MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 19

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Shen Yansheng and Lu Jingce spent two days in the scenic spot of Wushi. The weather was fine on the day of the return trip. Shen Yansheng was much happier than when they went there. He didn't sleep on the plane, and looked at the blue sky outside the window in a good mood.

At noon, the flight attendant came to ask what to eat. Shen Yansheng took the menu and looked at it. Since he was not too hungry, he simply ordered a creamy mushroom pasta, and asked the flight attendant for an iced cola.

Hearing this, Lu Jingce frowned and looked sideways at her, "Did you drink ice during your period?"

Shen Yansheng said seriously, "I won't feel pain."

Lu Jingce disagreed, and said to the flight attendant, "Give her a glass of room temperature."

The stewardess smiled, said yes, and went down to prepare food.

Shen Yansheng stared at Lu Jingce, obviously a little unhappy.

Lu Jingce raised his hand and squeezed her chin, and said, "Listen to what you say, or I'll have to serve you again when you get sick."

Looking at Lu Jingce, Shen Yansheng felt a little embarrassed and said, "I didn't ask you to serve me."

Lu Jingce stared at her, sneered, released her chin, and said, "So be nice, don't let me worry."

Shen Yansheng didn't answer any more, lowered her head and continued to read the magazine in her hand, secretly reminding herself not to be tempted.

She can feel at ease to be a qualified canary, don't think too much.

After returning to Beicheng from Wushi, life returned to normal. Shen Yansheng commuted to get off work as usual every day, but even the servants at home could see that she looked much happier than before going out.

This morning, she went downstairs for breakfast and saw two brown sugar poached eggs in her bowl. The poached eggs had just been cooked and were still hot.

She sat down and was a little happy when she smelled the sweet scent. She looked up at Aunt Ping and asked with a smile, "Aunt Ping, have you changed the menu recently?"

In addition to the two brown sugar poached eggs in her bowl, there are also her favorite shrimp wontons on the table.

Aunt Ping said with a smile: "Mr. Lu specially explained it when he went out in the morning, and asked the kitchen to cook more blood to nourish the body recently. I think you don't like sweets, you should like brown sugar poached eggs."

Shen Yansheng really likes poached eggs, but she focused on Lu Jingce and couldn't help but ask, "Is Lu Jingce back?"

They came back from Ushi City a few days ago, and Lu Jingce was on a business trip that night. It was three days after they left. Shen Yansheng didn't want to admit that he missed him, but he couldn't help but miss him every day.

When I heard Aunt Ping's words, I regretted not getting up earlier in the morning.

Aunt Ping nodded and said, "I arrived at three o'clock in the morning last night. You were sound asleep at that time. Mr. Lu was afraid of disturbing your sleep, so he squatted in the study for two or three hours, and then went out again at six in the morning."

Shen Yansheng could almost imagine Lu Jingce returning home in the middle of the night, exhausted after a short sleep and then going out to work. She suddenly felt a little distressed and asked, "Then is he coming back tonight? Did he go on a business trip again?"

Aunt Ping said: "It shouldn't be. The suitcases are all in the study. They should be going to the company."

Hearing that Aunt Ping said that Lu Jingce should be back in the evening, Shen Yansheng felt a trace of joy in Shen Yansheng's heart that she didn't even notice.

Because it was a weekend, after breakfast, she went upstairs and sat at the desk to start drawing. But she was frequently distracted today, and Lu Jingce's figure was in her mind as soon as she wrote the pen. She had difficulty concentrating, so she put down her pen, took out her phone, thought about it, and sent Lu Jingce a WeChat message.

"Are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

After the message was sent, Shen Yansheng did not receive a reply for a long time. When she didn't know how many times she looked at her mobile phone, she suddenly realized that she was a little deep in the mud. What is the difference between her current state and worrying about gains and losses when in love?

Frightened by her own behavior, she reflexively wanted to withdraw the information. But the information has been sent out for two hours, how can it be withdrawn.

She was a little angry with herself, turned the lock screen of her phone on the table, and kept reminding herself in her mind that she recognized her relationship with Lu Jingce, and what would happen if the canary fell in love with the gold master.

She picked up the pen again, concentrated and got to work.

After receiving Lu Jingce's reply, it was already four hours after the message was sent, and the WeChat on the mobile phone rang. Shen Yansheng stared at the mobile phone for a while, and after thinking for a while, she still picked up the mobile phone and looked at it.

Lu Jingce's reply was surprisingly brief, with only one word: back.

Shen Yansheng glanced at it, unable to tell what she was feeling, she locked the screen of her phone and put it back on the table.

