MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 317 return

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  Chapter 317 Return

  The avatar who had just given birth to an heir seemed to have been pulled out of all his strength at this moment, and sat slumped on the ground, his body was constantly heaving and falling due to severe pain.

William tried to overtake him and catch up with the phantom of the soul that had the shape of Neh, but the cloudy eyes of the avatar suddenly closed, and at a speed that did not match his huge body, he raised the covered body. Big hands with sores like insect eggs. In William's field of vision, it was as if a surging and festering sky covered his place.


  A thunderous roar echoed in William's ears, and the voice sounded like the mother beast was sternly warning the hunter who tried to harm her cub.

   "Now it's starting to shout happily!"

Accompanied by such a cry, William, who did not slow down his flying speed at all, released multiple bolts of lightning before the opponent was about to cover himself in the shadows, piercing the calm sky and tearing apart paths leading to the elemental space. The mouth of the face.

  Countless runes stabilized the space-torn scars, as if a layer of complex integrated circuits had been laid on the corrupted sky. Several pairs of huge arms made of dark red rocks protruded directly from the gap in the space. They were like pillars reaching the sky, directly touching the giant palm that seemed to want to slap William like a mosquito.

  Generally speaking, to deal with a boss of this size in the game, a large-scale dungeon will be designed separately for the player to guide. William still remembers that when he was in the Keel Islands, when he faced the remaining memories of the ancestor dragon, it was a complete copy—to fight against the dawn that was said to have swallowed the land of the extreme north, and bring the dragon of eternal night there, William It started from the opponent's tailbone and pierced all the way to the opponent's jaw.

   And the mountain-like incarnation driven by the mother goddess of the earth in front of me can be said to be more than that of the ancestor dragon in terms of size. If it wasn't for William's ability to use the Holy Spirit Disc to expand his magic power to a scale large enough to cause natural disasters, I am afraid that facing such an opponent as huge as a mountain, he would really have to "climb the tower" like in the past, one by one. Part of the Raiders in the past.

  But now, he can completely make a shot like this, and directly fight the offensive that is comparable to the map cannon.

  The torrent of surging magic power and the primordial power based on the laws of the present world wrestled with each other. The two almost equally powerful giant forces collided in mid-air, and the burst of force seemed to tremble even the stars.

   "Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

   When the two forces fell into a stalemate, the sound of a poor-quality plastic lunch box cracking under freezing conditions suddenly sounded, and William, who was about to continue casting spells, noticed something was wrong.

   That was the sound of the summoning spell he wove was collapsing—not because he couldn't bear the opponent's attack, but because he couldn't bear his own scale.

  Different from the previous confrontation with the four Lunar Realm legions, Ravenwood is still in the present world after all, and the power to reshape reality will still be constrained by the iron laws of the present world.

   Originally, the summoning spell could exist stably for a few minutes, but after the scale of the magic power expanded a hundred times, it started to have problems in just a few seconds because it couldn't bear its own pressure.

  Although the summoned hand of the earth element is still strong and strong, the summoning technique itself has begun to collapse.

  For some reason, at this moment, William suddenly recalled what the member of the Tacoma Cult had said to him back then.

   That old thing is still locked in the deepest dungeon of Dawn Fortress, usually silent like a sculpture. It was only when William went to the interrogation in person that he reluctantly said something:

  That Tacoma once said that modern magic, by first weaving fantasy formulas, and then guiding creation into phenomena, imitating the way of creation to reproduce miracles, has gone wrong from the beginning. For creation itself was a mistake, a deception.

  All the magic that relies on the logic of the world is a gift to flatter the order of the seven holy spirits. Therefore, even William, who is at the top of the modern magic system, has no qualifications to sit on the throne of the Eighth Holy Spirit—real authority can only be possessed by those who do not wear chains, and slaves cannot become real kings.

  Compared to those in the Moon Realm who are not limited to specific shapes and have infinite plasticity, they are closer to the "Ma" as the absolute truth. Therefore, Tara Riel, who chose to cooperate with the kings of nothingness, is more qualified to become the eighth holy spirit.

  Before William had always regarded these words as nonsense, but now when he used the Holy Spirit Disc with full firepower for the first time in this world, he realized something.

  When he was in the Moon Realm before, such a squandering of magic power would not happen to collapse due to the scale of the spell. If the laws of the present world are compared to gravity, then the lunar environment is like a space without gravity - building buildings in space will not be crushed by its own gravity.

  These messy thoughts just flashed through William's mind. These things are not something to worry about right now.

  As the spell was overwhelmed by its own huge scale, the summoning spell [Elemental Hand] that William had previously summoned to resist the opponent's attack completely failed at this moment. As far as the result is concerned, this magic formula that consumes a lot of magic power can barely delay the opponent for a few seconds.

   But the lag of a few seconds is enough.

Quickly left a few afterimages of electric light in the sky, William adjusted his angle through several [flashes], and then pushed the [Wings of Light] with all his strength to overcome the obstruction of the Mother Earth Goddess, towards the newly born Soon the heirs chased after him.

  After all, his top priority is not to kill this incarnation of nothingness wearing the skin of the Mother Earth.

  The heir with Neh's appearance was also very fast, but he had already flown not far from the Bone White House during the short time that William had delayed him.

   "Stop it!"

  The lightning spears converged in William's hands, instantly tore apart the space, and jumped behind the soul body.

   Not only that, more than 20 [Shadow Cage] ring blades were also thrown there. Without the limitation of operation, William's output efficiency at this moment is completely dozens of times that of more than a thousand years ago when the holy spirit disc is fully activated.

  The man seemed to feel something, turned around in mid-air, and faced the spells attacking him, he directly raised two things.

  It was a dry heart made of iron stone, and a stillborn fetus that was festering all over.

   Before William had time to see what the other party was doing, the scene in front of him changed instantly as if the TV channel was tuned.

  He came to the foot of the World Tree.

  At the foot of the World Tree in the normal timeline.

   At the same time, Aier, the iron-hearted widow of the gray-white domain, let out a painful moan, which echoed throughout the moon.

   It’s just Kawen, and the normal update will resume as soon as possible



  (end of this chapter)