MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 4 Disillusionment

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The editor-in-chief suddenly bombed Lan Ning, and she flashed a row of exclamation marks in her head.

What, give the lucky teacher to her! Her new editor, who was new to her, could be assigned to such a big writer! How come there is such a good thing!

"Fortunately, my teacher has a publication that is close to the date of submission, but I can't poke him on all social software now. This task is handed over to you."


Wait, what does it mean to give her a reminder?

She hasn’t swayed her thoughts. The editor has already tore off a note and wrote it quickly around the table: "There is all his contact information on it. I don’t care what you use, you must be in the next month. Before the fifth, give me his manuscript and come on, come on."

When she finished, she stuffed the note into Lannian’s hand and waved her back to her office.

Lan Ning: "..."

Everything happened too fast, like a tornado.

She walked to her seat a little bit and said hello to Apple. Probably because the editor-in-chief threw the lucky teacher to her, Apple first introduced her to the teacher of Fortunately. The first sentence was: "Do you know what the name of the teacher is for us?"


"East Asia is dragging the king."

Lan Ning: "..."

What is the relationship between the drafting of the king and the Tota King?

In the next ten minutes, she smiled and listened to Apple telling the story of the fortunate teacher's colorful and endless manuscripts. In Apple's words, a "trubbing cheats" is completely out of the question.

"The most shameless thing is that he also built a group of authors, pulled a lot of authors into it, and shared with them the knowledge of the manuscript in the group." Apple talked about the anger, "啪" took the table.

Lan Ning: "..."

She used to be an editor. She naturally saw the author's manuscript, but like this, she not only had to draft the manuscript, but also drove everyone to drag and drop the manuscript. She was really the first time she met.

... Mom, is she a pit! She said how could there be such a good thing, the original editor of the fan smile is a relieved smile after the hot potato!

"Fortunately, the teacher's account was resigned. The editor had planned to take over him. As a result, he didn't respond to the poke. The phone didn't pick up." Apple picked up an apple on the table and took a bite. On Lanning, "In short, you have this. Time will concentrate on urging the teacher's manuscript. I have something to help you."

"Okay, thank you..." Lan Ning felt gray on the first day of work, and the most basic trust between people was no longer there.

She arranged the table a little and took the chair and sat down. After pressing the computer, she picked up the note that she had just edited for her.

On the above, there is the Penguin micro-signal microblog number of the lucky teacher, even the address, and the bank account is bad. She looked at it with sigh, and after all the information was over, her eyes fell back to the first three words.


This should be the real name of the teacher, and it sounds quite kind, but how do you say it... Yan Ruyu?

Hey. She laughed and opened the penguin icon on the desktop.

The penguin number edited by Mistri is a company, which means that after the editor leaves the company, people leave Q.Q. Lanning modified the password according to what Apple said, and then re-entered it.

There are many authors on this number, but she does not dare to poke. She found happiness in the group and sent a message: "Fortunately, teacher, I am the new editor of "Mistral", I would like to ask you. When will the manuscript be handed over?"

The first time I sent a message to such a big writer, Lan Ning was still a little nervous, and even her fingers were shaking slightly. But after the news was sent out, the sadness was sinking.

She licked her lips and planned to contact others. The micro signal has to use its own, and she and fortunately are not friends, this can be passed. She climbed onto her own Weibo and sent a identical private message to Yuki, and then the same stone sinking into the sea.

Ok, I can only harass the phone.

This time, Lan Ning was a little trembling. After the phone was dialed out, it was clear that the other party was not connected. The penguin dripped, and Lanning thought it was a good time to reply to her. She was almost thrilled to even throw it out. After the result, she found that Apple only asked her to go to the magazine's submission mailbox to read the manuscript.

In addition to the works of well-known authors, Misrley is also dedicated to discovering new people. For this purpose, a newcomer section has been set up. Apple’s manuscript for reviewing this section is this section.

There are seven or eight pages in the mailbox that I haven't read yet. Lan Ning had to put aside the fortunes and concentrate on the manuscript.

Reviewing a manuscript is actually a very boring job. If the manuscript is good for your appetite, if it is not of interest to you, it is really a torture. Moreover, the quality of the manuscripts submitted by the newcomers was uneven. Laning looked at the morning and was already dizzy and his eyes were sore.

"Okay, don't fight like this on the first day. In order to welcome you to join, I invite everyone to eat at noon." The editor-in-chief did not know when he stood behind Lan Ning and patted her on the shoulder.

When everyone heard her, they all stood up and stood up. Lan Ning locked the computer and took the jacket out to go out with everyone. There are Chinese restaurants near the company. When you find a place to sit down, they start to introduce each other.

