MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 32 Start reading

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After Ye Cheng was shocked by the first one of the group rules, he asked weakly: "What about the second one?"

This time, I have not spoken yet, and other writers have answered it.

Yunguang: The second rule of the group rules. The party that lost in the drafting competition should sing "Wei Feng Tang Tang".

Ye Cheng: "..."

Drag draft competition? Prestige?

Edited, the world of the Great God does not seem to understand. QAQ

Fortunately: Article 3 of the group rules, the above rules are not applicable to the group owner.

Cloud light: ... can you still have a face? Saying that you still owe us a prestige.

Mubai: Oh, there are people who may have to be banned again.

Cloud light: →_→

Cloud light: blue sky is like washing, look at you as a younger brother, if you lose only eight of the prelude part of the ah ~ ~.

The blue sky is washed:............

Nineteen: I guess he will not be there at that time, and people will be scared away by you.

Mubai: Old single young women are so terrible (╯_╰)╭

Blue sky wash: ^_^

At this time, he still does not want to talk, just smile quietly.

On the other hand, when Lan Ning rushed to the home of Confucianism, Ruan was doing dinner. Looking at the person wearing a black apron and leisurely cutting potatoes, Lan Ning did not know where the anger should be vented.

"What, you don't look too good?" The Confucian language took a look at her, and continued to peel the potato skin. Lan Ning was still carrying a bag on her shoulder. She took a step forward and looked at him with scorn: "Teacher, have you pulled the blue sky into your author group?"



"Because I read his novels, I feel pretty good." The chin of the Confucian language rose to the direction of the living room. The glass table there was also the "Mistral" he had just bought. "He looked It’s very happy.”

Lan Ning: "..."

He is still a child, can you let him go!

"Teacher, if you drag the manuscript yourself, why do you have to pull someone else together!" Lan Ning couldn't figure out what it was, what a bad taste this person is!

Confucianism is faint: "Le Lele is not as happy as everyone, and you should not forget that I am the one who has already submitted the manuscript."

Lan Ning: "..."

That is what she urged with perseverance than the Jingwei reclamation of Yugong Yishan!

"I think you have misunderstood my author group. We are not gathering for the purpose of drafting the information in the industry. Sometimes we will point to each other and try to spell something."

Spelling... Who is writing fewer words?

"Teacher, you don't want to argue. Your name is "Did you draft it today?" Well, and when I went in the last time, I saw Yunguang teacher playing the game with others, and losing the song. "Weighed in the air." She said suddenly that she paused and looked at the Confucian language. "Are you singing?"

Confucian language: "..."

"Do you want to hear it?" He put down the potatoes in his hand and held his hands on the glass table to see Laning.

Lan Ning's ear roots were invisible and light red. She coughed twice and put on a righteous statement: "Don't open the subject. In short, please don't take Ye Cheng bad!"

The eye of the Confucian language moved and said: "If he is broken, it is not that I am bad, but that his nature is exposed."

Lan Ning: "..."

Forget it, she still does Ye Cheng's work faster.

She took out the printed question paper in her shoulder bag and said with a face: "Let's start the interview."

Confucianism looked at her incredulously: "I haven’t talked about anything to eat?"

Lan Ning: "..."

She is already full of gas, and it is still necessary to eat!

But when the Confucian language puts the dishes on the table one by one, she feels that she can still challenge.

She held white rice and looked at the a4 paper in front of her: "Let's have an interview while eating."

The Confucian language slightly frowned and looked at her: "Are you busy?"

"No, I just feel that if I don't talk to you about a topic, I just want to swear when I see your face."

Confucian language: "..."

"Well..." Lan Ning quickly browsed the questions on the paper. I hadn't had time to read them carefully before, and now I began to screen and ask, "What is the teacher's opportunity to start his writing career?"

The opposite of the Confucian language sneered: "This is what you call "easy, like a small theater"?"

Lan Ning: "..."

Although this question is relatively dull, it is also a standard issue for interviews.

The Confucian language looked at her hooked her lips and put down the tableware in her hand. The obsidian scorpion easily locked her eyes: "Remember that I once asked you, is there a moment that I can't wait for someone to die?" "

Lan Ning nodded. "Just told me that you had pulled him into the author group and I experienced this feeling."

Confucian language: "..."

He picked up the dishes and continued to eat. Lan Ning even said: "No, no, I am joking, you go on and say!"

The Confucian language looked at her, and Laning showed a smile to him with great sincerity.

The Confucian language also smiled at her: "What did you just ask?"

Lan Ning honestly asked again: "What is the opportunity for you to embark on the path of mystery?"

Confucianism said: "Because I want to kill."

