MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 26

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The next day was the death anniversary of Lu Jingce's parents, Lu Jingce woke up before dawn, Shen Yansheng didn't sleep well, and when Lu Jingce got up, she also woke up, rubbed her eyes sleepily, looked at Lu Jingce, "How many hours? Clicked?"

Lu Jingce was sitting beside the bed wearing a shirt, and when he turned around, he saw Shen Yansheng looking at him with his eyes open, and said, "It's not even seven o'clock, you continue to sleep."

"What about you?" Shen Yansheng remembered that today was the anniversary of Lu Jingce's parents' death, and sat up from the bed.

While tying his cufflinks, Lu Jingce said, "I'll go up the mountain to put incense sticks for my parents, and I'll be back in a while."

Shen Yansheng said, "Then I'll go with you."

As he spoke, he got off the bed, squatted in front of the suitcase to look for clothes, and said, "Why else would you come so far?"

I'm not here to accompany you.

Lu Jingce stood up from the bed, reached out and picked up the belt on the bedside table, looked at Shen Yansheng, and teased her with a smile, "So you're here to see your in-laws?"

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason. Before he could speak, he heard Lu Jingce say again, "Alright, let my parents see my daughter-in-law."

Shen Yansheng blushed for a moment, and she turned her head to look at Lu Jingce.

Lu Jingce had already put on his clothes and trousers, picked up his phone and was replying to the message, his expression was light, and he couldn't tell whether what he said just now was sincere or just casually.

Shen Yansheng turned his head, lowered his eyes and continued to look for socks, but couldn't help but remind himself not to think too much.

Maybe Lu Jingce just said that casually, and didn't take it to heart at all.

She found her clothes and sat down by the bed to put on socks first.

After returning the message, Lu Jingce threw the phone on the bed, saw Shen Yansheng wearing socks, and reminded her, "Put thicker, it's cold on the mountain."

"En." Shen Yansheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

Lu Jingce left the room and went to the kitchen with the kettle to boil water.

Shen Yansheng came out of the bedroom after changing his clothes, and was about to go to the kitchen when he heard someone knocking on the door outside.

She looked back, and before she asked who it was, she heard someone outside asking, "Brother Xiao Lu, are you awake?"

She pursed her lips unconsciously, hesitated for two seconds, walked to the door, and opened the door.

The smile on Xia Xiaoyue's face fell the moment she saw Shen Yansheng.

Lu Jingce wasn't there at the moment, Xia Xiaoyue looked at her with obvious hostility and asked, "Where's Brother Xiao Lu?"

Shen Yansheng glanced at her, then turned to Lu Jingce who was boiling water in the kitchen and said, "Lu Jingce, someone is looking for you."

After she finished speaking, she went out by herself and went into the yard.

The morning in the village was so cold that people could hardly stand. Shen Yansheng felt the cold wind as soon as he went out, and subconsciously put his hands into the pockets of his down jacket.

The cold wind blew on his face, scraping his face like an ice knife, and a small face that was originally fair was instantly a little red from the cold.

She didn't want to hear what Xia Xiaoyue and Lu Jingce had to say, so she walked out the door, walked a little far, and stood in the bamboo forest to avoid the wind.

After a while, seeing Lu Jingce and Xia Xiaoyue coming out of the kitchen, Xia Xiaoyue was still talking to Lu Jingce with her head raised, Lu Jingce's face was a little impatient, she saw Shen Yansheng standing over the bamboo forest and called her, "Shen Yansheng, come here. ."

Shen Yansheng glanced at Lu Jingce, guessing that the two of them had finished speaking, and then walked back.

Seeing that Shen Yansheng's face was blushing from the cold wind, Lu Jingce couldn't help frowning. He stretched out his hand and pulled her into the room, saying, "It's cold outside, what are you doing running so far."

Shen Yansheng said, "I'm breathing fresh air."

Lu Jingce grabbed her hand and soaked her in the warm water in the basin. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and glanced at her.

Immerse her cold hands in the warm water, and Shen Yansheng felt a lot warmer in an instant.

Lu Jingce pressed her hand and said, "Soak for a while."

Shen Yansheng felt a little warm in his heart, and whispered, "Actually, it's fine, just get used to it."

Lu Jingce asked, "Are you wearing gloves?"

Shen Yansheng said with an "um", "I took it, it's in the suitcase."

"Wear it up the mountain in a while."

"Oh." Shen Yansheng lowered her eyes and looked at her hands soaked in the warm water, and responded obediently.

Xia Xiaoyue stood outside the kitchen, watching Lu Jingce twist the towel to wipe Shen Yansheng's face, she bit her lip unconsciously, and her eyes turned red.

When she saw Shen Yansheng raised her head and kissed Lu Jingce, she unconsciously squeezed her hands into her palms, then turned around and strode away with red eyes.

After washing up, Lu Jingce went back to the room to help Shen Yansheng get the gloves, put on her full armor, and then took her up the mountain.