The ratio of men to women in the editorial department is fairly balanced, but half of them are married. Everyone is more interesting, and Lan Ning is also very familiar with them. After a meal, she took a break and she entered the review mode.

The title of this manuscript is called "Prayer" and the author's name is Blue Sky. Laning had originally entered the state of not waking up, reading and reading but unconsciously being attracted.

The author's writing style and story structure are very fortunate, but after reading it gives a completely different feeling. Compared to the darkness and ugliness of good intentions, this author is writing a bad crime, but there is a warm current flowing from beginning to end, which is incredible.

Lan Ning has seen many mystery novels. Many of the authors of this "love for love" have written many of them, but few of them have so much emotions, because everyone has paid more attention to reasoning itself. on.

It is even more valuable to say this author, because his reasoning is also very clever.

Lan Ning felt that she had accidentally discovered a future star.

She clicked on the dialog box and sent a message to Apple: "You see this article, I think it is well written, but I am a bit worried about which one is written in a big vest."

Apple: Ok, I will wait and see.

Lan Ning saw that she had received the documents and began to read the manuscript. At three o'clock, she looked at the phone first, did not call back, and pointed out the lucky penguin. She did not reply to her.

Lan Ning: "..."

It seems that the skill of the fortunate teacher has already reached the point of perfection.

Oh, she remembered that Apple had revealed to her. Fortunately, the teacher last responded to the editor’s message. Before the company’s Spring Festival holiday, he said that he was sick, very serious, and the speed may be a bit slow.

Lan Ning blinked quickly, he would not be too sick to die at home, not found?

This is not her imagination, but she really saw similar news on TV.

With this thought in mind, she hesitated to send a message to Apple: "Xing Xin teacher really can't stop, I think he will not care about me if he poke this way again. I want not to go directly to his door." He _(:3"∠)_"

Apple: ... you fight.

Cauliflower: I think if he can't hand in the manuscript, the editor will open my [tears] and he doesn't mean that he is ill, I can just care for him.

Apple: Hahahahaha, you believe that he is sick [laughing cry] Since the editor has blasted his address to you, you will be bold. I will tell the editor to give you an outing.

Cauliflower: Good [ok].

She turned off the computer and took the jacket and went out. Fortunately, the teacher lives in a city. She heard that the editor-in-chief had blocked him at the door of his house. This address should be true.

...... Really if she is a fortunate teacher, she must have moved out of the city.

She took the subway and transferred to the bus. It took more than an hour to get to the address on the address. This is a high-class apartment. She went in to the security guard and asked her for a long time. Finally, she let her go.

According to the address, I found 7 No. 2103. Lan Ning took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

After the snoring, she stood nervously waiting outside.

Thirty seconds passed and there was no response in the house. She pressed the doorbell again and continued to stand nervously waiting outside.

Another thirty seconds passed and the door still did not respond.


This time she pressed the doorbell three times and finally stopped after not receiving a response.

Ok, it seems like no one really.

... Mom, how can I not play the card according to common sense!

She took the phone out of her bag and still didn't receive a lucky call. It doesn't matter, she can continue to fight!

But the other party can continue to miss.

She gave herself a deep breath and put the phone back. Why is she an editor, reminding the author of the manuscript to be like the usury debt collection?

She gathered her jacket and decided to stand here waiting for her luck. When I was a child, the teacher taught her. The difficulty is like a spring. If you are weak, it will be strong. Isn't it a draft, she doesn't believe she can't cure it!

After waiting for a few minutes, her aspirations began to be replaced by boring, and she took the phone out again and played the game against the door to pass the time.

After unlocking a new map, she heard the footsteps that were slightly close, and she looked up and saw a man carrying a shopping bag walking towards herself.

Lan Ning instantly widened his eyes, although the man's clothes changed from mountaineering suits to sweaters and thin wool, but she recognized the handsome (crossed) face!

This is not the man she met on the mountain when she was in Hokkaido!

The man seemed to recognize her too, and blinked invisibly: "What are you doing at my doorstep?"

Lan Ning looked stunned, even the game forgot to quit, let the game music act as bgm between the two: "Your door? You live here? But I came to find a lucky teacher."

The man looked at her silently for a while and asked: "Who are you? What is it for him?"

"I am the editor of the magazine...etc. What does this have to do with you?"

"You are an editor?" The man gently twitched his lips with interest, and the narrow nephew glared at her. "Of course I have a relationship with me because I am a fortunate teacher."

Lan Ning: "..............."

At this moment, she clearly saw a line in his eyes.

- Woman, you have already succeeded in my interest.