MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 412 Silver fox is at stake!

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"I have decided! Go and take all the things that are prepared for the evolution of the worms!" The black man ordered loudly.

Soon, the guy in the black cloak brought something strange, the beard of the worm, as if it were ivory, the eyes of the worm, the **** eyes, the tens of thousands of hexagonal crystals inside, and of course there are Only the complete worms look very strange, not like the worms that they will see every day.

The silver fox smoked his nose, his sense of smell was very sensitive, and the unpleasant smell of the insects made him very uncomfortable, and the guys wearing the cloak also had a strange smell on them.

The black man chose eight items from these insect-related items, and then ordered his men to place them in front of the black octopus's tentacles.


The thick beard of the worm was inserted into the head of the lion flying eagle from the celestial cover. The guy was still **** down hard, and the beard penetrated the lion's body a little bit and nailed him to the ground.


The silver fox slammed and knew that the most crucial moment had arrived. The black man was about to implement his evil plan.

The last worm was placed on the back of a person. The six flying feet of the worm were inserted directly into his flesh. The needle-shaped straw on the mouth was inserted into his spine. The worm was alive and sucking. The bone marrow of this person.

At this point, all the eight people lying on the ground were implanted with the organs of the insects or the whole worms, and the black man had a black thing in his hand. It was a smooth egg, and the black translucent eggs were Like a round crystal.

"You retire, this is the egg of the armored devil, and the power is huge." The black man said quietly.

Including the moon Linda, the black men all gave up, and the huge room was left with the black man and the octopus-type creature.

Surrounded by silence and chilling, the silver fox felt that the energy of the black man was rising rapidly. It was a completely different energy system from Han Wave. The silver fox was somewhat fearful, but full of curiosity, and the eyes stared at the distance.

With the increase in energy and momentum, the black side has created an energy vortex!

"What energy is this!? Unlike his own type of energy, even the owner does not have this strange energy!"

"It seems that Sima Spirit and Grand Master 9527, they have this power, but not as strong as he came."

"Oh, yes, Pluto has this power! Not under this guy, I said, the master's friends are so powerful, how can it be better than this guy."

"Well, it's not that there are two kinds of energy at the same time. What's so great? Although the master does not have this kind of energy, but the master's active power and dark power, and the master has darkness, the most superpower! It’s much better.”

The silver fox's clever little head is always in a cranky way. He saw that the black man released the second energy. Because of the blind worship of Han Lang, the silver fox couldn't help but compare him with Han Lang.

After some thoughts, the silver fox found a lot of reasons why Han Lang was better than him. No matter the reason is true or false, the silver fox is so happy when he thinks about it. He feels that this guy is not a big deal, except for the owner. No one is great.


Different change!

I saw that the black body was soaring and he began to transform!


The bulging muscles and enlarged bones instantly shredded his cloak, revealing his body!

What kind of body is this? The black skin grows long black hair, and the facial muscles bulge, turning him into a round face. The claws are deep through the fingertips and the teeth become sharp. Tooth decay! layer! Two layers! Three layers!

This guy, he is a bear!

No, to be precise, he is a mixture of people and bears!

He has no weapons, and his long claws are like five swords that are connected together. That is his weapon!


The claws cut through the chest and flowed out of the golden blood.

The eggs of the worms were thrown high after being covered with golden blood.

Rubbing ~

The octopus, which was still motionless, suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the eggs!



The sound of the insect hatching in the octopus was clearly heard on the scene, and the octopus's stomach immediately bulged, as if an evil life was consuming his internal organs.

The silver fox only looked at the change of the octopus. When he looked at the black man, he found that he was posing a strange gesture. His hands were printed and placed in his heart. A magical energy was released from there. Enter the body of the octopus.

"This is probably a kind of mind control!" Silver Fox was surprised to find that this guy is a spiritual superpower!


The energy wave is violently shocked!

The octopus seems to have gotten some sort of command, starting to extract the energy of eight people on the ground, and by the way also extract the energy of the insects implanted in them!

This complicated and evil technique uses a large fatal creature like Xiaobao, using the lives of nine evil worms and eight guys who are clearly not in the human race, plus the black man, one possessing The orc of gold descent, his power!

"This should be the gold family that 9527 said? They are terrible!" Silver Fox thought in his heart.

A guy who can bring so many evil elements together is not a good class!

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the small bean sprouts around him.

"I understand, you begged me to take you and your companions, because it is not like being part of this evil transformation. If I don't take you away, you will be like those bugs."


The small bean sprouts nodded desperately, licking the face of the silver fox, pleased him and thanked him.

"Oh, it seems, fortunately, I took you away."

The compassionate silver fox suddenly felt lucky, and the worms and the like were forgotten. The silver fox didn't like the worms, but he didn't want these kind plants to fall into the dark.

The mad evolution continues, and the octopus quickly absorbed eight people into a pile of dry powder, and all the substances used for evolution were in the octopus, and the insects hatched by the crystal-like eggs. Convergence.

As for the black man of the gold family, he always maintains the same posture and uses his own mind control to control the octopus that is evolving.

"Maybe this is a genetic mutation? The owner said that the mutation is very powerful. Originally, the three-eye family and human beings are exactly the same. It is because of the mutation of the gene that the three-eyed family is strong."

“The original genetic mutations can also be manipulated by humans.”

The silver fox thought a lot while observing it.