Lan Ning: "........................"

Her stunned expression seemed to please the Confucian language. He silently hooked his lower lip and then said, "When you are killing someone, what do you do? Will you really kill him?"

"... Of course not, ah."

"The vast majority of people will not, because they are also bound by reason and law. But at this time, how can we relieve the inner feelings?"

"You can go to the gym to play sandbags... or you can go to the supermarket to pinch the noodles."

The Confucian language slightly smacked the corner: "Different people will have different choices. My choice is to let them die in my pen." He said here, picking up the chopsticks in his hand like a pen, the corner of his mouth is still With a smile, "I really enjoy the feeling of killing them in my novels."

Lan Ning: "........."

She thinks that Dad is right. If she is engaged in literary and artistic work, she will become abnormal when she is not good.

The Confucian language looked at her sluggish and horrified expression and whispered a little: "I am joking."

".........No, what you said is true..."

The Confucian language squinted: "I started writing because I was influenced by my father from an early age. As you know, my family is a scholarly door."

Lan Ning: "..."

She took the pen a little stiffly and wrote the answer below this question: "The fortunate teacher who was born in the scholarly family, was influenced by his father since childhood, and has a strong interest in literature."

In the Confucian language, she wrote the brush and brushed it, and picked up a chopstick dish: "The next question."

"Oh, the next question..." Lan Ning still did not return to God from the last shock wave. He swept to the next question and read it. "The size of the teacher is..."

Wait, what a ghost problem!

The Confucian language stopped the chopsticks and looked at her with interest: "What size is it?"

Lan Ning: "..."

"Well, it’s probably shoes and shoes..." Laning had a red face and couldn’t even lift it.


"Well..." Lan Ning carefully read the next one. "When the teacher usually has no inspiration, what do you like to do?"



After the thrilling little interview, Lan Ning vowed not to do this again. After dinner, she washed the bowl with the help of Confucianism, wiped her hands and went out: "Teacher, can you take a photo at the place where you work? Many readers want to see what kind of work environment the masters are in." Created."

"Well, I usually write in the study." The Confucian language led Lan Ning to the door of the study and pressed the light. "But I haven’t been here for a long time, and the book is not very special."

Lan Ning looked a bit stunned. The entire desk was full of books. Only a small piece in the middle left a position for the computer. There were many notes on the wall in front of the desk. It should be some tips, the big bookcase on the left. It is also packed with books.

...Does this also mean that there are not many books? Sitting in this room, I feel like I am drowned by the book.

"I am preparing a new novel recently. I don't have such a mess in my usual life." The Confucian language stared at his desk, probably thinking that the book was in a mess, slightly frowning.

Lan Ning took out his mobile phone and took a few photos on his desk: "It doesn't matter, it's the most authentic state." She put the phone back in her pocket and sweared at the Confucian language. "Toast today. Teacher, I will go back first."


Lan Ning took a few steps and turned back to warn him: "Don't have too much contact with the blue sky!"

The Confucian language raised his eyebrows: "But he seems to like me very much."

...that is his eyes!

Lan Ning rushed away from the home of Confucianism.

Before she went to sleep at night, the mobile phone received an Alipay transfer information. She opened her eyes and turned out to be Yu Muyuan who had not appeared for a long time.

When they broke up, she pulled all the contact information of Mu Yuan, but she forgot to pull the black Alipay. I didn't expect this person to have a hole.

He transferred a thousand dollars to himself and added a sentence: "I decided to go back to a foreign company, and that's it."

Lan Ning: "..."

What do you mean? Didn't they end three years ago? And give her a thousand dollars, is it a breakup fee?

Lan Ning simply felt that this person was not very sick.

She turned this thousand back to Mu Yuan, and also left a message to him: "Mr. Yu, we ended three years ago, and I don't want to have any relationship with you in the future."

She just turned back, Yu Muyuan turned her back again, she turned again, and then turned around in Muyuan... Lanning finally got angry and directly gave him a thousand and five hairs: "Give you five hairs, roll!"

This time Yu Muyuan was finally quiet, and Lan Ning quickly pulled him black.

Sitting quietly at the bedside for a while, she sent a WeChat to the Confucian language: "Teacher, Yu Muyuan said that he wants to go back to a foreign company. You will not have to worry about meeting him after returning to his original address."

Confucianism: Are you still in contact with him?

Lan Ning: Alipay forgot to pull black, just he gave me a thousand dollars and told me he was leaving :)

Lan Ning: You think so, what do you mean by pushing him? Is it that my previous feelings are worth a thousand dollars? :)

Confucianism: Can I change it again?

Lan Ning:............