MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 6 Love left or right 06┃ This child is not simple.

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At first glance, it seems to be broken.

The housekeeper is dead, then Xie Zhen does not have to do a multiple-choice question, go directly to the vampire, and walk for seven days.

Will it be that simple? Xie Tao did not forget what day it is today.

He went to the vampire, did he want to accept the first time? How do you get the first time? He didn't forget what the vampire said last night - satisfy him. How can he satisfy him? Just sucking a blood?

No, it’s not...

Is the shortcut to customs clearance games to sell the body? Xie Wei’s scalp is numb and he dare not think about it.

If this is an ordinary computer game, Xie Tao has long since deleted the report to report a dragon, by the way, greeting the author. Unfortunately, this is not a game on the computer, but a real game world that cannot be explained by common sense.

Can not quit, can not give up, Xie Tao will not curious about the consequences of death without reading files.

- can only go on the scalp!


"The old slant is really a shameless face. What kind of dog is the game?" The silver-haired silver eagle with the elves of the elves, the little prince of the natural high-altitude flower, has no open image, revealing its dog's tail. The nature of the grass.

The man opposite him was dressed very tightly, and the neckline was tightly tied to the chin. Except for a face that was not exposed to the skin, even if it was wrapped in such a way, it could not cover his strong body, plus a face that was not ridiculous, a pair of strangers. Do not enter the look.

Yan Zhe cocked his legs and stared at the water curtain: "I really fuck, if I am this child, I must kill the old river."

Qin Ge contends, and the chilly eyebrows are slightly raised: "Is that the soul of the river?"

"No, no." Yan Zhe was stunned. "He actually put a soul in a novice world. No wonder it would be S-level difficulty."

Qin Ge argued again: "The reason why no one is passing customs is because no one can enter the game?"

"Well," Yan Zhe said: "I can get the soul of the river, and the child is not simple."

Qin Ge strives to look at the boy who looks beautiful and beautiful through the water curtain: "Adolescent?"

Yan Zhedao: "19 years old, just getting grown."

"so small?"

"Jiang Lao Niu eats young grass."

After Qin Ge argued for a while, he said: "The housekeeper is dead. Does he only have to accept the initial support and complete the task?"

"Which is so simple." Yan Zhexiao smiled. "Beginning to be sucked up by blood, becoming a vampire is not alive."

Qin Gezheng: "..."

Yan Zhe was grateful to the disaster: "I can get the soul of the river oblique recognition, indicating that the child and the old oblique fit are very high, but the old one can make such a dog to force the game, the children can not hate him hate itching?"

Qin Ge argued: "He does not suffer, the first task is the S-class world, as long as it can be cleared, you can get..."

Yan Zhe interrupted him: "I can definitely pass the customs."

Qin Ge contends to see him, wondering why he is so determined.

Yan Zhedao: "It is the old slanting soul that raises the world level. In fact, the task is not difficult. In the novice range, the child is also very smart. The privilege is equal to more than half of the customs clearance."

Qin Ge contends to read the detailed data: "There is no limit to reading files, and it is not difficult to kill them with fatal injuries."

Yan Zhe smiled and said: "Unfortunately, the content of the game is too fucking, and the children must be broken."

Qin Gezheng: "..." is really true.

"It’s a pity to go out of the mission." Yan Zhe said with regret, "I can’t see the old oblique pattern and die."


Xie Tao did not know this, he just left the scene of death.

The housekeeper was dead, and the blood flowed to the ground. Unfortunately, Xie Tao did not have the ability to clean up and could only leave temporarily.

What should I do next? Xie Tao will not accept the first time, nor can he not go to the appointment.

I can only go to Earl's House first, and I will continue to work with Aix, only six days, maybe I can drag it to the end of the mission.

Although I think so, I can’t understand it intuitively.

It’s strange to say that the big house is empty and Randy doesn’t feel like it. When he died, the castle was full of deadness, like a grave.

Xie Zhen is not afraid, after all, is the person who has died three times.

He went to find the groom himself, arranged the carriage, and went to the Earls Court to find the vampire Ax.

Originally his plan was to use words to motivate the steward and let him deal with the vampire. He never thought that he would send the housekeeper on the road in one sentence... He could only change the plan and delay the time with Ax.

