MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 253 The collapsed Jiujie 12┃ returned to the center.

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The 12th garden was created by Xie Wei in the garden of the river, so it is exactly the same, even the sky is generally the same.

The only difference between the two is that there is no sleeping soul and light group in the garden of the river.

There is no one here.

So... After he entered the black fog, he actually returned to the center?

How can this be? Has his repair task been completed? The task of finding the spirit is so inexplicably over?

What is the spirit of the world? If it is the soul of the river, isn't there still eight that have not been fixed?

Even the Cancer is oblique...

Is the key point of the Cancer Slant is to face the collapsed world bravely and resist it?

Does it make sense? After all, from the point of view of intention, the black fog means collapse, and the river slant wants to go in. It is to get out of being abandoned and want to save the world.

But still not quite right, no matter how to say it, it should be back to the center.

Xie Wei checked the system panel and found that it was restored to its original state and was able to view various information and props.

I haven't seen the pork burnt bag for a long time. Xie Tao thinks about it.

After being a kitten, I saw that the kitten was quite kind.

When the pork roast was released, he threw himself at him: "Dad!"

The furry little white cat is much more beautiful than the black and white cat when Xie is inclined.

After all, the variety is expensive.

The uneasiness of Xie Wei’s heart was scattered because of the appearance of the barbecued pork. If you don't go back to the center, where will you see the pork burnt pack?

Xie Yan licked its soft head: "Sleeping well?"

The pork roast said: "Okay, okay, especially want daddy."

The pet box and the outside are relatively static, and it still thinks, afraid that even thinking about it is too late to think!

Xie Tao ordered it with a small head: "The mouth is smooth."

The barbecued pork package didn't understand, and it rolled around in his arms.

Xie Tao teased it while walking to the pavilion. When he approached him, he saw the river **** in black uniform.

In the center, the primary player's uniform is white, the middle is blue, the high is purple, and the **** is black.

This color is not only representative of identity, but also distinguishes the ability of the uniform.

Xie Tao has been in the collapsed world for so long, and then seeing the river **** of a uniform, there are still some embarrassment.

Jiang slanted to the hot tea and greeted him: "Working hard for our repairers, come and rest."

This unfair tone...

Xie Wei walked quickly and didn't drink the tea he had made. He was first kissed by him.

Xie Tao found out how much he thought about him.

In fact, they have never been separated, every world is together, but still think, think of a complete river.

Seeing that someone’s hand was getting more and more chaotic, Xie Wei pushed the pork roast that was squeezed into a cat cake to him: "Don't make trouble."

The barbecued pork is very skilled, and it is a daddy and daddy against the river.

Jiang slanted and pointed out: "We have to have a child, maybe it is really a kitten."

Xie Tao is really a cat.

Xie he.

Jiang slanted to the pork roast in a serious way: "Your father is a black and white cat, bigger than you... two laps, it is beautiful."

The pork roast is a big one: "Dad is really my biological father!"

River ramp: "No."

The pork roast was immediately disappointed.

Jiang said again: "If he is your own, it must be your mother."

Xie Wei: "........................"

He grabbed the pork roast and smashed it: "Let's listen to him nonsense!"

In order to prevent the kitten from being taught by him, Xie Tao took the pork roast into the pet bar.

The small light bulb is gone, and the river **** is even more unscrupulous.

Xie Tao has a bunch of things in his heart, not giving him the opportunity to chaos. He said: "How come suddenly?"

River ramp: "The mission is complete."

Xie Tao tweeted: "Is there still eight light groups?"

River ramp: "You can't eat a fat man in one breath, take your time."

Xie Tao still doesn't understand: "What about the world in the end? Calling the twelve worlds, but only bringing back four souls is over?"

He was not sure if the Cancer band was brought back.

Jiang skewed and said: "Other people can be very happy to go back to the center. Are you still not happy?"

Indeed, for the players, going back to the center is a big hurdle, and it is a must.

Xie Tao looked at him and said: "There are still eight souls."

River ramp: "Don't you have to kill me?"

I know that poor!

Xie Tao said: "I always feel that I am not quite right. The end is too abrupt, and what is the spirit?"

Jiang oblique explained to him: "The twelve circles are my quasi-world, and the spirit is of course me."

Xie Tao said: "That should not be over, I have not found all twelve of you."

Jiang slanted and smiled: "You read the task carefully, and did not write to find all the spirits."

Thank you, thank you carefully.

The total task: find the spirit and repair Him.

I did not say that I was looking for a few spirits...

Xie Wei still feels wrong: "Why do you have to end in Cancer?"

If there is no stipulation to find a few spirits, can you return to the center when the white sheep is oblique, the golden bull is oblique, and the twins are over?

Jiang said: "Maybe you prefer Cancer?"

Xie Zhen fierce him: "Talk to you about serious things!"

The river is slanting up: "Maybe you miss me too much?"

Xie Wei: "..............." Itchy homesickness!

Jiang slanted and hugged him: "Well, if you walk the world more, you will understand that anything can happen, but no matter what happens in the quasi-world, it is a good thing to return to the central government."

Is that right? Xie Tao still feels weird, but he can hardly say where it is, he can't say it.

He paused and said: "There are still eight souls that have not been recovered."

This is what he can't worry about. The soul of the river can't be fully recovered. His heart is always uneasy.

Jiang Xie Wen said: "Don't worry, will come back."

Although Xie Tao is eccentric, he has to admit that he really returned to the Central Committee.

