MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 716 Dire situation, troublesome god

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  Chapter 716 Severe situation, tricky god

  "Since the battle between you and the Yeren God, the barrier between the two worlds has actually become weaker and weaker. The ever-increasing aura of heaven and earth is the best proof.

  As for those famous gods, although they don't have the ability to descend to the lower realm at this moment, some lesser-known gods have actually begun to appear in the lower realm. "

   After all, it is a place known as 8 million gods. In this place, gods are not a rare existence, and most of the gods are actually weaker than monsters.

  After all, people in this ancient place can say that everything can become a god, even those gods of elements, but a small tree or even a mound of earth, as long as someone worships them, they can become gods.

  The difference between monsters and gods is nothing more than that one absorbs the "fear" of humans, while the other obtains the belief and worship of humans.

  Of course, the gods mentioned here are those spirits and monsters, and those great gods are not included. They have been gods since they were born.

  According to Yamato Mijiu's narration, in today's reality, there are actually many gods with weak divine powers who have descended.

  The strength of these gods is naturally not comparable to that of the Night Blade God.

  After all, although the Night Blade God is not a famous god, he can barely be regarded as a middle god, the **** of night hunting, and he is also a fighter.

  Think about it and know that since the gods want to send an advance army down to tear the space between the two worlds, then naturally they can't send a guy who is too weak.

  The gods who descended into the world today are all kinds of weird gods such as the "God of Wooden Bridges" and "God of Crock Pots".

  These gods didn't even have their own names before they became gods. It was only after accepting worship that they were given names of at least five characters.

   And these weird gods, when they were in the lower realm, their strength was actually only average, and most of them were only comparable to S-level strength.

  S-level strength, compared to the previous world, may be called a big boss.

  But with the increasing abundance of the present world, there are actually not a few S-level spiritual masters and monsters. It is not difficult to deal with gods of this level.

   But the point is that the S-level gods are almost the weakest group of gods in the lower world, among which there are SS-level and SSS-level gods.

  And the gods are not fools, on the contrary they are extremely cunning.

  After being in the lower realm, they knew that they could not completely eliminate the healers and monsters with their current strength, and they did not choose to make a scene just after the lower realm like the Yeblade God.

   Instead, he began to choose to hide, and began to show his divine power in front of ordinary people, so as to gain the power of faith.

  The level and strength of gods are directly linked to human beliefs.

  Don't look at the weak strength of these gods at the moment, but if they gather enough believers and gain enough faith, then their strength will increase rapidly.

  And the current environment is really favorable for these gods to gain faith.

  The mid-level gods have yet to descend, and the population of the world is so large now, and there have been frequent occurrences of monsters in the past, it is the time when ordinary human beings most need to seek spiritual sustenance.

   This is probably one of the purposes of the gods to revive the monsters in advance. After all, there are monsters and cholera in front of them. When humans are helpless, they will think of seeking help from the gods.

   Besides the spiritual master, he found that something was wrong, and began to contact the official to control the media and public opinion, so that everyone should not believe in these wild gods, it was already too late.

   What's worse, there are many officials who have become so-called believers in gods.

  At the beginning, the Healers only estimated to gather combat power and prepare to fight the gods to the death, but they ignored ordinary people in high positions.

  Although these people are ordinary people, they can influence the thoughts and actions of most people. In the eyes of the Spirit Elimination Alliance, they have no fighting power, but in the eyes of these gods, they are the best preachers!

  The situation that could have been controlled was now completely chaotic.

  Because of the wrong decision of the Spirit Elimination Alliance, they could quickly suppress and control the low-ranking wild gods. Now because of the large amount of faith they have collected, their strength has begun to increase rapidly, and they have even begun to be able to fight against the Spirit Elimination Alliance.

  And you must know that the barriers between the two realms have not been completely broken, and the gods in the lower realm are all wild gods who can't even pronounce their names.

   But even so, the so-called Spirit Elimination Alliance is already struggling to deal with them.

  If those mid-gods or even high-gods go to the lower realm in the future, then their ending can be imagined.

  The reason why You Dou didn't see the chaos on the street before was because the gods in the lower world didn't make trouble everywhere at all, but were secretly developing obscenely.

  Those passers-by on the road now don't know how many have become believers of the gods.

   "The gods who were advertised as disaster gods not only didn't cause trouble, but instead helped people realize their wishes everywhere. Now, except for the situation of the spiritual masters, it shouldn't be so good, right?"

Just after listening to Yamato Mijiu's narration, Yuto understood that the crisis facing the spiritual masters now is not only the gods whose strength is constantly improving, but also some ordinary people who are not good for the spiritual masters. public opinion.

  Thinking about it, you know that monsters are the party that creates chaos, and they are undoubtedly the camp that humans hate the most.

   Followed by the removal of spiritual masters, although many monsters have been pulled out before, and many humans have been saved. But if you want to blame it, you can blame the spiritual master's attitude in front of ordinary people before, which is too high.

  In addition, the God of Calamity that was advertised before is not as dangerous as the spiritual masters said, so most ordinary people feel that they have been deceived.

  The despicable spiritual masters want to maintain their superior status, so they are forbidden to go to the shrine to worship, the purpose is originally impure.

   Now that the gods have come to the lower realm, they not only help them pull out many monsters, but also don't get rid of the annoying gesture of the spiritual master, and even try their best to help them realize their wishes.

   Sure enough, the gods are the righteous side, how could the gods be evil. In addition to spiritual masters are a bunch of despicable conspirators.

   Public opinion like this continued to ferment among ordinary people, and the credibility of the originally highly prestigious spiritual masters began to deteriorate rapidly.

  The gods have more and more believers, and their power becomes stronger and stronger because of their beliefs.

  And the point is that for those humans who believe in gods, except for the spiritual masters, they can't find them at all, and even if they find them, they can't do anything about them.

  In the eyes of these people now, monsters are in the evil camp of destruction, healers are in the neutral camp of chaos, and the gods in the lower world represent the righteous camp of light and hope.

  (end of this chapter)