The carriage was straight out of the manor, and when he stepped on the path, Xie Tao appreciated the beautiful pastoral scenery.

This is a beautiful view that cannot be seen in the modern society of the bustling city: the sky is clear, the wind blows the grass, and the lotus flower in the head of the pool is swaying.

Xie Tao looked seriously and couldn't see any flaws in it - real, a game that is more realistic than reality.

Suddenly, the carriage swayed, and Xie Wei held the handle firmly, barely maintaining his body.

"How..." He was about to ask, the curtain of the carriage was opened, and the groom stared at him fiercely.

Xie Tao’s heart jumped, and the dark road was not good.

The sharp dagger has already stabbed over. The groom’s eyes are full of viciousness and resentment: “There is no Randy dog, Sain Hall, I see who else is protecting you!”

Narrow carriages can't hide, of course, Xie Tao did not want to hide.

He took the time to say: "Why are you killing me?"

"Why?" The resentment in the eyes of the groom climbed to the extreme. "You are so vicious, evil, and the empire who doesn't want to kill you!"

"I..." Xie Tao did not say the second sentence, the groom had pierced his heart.

"Hahaha, you have it today." Mafu was crazy. "I want to see if your heart is black. You are the devil who climbed from hell..."

His voice gradually drifted away, and Xie Tao chose to read the file in time.

There are no extra options for reading files, only to go back to last night.

So... can't you let Randy die? From the last horse's words, you can get some information. His body is not a simple aristocratic son. Eighty percent of his enemies are countless. Butler Randy is never simple. Only when he is alive can he avoid being assassinated by others.

Can it be inferred that the housekeeper Randy and the vampire have a battle?

It seems that his initial plan is correct, but the words are more euphemistic, and the housekeeper cannot be allowed to commit suicide in advance!

Just made up his mind, the silver-haired vampire appeared out of thin air. This is the third time. Xie Yu is used to it, and the sneak sneak is very familiar.

The vampire's lines are almost the same as last time, but the confession is more nerve-stricken: "Small Sain, I really want to dig a heart for you, let you see how much I love you."

Xie Yusheng was afraid that he couldn’t really dig his heart and couldn’t help but say: "Don’t say that."

The vampire's beautiful crimson scorpion is full of obsession: "See you tomorrow. My sweetest baby."

Xie Wei: "..." It seems that it is not so disgusting to hear more times.

After taking the vampire and dealing with the night-time housekeeper Randy, Xie Tao finally waited for the crucial second day.

This time he didn't drag the water and did not pave the way. He said directly: "Randy, no matter what happens to me, will you be loyal to me?"

Sure enough, this is the correct way of talking. The housekeeper is kneeling on one knee and piously said: "It is my life's wish to be able to share the worry for the master."

Xie Tao looked at him with a high look: "Do you know the status of Earl Aix?"

The steward, who was hanging down, had a stiff shoulder. He sighed: "The count is already dead. He is a vampire who only exists in the darkness."

Xie Xin said: You really know it!

"So, do you know what day is today?" Xie Wei fixedly looked at him.

Randy looked up and there was a black mist in the blue scorpion: "Are you sure?"

"I don't want to be something that is not a ghost," Xie Yan raised his hand on his left shoulder and looked at him. "Can you help me?"

A cluster of clear flames burned in the butler's coffin, and his thin lips twitched: "Young Master..."

"He is strong, and I am with him and the snake is just to protect the house, but he is now insatiable, I..." Xie Xiao’s business is not yet proficient, and half of it can’t be said...

Fortunately, the route is right, butler Randy holds his hand and whispers to him: "You don't love him, right?"

Xie Tao finally said the truth of the heart of the heart: "I don't love him."

The butler closed his eyes and looked like a dead and resurrected person. He kissed his back in a pious manner: "As long as your mind is clear, please leave it to me."

Xie Tao worried: "He is not human, but powerful, you..."

"Don't worry about me." The butler looked at him with all his unreserved loyalty and love. "Wait for me to come back."

Xie Tao’s worries are not fake. Although the direction of concern is different, he sincerely said: “Take care.” I hope that you can play for six days and six nights to help him complete his mission.

Before Randy left, thank you again: "... please don't leave the house."