Since you are back, don't think too much. Just like Jiang Tizhi ​​said, there are thousands of quasi-worlds, and what kind of situation will happen. He may just have too little experience.

Xie said: "I see what the next quasi-world is."

There are also eight souls, and there are many night dreams. He wants to fix them as soon as possible.

Jiang Tie interrupted him: "I am so hard to come back, what is urgent."

Xie Tao said: "What if someone receives an obliteration task?"

Jiang said: "No, as long as there is a soul, it is a world that is easy to repair. The central government will not release it as a task of obliteration."

Is this the case?

Xie Tao also felt that he was a little fuss. Jiang Ting knows a lot more than him. Although he is poor, he is the most reliable. He will definitely not make such a joke. Is he concerned about chaos?

Thanks to the river in the arms of Xie, I couldn’t help but say: "I always feel a little uneasy."

Jiang skewed his forehead and kissed him: "What else is disturbing in my arms?"

Xie Wei shoots his unfair big hand: "You are the most uneasy!"

River ramp: "You are too stressed, I will help you solve the pressure."

Said to suppress him.

To be often thankful, you are half-pushing, and you don’t want to talk on your mouth. The body also works with him.

But today he is somewhat unattractive, lying in the flowers and saying to the river: "Is Yan Zhe in Cancer really true?"

The river that kissed him on his collarbone looked up at him: "Do not mention other men at this time."

Xie Wei fixedly looked at him.

The river slant can only stop and sit up and say: "Well, my curious kitten, ask what I want to ask."

His "kitten" bit him.

Xie Tao sorted out the clothes and asked seriously: "Is the encounter in Cancer, was it encountered by Yan Shen?"

River ramp: "Almost."

Xie Tao was surprised: "Is that world your past?"

Jiang Chao explained: "It is not a complete past, but the things that happen are basically the same, except that you are not a small circle."

This is similar to Xie Zhen’s conjecture. He asked: “Is that the original world of Yan Shen?”

Shouldn't it? The central players will only enter the quasi-world, and the player's selection is from the independent world after the customs clearance, so the river can not enter the original world of Yan Shen as the player.

River ramp: "I know that Yan Zhe is in a gathering task. The type of quasi-world is similar to that of Cancer, but it is more ferocious..."

He slowly said, helping Xie Yi outline a real past.

It is not clear how Yan Zhe’s original world is in the river. This is the privacy of every player and the last thing he wants to touch.

The acquaintance between Jiang and Yan Zhe is indeed after they all go to the center.

Yan Zhe got such a physique after entering a quasi-world similar to Cancer. He was just a new person and had no ability to protect himself.

In fact, his experience is even more fierce than in Cancer.

His physique should not only be targeted at the world, but also beware of players from the same center.

Coupled with the immortalized immunization, he died and lived several times, and the spirit collapsed.

When Jiang Xie saved him, he was like a bird of surprise, and he could only speak for half a month.

Hearing this, Xie Zhen can't help but say: "Yan Shen is really not easy..."

River ramp: "It's also okay, because of this experience, he returned to the central government and triggered the professional mission of the gods. Although he was promoted for a long time, it was also a blessing in disguise."

This is a bit like the process of Xie Tao getting the fixer. He got the primary repair in the open world, then upgraded it, and then slowly triggered the repairer's professional mission.

However, compared with Yan Zhe, he is so lucky to get a special career.

Xie Wei sighed and asked Jiang Shi: "What about you? You were a newcomer at the time."

It is not a junior player and it is impossible to get the same assembly task.

"I am really not a newcomer..." He said with a wry smile, "Although it was a junior player, I should have walked nearly a hundred quasi-worlds at the time."

Xie Yan big eyes: "How is it possible?"

River ramp: "The luck is too bad, and the experience is reversed several times."

Xie Wei: ".................." I knew that his face was black, I didn't expect it to be so dark!

River ramp: "It's not a bad thing, it's much more common, and everything can be dealt with."

Therefore, the rich combat experience of Cancer is the real river slanted through nearly one hundred world students!

Xie Yi did not know whether it was a distress or admire.

Xie Tao asked: "How did you clear the customs at the beginning?"

The river slanted and said: "You are so valued, I am very pleased, but I can't remember the things that have been going on for a long time."


It’s just that the junior players have gone so far in the world, and after that... I can’t imagine.

Xie Wei couldn't bear to ask again. He opened the topic: "Yan Shen, are they coming back?"

Before they went to the collapse of the 12th world, Yan Zhe went to the quasi-world ball he designed with Jiang Xie.

River ramp: "Of course I am back."

The time in the center is relative. Don't worry about how long it has been in the quasi-world. As long as you come out of the quasi-world, you will see other players.

Xie Zhen flashed a little something in his head, and he felt that it was not right...

Jiang asked him: "Would you like to see their recordings?"

Xie Tao suddenly remembered, and he looked at the river and leaned back into the blood.

Jiang skewed his abnormality: "What happened?"

Xie Zhen’s lips trembled and said: “The recording is too long...”

River ramp: "We can hurry up and see."

Xie Yiqiang said: "It is also very troublesome. It is better to let Yan Shen come over. Let us ask him directly."

River ramp: "Also."

Said that he seems to send a message to Yan Zhe.

Xie Wei fixedly looked at him, his eyes looked at him.

He remembered...

In the Twelve Worlds, the river **** opened the white space, why the river **** here was not reversed.