Lu Jingce said he was going to come back for dinner, but in fact it was past ten o'clock in the evening when he came back.

Shen Yansheng waited for him until 9:30 in the evening. Seeing that Lu Jingce still hadn't come back, he ate his meal and went upstairs without saying a word.

When Lu Jingce entered the room, he was very drunk and his footsteps were a little sluggish, obviously drinking a lot of alcohol.

Seeing this, Aunt Ping hurriedly stepped forward to help, but Lu Jingce reached out and brushed it away. He frowned, sat on the sofa, and sank into the sofa with his head lowered.

Aunt Ping hurriedly asked someone to cook the hangover soup, and then hurried to find the hangover medicine, muttering, "Why do you drink so much."

There was a lot of alcohol in the living room, Lu Jingce was slumped on the sofa, his eyes were tightly closed, his head was so dizzy that he was a little unconscious.

Upstairs, Shen Yansheng had already gone to bed and was going to sleep, but when he heard the sound of a car driving into the yard, he guessed that Lu Jingce was back. She was still a little unhappy in her heart, and let her dove for Lu Jingce, so she closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

Who knew that after waiting for a long time, Lu Jingce didn't come up, but when she heard the panic downstairs, she was inexplicably uneasy, so she quickly got off the bed, put on slippers and went downstairs.

Before walking to the living room, I smelled a lot of alcohol in the stairwell on the second floor. She couldn't help frowning, and when she came down from the second floor, she saw Lu Jingce sinking into the sofa with his eyes closed, and at first glance he looked like he was drunk.

She couldn't help but worry, her footsteps became a little anxious, she hurried downstairs, and when she approached Lu Jingce, she smelled even more alcohol.

She sat down on the sofa, leaned over anxiously and held Lu Jingce's face, she frowned, her voice unable to hide her worry, "Lu Jingce, what's wrong with you? Why are you drinking so much alcohol?"

Lu Jingce was so drunk that his head was dizzy, and when he heard Shen Yansheng's voice, he could open his eyes to look at her, raised his hand to hold her hand on his face, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, have a drink."

Seeing that Lu Jingce's eyes were red, Shen Yansheng became more worried for a while, and turned around and asked Aunt Ping anxiously, "Aunt Ping, where's the hangover medicine?"

Aunt Ping was also anxious, and said, "I don't have any more at home, and someone has just gone out to buy it. The kitchen is cooking hangover soup, so I will urge you."

Lu Jingce was half-drunk and half-awake. Seeing that Shen Yansheng was worried about him, he still smiled. He wrapped his arms around her waist with little strength, and asked with a light smile, "Worried about me?"

Shen Yansheng frowned. Seeing Lu Jingce's appearance, she knew that she must have drunk a lot. She was worried about his body and raised her hand to touch his forehead, "Don't say a word, if you are so drunk, I don't know if you will have a fever tomorrow."

Lu Jingce closed his eyes again, leaned his head on the cushion behind him, and said half-drunk, "It's alright."

I wanted to say something more later, but my head was so dizzy that I couldn't get my spirits up at all.

Shen Yansheng was really worried, so he had someone get a basin of warm water and wipe Lu Jingce's body with a damp towel.

Although Lu Jingce was dizzy and had no strength, he still knew that Shen Yansheng was wiping his body. He forced his consciousness to open his eyes and looked at Shen Yansheng. Seeing Shen Yansheng frowning and worrying about him, for a while, he almost doubted him. I am dreaming.

Fortunately, the sobering soup was ready in a while, Lu Jingce barely finished a bowl, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest for a while, and his head didn't hurt so much.

A little sober, he opened his eyes, saw Shen Yansheng still looking at him worriedly, smiled, raised his hand and put Shen Yansheng in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the face, and said softly, "It's just It's just a drink, and it won't die, so don't worry about it."

Hearing this, Shen Yansheng couldn't help frowning, looked up at Lu Jingce, was a little unhappy, and said, "Lu Jingce, can you stop saying unlucky things."

Lu Jingce looked at her and smiled, hooked her chin, and teased her, "Why are people of culture in the 21st century so superstitious?"

Seeing that Lu Jingce was still in the mood to tease her, Shen Yansheng knew that there should be nothing wrong, she patted his hand angrily, and said, "I'm drunk, so I'm not allowed to go back to my room to sleep tonight."

Lu Jingce still looked at her and smiled, and said, "Where do I sleep then?"

"There are so many rooms in the house, where do you want to sleep? You are not allowed to go back to the room anyway." Shen Yansheng ignored him after speaking, and turned upstairs.