When the evolution reached its most violent state, the octopus used as the mother was madly twisted, and the black man of the gold family tried to control him.

It seems that controlling the octopus is not easy. After being merged with many evil substances, the octopus has changed its temperament and the energy index has increased geometrically.

After several hours of difficult trials, a new species was born.

It was a bug with only eight soft arms, a black hard shell, and the arm was soft and flexible.

He has a sharp mouthpiece like a worm, his eyes are compound, and the tentacles will have two mammoth ivory eyes and blood red eyes.

This monster, between mollusks and bugs, is surprisingly large in size. Silver Fox estimates that this big guy is at least five hundred meters long. It seems that his arm can still be stretched and his body is quite flexible.

Call ~

After the evolution, the Octopus wormed out a bit of turbidity, smelling like a rancid body.

At this time, the black man of the gold family stopped his movements and wiped the sweat on his head.

"Master! Master!"

Due to excessive use of energy, he almost fainted, and the newly arrived man hurriedly helped him.

"It’s finally succeeded." The black man said with a sneer in his face: "The corpse is only a small race in the universe, but they have a very special death ability, plus the eight most poisonous insects. And the worm's armor, the fateful creature, the body of the eighth generation of the king of the water, constitutes the new species you see today!"

"It's very powerful, just to see him look chilling."

"The master is mighty! It is a descendant of the gold family!"

"This time, we will win!" His men have been flattering and congratulating the successful genetic evolution.

"Master, what should I give him?" Moon Linda asked, and asked.

The black man laughed and said: "I have thought about it for a long time. The main gene of this thing comes from the water net and the armor of the armored devil, so I call him the eight-claw fly!"

"Eight-claw flying? It really is a good name!" The crowd once again stunned.

Suddenly, the silver fox felt that the small bean sprouts around him were rushing to beat themselves.

"What's the little thing? Are you hungry? I don't have snacks for you to eat, they are thrown away, you see it."

The purple bean sprouts were more eager to beat.

At this time, the silver fox suddenly smelled an unpleasant smell, and he hurriedly looked up and looked around.


From the ventilation duct of the silver fox, a long, thin thing rushed out, with a pair of red eyes, staring at the silver fox!

In an instant, the yin wind hit, the tracker showed two white teeth!

It is a snake!

It is a soul beast!

The silver fox slammed and ran away!

No one wants to confront the soul beast. This very special beast will kill with the soul. They will not destroy the body of the silver fox, but will destroy the soul of the silver fox!

When the silver fox escaped, he couldn’t care what was hidden. The people who were celebrating in this huge room heard the clutter of the roof vents.

The black man looked up and frowned slightly.

Yue Linda said with a smile: "Congratulations to the master, the thief who has stolen the warehouse has found it. Please allow me to catch him and give it to you."

Yue Linda is very clever in saying that the theft of the warehouse is a good thing. This kind of flattering has made other people somewhat dissatisfied. Yue Linda has only come for a few days, but she is so close to the master. According to this trend, Yuelinda will climb sooner or later. Go to their heads.

The black man nodded and said, "Well, this matter will be handed over to you."


Black light rushed through behind the silver fox!

The silver fox's tears are coming down quickly. He never imagined that these soul beasts actually used the soul to kill!

As a low-level soul beast, the release of these snakes may not kill the silver fox. After all, the level of the silver fox is not low, but it will make them die.

Under such circumstances, the snakes still do not hesitate to use the soul to kill, indicating that they are killing the silver fox at all costs! The smart silver fox certainly understands how dangerous his situation is.

In order to escape, the silver fox has been desperate, he used his sharp claws to tear open the pipe metal and rushed into the base of the gold family.


Everything is over.

As the smartest squirrel in the world, Silver Fox found that his body was not right. Even after stealth, he could not get rid of the hunt. He realized that he had a complete set of enemies.

The ventilation duct is so narrow, the enemy is chasing the silver fox, and the liquid that destroys the stealth is arranged under the pipeline. Once the silver fox is contaminated with this smell, even if it is the end of the earth, there is nowhere to escape. It is invisible and will be discovered.

"I can't die here! Report this important news to the owner!"

The driving force behind the silver fox's desperate escape is actually for the Han wave. Assuming that Han Lang knows the thoughts of the silver fox at the moment, it will definitely touch the inexplicable. This is the most thorough loyalty!

Since it has already been exposed, it is not good for the silver fox in the pipeline, because the too narrow ventilation duct is difficult to play the speed and flexibility of the silver fox. Once it is blocked, it will all be finished.

The plain silver fox left the pipeline and entered the base.

One, two, three

As a scout-based, hitting the perimeter of the shortstop, the silver fox has fallen into an unprecedented desperate situation.

At first, there were only a few snakes chasing him, and more and more, bats hidden in the ceiling, soul foxes ambushing at the corners, and wild boars with extremely sensitive sense of smell.

The small heart of the silver fox is struggling at a frequency of tens of thousands of times per minute. He dare not look back because all the teeth behind him are the sound of tooth friction and the violent footsteps, breathing.

"How to do!?"

"How to do!?"

"Master, what should I do!?"

All sides are all enemies, and the little poor silver foxes are out of reach. The attack of any soul beast is fatal to the silver fox!

More tragicly, the silver fox ventured into the base of the gold family because of its loyalty and courage to Han Lang.

Han Lang, 9527, Sima Soul, at this moment, no one knows, how difficult the situation is facing Silver Fox, it is already at stake! (~^~)