In the early morning in winter, the mountains are foggy, and there is a lot of water vapor in the forest. Lu Jingce held the incense candle in one hand and Shen Yansheng in the other, looked back at her, and asked unsurely, "Can you do it?"

The mountain road is really not easy to walk, and the water vapor in the mountains is very heavy, and the ground is a little slippery. Shen Yansheng walked carefully step by step, and said, "It's okay. Just hold me."

Lu Jingce looked at her, couldn't help laughing, and asked her, "Would you like me to carry it?"

Shen Yansheng borrowed the strength of Lu Jingce's hand to climb up, and said, "How can it be so serious, you treat me as a three-year-old child?"

"Tell me when you're tired, you have to walk for ten minutes."


The mountain road was a little more difficult than Shen Yansheng imagined, and when he reached the place where Lu Jingce's parents were buried, Shen Yansheng was already numb from the cold.

It was the first time she knew that Jiangcheng was so cold, and the bones would hurt when the cold wind blew for a long time.

But when she saw the two tombs buried together, she also felt sadness in her heart.

Lu Jingce squatted in front of the grave and took out the incense candle from the bag. He didn't say a word, just took out the lighter from his trouser pocket and lit the incense candle in his hand quietly.

Standing behind him, Shen Yansheng looked at the time of death on the same day engraved on the two tombs, and then looked at Lu Jingce's back, and suddenly felt unspeakably sad in his heart.

She had never felt Lu Jingce's loneliness and loneliness like this.

There is no relative in this world, it must be very sad, right?

She couldn't imagine how sad she would be if her parents left this world one day and left her alone in this world.

She looked at Lu Jingce, her throat hurt a little.

She walked over, squatted down beside Lu Jingce, took out the yellow paper from the bag, and tore it open bit by bit.

It was quiet in the mountains in the early morning, and the sound of the wind could even be clearly heard.

Lu Jingce lit the incense candle, then picked up the yellow paper that Shen Yansheng had torn, and burned it little by little.

Shen Yansheng tore up all the yellow paper and still squatted beside him. Looking at Lu Jingce, she always felt that there were too many emotions hidden in his calm and unwavering emotions.

She looked at him quietly, but didn't make a sound.

After a while, Lu Jingce said, "My parents died in a car accident when I was five years old."

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce and felt a little pain in his heart.

Lu Jingce was calm and said, "Actually, in my memory, I have very little impression of my parents. The two of them work abroad all year round and come back for a few days every Spring Festival. From as far back as I can remember, the time spent with my parents is almost impossible to let I remember their faces."

He burned the yellow paper into it little by little, and said slowly, "But when something happens to them, my heart still hurts."

He looked up at Shen Yansheng, and for the first time there was a feeling of vulnerability in his eyes, and asked, "Shen Yansheng, do you know why?"

Shen Yansheng felt sad, she reached out to hold Lu Jingce's hand, looked at him distressedly, and said softly, "Lu Jingce, aunts and uncles will be happy for you when they see your achievements."

Of course she knew why. The five-year-old child is actually very sensible. Even if he spends very little time with his parents, he should know at that time that he will never see his parents again.

The fragility in Lu Jingce's eyes only lasted for a few seconds before he regained his calm.

He quietly looked at the burning yellow paper in front of him, and was silent for a while before continuing: "My grandma is the most pitiful. My grandfather left early, she was a widow in her thirties, and she dragged my father to grow up alone. I didn't expect that when she was old, the white-haired person would send the black-haired person. At that time, she often hid and cried, and after crying, she cheered up to make money, because she still had to raise me. "

Shen Yansheng was saddened to hear this, and held Lu Jingce's hand tightly, wanting to give him all her strength.

Lu Jingce also held her back, staring at the two tombstones in front of him, silent for a long time, and did not continue to speak.

The yellow paper slowly burned into ashes, and the incense candles were lit one by one to the end. The sky gradually became brighter. Lu Jingce took a last look at the photo on the tombstone. When he got up, all his emotions had been restrained, and the expression on his face was calm and indifferent again.

He pulled Shen Yansheng up and said, "Let's go."

Shen Yansheng borrowed Lu Jingce's hand to stand up, but because he squatted for too long, he was dizzy when he got up and almost fell over.

Lu Jingce immediately supported her, "Dizzy?"

Shen Yansheng nodded and said, "A little bit."

Looking at her pale face, Lu Jingce felt a little distressed, and said, "Go back and take you for a medical examination to see if you have anemia."

Shen Yansheng said: "How can it be so serious, everyone will be a little dizzy after squatting for a long time."

Lu Jingce raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes? Why don't I faint?"

Shen Yansheng lowered his mouth and said, "You are a national defense body, who would dare to compare with you."

Lu Jingce glanced at her, smiled, and said, "Let's go down the mountain for breakfast."

Shen Yansheng said "um" and went down the mountain holding hands with Lu Jingce.

After walking a few steps, he couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at the tombstone.

Lu Jingce said, "Don't look at it."