However, Shen Yansheng's words were actually just words. After all, the house belonged to Lu Jingce. She had no right to take care of where he wanted to sleep.

But Lu Jingce really listened to it, and spent the night in the study room.

The next morning, when Shen Yansheng woke up, he saw that the room was empty and there was no smell of alcohol, so he knew that Lu Jingce really didn't go back to sleep last night.

She sat up from the bed and sat there for a while, until Aunt Ping knocked on the door lightly outside and called her to go downstairs for breakfast, then she regained her senses and responded to the door, "Got it, I'll do it right away. Come down."

He got off the bed, put on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash up. When he changed his clothes and went downstairs, he saw that Lu Jingce had actually woken up and was sitting on the sofa reading documents.

It is rare for him not to smoke today, with breakfast and a cup of tea in front of him.

Shen Yansheng walked over, sat down on the small stool in front of the coffee table, picked up a piece of toast in the tray, picked up the jam spoon to spread the jam, and asked, "Where did you sleep last night?"

Lu Jingce looked up at her and said with a smile, "Didn't you forbid me to go back to the room?"

Shen Yansheng said: "Yes, I was just curious where you slept last night."

Lu Jingce put down the document in his hand, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and said, "Where else can I sleep, the study."

Shen Yansheng looked up at him, and after a while, finally asked, "Didn't you say you were coming back for dinner yesterday afternoon? Did you know that I'll wait for you until half past nine?"

Lu Jingce paused while drinking tea. He raised his head and looked at Shen Yansheng.

After a long while, I realized after a while, "So you were angry last night because of this?"

Shen Yansheng didn't let Lu Jingce go back to the room last night, it was because he was a little angry.

She looked at Lu Jingce and said, "Anyway, if you can't come back in the future, tell me in advance, and I won't wait for you."

Lu Jingce reached out and touched Shen Yansheng's cheek, and coaxed with a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would wait for me to eat. Next time I can't come back, I must tell you in advance."

Shen Yansheng sternly avoided Lu Jingce's hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, I won't wait for you in the future anyway."

Lu Jingce looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and said, "I'll rest today and take you out for dinner tonight?"

Shen Yansheng was no longer appreciative, and while concentrating on smearing her jam, she said, "I don't have time tonight, I have an appointment with Wanwan for dinner."

Hearing this, Lu Jingce frowned, not happy, and said, "She's been so busy lately?"

Shen Yansheng looked up at him and said, "People are not allowed to rest."

Shen Yansheng was let go by Lu Jingce last night, how could it be so easy to calm down? After breakfast, she went upstairs to change her clothes and went out. Taking advantage of the weekend, she went home and had lunch with her parents. In the afternoon, she took her mother to dye her hair and get her hair done. After a beauty treatment, I took a taxi to the tavern I had made an appointment with Wanwan for dinner.

The tavern is hidden, and the proprietress has a good relationship with Wanwan, so this place has become the secret base of female star Zhou Wanying. When she is in a bad mood, she will come here to drink. Even Xie Rin does not know this place. Zhou Wanying's little world.

When Shen Yansheng arrived, Zhou Wanying had already had a drink in the private room, and when she heard the door open, she turned around and said with a smile, "Why did you come, I already had two drinks."

Shen Yansheng took off his shoes and entered the house, closed the private room door again, and said with a smile, "There is a traffic jam on the road."

Zhou Wanying hurriedly waved to her, raised the small jug on the table, and said with a smile, "Come on, sister Mei's newly brewed sweet-scented osmanthus wine is not high enough, and it tastes much better than the one outside."

Shen Yansheng sat down, picked up the glass, took a glass of wine, took a sip, and it was really good.

But when she was drinking, she thought of Lu Jingce and said to Zhou Wanying, "Lu Jingce didn't know where to drink last night. He drank a lot, and when he came back, he was too drunk."

Zhou Wanying looked at Shen Yansheng and asked, "Didn't Lu Jingce tell you?"

"What?" Shen Yansheng picked up the chopsticks and asked in confusion.

Zhou Wanying said: "Lu Jingce dined with a few leaders yesterday, those who were in charge of your father's case before. I heard from Xie Rin that Lu Jingce took a lot of work to get your father out at the time. Now that it's done, it must be done Invite people to dinner."

Shen Yansheng's action of adding vegetables stopped, she raised her head and looked at Zhou Wanying.

Zhou Wanying said: "Xie Rin was there last night, and he helped Lu Jingce to stop a few cups. Those leaders drank a lot, mixed with white and red beer, no matter how good the amount of alcohol was, they couldn't drink it like this. Listen to Xie Rin. Say, Lu Jingce went to the bathroom and vomited once."

