Ning, what should Shen Yansheng do? Didn't it come out and follow Lu Jingce for a long time?"

"What should I do, it's a big deal to pay a breakup fee."

"To be honest, Lu Jingce really has to marry Shen Yansheng to be a ghost. Capitalists care about interests most. For them, marriage is not marriage at all, it is the integration of resources and the maximization of interests. Like Shen Yansheng, it cannot bring him any benefits. Yes, it's just for fun at most, how could it be—"

"Enough is enough!" Zhou Wanying couldn't listen anymore, got up and walked to the back table, staring at the women with an ugly face, "Who am I, it turns out to be you guys, it's hard not to chew other people's tongues behind your back for a day. is not it?"

The woman who was gossiping just now saw Zhou Wanying, smiled sarcastically, and said, "We didn't talk about you, just Shen Yansheng. What's the matter? It hit your sore spot? Knowing that Xie Rin would never marry you, it was so uncomfortable. Hmm, if I were you, I'd figure it out myself, look at my identity, don't think that I'm popular now, and forget that I'm just a poor girl from a poor mountain area. If it wasn't for Xie Rin and Lu Jingce to support you, you Now maybe I'm still washing other people's quilts by the river—ah!"

Before the smug smile on the woman's face faded, someone suddenly poured a glass of wine over her head. She raised her head and looked at Shen Yansheng in disbelief.

Shen Yansheng took Zhou Wanying's hand and protected her behind him, staring coldly at the woman who had just been splashed with alcohol by her, and said, "If I were you, I would cultivate myself at home. It's okay to be ugly, but your mouth is still so stinky. It's really helpless!"

The woman went crazy and screamed to stand up to fight with Shen Yansheng. Shen Yansheng picked up the wine bottle on the table, raised it, and stared at each other coldly, "Try it with me!"

Shen Yansheng looked too calm, her eyes were cold, the woman saw the wine bottle in her hand, and she was instantly cowardly, she gritted her teeth and glared at Shen Yansheng, "A junk played by a man, and Eyes on the face!"

Everyone in the restaurant is looking this way.

Shen Yansheng smiled coldly and said, "Then I still have a man who wants it. Unlike you, there is no man who can talk about it."

Shen Yansheng's teeth are not sharp enough for a woman, she is so angry that her face is red and her neck is thick, and her brain is probably broken.

Shen Yansheng gave her a cold look, pulled Zhou Wanying, turned around and left.

This farce was photographed by other guests in the restaurant, uploaded to Weibo, and posted on Weibo hot search ten minutes later, because the amount of information involved was too large, and it exploded directly.

Originally, the relationship between Xie Rin and Zhou Wanying was only known to people in the circle, and everyone tacitly did not dare to discuss it. When such a video came out, the amount of information in the woman's mouth was so large that in just a few minutes, all netizens knew about the relationship between Zhou Wanying and Xie Rin.

For a time, all netizens poured into the comment area.

"Damn it, isn't it? Zhou Wanying actually has a gold owner?"

"What I care about is that Zhou Wanying's gold owner is actually Xie Rin? Then she is not at a loss, Xie Rin is handsome and rich, or the only son of the Xie family. If she can get Xie Rin, Cinderella will fly on the branch and become a phoenix. already."

"Am I the only one who thinks this woman's words are so dirty? Is there any evidence for making slanderous rumors in front of others? She also made a pair of rumors, and Shen Yansheng and Zhou Wanying were both rumored by her. The two couples are talented and beautiful, maybe they are in a normal relationship. Why must it be the relationship between the sponsor and Bao Yang? Does she lie under the bed and listen?"

"Agree upstairs!"


"Wait and see, and wait for the studio's announcement."

However, it's too naive for netizens to expect a big guy like Xie Rin or Lu Jingce to issue a statement to you. Five minutes later, the hot search on Weibo was completely removed, and there were no entries.

The video of the quarrel in the restaurant is not found on the entire Internet.

Any post that spreads rumors will be deleted within a second.