Xie Tao thought of the maid who assassinated him. He focused on the head: "I don't go anywhere, wait for you to come back."

Randy's eyes are bright and full of eyes: "I will not live up to your expectations."

After sending away Mr. Guan Jia, Xie Wei was upset for a morning until the midday sun, and he was relieved when he was nearing the evening.

It seems that this time it is right, you have to deal with the vampire.

I don't know how the results are, but don't wait for the silver-haired vampire to rush to the crown.

Because Randy was not there, the man who served his dress changed to Maid Garr.

When I saw this girl again, Xie Tao didn't think too much. Although he only had one day in this world, in fact, many days have passed in reality, because it has finally passed a level, so it is slightly relaxed.

Garr carefully helped him to take off his cloak. When he untied the shirt button a little, she suddenly whispered: "Young master, can't I?"

Xie Tao did not hear clearly: "Well?"

The girl who is half his head is coveting him: "I can do what Randy can do, Aix can give you, I can."

Xie Yu understood this, and his pupils shrank slightly, looking up at Gar.

The cool voice of Garr became hoarse, and the deliberately put on the delicate, the young boy’s heroic anger: "Randy can’t come back, you see me more, okay?"

At this moment, Xie Tao saw the "maid" that was blocked by lace.

Garr raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, there was a flat, no girl's ups and downs.

“Can you feel it?” The voice of the boy’s low voice is full of affection. “This heart belongs to you only.”

Chapter 7 Love to the left or right 07 eyes reveal a bright red and beautiful young voice: "He is my master."

How come one more? Is this game left or right? What does it mean to come out again?

Do not need to deduct the title!

We thanked Xiao Xiao for being a young man who was silent and was forced to become a spit.

There are too many slots, and I thought that I had sent away two big Buddhas. Who knows that there is still a women's coat in the house.

According to this left and right rule, there will be no more? Xie Tao rushed to the brain, afraid that he would become a slang.

Before Garr, he was very jealous of the housekeeper. He has always been a low-browed and pleasing appearance. Now he is exposed to the nature. What is cute and cute? A pair of scorpions are long and narrow, and the slightly drooping eyes have some suppression. After a long time, the amount of change is obvious.

He said: "Master, my love for you is no less than anyone, please allow me to serve you?"

Xie Tao’s mouth was pumping, and he wondered if he refused, would he still have to die again? If you don't refuse, he is afraid that the housekeeper and the vampire will kill him and give him a triplekill (game term: three kills).

Once upon a time, Sanhao Youth, just a little shy and thankful, had to consider whether it was the death of one person or the death of three people.

Obviously, the former is more appropriate. Xie Tao firmly believes that as long as this game has such a loss of conscience, then he will not make a pair of forward and backward in addition to left to right!

Xie Tao said: "Gal, let's go."

The teenager in black and white maid costume is thundered, and the beautiful face is pale: "Even if Randy is gone, you don't need me?"

Xie Tao said: "I'm sorry."

Very good, the scum male quotation is self-taught.

“Why?” The color of Gar's eyes gradually deepened, and the face was whiter and the lips were lighter. “Randy can't stop us, why can't it... Or do you not love me? Because of my weakness And escaping, have you given up on me?"

Sure enough, these two also talk about love, and Xie Wei is very wise to appoint a male apology.

Xie Tao can't leave too many thoughts for him, but he can't say that there are many mistakes. He can only come to a scum male silence.

Garr's attitude is getting more and more abnormal. His grief and despair cover the blue sky like a dark cloud. His voice is empty: "You give up on me."

Xie Wei: "..."

Garr tightened his fist and there was a blue vein in his forehead.

Xie Tao sneaked a sneak look, feeling that he was not far from death - come on, always have to try an "option", can not read the file.

"You gave up on me." Garr repeated it again, his look was too miserable, his voice was too sad, very infectious, and if Xie Tao had experienced many death baptisms, he was afraid to move. heart of.

Garr laughed a bit, full of self-deprecation and self-abandonment. He lost his soul. "You are right. I am so mean, so weak, and worthy of your love. You rescued me from the mire and gave me Freshmen, even promised to give me your divine love, but I am too weak, too humble, afraid to tarnish your love, so hide and hide, and constantly escape..."

