MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 148 end and start seven

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"What are you doing? Do you have a letter of introduction?" As soon as he arrived near the Red Star Commune, Liu Lin was stopped by some people dressed as militiamen.

Liu Lin, who had been busy all afternoon, was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground. He stayed in modern time and space for a long time and never exercised. Now he is tired and dizzy. It seems that exercising the body is also on the agenda. This broken system doesn't say anything about strengthening muscles and bones. A 22-year-old body with a 40-year-old body will find a wife in this world in the future. How can I serve her.

"Hello comrade, I have a letter of introduction. I am a doctor from the Red Star Rolling Mill and come to the countryside to collect some herbal medicine." Liu Lin got up to help his bicycle, and hurriedly handed the letter of introduction and work permit to the militiamen.

"Comrade doctor, you are so tired. I will take you to the commune and ask the director to collect it for you." The leading militiaman happily led the way and left.

Liu Lin thought that life in the countryside is not easy in this era. Although the countryside on the edge of the imperial capital can't starve to death, it is hard to earn a centimeter. Point income is not.

When I came to the office of the commune, I had a nice exchange of greetings with director Li of the commune. Liu Lin took out a pair of Daqianmen cigarettes that he had prepared in advance and handed them to the director of the commune: "Director, you see, besides helping the factory collect some medicinal materials, I also want to I want you to change some chickens and ducks for me. Please help me."

Director Li put the cigarettes in the drawer calmly, "Comrade Liu, I should help with this matter, but now I can't get enough to eat, except for the ones raised for the country, which must be handed over to the country regularly, such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. Few have a surplus."

Liu Lin thought to himself, "Make it up, if you continue making it up, you must want to collect more gifts. A commune manages more than a dozen villages, and it can't collect such a small amount."

Director Li pretended to be very embarrassed, "My cousin is also the deputy director of your Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. For his sake, I'll help you find a solution. It's really hard to say."

"Director Li is your cousin? That's my old uncle. He introduced me to the factory." Speaking of Director Li, Liu Lin suddenly recalled from his memory that the distant uncle who helped him is the villain in the plot. Deputy Director Li?

That was really a winner in his life. In the next few years, when the wind blows, he will be the top leader of the rolling mill. When the wind stops, Ji Liu bravely retreats and runs to the south to do business. After the opening, several people in the quadrangle went bankrupt. In the end, the old uncle took With the money from the pit, he ran abroad in style.

But what does this have to do with me? If someone can help me stay in the imperial capital based on such a small relationship, and help me divide the house, then he is a benefactor. It seems that I need to move around more in the future.

"Oh! It's a coincidence, then we are also relatives. Then you go to the commune's accountant and ask him to help you calculate how much the medicinal materials cost. I just have a call to make." Director Li obviously didn't believe that he needed to do something. confirmation.

No matter what Liu Lin said, he also lived in modern times for a few years, and immediately got up and went to the commune accountant.

Not long after, Director Li entered the accounting office and winked at Liu Lin, who immediately followed him. When we arrived at the director's room, Director Li really said to Liu Lin with a smile on his face this time: "Da Lin! You will also call me uncle in the future, and we didn't mention this relationship earlier. I will let you know what you said. People take you to do it, you can charge as much as you need, and if you don’t have enough money, come to me, and I will help you out first.”

"Old uncle, I'm not welcome. You really helped me this time. Next time I come here, I must not forget to honor my uncle!" Liu Lin said excitedly.

"Dalin, sit down and drink some water first. I don't have any good tea here, so you just make do with it. The old man goes out to find someone." After speaking, Director Li went out.

Liu Lin was thinking while drinking tea, Director Li of the commune must have a good relationship. The director of the commune is equivalent to a modern township head. From now on, the small world will need his help for many things. . Alas, now I have no money and no channels, I will definitely need to give something away next time, and I will think of a way.

After waiting for an hour, Director Li came in with a smiling pothead. Liu Lin was stunned at first glance. Isn't this Cui Dake?

"What are you doing? Do you have a letter of introduction?" As soon as he arrived near the Red Star Commune, Liu Lin was stopped by some people dressed as militiamen.

Liu Lin, who had been busy all afternoon, was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground. He stayed in modern time and space for a long time and never exercised. Now he is tired and dizzy. It seems that exercising the body is also on the agenda. This broken system doesn't say anything about strengthening muscles and bones. A 22-year-old body with a 40-year-old body will find a wife in this world in the future. How can I serve her.