Shen Yansheng froze there, her throat felt a little sore for a moment, and her mind was full of the way Lu Jingce was drunk and leaning on the sofa last night.

Seeing that Shen Yansheng was a little uncomfortable, Zhou Wanying quickly changed the subject, "Okay, let's not talk about men, let's talk about something else, by the way, I will join the group next week, you must come and visit me when you are fine. class."

Shen Yansheng smiled reluctantly and said, "I see, I will definitely come."

After dinner with Zhou Wanying, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Zhou Wanying's car was waiting outside. She put on a hat and mask when she went out, hugged Shen Yansheng at the door, and then got into the car and left.

Shen Yansheng also got into the car after waiting for Zhou Wanying to leave.

She sat in the back row, staring out the window in a trance, her mind was full of Lu Jingce's figure, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Uncle Chen was driving in the front row. He saw Shen Yansheng looking out the window through the rearview mirror, looking a little sad, and asked with concern, "Miss, what's the matter? Are you unhappy?"

Shen Yansheng shook her head, and after a while, she looked back, looked at Uncle Chen, and couldn't help asking, "Uncle Chen, how long have you been with Lu Jingce?"

Uncle Chen replied, "This year is the seventh year."

Shen Yansheng asked, "Does Lu Jingce often have entertainment and need to drink?"

Uncle Chen said: "It's been a lot better in the past two years. Boss Lu has come to where he is today, and there are actually not many things that need him to entertain. A few years ago, it was called hard work. He came out on his own, and in the past few years, it was common to work overtime all night in order to negotiate business, and socializing and drinking are even more commonplace.”

"For a while, because of the intensity of work, I had some problems with my body. After that, the old lady started to believe in Buddhism and moved to Nanshan. Every month, she went to Nanta Temple to burn incense and pray for Mr. Lu."

Speaking of this, Uncle Chen couldn't help sighing and said with emotion: "Unfortunately, the old lady's health is not very good, and she left after a few years of happiness."

Shen Yansheng was a little sad to hear this, and asked, "Does Lu Jingce have no other relatives?"

Uncle Chen said: "Isn't that true? I heard from the old lady before that Lu always had both his parents killed after the youngest, and grew up with the old lady, so after the old lady passed away, Mr. Lu was in a very low mood for a long time. Been abroad for a year."

Shen Yansheng felt more and more sad when she heard this. When she got home and got out of the car, her eyes felt like sand had entered. She stood outside for a while, and then went into the house when she was in a better mood.

When Aunt Ping saw her coming back, she smiled and said, "You are back."

Shen Yansheng asked, "Where's Lu Jingce? Is he at home?"

Aunt Ping said, "Yes, it should be in the study."

Shen Yansheng nodded, went upstairs, and went straight to the study to find Lu Jingce.

The study door was closed, and she rarely went in without knocking.

Lu Jingce was on the phone, looked up to see Shen Yansheng coming in, and said to the person on the phone, "That's it for now, send the information to my mailbox later."

He hung up the phone, threw the phone on the desk, looked at Shen Yansheng, and said with a smile, "What did you eat?"

Shen Yansheng said, "I didn't eat anything, I drank wine."

She walked in front of Lu Jingce, took the initiative to sit on Lu Jingce's body, and put her arms around Lu Jingce's neck.

Lu Jingce raised his eyebrows subtly, raised a hand to wrap around Shen Yansheng's waist, and said, "It looks like he's been drinking."

He looked at Shen Yansheng with a bit of a smile in his eyes, and said, "Drink a lot? Do you still recognize who I am?"

Shen Yansheng didn't want to answer this kind of question, so he bowed his head and kissed Lu Jingce.

She did drink a lot of alcohol tonight, but her mind was unusually clear. It was the first time that she took such initiative. Lu Jingce regained the initiative after being stunned for a moment. The two of them kissed until their bodies began to heat up. Lu Jingce's eyes became very deep. When Shen Yansheng took the initiative to unbutton his shirt, He grabbed her hand and looked at her deeply, his voice was so hoarse that he said, "Shen Yansheng, do you know who I am?"

Shen Yansheng was already on the verge of losing control, and frowned unhappily, "Lu Jingce, are you going to do it or not?"

The next second, he was picked up by Lu Jingce and laid down on the desk.

Lu Jingce stood in front of her, looking at her while untying his belt, his voice was hoarse, "Shen Yansheng, don't regret it."

The author says:

Two more~

Read My Space-Time System
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The God of Sky & Earth
XianxiaMartial ArtsHaremAdventure
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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