"I just screwed everything up." Garr looked at him, his voice was so sad that he "had lost my heart, I let you down."

Hey, Xie Zhen seriously thought: This development, is it not to kill people to commit suicide?

Poor Xie Xiao’s brain circuit can’t keep up with an old driver.

Garr hangs with his hands weakly, and the whole person seems to have been taken away. He turned and dragged his steps and left.

Xie Wei: "..."

The double-open wooden door opened and closed again, and Xie Yan’s eyes stood alone in front of the mirror: Going? Just gone?

Actually no one died?

Xie Wei didn't believe it, but he couldn't lift his foot and chase it out. In case, Garr asked him: "Why are you chasing me, are you repenting, do you still need me?"

How can he answer? Do you want to tell him: No, I just want to see if you have committed another place to commit suicide.

Hold back! Xie Tao nailed herself in front of the mirror!

Nothing wrong, nothing happened, and Garr really went away...

Xie Tao’s intuition tells him that it’s not that simple, but he can’t help but think “naively”: Maybe this is not crazy, maybe this is just a small test, after all, the name of the game is only left or right, probably probably not There is a third ship, right?

Xie Tao changed clothes and climbed into the bed, waiting for half an hour.

Nothing happened... No one appeared again... He didn’t die... Was this little level passed by him?

Xie Yu slept, and when he woke up, the task progress was finally halfway through. According to this momentum, it seems that the completion is expected?

Xie Wei sighed and cheered to face a new day.

The housekeeper still has no news to pass back, which is the best news for Xie Tao. Garr did not appear again, although life and death did not know.

Xie Tao didn't have the energy to manage what happened to others. He just thought about how many days he had left.

Randy is not there, and Garr is not there. There is no third person to wait for Xie Tao to wear clothes in a big mansion. Xie Wei, look at the cumbersome costumes, one big and two big, why do you have to wear such troubles, simply get a set of T can't do it?

Forget it... still don’t want to make extra money, and finally come to this step, Xie Tao can't want to make any moths.

He patiently dressed himself and tossed it for a quarter of an hour before he barely put it on, either because he had noticed the steps that Randy had to dress him, or whether he couldn't get the clothes one after another.

After dressing neatly, Xie Wei was a little hungry. Before, Randy pushed the dining car to serve him breakfast. Today, he is not waiting for it, he can only find food for himself.

The castle is large, the walls of the corridor are full of portraits and some animal bones. In this era, these decorations are the symbol of the status of the master family and its great wealth, but in the aesthetics of modern people, it is full of gloom and horror.

Xie Tao is not afraid. Since his father was missing, he has become accustomed to the darkness. If he is afraid of ghosts, he will not live so much.

Although there is no fear, I am also guilty of my heart. Is such a big house a swaying space? It’s just that there is one butler and a maid. How can everyone seem to be gone?

Xie Tao looked at it while walking. When I arrived at the restaurant, I felt that I was deserted. The cleaning was clean, but I didn’t even have a personal photo. He remembered that when Randy was there, there were still many people waiting for it. Although those people never look up, there is no sense of existence.

Xie Wei waited for a while and found that there would be no breakfast and she had to get up and go to the kitchen. His black leather boots fell on the smooth ground, echoing the crisp sound, making the whole space more dead.

When entering the kitchen, Xie Yu lived.

Full house.

The house is full of dead people.

Even if Xie Tao is not afraid of ghosts, seeing this **** scene is still nausea.

What is going on here? He resisted nausea and looked at it for a while. There were about forty or fifty people, all of them died, blood flowed to the ground, and the whole kitchen was dyed red.

If you look carefully, you will tell who they are - the servants of this house, the maids, the gardeners and the grooms.

It’s not long before I was killed, I was thrown here by people.

Xie Wei: "..."

After closing the door, he took back the sentence - not crazy yet, it was absolutely crazy!

Who killed these people? Who else can be killed besides Gar, why should he kill them? anger? out of control? A hand slippery?

Xie Tao is a normal person, it is impossible to overcome the brain circuit of neuropathy!

Breakfast is not to eat, look at it all. He walked out of the castle and breathed through the garden.

There is a small pavilion for afternoon tea in the garden. When Xie Tao just arrived, she saw a small snack that exudes heat...

what is this? Afraid that he is starving?