"Hello comrade, I have a letter of introduction. I am a doctor from the Red Star Rolling Mill and come to the countryside to collect some herbal medicine." Liu Lin got up to help his bicycle, and hurriedly handed the letter of introduction and work permit to the militiamen.

"Comrade doctor, you are so tired. I will take you to the commune and ask the director to collect it for you." The leading militiaman happily led the way and left.

Liu Lin thought that life in the countryside is not easy in this era. Although the countryside on the edge of the imperial capital can't starve to death, it is hard to earn a centimeter. Point income is not.

When he came to the office of the commune, he had a nice exchange of greetings with director Li of the commune. Liu Lin took out a pair of Daqianmen cigarettes he had prepared in advance and handed them to the director of the commune: "Boss, you see, besides helping the factory collect some medicinal materials, I also want to I want you to change some chickens and ducks for me. Please help me."

Director Li put the cigarettes in the drawer calmly, "Comrade Liu, I should help with this matter, but now I can't get enough to eat, except for the ones raised for the country, which must be handed over to the country regularly, such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. Few have a surplus."

Liu Lin thought to himself, "Make it up, if you continue making it up, you must want to collect more gifts. A commune manages more than a dozen villages, and it can't collect such a small amount."

Director Li pretended to be very embarrassed, "My cousin is also the deputy director of your Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. For his sake, I'll help you find a solution. It's really hard to say."

"Director Li is your cousin? That's my old uncle. He introduced me to the factory." Speaking of Director Li, Liu Lin suddenly recalled from his memory that the distant uncle who helped him is the villain in the plot. Deputy Director Li?

That was really a winner in his life. In the next few years, when the wind blows, he will be the top leader of the rolling mill. When the wind stops, Ji Liu bravely retreats and runs to the south to do business. After the opening, several people in the quadrangle went bankrupt. In the end, the old uncle took With the money from the pit, he ran abroad in style.

But what does this have to do with me? If someone can help me stay in the imperial capital based on such a small relationship, and help me divide the house, then he is a benefactor. It seems that I need to move around more in the future.

"Oh! It's a coincidence, then we are also relatives. Then you go to the commune's accountant and ask him to help you calculate how much the medicinal materials cost. I just have a call to make." Director Li obviously didn't believe that he needed to do something. confirmation.

No matter what Liu Lin said, he also lived in modern times for a few years, and immediately got up and went to the commune accountant.

Not long after, Director Li entered the accounting office and winked at Liu Lin, who immediately followed him. When we arrived at the director's room, Director Li really said to Liu Lin with a smile on his face this time: "Da Lin! You will also call me uncle in the future, and we didn't mention this relationship earlier. I will let you know what you said. People take you to do it, you can charge as much as you need, and if you don’t have enough money, come to me, and I will help you out first.”

"Old uncle, I'm not welcome. You really helped me this time. Next time I come here, I must not forget to honor my uncle!" Liu Lin said excitedly.

"Dalin, sit down and drink some water first. I don't have any good tea here, so you just make do with it. The old man goes out to find someone." After speaking, Director Li went out.

Liu Lin was thinking while drinking tea, Director Li of the commune must have a good relationship. The director of the commune is equivalent to a modern township head. From now on, the small world will need his help for many things. . Alas, now I have no money and no channels, I will definitely need to give something away next time, and I will think of a way.

After waiting for an hour, Director Li came in with a smiling pothead. Liu Lin was stunned at first glance. Isn't this Cui Dake?

"What are you doing? Do you have a letter of introduction?" As soon as he arrived near the Red Star Commune, Liu Lin was stopped by some people dressed as militiamen.

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Liu Lin, who had been busy all afternoon, was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground. He stayed in modern time and space for a long time and never exercised. Now he is tired and dizzy. It seems that exercising the body is also on the agenda. This broken system doesn't say anything about strengthening muscles and bones. A 22-year-old body with a 40-year-old body will find a wife in this world in the future. How can I serve her.

"Hello comrade, I have a letter of introduction. I am a doctor from the Red Star Rolling Mill and come to the countryside to collect some herbal medicine." Liu Lin got up to help his bicycle, and hurriedly handed the letter of introduction and work permit to the militiamen.