There are big V marketing accounts who are spreading rumors and are directly sold off.

This level of deletion of posts and accounts can be guessed by anyone, either by Xie Rin or by Lu Jingce.

At this time, in Lu Jingce's office, Zhao Cheng stood in front of Lu Jingce. Seeing that Lu Jingce's face was as black as that of the King of Hell, he was a little scared to report the news he had just found, "The girl who scolds Miss Shengsheng is called Zhang Xin. , my father is a senior executive of the Zhao Group, Zhao Chengtian's confidant, and Miss Zhao's best friend."

Lu Jingce called Shen Yansheng for the third time and was hung up again. He was even more angry now, and he did not speak with a calm face.

Ten minutes ago, Lu Jingce saw the video on the Internet, and when he heard what the woman said, his face was already ugly. At the end, when he saw the woman kept scolding Shen Yansheng, his face was already cold. The ultimate, use one minute to notify the public relations department to do things, and then call Zhao Cheng in, let him check this woman.

When Zhao Cheng heard that Lu Jingce asked him to check, he probably guessed what he was going to do next, but he was a little hesitant at the moment and couldn't help reminding, "Mr. Lu, this woman's father is Zhao Chengtian's confidant, you recently had a relationship with the Zhao Group. Project cooperation, if Zhao Chengtian's confidant is engaged, will Zhao Chengtian have any opinion on you?"

Lu Jingce said with a cold face, "How dare he have an opinion? If he doesn't come to apologize in person, this project is a big deal, and no one wants to make money."

After he finished speaking, he got up, grabbed the car keys and left the office.

When Lu Jingce returned home, it was already dark, and as soon as he entered the door, he asked, "Where's Sheng Sheng?"

Aunt Ping also saw the video on the Internet, and was a little worried at this moment, and said, "It's upstairs."

Lu Jingce went straight upstairs. Who knew that when he reached the door of the bedroom, he opened the door and found that the door was locked from the inside.

He couldn't help frowning, raised his hand and knocked on the door, saying, "Sheng Sheng, open the door."

In the bedroom, Shen Yansheng was lying on the bed with her body curled up. She heard Lu Jingce's voice and looked up at the door, but she didn't move, and she didn't intend to open the door.

Lu Jingce seemed to have made a mistake when he was outside. The wife who was locked out by his wife was not allowed to enter the room.

He was a little helpless and said nice things, "You have to open the door, let me explain?"

Shen Yansheng remained motionless, turned over heavily, and faced out the window.

Lu Jingce waited outside for a while, guessing that if he was standing outside all night today, Shen Yansheng would not come to open the door for him.

He simply turned around and went to the next study to find a spare key.

The key was placed under the desk, in the drawer on the last floor on the left. He was in a hurry. When he took out the key, he accidentally tickled something.

A small red peace knot rolled down behind the curtain.

He didn't realize it, he took the key and went straight out of the study.

When the bedroom door was opened from the outside, Shen Yansheng suddenly sat up from the bed.

She got out of bed, put on her slippers and was about to go into the bathroom. Lu Jingce took a few steps to stop her, put her in his arms, and frowned at her, "You are going to sentence me to death, do you have to listen to my explanation?"

Shen Yansheng didn't even look at him, pushed him away, and sat directly beside the bed, "Tell me. When are you going to marry Miss Zhao's family? I want to move out soon."

Lu Jingce stared at Shen Yansheng for a long time, and a smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

He walked to the bed, leaned over Shen Yansheng's sides, lowered his head, found her lips and kissed her, with a smile in his voice, unable to hide his pleasure, and asked in a low voice, "You are so jealous?"

Shen Yansheng was so mad that he dared to kiss her and pushed him with his hand, but Lu Jingce grabbed her hand, looked her in the eyes, very earnest and pious, and said softly, "Monday tomorrow."

Shen Yansheng glanced at him, "Why?"

Lu Jingce stared into her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Go and collect the certificate with me?"

The author says:

two more

Not today, see you tomorrow~

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