Xie Wei is really not hungry. He is sitting in the garden and wondering what will happen next.

No matter why Garr slaughtered the mansion, he was in danger at the moment. When Randy died last time, someone killed him. This time, Randy told him not to leave the house before he left. It must have been a certain precaution. But now everyone is dead, and no one protects him.

How to do it? How can I survive the rest of the day?

Alone in this deadly old castle, Xie Tao is not afraid of ghosts but is guarding people, this psychological quality is really hard enough.

He watched out for a day and found no one attacked him.

Well, I lived again in the evening... Thank you for your lower lip, so you can use it to complete the task? Still don't be blindly optimistic.

At night, there was a fight from outside, and Xie’s eyes opened and he quickly got out of bed.

The door was knocked open by heavy objects, and a strong man was fiercely asked: "Why do you want to protect the demon?"

In the blue eyes, there is a bright red and beautiful young voice: "He is my master."

"Are you crazy, it is he who turns you into this person who is not a ghost!"

"No, I am willing." Gard bends his lips, and his shallow smile is full of morbid attachments. "Only by gaining such power will you be qualified to stand by him."

"Gard Delin, you crazy!"

"I love him, I just want to be with him." Garr smiled, but he was dead. "Can you not bother us?"

The feminine juvenile sound just fell, and he pierced the masked man's chest between the electric flints.

The masked man fell to the ground, and the blood rushed out and penetrated into the thick carpet, which became a very strange pattern.

When Garr looked at Xie Tao, the indifferent bloodthirsty scorpion instantly turned into a sad sky blue. His voice changed. Without the crazy tone, he was like a discarded animal. He begged and asked: "Young Master... ”

Xie Wei: "..."

" see, I can. Randy can do it, I can." Gard squatted on his knees, shattered and fell, covering his paranoid eyebrows, his voice was humble and pious, "I have Aix. The power, with Randy's heartfelt heart, please leave me, even if it is just your most loyal dog."

Chapter 8 Love to the left or right 08┃ Three pairs of confrontation, his two legs are not stable!

Xie Wei whispered in his heart: He has the right to say no!

He also thought that Garr was a purely young and mad teenager, what happened? He is more jealous than the housekeeper Randy and the vampire Ax.

Killing everyone in the entire house, and knowing them, they will hurt Sain Hall, but actually? How can anyone who wants to assassinate Sain come in without killing those left by Randy?

The killers don't come in, how can he have the opportunity to express himself?

The Gard boy seems to have left in a desperate manner, but in fact he has done this series of things, so that Xie Tao has to take him.

Instead of killing him to kill the set, he gave all other choices to death, and Xie Tao could only choose him.

How can Xie Tao...

He bent down and raised Gard Delin: "Do you not hate me?"

The teenager looked up, and the delicate five senses were all obsessive: "How come? There is no Garr without the young master."

Xie Tao’s fingers touched his white face and felt the cold like ice: “I’m sorry, I made you look like this.”

"No!" Gard took his hand and said anxiously, "I am willing to volunteer. I am willing to become a vampire. You have no knowledge of the young master, why bother to apologize."

Sain Hall is unaware of it? Xie Wei sent himself a pair of huh.

Garr looked at him greedily: "You are so gentle, so beautiful, and give me the supreme love of the supreme... I just want to be worthy of you, just want to make yourself strong enough, just want to let yourself not Live up your expectations."

So you become a vampire!

According to the information now available, he can basically guess the plot of the Garr side.

The humble servant has received the attention of his master. Because he is inferior and does not dare to respond, he can only suppress it silently. His feelings are getting deeper and deeper, his love is getting heavier and heavier, and the young man who can no longer suppress is dead for a lifetime. The vampire's no return.

Obviously the boy who died in the newspaper was Garr himself, but he did not die, but became a new vampire.

All these make sense. What makes Xie Yu wonder is why he wants to show love to such a teenager?

The reason why Sein Hall is entangled with the vampire Axe is to survive on the one hand, and the vampire power on the other hand, and the motivation of the housekeeper Randy.

What about Ngar? This boy is an ordinary person before becoming a vampire. What is worthy of use by Sain Hall?

Can't figure it out.

What makes Xie Tao unable to understand is the original owner of this body!

How many people did Sain Hall provoke!