"Comrade doctor, you are so tired. I will take you to the commune and ask the director to collect it for you." The leading militiaman happily led the way and left.

Liu Lin thought that life in the countryside is not easy in this era. Although the countryside on the edge of the imperial capital can't starve to death, it is hard to earn a centimeter. Point income is not.

When he came to the office of the commune, he had a nice exchange of greetings with director Li of the commune. Liu Lin took out a pair of Daqianmen cigarettes he had prepared in advance and handed them to the director of the commune: "Boss, you see, besides helping the factory collect some medicinal materials, I also want to I want you to change some chickens and ducks for me. Please help me."

Director Li put the cigarettes in the drawer calmly, "Comrade Liu, I should help with this matter, but now I can't get enough to eat, except for the ones raised for the country, which must be handed over to the country regularly, such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. Few have a surplus."

Liu Lin thought to himself, "Make it up, if you continue making it up, you must want to collect more gifts. A commune manages more than a dozen villages, and it can't collect such a small amount."

Director Li pretended to be very embarrassed, "My cousin is also the deputy director of your Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. For his sake, I'll help you find a solution. It's really hard to say."

"Director Li is your cousin? That's my old uncle. He introduced me to the factory." Speaking of Director Li, Liu Lin suddenly recalled from his memory that the distant uncle who helped him is the villain in the plot. Deputy Director Li?

That was really a winner in his life. In the next few years, when the wind blows, he will be the top leader of the rolling mill. When the wind stops, Ji Liu bravely retreats and runs to the south to do business. After the opening, several people in the quadrangle went bankrupt. In the end, the old uncle took With the money from the pit, he ran abroad in style.

But what does this have to do with me? If someone can help me stay in the imperial capital based on such a small relationship, and help me divide the house, then he is a benefactor. It seems that I need to move around more in the future.

"Oh! It's a coincidence, then we are also relatives. Then you go to the commune's accountant and ask him to help you calculate how much the medicinal materials cost. I just have a call to make." Director Li obviously didn't believe that he needed to do something. confirmation.

No matter what Liu Lin said, he also lived in modern times for a few years, and immediately got up and went to the commune accountant.

Not long after, Director Li entered the accounting office and winked at Liu Lin, who immediately followed him. When we arrived at the director's room, Director Li really said to Liu Lin with a smile on his face this time: "Da Lin! You will also call me uncle in the future, and we didn't mention this relationship earlier. I will let you know what you said. People take you to do it, you can charge as much as you need, if you don’t have enough money, come to me, I’ll help you out I’m not welcome you, uncle, you really helped me this time Yes. Next time I come here, I must not forget to honor my uncle!" Liu Lin said excitedly.

"Dalin, sit down and drink some water first. I don't have any good tea here, so you just make do with it. The old man goes out to find someone." After speaking, Director Li went out.

Liu Lin was thinking while drinking tea, Director Li of the commune must have a good relationship. The director of the commune is equivalent to a modern township head. From now on, the small world will need his help for many things. . Alas, now I have no money and no channels, I will definitely need to give something away next time, and I will think of a way.

After waiting for an hour, Director Li came in with a smiling pothead. Liu Lin was stunned at first glance. Isn't this Cui Dake?

"What are you doing? Do you have a letter of introduction?" As soon as he arrived near the Red Star Commune, Liu Lin was stopped by some people dressed as militiamen.

Liu Lin, who had been busy all afternoon, was so frightened that he fell directly to the ground. He stayed in modern time and space for a long time and never exercised. Now he is tired and dizzy. It seems that exercising the body is also on the agenda. This broken system doesn't say anything about strengthening muscles and bones. A 22-year-old body with a 40-year-old body will find a wife in this world in the future. How can I serve her.

"Hello comrade, I have a letter of introduction. I am a doctor from the Red Star Rolling Mill and come to the countryside to collect some herbal medicine." Liu Lin got up to help his bicycle, and hurriedly handed the letter of introduction and work permit to the militiamen.

"Comrade doctor, you are so tired. I will take you to the commune and ask the director to collect it for you." The leading militiaman happily led the way and left.

Liu Lin thought that life in the countryside is not easy in this era. Although the countryside on the edge of the imperial capital can't starve to death, it is hard to earn a centimeter. Point income is not.

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