Shen Yansheng turned his head and couldn't help but look at Lu Jingce. After a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Lu Jingce, are you still sad now?"

Lu Jingce calmly looked at the road ahead and said, "No."

Shen Yansheng looked at him quietly.

After a while, I heard Lu Jingce say again: "One has to look forward and be immersed in pain, and nothing can be accomplished in this life."

"Besides, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. Sooner or later, I will die too."

Shen Yansheng didn't like hearing Lu Jingce say such things, and corrected him, "You are only twenty-eight years old, and you still have decades to live."

Lu Jingce looked at her sideways, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Borrow your auspicious words."

After going down the mountain, before reaching the door of the house, Xia Xiaoyue was seen waiting there from a distance.

Shen Yansheng was not very happy when she saw Xia Xiaoyue, and pursed her lower lip unconsciously.

Xia Xiaoyue also ignored her completely. Seeing Lu Jingce, she walked directly to him and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao Lu, grandma asked me to come and tell you to come to our house for breakfast."

Lu Jingce said: "Don't bother, we have something to buy, just eat whatever you want."

Xia Xiaoyue said: "No trouble. And it's already cooked. It's a waste if you don't come to eat. Besides, my grandfather has something to ask you for help later."

"What's the matter?" Lu Jingce asked.

Xia Xiaoyue said: "You come over to eat first, and then talk about it after dinner."

"Come on." He turned around and walked back first.

After Xia Xiaoyue left, Lu Jingce looked sideways at Shen Yansheng and said, "Go to dinner?"

Shen Yansheng let go of Lu Jingce's hand and said, "I won't go, I'll eat instant noodles by myself."

Lu Jingce said, "Let's go together, instant noodles are not nutritious."

Shen Yansheng was not happy, turned around and sat on the low stool in front of the door, propped her chin and said, "They didn't call me."

She was stern, her emotions written all over her face.

Lu Jingce stared at her for a while, the smile in his eyes deepened a little, he walked over, took out the car key from his trouser pocket and gave it to her, saying, "Then go get food in the car, I'll go over and tell the old man."

Shen Yansheng looked up at him and asked, "Are you coming back for dinner then?"

"Go back." Lu Jingce smiled, raised his hand and rubbed Shen Yansheng's head, and said, "I can't leave you alone to eat."

He squeezed her cheek again and said, "I'll be back in a while."

Shen Yansheng only then took the car keys, looked at the back of Lu Jingce's departure, the corners of his lips bent unconsciously, and got up to get something in the car.

Lu Jingce went to Xia's house to talk, and came back in a few minutes. They ate instant noodles at home with Shen Yansheng, unscrewed the mineral water bottle and took a sip, and said, "I'll take Grandpa Xia to the town to buy something, and I'll be back at noon. If I don't come back at noon and there's food in the car, you Just put some food on your own, and I'll bring you something to eat when I come back."

Although Shen Yansheng didn't want to be separated from Lu Jingce, she couldn't keep pestering him all the time. She nodded lightly and said, "Drive carefully."

Lu Jingce gave a "hmm", put his hand on the back of Shen Yansheng's neck, lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, "I'm leaving."

"En." Shen Yansheng nodded, got up and escorted Lu Jingce to the door, watching Lu Jingce drive away, and when the car gradually moved out of sight, he looked back and turned back to the house to pack up.

Throw the finished instant noodle bucket into the trash can, and then take the garbage out to throw it out.

When he came back, he saw Xia Xiaoyue standing at the door.

She looked like she was waiting for her.

The two were at odds with each other, and Shen Yansheng didn't bother to pretend, and asked directly, "Is something wrong?"

Xia Xiaoyue looked her up and down, and after a while, she smiled softly and said, "Miss Shen looks like an old friend."

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at her puzzled, "Really?"

Xia Xiaoyue smiled, then nodded, and said, "It's like Brother Ce's first love."

Shen Yansheng stood there, looking straight at her, without speaking for a long time.

Xia Xiaoyue said with a smile: "I guess you don't know? Brother Ce used to have a girl he liked very much. He has never had a girlfriend or a relationship all these years because he was waiting for her."

Shen Yansheng looked at her coldly, "So what? What are you telling me about?"

Xia Xiaoyue smiled and said, "It's nothing, just chat."

Shen Yansheng was upset, and coldly expelled the guests, "So are you finished talking now? Can you leave?"

Xia Xiaoyue was treated with such a cold face by Shen Yansheng, and she couldn't hold her face. She also turned cold and said, "What are you proud of, it's just a substitute, do you really think that you have climbed the high branch?"

Shen Yansheng sneered and said, "What about the substitute, at least I can sleep with Lu Jingce, how about you? Don't want to sleep with him in the next life."

Xia Xiaoyue had never seen this battle, and her face flushed in an instant, " are shameless!"

Shen Yansheng snorted coldly and said, "You can go."

After speaking, he went straight into the house and slammed the door shut.

The author says:

One more~

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