Go, take a step and take a step. Now I can only accept Garr. If I don’t accept him, I will be killed by the assassin in minutes. I can only accept the reading.

Xie Tao sincerely hopes - vampires and housekeepers don't kill them halfway!

If the three people are confrontational, his two legs are unstable!

After stabilizing Gar, this day has finally passed. Although the big mans died, only the two of them died, but they were so safe.

Gard treated him very well, it was like a treasure, he was very cautious, and there was no such thing as a subtle behavior, as if he really was satisfied with a dog of Sain.

As a normal person in a harmonious society, Xie Tao is very complicated!

The mission progress has finally become: the fifth day.

The housekeeper and the vampire still have no news, but Xie Tao does not dare to relax. The ghost knows what will happen in the last two days.

When it was dawn, Xie Zhen found that the mansion was bustling again, and the dead servants were alive...

Xie Tao suspected that she was blind. In exchange for a very pretty tuxedo, Garr whispered: "The young masters are relieved, they are obedient."

Xie Wei: "..."

Garr observed his manners at all times. Seeing that he seemed to be somewhat unpleasant, he immediately said: "If the young master does not like it, then I will..."

"That's it." Xie Tao didn't want to be tired again - although the game might be some NPC.

Gardron, looks like a low-browed eye, but when you say it, you can scare the individual: "I hope that you and me are in this house, I want to take care of everything, just... I can't leave your sight. So some trivial things will inevitably be handed over to others."

I can't leave my sight when I say it, but I can't leave your sight!

Forget it...

Xie Tao, who only has two days left, does not want to care about these details.

"You can arrange it." Xie said, "I believe in you."

Garr’s eyes were bright and his mouth was full of sweetness: “At noon, Master Greenton will come over to visit you and arrange a luncheon?”

Xie Tao heard a new name on the headache, I wanted to push it, but whoever thought of the bottom right corner gave a hint: Greenton Casa, your cousin.

It turns out that this young Greene is the cousin of Sain Hall? and then? Just a line of words? Is there any special significance?

Xie took a moment to think that I still have to see you first. In case it is an important plot character, if you miss it, you may be blind.

“Yeah.” Xie said. “At noon, I will prepare some things that my cousin loves.”

Gal should come down: "Okay."

Around ten o'clock, Master Greenton's carriage drove into the manor. Because there is a bunch of "resurrection" of Garr, the manor looks orderly and is no different from usual.

Xie Tao went out to meet the young Master Greenton.

The blonde youth took a look at the carriage and smiled like a sun-baked smile. He was dressed in a green double-breasted coat. The open chest was a clean white shirt with a waistband in the Phnom Penh belt and a handsome leather boot under the white breeches.

"Sein." Greenton stepped forward and took Xie's hand. "How many days have you lost? How are you thin?"

Xie Xin said: If you die four or six or six times, can you be thin?

Greenton is very different from the previous ones. He is handsome and energetic. He seems to be three or four years older than Sain. It is the best age of a man.

Xie Wei didn't feel much about his appearance. He just thought that his smile was very bright and hot.

"The cousin is also a little thinner," Xie Wei chilled with him properly.

Greenton was quite used: "Is there? I have a good life exercise recently, it should be thinner!"

Xie Xiao smiled.

He is not very likely to take the initiative to find a topic, but Greenton is a talkative, and the atmosphere is given to him in a few words.

After he saw Gard, he asked, "What about Randy?"

Xie Zhen said quietly: "Some things are going out."

Greenton did not ask much, and then the topic was wrapped around some idle things.

Xie Wei feels good about him. He always thinks this may be the only normal NPC in the game.

After a lengthy lunch, the two went to the garden to have afternoon tea and digestion.

Greenton seemed to think of something in general. He said to Garr: "I have a good tea set in my carriage. You can help me get it."

Gard a meal, looking at Xie Tao, Xie Tao gave him a soothing look: "Go."

Garr looked down on the next four weeks and felt that there was no danger and he should bow down.

As soon as Garr left, Xie Tao felt that something might happen. He never thought that his cousin, who looked normal and very sunny, grabbed his hand and it was all hot flames:

"I don't care about those, I don't care if the family doesn't care about the world. It doesn't care about everything... Sain, let's run away!"

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